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Act of Blood (An FBI/Romance Thriller ~ Book 16)

Page 31

by Kelley, Morgan

  “He or she is might be trying to tell us something. I agree with you that this isn’t a coincidence. There’s no way that’s possible.”

  With that, everyone agreed.

  “What do you think this person is trying to tell us?” she asked. “In fact, let’s go backward and start at the beginning, Cowboy. Tell me about this wackadoo.”

  He kissed Christopher Anthony’s cheek, and heard a thump from upstairs. “Kanje, check on the kids.”

  The dogs took off, and Chris watched them. Ethan imagined it had to be hard on him since Cyra was the one who trained them. In fact, in the fire, Chris had lost their dog too. He’d been kenneled in their bedroom.

  “Chris, are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  He forced himself to focus on the two little girls in his lap. They were feeding each other Fruit Loops that Elizabeth had on the table for them. If he allowed his mind to go elsewhere, he’d suffer for it.

  Chris had to stay in the here and now.

  Ethan focused on Elizabeth. “I can’t give you much on the killer. He’s taken down a woman and two men. As for sex, it’s a toss-up. Male serial killers tend to be more balls to the wall and violent.”

  “And this one isn’t violent?” Boone asked.

  “This killer is, but it’s not as violent as it could be.”

  Elizabeth watched her husband rocking hers and Callen’s child and it gave her butterflies. “If you had to pick a gender, going with your gut, what would it be?”

  “I’m fifty-fifty at this point. Since we’ve had male and female victims, and there’s no sexual assault, I can’t give you the sex of our killer. I will say I’ll go with median age. I think to plot this out, you’d have to have some intelligence and knowledge of books.”

  They agreed so far.

  “I’ll also say that this killer knows what he or she is playing against. This maniac isn’t randomly picking a method to kill like strangulation and fire. We can say that our killer is intentionally using these books. It feels like someone who wants to get caught—almost like they want the notoriety.”

  She made a mental note.

  “Who have we interviewed that sounded like that?” she asked.

  “Jasper is an actor,” offered Boone.

  “Selma Roth is a director. She’s accustomed to working out all kinds of problems, directions, and handling the situation. Could this be about her?” Elizabeth asked.

  Ethan thought about it. “She’s fifty. Picture the average woman, that age, digging a hole to bury Roman Conley. She’d have to move fast. Is that feasible?”

  Chris pointed out one thing. “He was sitting in the hole. It was deep, but it wasn’t that deep. Three feet max.”

  “You have a point.”

  Elizabeth got up from the couch and scribbled all the information on the board. “We may have to wait for the next victim to pop up, and that sucks.”

  They all knew how much she hated the whole idea of waiting for the killer to strike again to get a lead, but they were at the end of this trail.

  It went against everything in her.

  “We may not have a choice,” Ethan offered.

  She focused on her agents. “Tell me about the National Theater thingy.”

  Brody took this one. “They do around four plays a year. They range from comedies to tragedies. Some are old ones, some are new productions written by local playwrights. They are as varied as the actors.”

  “What do we know about them?” she asked.

  “We called ahead, and they won’t give us their records without a warrant. They aren’t playing nice with the FBI.”


  “Maybe when you’re there tomorrow, you can snap some pictures. We have that fancy photo recognition program,” Ethan offered. “We can have the team run them through one by one. We might get a pop.”

  She liked that idea. With being out of this office, they had a much bigger budget, and that meant using the fun toys that came with it.

  “It’s my plan,” she stated.

  She stared at the board.

  “Are you okay?” Ethan asked.

  “Yeah, but I need to focus on this for another hour. I feel like it’s scattered. I need to get my bearings before I head into the interview in the morning. I may only get one shot at Selma Roth. I need to be prepared.”

  They all got up.

  They knew from working with her before, she wanted to be alone. That was how she rolled.

  “Stay here and be comfortable,” she offered. “I’ll take the board into your office, Ethan. If you need me, I’ll be in there.”

  No one argued.

  There was a big couch and pizza out here.

  When she was gone, Ethan dismissed Brody and Johanna. Then he thought about including them in his plan. Why not use all of his resources? He could use their help.


  They did.

  “I need a huge favor,” he stated.

  “What do you need, Ethan?” Brody asked, trying out his name. Even though he’d call Callen by his name, Ethan Blackhawk was a different story.

  He was Ethan freaking Blackhawk.

  “I want to disappear for a little while tonight to spend some time with my wife. Getting out of here, unnoticed, is going to be hard enough, but getting the props to a location will be damn near impossible. Can you help me out?”

  “Absolutely,” Johanna stated. Elizabeth had gone to bat for all of them before, and she understood how much weighed on the Blackhawks.

  They were prisoners to Ethan’s job, and now Callen’s too.

  “What do you need?” Brody asked.

  He told them all about his plan. It would work if he could pull it all together in the next hour while Elizabeth was reviewing her board.

  Johanna giggled. “That’s really sneaky, CIA like, and very romantic.”

  He hoped so.

  Ethan needed this to count. He wanted his wife to see that he was the same man he was before, only he loved her a million times more than the day they met.

  “I’ll need a car, so can one of you take mine? Can you leave it where I’ve instructed and make sure there are provisions in it?”

  “On it, boss.”

  He was grateful for the people they called family.

  “Thank you,” he said, giving Brody his key. “You have to drive this—not Johanna. I once told her that no woman would ever be behind the wheel of my ride but the woman I loved. I can’t break that promise to her.”

  “Aww! For that,” Johanna said, “I won’t even get upset that it’s chauvinistic.”

  He grinned. “Thank you.”

  “We’ve got this, boss.”

  “I’ll text security that you’re taking it out of the garage, and thank you both.”

  “What can I do?” Chris asked.

  “In an hour, I need you to take her some clothes, tell her to change and head into the back yard. Callen, will you help distract security?” he asked.

  “Want me to set off the alarm in the house? Once she’s out back, they’ll be so busy checking the house that they won’t be wandering the property. That should give you a clear run down the property line.”

  “Perfect. Then stall them. Do what it takes to give me ten minutes to get out of here.”

  “Anything?” he teased.

  “Don’t burn the place down.”

  Merry laughed. “It’s funny that you have to go through all this to have a date with your wife.”

  “Oh, I can have a date, but then three’s a crowd.”

  “HEY!” Callen said.

  “You know what I meant. Not you, but the security guy following us around in the unmarked vehicle.”

  Callen took his son from him to put him to bed before he started plotting his part in the scheme.

  “Okay, Team, Operation ‘Raven’s in the Wind’ is set. We start in ninety minutes when it’s dark.”

  They all went their separate ways, and Ethan was pleas
ed with how it was all working out.

  He might not be able to do what he used to, but he could still find a way to be with his wife.

  For once…alone.

  For now, that had to be enough.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Ninety Minutes


  She was sitting at his desk, staring at the board. Elizabeth didn’t even hear him come in. When he was right beside her, she finally looked over.

  “Hey, Christopher. How’s tricks? Do you need something? Are the kids okay?”

  He smiled.

  That one phrase took him back to when they were newbies. It was a play on her role as Miss Kitty when she was working in the field.

  “Everyone’s good. This is personal.”

  “Uh, okay. What?” she asked, putting her marker down to glance up into his eyes. Chris didn’t look upset or worried, so she wasn’t sure what was going on with him.

  “I need a favor.”

  “What? Did you change your mind about me going with you tomorrow to therapy? I can fit it in.” She was about to tell him she needed to speak to Doctor Gaines anyway, when he stopped her.

  “No, honey, I’m okay. This is something you can’t question. I just need you to trust me and do it.”

  “Okay. What?”

  He handed her a bag.

  She looked inside. “Uh, why are you giving me clothes in a bag, Christopher. I’m afraid to ask if you were rooting around in my panty drawer.”

  He laughed. “I miss those days,” he teased.


  He stopped her. “Yeah, you can’t question anything from here on out. I need you to get changed, head to the back yard, and wait. Meanwhile, leave your cell phone here.”

  “I’m trying to…”

  He stopped her. He knew his best friend. If Chris didn’t give her something, a platoon of Marines couldn’t get her to that yard.

  “Ethan is going to be waiting to meet you for a secret rendezvous. Be surprised.”

  She actually was.

  “Well, why didn’t you say so? I’d meet him in a volcano if he wanted.”

  He turned his back so she’d have some privacy. Granted, it was nothing he hadn’t seen before, but still. Out of respect for the men, he wouldn’t watch her.


  “Hmmm?” she asked, staring at his back.

  “There will be someone out there for me, right? I’m not going to be alone forever, am I?”

  She pulled on her shirt and turned him around. “Yes, there will be. She’s out there, Chris.”

  “I'm working through things with Doctor Gaines, but I realize now that Cyra wasn’t the one. She was a sweet woman, and the mother of my child, but she didn’t accept my family and always made me feel used.”

  She hugged him. “Oh, Christopher.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and rested his face against her hair. The soothing of her hands running up and down his back offered him calm.

  It was reminiscent of their past. There were moments he missed this touch from her. Maybe it was why he was so touchy feely with her.

  He needed it.

  This woman had the ability to stir him up and calm him down all at once. He’d never met anyone else who could pull that off. Chris was looking for that in a woman, and he hoped he’d find it. There was a part of Chris that wished she’d been his permanent gift from the universe, but he knew she wasn’t the one either.

  They’d had their time.

  “I’m here for you, Christopher, like I always have been.”

  He was aware and very grateful.

  What they’d shared had forged them both.

  “The more we dig into the issues, the more I see that, yes, she loved me, but she wanted to change me. When you really love someone, you accept them for all their faults and issues.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could go back and fix this. Cupid screwed up.” Elizabeth slid her hand beneath the back of his shirt to press her skin against his. His body immediately relaxed at the contact. It always did.

  “No, Cupid didn’t. I was meant to find Cyra so Bethe would be born. She is going to make a difference. I can already tell. I also know that if you tell me it’s going to get better, I know it will. I only trust one person in this world, and it’s you.”

  He thought about it.

  “Well, Callen and Ethan too.”

  She stared him in the eyes. “I love you, Christopher. We’ve been through a shit mess together all these years. We’ve survived it. You’ll get through this. Until you do, I’m here. If you need time with me, I’ll give you whatever I can.”

  “Maybe we can catch a movie when this is over? I really need to talk about Cyra, and tonight isn’t the night.”

  She kissed him on the lips. “We’ll catch a movie, and then we’ll grab dinner. We can have a girl/boyfriend night out.”

  He touched her cheek. “You’re truly my sister.”

  “And you’re damn lucky,” she teased. “I’m freaking awesome because I’ll even pay.”

  He laughed. “Elizabeth. You realize you can let me buy you dinner and you’re not obligated to get naked with me. I know you don’t want my money.”

  She knew he needed to be healed. “You know me, Christopher. I’m all about the sex. I’d feel obligated to jump you and that would get you killed.”

  Now he really was amused.

  “I’m stealing that check.”

  She touched his cheek. “I’ll love you forever, Chris. You are a huge part of my life, and I’ll never forget how we’ve built all of this. Without you, I wouldn’t have found Ethan and Callen. I’ll get you there. I swear.”

  He believed her.

  “You had better hurry up and get your shoes on so you can go. You have a nice night planned with your husband.”

  “What’s he doing?” she asked, pulling on her running shoes.

  “I’m not telling you.”

  She snorted. “Traitor.”

  “Trust me. You’ll be happy, and it’s a night you’ll never forget.”

  “I do trust you—with my life.”

  He held out his hand to the woman he loved and always would love. She held a spot in his heart. She was his confidante.


  She smiled.

  It took him back so many years.

  “Follow me, do what I say, and try to think larcenous thoughts.”

  She snorted. “If Ethan is involved, I’m sure they’ll be badass. He’s the king of them.”

  Oh, she had no idea.

  They crept out, and Callen was there waiting for them. Speaking of larcenous, here was the king’s right hand man. Elizabeth could tell by the grin on his face, he was up to something too.

  “You all set?” he asked, keeping his voice low.

  “Are you coming?” she asked.

  He grinned wickedly. “I’m the wingman tonight. My job is to get my brother laid.”

  “Oh boy,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m definitely screwed.”

  “You have ten seconds,” he said, heading toward the kitchen. “I love you, angel. Have fun,” he whispered, putting on Ethan’s watch.

  She studied him.

  Elizabeth knew it was GPS monitored.

  They were going hard-core.

  She was excited.

  Chris led her out the back door. “As soon as you hear the alarm, run for the back part of the property. Avoid security,” he whispered.

  “Thank you, Chris,” she said, touching his face. “I love you.”

  Oh, he loved her too.

  Then the alarm started shrieking.

  She took off.

  Elizabeth could see the security heading toward the house as the main alarm alerted them that the house had been breached. Now she knew what Callen was going to do.

  She wanted to laugh and pray that he didn’t get himself shot by their security.

  As sh
e reached some of the trees, she saw Abel, one of the security guys, heading her way. Before she could move, someone yanked her into the trees and to the ground. She landed on a body.

  Immediately, she picked up the scent as he whispered in her ear.

  “It’s me, baby. Are you ready to have a date?”

  She nodded, hearing the security guy close to where they were hiding. Since the fence was nearby, she assumed they were going over it.

  Yeah, Ethan was going hardcore. They were ditching their security for the night.

  She wanted to cheer.

  Again, the alarm went off in the house, and Ethan was up, holding out his hand. She noticed he was dressed in all black, his hair was loose, and he was grinning mischievously.

  She took his hand.

  They raced toward the privacy fence, and once there, they knew they only had as long as the alarm was going off.

  Once they touched it, they’d set off a different alarm and the team would know where to head next.

  “Up you go,” he said, boosting her up. Elizabeth sat on the top, holding out her hand for her husband.

  Her partner.

  It reminded her of their life before the Hoover building and all the chaos of him being the boss. Here was the man she’d fallen in love with all those years ago.

  He grabbed it, and she helped him up. Together, they dropped to the other side, just in time for the alarm to stop.

  Ethan hit send on Chris’s absconded phone, alerting Callen they were clear. Now they couldn’t track him by his cell either. That was in their bedroom—safe and sound.

  His plan was working.

  As they moved through the dark, he kept his wife firmly locked to him.

  Somehow, they had pulled it off.

  They weren’t out of the woods yet, since he knew that once an alarm went off, security would run his GPS, and hopefully, they’d not check into it too deeply. They knew his car was off the premise, but it was near the house.

  That might be suspicious.

  “How are we getting out of here?” she whispered as they hustled it toward the drop off spot.

  Ethan hit the remote on his ride.

  The sleek, black Mustang came to life not far in front of them.

  She started laughing as they raced toward it. When they split up, to get inside, she was amused.


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