Taken by Sadistic (Rage Ryders MC #3)
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Not only did he admit it to my face, but has used it against me to keep me in line. Or so he thinks, he may have threatened me with those I love on several occasions. I have managed to go behind his back and get away with things he has no clue about. Thank goodness, if he did, I’m sure I’d already have lost someone I love. He’s a crazy bastard who needs to be put to pasture. If it takes me being the one to do it to keep everyone safe. I have no problem with that.
He may be my blood, but he’s not any family to me as far as I’m concerned.
I hear the rumble of several maybe all of the motorcycles tear out of the parking garage. Shortly after Skylar comes inside and we all look at her as if asking ‘well?’ She shrugs her shoulders at us. Damn, she got no idea from being with them what’s going on. Skylar being in the dark is out of this world. That girl’s sneaky as hell. If any of us could have figured out what’s going on, I would place my money on it being her. Which means for now at least, we’re in the dark until someone feels like sharing what’s happening.
That means we could know today, or a month from today, or never. Depending on circumstances and if we’re in the need to know. For now, all we can do is sit and wait. And just hope all is good. Even though my heart is telling me it isn’t.
And boy, oh boy, is my instinct going to be right once we are told what happened today. None of us were ready for the shock that would be coming our way.
Chapter 18
Two days later…
The mood in the clubhouse these last forty-eight hours has been solemn. There’s been no laughter, no type of life inside these walls. Sniper never came back to the clubhouse or his house. We’ve called in favors from our friendlies in other clubs. So far no one’s heard hide nor hair from him and he’s not been spotted around any of his usual hideouts. His wife, daughters and Ryder are all freakin’ out, worried that he’s gone and done somethin’ stupid. I know he’s lost in his grief, but I don’t feel as if he’d purposely leave this earth like that and put his family through the hell that’d follow. My thinkin’ is he’s lost in his head and ridin’ out his anger. He’ll be home when he’s ready. I’m just sad that he’s gonna miss out on sayin’ his final goodbyes at King’s funeral today.
King’s family is in their own type of haze. Kid is sittin’ silently in the corner, dressed and ready to go to his father’s funeral. He’s got a beer in one hand and his wife gripped tightly to him with the other. He’s barely spoken since the ambulance came and took his father. He’d been holdin’ Prez in his arms rockin’ back and forth. It will always be one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to bear witness to. I will never be able to get the anguished screams that came out of him as they took his father from him. Kori has been my rock.
Upon first finding out what’d happened, she lost it. Cried, screamed and threw things. I forgot all about my Ol’ lady’s temper. It hasn’t reared its ugly head in so long, if it had been any other situation, it might’ve turned me on. Instead, I grabbed her and pulled her into our room. I held on to her and ‘Lil Bit for a good two hours or so. ‘Lil Bit feeds off of her Mother and my moods, it was hard to watch her tears as they stain her tiny little face.
I spent my time holdin’ my girls and wipin’ tears from their faces. Kori blames herself and was beyond pissed when I told her it wasn’t her fault, but my own. She knows in her gut that her father’s behind this somehow. I tend to agree-too coincidental with her leavin’ and movin’ in with us and what happened today. I don’t believe in coincidences, I believe everythin’ that happens is planned, calculated and put to use. In some way, we’ve been either watched or given up. The brothers left here are not rats, so it leaves me with ‘we’re bein’ watched’.
Kori, my Angel is now busy getting’ everythin’ put together for the reception we’ll be havin’ later, honorin’ King and his memory. Durin’ the reception Jed will say a few words on King’s life before the club and durin’. Then, we’ll hang King’s cut on the wall where we can see it and hopefully honor him in our days to come. We’ve learned a great deal from him, not only as our Prez, but as a man. I hope he’ll be lookin’ down, watchin’ us, and we make him proud. I watch as Jed pulls Sky to him and holds her as she breaks. Skylar’s been holdin’ strong but King was everythin’ to her. I’d been wonderin’ if she’d broken down in her room. We’ve all stayed here at the clubhouse, needin’ each other’s strength, whether it be silent support or holdin’ each of the women in our arms. Tryin’ to help comfort them as they go through this mess.
We had to commit King’s wife, she had a sorta mental break and the doctors have her under suicide watch. Kori called in some favors and has her bein’ seen with only the best psych doctors in the area. Last update we got this mornin’ is that she’s totally broke down and is in a state of an awake coma patient. She’s awake of sorts, but isn’t reactin’ to any stimulation. Physical or mental, her eyes are awake but no one’s home. That’s the way Kori broke it down for us in terms we’d understand. Kid and Skylar can’t see her like this, they’ve both left after she hasn’t spoken a word to them last evenin’ and neither are ready or willin’ to go back today. Today, they mourn their father and say their final goodbye to him. Tomorrow they’ll try again. If anyone can get her to come back it’d be her kids.
My attention is drawn as Wasp whistles loud to grab our attention.
“It’s time to move boys. Grab your Ol’ ladies, as per tradition they will be on the back of your bike. Since Sniper’s not here, Tic and I will lead and everyone else fall into place as best you can. We have two men’s spots open so this will mean you move yourself up in line. Anyone who isn’t an Ol’ lady or a member of the Rage Ryders will follow behind us. Let’s make sure to keep this time as respectful as possible. Let’s roll.” Wasps’ voice raised at the last part gettin’ us all into action.
We do as we were ordered. We had a semi meetin’ where we nominated Wasp to be in charge till we know exactly what’s goin’ on with Sniper. Hopefully, he’ll come home and guide us through the next chapter of our lives. If not, if he truly can’t, then it’s going to be put to vote on who the next Prez and VP will be. Even if we have’ta replace Sniper, he’ll always have a home here and a spot in the MC.
Chapter 19
~ Ride with the Angels…
Ryder: Holdin’ Sky up as we walk into the chapel where services are being held is the single hardest thing I’ve ever done. She’s barely able to put one foot in front of the other. Seein’ her like this is breakin’ my heart. I’m pissed at my Pa as well, what makes his grief any harder than it is for us, for his kids. For his wife, who’s now committed and in a comatose condition. My mom is there with her, holdin’ her hand and tryin’ to bring her back to the livin’, Personally, I don’t see it happenin’ anytime soon. She collapsed upon hearin’ of her husband’s death and when she woke, she hasn’t spoken a word or acknowledged anyone around her.
My girl can’t take much more. We need to put an end to this threat and try to move on with life the best way we can. We’ll all have to learn how to move forward with the club in King’s absence. And if my dad wants to continue to act like a pussy, then he isn’t the man I’ve always believed him to be. He’s always preached to us about family is always the first priority, and the club will always back us. Well, we’re his fuckin’ family and where the fuck is he? Not. Here! That’s where, and after I get my girl home and get her settled, I’m gonna hunt his ass down and remind him that his family is still here, his club is still here. We still need him.
Skylar: I can barely feel my body, I’m not ready to lose my Dad, my best friend. The man who taught me what kind of man I wanted, what I should and shouldn’t be treated like. What was good enough for me. He taught me everything in my life from riding a bicycle to riding a motorcycle. He said I should know how to ride in case something ever happened to my man while we were out. I could always drive him if he was hurt, to bringing his bike back in case of an emergency.
nbsp; And by God I learned, I learned because he wanted me to. I loved the smile that would grace his face when I’d learn something important he’d been teaching me. What do I do now? Who do I go to when I need advice or help? Who’s going to be here when I fall next time to help me pick myself up. It’s always been him. How can I ever let someone else help me? I can’t let anyone else take my Dad’s job away. I’d be betraying the trust and past I have with my father. Past. That word now describes my Daddy. I’ll always have to use him in past tense now. Fuck, I feel like I’m losing my mind! Am I really falling to the ground? I can’t feel any piece of my anatomy. If it wasn’t for Ryder, I wouldn’t have even been able to get dressed this morning.
Kid: I’m in disbelief, I never thought that a simple ride to check in with an informant would lead to my Pa bein’ dead on the side of the road. I won’t be able to get the scene out of my head, watchin’ as he struggled to keep the bike under control and losin’ the battle. Bikes are strong and you have’ta be extremely lucky to gain that control back once it’s taken from ya. We haven’t had a chance to go over the bike ourselves. It was taken into police custody immediately. We did find out however that Pa had a massive heart attack durin’ his struggle, eventually leadin’ to his death. Life is never goin’ to be the same for my sis and me.
Not only do we have’ta deal with the loss of our mentor and one of our best friends, but we have’ta now worry about Ma. I’m not terribly surprised at her mental breakdown she had, if anythin’ like that was to ever happen to Riley, I’d never make it on this side of life without her. She’s my everything. We’ve only been back from our honeymoon for a day and I already have’ta say goodbye to one of the best men I’ve ever had the privilege to know.
I will mourn my Pa, pray the doc can bring Ma back to all of us. My mind’s been on revenge and formin’ a plan to take the S.O.B. out who put Pa to ground. Cause believe you me, its happenin’. Sooner rather than later. I know I won’t have’ta ask my brothers for help. It’s a given, the look on every single brother here’s face - Rage Ryder or not will be seekin’ retribution. My only term will be that every single person involved is taken down in the process. And I want them to have a very slow, painful death. I want my Pa to be the last thing on their minds as they look the reaper in his face.
Kori: I’m putting together a mental list of every security code I can remember leading inside of my childhood home. A house full of terror and abuse. A house that holds the man’s bed who’s slept soundly and pleased with himself for ruining our lives. You see, my father is my worst enemy, and I will gladly hand his head over on a silver platter for not only my man, but for every single person here in this chapel. I just hope that I can look him in his face before he dies and let him know that he may have started the battle, but winning the war will never be his outcome.
I want to for once see fear in that man’s eyes. I know technically I won’t be allowed there when retribution for King’s murder is played out, but I will be asking for a skype meeting with him before the deed is done. I would love it more though if I could witness the life drain from his body, and remind him personally of the reasons he’s being taken out.
The reasons his life is nothing but a stain on humanity, and that I was the one who helped end his pathetic excuse of taking up his own waste of space in this life. Let him know that not only is he dying because of my daughter and myself. But also for King and my mother. A mother he viciously took away from me, from his mouth to my ears. I hope he burns in Hell and the Devil himself makes him his personal bitch. Now that’s an image I’d love to fall asleep with. He deserves nothing better in the afterlife.
Tic: I’m not sure if any of us paid any attention to the minister performin’ King’s service. I can not only see the wheels turnin’ in my brother’s heads, but also the women. Every single one of us is ready for this blow to take a back seat and realize how short life is and it needs to be celebrated and protected. Once a plan is in place and we know there will not be any blowback on our club from any of his affiliations, we are going to take him down and put him to sleep like the dog he is. He won’t get the death of a sweet dog whose illness or end of life gives them a peaceful put-down. No, not that fucker. He deserves nothin’ less than the death of a death row inmate. Only I’ll never be nice enough to make sure he gets a last meal and a phone call.
My thoughts are interrupted when the chapel doors bang open with a loud howl of a man in mournin’. I’m glad our VP made it to his best friends’ funeral. What I am not happy about is the disrespect he’s givin’ our Prez by makin’ a spectacle of himself. The sadness and rage that’s burnin’ inside of his eyes is one of the hardest of all to witness. Ryder must not feel the same way as he stands and charges his father. Only Kid saves Ryder from makin’ a terrible mistake by grabbin’ him and whisperin’ somethin’ to him that has Ryder stoppin’ and goin’ back to Sky’s side.
I know how upset Ryder is with his Dad, but that is somethin’ that needs to be handled after all the services have concluded for the day. Includin’ the trip to the cemetery to watch him enter the cold ground. We need to bear witness to him makin ’it to his final restin’ place and give him a proper send-off. If anyone deserves a biker’s send-off, it’s him. Our most treasured man in our club. I hope King’s lookin’ down on us and helps us through his loss. Cause Lord have mercy on the soulless maniac that we’ll be sendin’ his way. I hope King can kick his ass to the gates of hell and personally push him to the worst afterlife any man or woman has ever seen.
My mind is once again pulled away from my thoughts as the minister finishes his sermon and sendin’ us on our way to his final restin’ place. After that it’s a send-off from his brothers, friends, and family. Biker style. Full of stories, booze and my girls. I’m glad Kori and I decided not to bring Lil’ Bit. This would be too much for her young self to absorb. Hell, it’s a hard thing for me to absorb.
In the little time she had with King she already deemed him her honorary grandfather. Even dubbin’ him with his own name – her Papa. I hope the babes are watchin’ their mouths as the have my little angel with them, as they prepare food and stock booze for tonight. And they better damn sure make sure my baby girl is safe and loved as we’re gone. I’m really happy that Hawk and his girl Morgan stayed behind with a few of their prospects to guard the women and my girl. The girls begged us to let her stay with them instead of letting Levi stay with his niece as he requested.
I knew in my heart and gut he’d never forgive himself for sendin’ King off, well, like the King he is. Prospects and Patch holders alike, we all deserved our chance at farewells. Patched members aren’t the only ones whose life King made better. Most of all, I’m glad we have every man on deck – so to speak to help keep eyes on Sniper. I have a feelin’ this isn’t the worst of what’s to come today from him dealin’ with his loss.
Chapter 20
Saying goodbye….
As we left the church and were riding to the burial ground I looked over and saw Skylar. She was having a hard time keeping herself under control. I just knew once we lowered him into the ground all of us Ol’ ladies were going to have to rally around her as the guys said their goodbyes. She was already weak with emotions; I can’t even fathom how she’s holding up as well as she has. Yes, she’s had breakdowns, but King wasn’t just her father, he was her best friend outside of Riley and Sadie.
Once we pulled up in our uniform line behind the hearse I noticed Ryder having to hold Skylar up. She was already weak and drained. We had to walk a good block to the burial site. He was being laid to rest in the plot designated for all Rage Ryders. The Ol’ ladies would be buried on top of their men. I’m not sure how ethical or legal it is, but the guys have had this all paid up and planned with the gravesite directors. I know I am proud and would be honored to lay on top of Tic, I can guard him in the afterlife the way he guards me in this life. The more I think about death and how unexpected it is, the guiltier I feel for runnin
g and hiding from him for the last four years. I should’ve trusted him to watch over Lila and me.
I notice Ryder nearly trip as he is lost in his own head that holding Skylar up almost becomes too much for him. Suddenly, he grabs her and pulls her into his arms and whispers in her ear for only her to hear. She nods and looks up at him and I watch the love shining in his eyes as he wipes tears from her eyes. I know this isn’t the right time, but I can’t help but admire the love these two have for each other. I must have stopped to watch because Tic pulls my hand urging me along beside him.
“Sorry babe, just wanted to make sure Skylar is alright before we move on. I worried there for a minute she was going to collapse.”
The way he looks at me has me stopped in my tracks. He is showing me the love he has for me and my worries for his family.
“I love you, Angel, I have no idea how I’d make it through this without you. You and Lil’ Bit are the only reason I haven’t gone after the son of a bitch myself.”
Looking in his eyes I can see he’s telling me the truth. Telling me we are his world, before all others. It’s a look I will cherish until the day I take my last breath. We all move along and take positions around King’s casket. Every one of us women stand next to our men. We are all cocooned in their arms as they hold on to us, needing us to keep them standing, keep them sane, and keep them from going on each and every single one of their own suicide mission in retaliation for their President being taken from them. Before they were ready to say goodbye.