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Wicked Dreams

Page 17

by Lily Harper Hart

  “You like it when she does anything,” Kelly countered. “Max says you’re hot for her bod.”

  Jack faltered. “I’m going to gag Max, that’s for sure.”

  “Who is Max?” Jordan asked, reaching for the steak sauce.

  “He’s my brother,” Ivy explained. “He’s been out here a few times helping with some stuff, and he took Kelly to dinner last night.”

  “He’s really hot,” Kelly said, her giggle belying her age as her eyes looked years beyond it.

  “Don’t say things like that,” Ivy said. “Max has a big enough ego as it is.”

  “Max says he’s God’s gift to women,” Kelly said. “He told me he thought Jack was going to be his competition until Jack saw you. Then he knew he was safe.”

  “Yup, I’m definitely gagging Max,” Jack said.

  “What are you doing to me?” Max picked that moment to appear from the side of the house. He climbed the patio, grabbing a chair and pushing it between Ivy and Kelly. Once he settled, his gaze fell on Jordan. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Kelly’s brother, Jordan. You must be the infamous Max I’ve heard so much about.”

  “I am,” Max said, extending his hand in greeting. “Don’t worry if your sister has a crush on me. No woman is immune.”

  Jordan smirked, Max’s charm winning him over almost instantaneously. Ivy cuffed the back of Max’s head. “Who invited you to dinner?” she asked.

  “I invited myself,” Max replied, nonplussed. “I brought the paint you wanted for your front door. I figured you would want to reward me with a good meal. I can’t believe you made steak.”

  “Jack made steak,” Ivy corrected.

  “Good, then Jack is going to give me half of his,” Max said.

  “You can have half of mine,” Kelly offered.

  “Oh, no,” Max said, winking. “Jack is dating my sister. He owes me.”

  “I don’t owe you anything,” Jack shot back, but he was already sawing his steak in half. He speared the smaller portion with his fork and dropped it on Max’s plate. “I just happen to think rewarding you for fixing your sister’s door is worth a piece of meat. If you’d told me you were coming, I would’ve bought you your own.”

  “You should sign up for my newsletter,” Max said, his eyes sparkling. “Then you would always know where I am, just like my rabid female fans.”

  “You have a newsletter?” Kelly asked, her eyes widening.

  “Don’t listen to a word he says,” Ivy chided. “He’s full of it.”

  “Listen, little sister, I’m the one who put a new door on your house after it got kicked in,” Max said. “I’m the one who agreed to paint it because you didn’t like the color. I’m the one who … I want some mushrooms.”

  Ivy sighed and tipped half of her mushrooms onto his plate.

  “Where was I?” Max asked.

  “Right about to the point where I was looking for something to gag you with,” Jack said.

  “Wait, your door got kicked in?” Jordan asked, interrupting the friendly family banter. “How did that happen?”

  Ivy and Jack exchanged a look. Now was the time.

  “I think that’s something you need to ask Kelly,” Jack said carefully.

  Jordan shifted his attention to his sister. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  Kelly swallowed hard, unsure. “I … .”

  “Let’s eat dinner first,” Ivy said, swooping in quickly. “We’ll talk about all of this when the food isn’t getting cold.”

  “Ivy,” Jack warned.

  “It can wait a half hour, Jack. Let everyone enjoy their meal.”

  “Fine,” Jack grumbled, turning back to his plate.

  “You’re so whipped already,” Max cackled.

  “I’m seriously going to gag you, Max,” Jack said, although the smile he sent Ivy was warm. “You and I are going to have our own little talk after dinner, Mr. Morgan.”


  “Thank you for dinner,” Jordan said, handing Ivy his plate as she rinsed dishes and slipped them in the dishwasher. “I really appreciate it.”

  “I really appreciate you coming here,” Ivy said, her eyes serious. “Kelly needs you in your life.”

  Jordan stilled. “I … .”

  “I’m not asking you to take everything on yourself,” Ivy said quickly. “I know you’re young, and the things you’ve gone through are just as bad as the things Kelly’s gone through. I’m just hoping you’ll be able to visit her from time to time.”

  “I won’t lose her again,” Jordan promised. “You know, you taking her in is a miracle. Most people in your position would’ve called the cops and sent her on her way.”

  “I’m not most people.”

  “No, you’re not,” Jordan agreed, shifting his head so he could watch Jack, Max, and Kelly cavorting outside. “Your brother is good with her, too.”

  “Max is good with everyone,” Ivy said. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s a rampant pain in the rear end, but he’s got a heart of gold.”

  “And what about Jack?”

  “He’s been wonderful with her.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Jordan said, teasing. “Does he have a heart of gold, too? Don’t bother denying it. I see the way you two look at each other. It can’t be easy on you.”

  “Jack is a good man,” Ivy said, choosing her words carefully. “We are not in a relationship, though.”

  “Yet,” Jordan said. “Something tells me the thing holding you back right now is Kelly. That doesn’t seem fair to the two of you.”

  “We’re adults,” Ivy said. “We have a few things to … discuss … before anything happens. We’re going to make sure Kelly is settled and safe. I promise you that.”

  “You need her to talk to do that,” Jordan said. “That’s one of the reasons I’m here.”

  “I want you to bond with your sister,” Ivy said. “I know Jack prodded you into coming so you could talk with her, but you don’t have to force that issue tonight.”

  “Jack wants you to be safe,” Jordan said. “I understand that. As long as Kelly is hiding something, neither one of you is safe. I want Kelly safe just as much as Jack wants you safe.”

  “Just … be careful,” Ivy said. “She gets upset when you push her. She’s starting to volunteer more and more information, but whatever secret she’s keeping has to be a doozy – at least from her limited viewpoint.”

  “What do you mean?” Jordan asked, genuinely curious.

  “Don’t you remember what it was like to be sixteen? Everything is magnified when you’re that age. All the heartbreaks are bigger, and all the embarrassments seem like they’re things you’re never going to get over.”

  “Someone is trying to grab her,” Jordan said. “Someone is willing to kill you to get her. That doesn’t seem like an exaggeration to me.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Ivy said. “I don’t disagree that she knows something important. I think she’s convinced herself that her reasons for keeping it secret are somehow dire. That’s what I was getting at.”

  “Oh,” Jordan said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “You think she’s convinced herself that whatever perceived embarrassment comes from telling the truth is going to be worse than someone trying to hurt her … and you.”

  “Exactly,” Ivy said.

  “Well, we can’t let her think that,” Jordan said. “Do you have any suggestions on getting her to talk?”

  “Actually, I do,” Ivy said, her face sober as she regarded Jordan. “Just how far are you willing to go to keep your sister safe?”

  “As far as it takes,” Jordan said truthfully. “What do you want me to do?”

  “JORDAN and Ivy are sure taking a long time doing dishes in there,” Kelly said, glancing up toward the house as she chewed on her lower lip. “Do you think I should see what they’re doing?”

  “They’re finishing the dishes,” Max said. “They’ll be out in a second. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Max is right,” Jack said. “Ivy and Jordan will be out in a second.”

  “Max is always right,” Kelly said, giggling.

  Max winked at her. “See, a woman after my own heart. She knows quality when she sees it.”

  “She’s too young to see all the smoke you’re blowing out of your … .” Jack broke off when he heard the front door opening. Ivy and Jordan filed out. Both of them were smiling, but Jack could detect a small shift in the way they were carrying themselves. “Here they come.”

  Kelly turned, smiling when she saw Jordan walking in her direction. “I thought you two got lost in there.”

  “We were just having a discussion,” Jordan said.

  “What about?”


  Kelly faltered. “I … you want to know what happened to me, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” Jordan said.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” Kelly jutted her lower lip out.

  “That’s not going to work on me,” Jordan said. “You forget, I’m your big brother. I remember when you used to do that to get your own way when you were a kid. We need to have a talk, kid. It’s time you tell us what’s really going on.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it!”

  “You have to,” Jordan said, refusing to back down. “Mom and Dad raised us to tell the truth, Kelly. I know you don’t remember them as well as I do, but they would be disappointed to think you were lying.”

  “Don’t say that,” Kelly hissed.

  “Just tell us what’s going on.”

  “Kelly, I know you think that keeping whatever this is a secret is the way to go,” Ivy said. “I promise you, whatever it is, we’re going to help you. We’re going to find a way to make this right. We can’t do that if we don’t know what’s going on.”

  “I … .” Kelly’s eyes darted from face to face, conflicted.

  “Do you know what I remember most about you when you were a kid?” Jordan asked, changing tactics. “I remember you used to race home from school because you knew Mom was waiting for you. She always had a pot of tea ready in the winter, and you two would sit at the counter and gossip.

  “You’d tell her about all the things you did during the day,” he continued. “You’d tell her about how a boy smiled at you, or how one of your friends made fun of you, or even how you were going to marry that one boy – I can’t remember his name – who tied his jacket around his neck in the middle of winter and pretended he was Superman.”

  “Jackson Douglas,” Kelly said, making a face. “I can’t believe you remember that.”

  “I remember it all, Kelly,” Jordan said. “I remember that I got home later from school because I had basketball practice. I remember that we would all eat dinner together as a family. Dad would tell us about his day at the resort. Do you remember that?”

  “What resort?” Max asked.

  “Shanty Creek,” Jordan replied. “Do you remember that, Kelly? He worked in security. It wasn’t dangerous or anything. His biggest hassle was usually dealing with underage drinkers and the occasional loudmouth who raised a ruckus at the bar.”

  “I kind of remember that,” Kelly hedged. “I … I remember he took us up there in the winter so we could see the tree lighting ceremony. It was the biggest tree ever. He would buy us hot chocolate, and then we’d go and sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what we wanted for Christmas.”

  “You did that,” Jordan said, shooting a look in Max’s direction. “I was not sitting on Santa’s lap when I was fifteen.”

  “I’m sure you weren’t,” Max said.

  “I’m just making sure you know that because you seem like the type of guy who gets off on teasing people,” Jordan said. “I don’t want you going off on a tangent because you think I was sitting on Santa’s lap as a teenager.”

  Ivy snickered. “Don’t worry about it. Max believed in Santa until he was thirteen.”

  “I did not,” Max scoffed.

  “You did so,” Ivy said. “You were crushed when Dad finally sat you down and told you. I got grounded when I told you, and I was younger than you.”

  “Shut up,” Max said, wagging a finger in Ivy’s face.

  “You believed in Santa when you were thirteen?” Kelly asked, entertainment flitting across her features. “Wow.”

  “I’ll have you know, I still believe in Santa,” Max replied, guileless. “I don’t care who tells me otherwise. I’m always going to believe.”

  “It’s okay to believe in whatever you want to believe in, Kelly,” Ivy said. “No one wants to take away your belief system. I am worried that you’re keeping this secret for the wrong reasons, though.”

  “Whatever it is, we’re going to stand with you,” Jack said. “You have to tell us the truth. That’s the only way we can move forward.”

  “I … can’t,” Kelly said. “It’s too horrible.”

  Jack pushed the heel of his hand against his forehead, frustrated. “Kelly, whoever is after you is willing to hurt anyone who gets in his way,” he said. “Whoever this man is, he kicked down Ivy’s door. He threw her into a wall. She was willing to die to protect you. I don’t want that. I don’t think you do either.”

  “Of course I don’t,” Kelly said, her voice cracking. “It’s just … you’ll hate me.”

  “We could never hate you,” Ivy said. “We’ve all made mistakes. Every single person here has made mistakes. That’s how you grow as a person. No one can go through life without making mistakes. It’s impossible.”

  “She’s right,” Max said. “She should know, she made a mountain of them when she was your age.”

  “She did?” Kelly asked hopefully.

  “She did,” Max said. “She dated a guy who cheated on her with everyone in town. As an adult, he bought liquor for kids just so he could have someone to hang around with. Then he started his own cult.”

  “I’m so glad you’re focusing on me,” Ivy grumbled.

  Jack rubbed the back of her neck soothingly. “Let’s focus on me,” he said, drawing Kelly’s attention away from Ivy. “You know Ivy and I were fighting the other day, don’t you? Do you know why?”

  “Because she invaded your privacy,” Kelly said.

  “That’s … kind of why,” Jack said. “She didn’t really invade my privacy. I was upset and lashed out at her because that’s how I saw it at the time, but the truth is, I was having trouble dealing with a secret of my own.”

  “Does it have to do with those scars on your chest?” Kelly asked.

  Jack swallowed hard. “I … .”

  “Kelly, it’s not important what Jack’s secret is,” Ivy started, working overtime to try and help Jack out of a sticky situation.

  “Yes, it is,” Jack said, interrupting her. “We can’t ask Kelly to tell her secret if I’m keeping one, can we?”

  “Jack … .”

  Jack ignored her. “I didn’t always work as a police officer in Shadow Lake,” he said. “I used to work in Detroit. While I was down there, I found out my partner was doing some illegal things. Instead of turning him in right away, I confronted him and told him that he had to turn himself in.

  “That was a mistake,” he continued. “I … I did the wrong thing. I thought I was doing it for the right reasons, but I wasn’t. It backfired on me. Instead of turning himself in, my partner hunted me down on the streets like a dog and he … shot me … twice.”

  Max’s mouth dropped open. “Holy crap.”

  Jordan’s eyes widened at Jack’s admission. “Wow.”

  Ivy put her hand on Jack’s waist to anchor him. She was the only one who could know exactly what he’d just given up, and she’d never been prouder of anyone in her entire life. All of the reasons for not dating him flew out the window at that moment, and all she could think about was kissing him again. Sadly, they had an audience.

  “Did you almost die?” Kelly asked.

  “Yes,” Jack replied. “I was in a coma for three days, and I was in the hosp
ital for three weeks. I made a mistake, and I almost paid the ultimate price. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you.”

  “I … .” Kelly’s gaze bounced from serious face to serious face. “Can I think about it tonight? Can I please have tonight?”

  “I … .” Ivy wanted to tell her yes, but she didn’t know if it was the right thing to do.

  “You can have tonight,” Jack said carefully. “Tomorrow you have to start talking, though. I want you to think long and hard about what happened, and I want you to get yourself together however you have to so you can tell us what we need to know.”

  Kelly nodded solemnly and took a step forward. Ivy was surprised when the teenager gave Jack a hug. It was small and tentative, but Jack returned it. When Kelly stepped back, her face was a myriad of unexpressed emotions. “I’m going to go to bed now. I … just need to think.”

  “Okay,” Ivy said.

  “I’ll walk you back to the house and say goodbye,” Jordan said. “We’ll make plans to get together again.”

  “Really?” Kelly asked, her eyebrows lifting.

  “You’re not shaking me again, kid,” Jordan said. “We’re going to figure out a way so I can have regular visitation. It’s all going to work out. I promise.”

  Max, Jack, and Ivy watched brother and sister shuffle toward the house. Once they were inside, Max turned his attention to Jack and Ivy. “I’m going to put off the painting for a few days,” he said. “You can live with the ugly color for now, Ivy. I … you’re the bravest man I know, Jack. I’m proud you’re dating my sister.”

  “We’re not dating,” Ivy said.

  Max snorted. “Shut up and give the poor guy a break. I think, after tonight, he deserves it.” He started moving toward his truck. “Oh, and Jack? Your secret is safe with me.”

  Ivy watched her brother go, love bubbling up. Once he was out of the driveway, she kept her eyes from Jack’s face – frightened to see the emotion percolating there – and wrapped her arms around his waist as she hugged him. “You’re the bravest man I know, too.”

  Jack pulled her tight, dropping a kiss on the top of her head. “Let’s hope it’s enough,” he said. “We can’t wait another day for her to tell us the truth. I have this feeling … we’re running out of time.”


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