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Dirty Love (The Lion and The Mouse Book 2)

Page 9

by Kenya Wright

  She stared at me in shock.

  I licked my lips. “What?”

  She cleared her throat. “I don’t need accounts. We could come to some sort of agreement. A set payment or—”


  She sighed. “It’s not what I’m used to.”

  I searched her face. “With other men?”

  “With other bosses.”

  “I’m not your boss.”

  “You are.”

  “You want me to put you on a salary and give you a clock to stamp in, when you begin and end the day? That’s not our way.” I let her go. “Or is it that you don’t want accounts because you don’t want to depend on me?”

  “I would always be independent.” She prepared to walk around me.

  I stopped her and brushed my lips against her cheek. “You’re in bed with me now, mysh. In every way you can imagine. Get used to it. And understand that my bed comes with certain things.”

  She looked up at me. “Bank accounts?”


  “And am I supposed to sit in a room the whole time, waiting for you…everyday?”

  I noticed the edge in those words. “You didn’t like waiting in the room today?”


  “Interesting.” I held my own edge to my voice. “Because it didn’t look like you waited in the room at all.”

  She moved away from me and headed to the door.

  Should I assume this conversation is done?

  Any other man of mine would’ve said what they’d done immediately. Any other man wouldn’t have even done whatever she’d done in the first place. The fact that no one had reported a dead body in the castle by now relieved me.

  She opened the door. Two older women walked in, pushing a long line of carts. Gowns hung on one of the carts. The other held furs.

  I didn’t think they could speak English. They nodded and motioned at things and she followed the same sort of gestures to communicate. I took in all the gowns and shook my head. Valentina had impeccable taste, but she hadn’t considered the fact that I didn’t want Emily’s sexy body on display. Every gown appeared like it would accentuate her lush curves and lighten her whole frame.

  I ran my fingers through my hair, thinking of all the men that would be sneaking stares at her tonight. And after the feast, there would be even more men stroking themselves to the memory of her.

  My jaw clenched.

  I swallowed down the need to force her to wear a suit. “I have to take care of some things. I’ll see you at the feast.”

  She kept her gaze on the gown, but I could tell she was angry.

  I whispered, “What?”

  “I should be close to you.”

  “You will.”

  “I also need a gun.”

  The muscle under my eye twitched. “Someone’s bothered you?”

  “No.” She faced me. “Would you be mad, if I got a gun?”

  Instead of asking me to give her a gun, she thinks she’ll get one herself.

  The older women exchanged glances and then went back to searching through gowns.

  “Would you stop yourself from getting a gun, if I told you no?” I asked.

  She didn’t respond.

  I gritted my teeth. “Then, that answers it.”

  “Okay. And…”


  “And while you’re gone, I’ll get dressed and then look around the castle.”

  Yes, because you can’t just sit and wait. Apparently, you’ll be getting guns and climbing or crawling through dirty places too.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Watching your back.”

  “I have over one hundred men on this property doing that.”

  “None of them saved your ass in Harlem.”

  My smile deepened.

  I needed to get used to this side of Emily, the woman that didn’t feel like holding back in certain moments. With everyone else, they kept a certain amount of respect. Even Uncle Igor, with all he’d done and accomplished, kept any irritation out of his tone and always held respect.

  With Emily, she would speak her mind. There would be times in the future where she would say no or do something I didn’t like…and I might have to suck it up.

  I walked up to her and landed a kiss on her cheek. “Stay safe.”

  The older women paused in shock. It was funny that my being in a towel hadn’t knocked them off guard. It was the kiss—the display of affection—that had confused them.

  Don’t worry, ladies. I’m confused too.



  I heard the Russian visit Em, but I didn’t see it.

  I understood it from her moans rising in the hallway. Whatever he did to her, he did it well. And I wanted to hate him for it, but I was happy that she was finally seeing sex as more than something toxic and deadly.

  Sometimes I wanted her so bad, I couldn’t go to sleep. Instead, I stayed up, stared at the ceiling, and thought about what we could’ve been, if my father hadn’t hurt her.

  Other times I felt bad for Em. Dad damaged something in her. Pleasure had been as exciting to her as going to the bathroom. At least, how she’d treated it. She’d get an urge in the month, find some guy on Tinder, and fuck him. She never talked to him again, and that was if the guy was lucky. If he wasn’t, I’d clean his dead body up the next morning.

  Now she acted like a woman that was in love—in the heat of passion. Those moans made me envious.

  If I was not fucking her, then I would’ve at least have liked to fuck somebody. Didn’t I deserve some pussy too? Not from Em, of course, but from somebody.

  After the noise of their sex ended, I changed into my tux. I should’ve jacked off in the shower. God knew that I yearned too. Anybody could’ve been my motivation to stroke my dick. Em’s moans had damn sure inspired my horniness, and then Valentina sneaking in my room and flirting caused her to flash in my mind too.

  Why can’t my dick get hard with safe women? Valentina is just as much of a no as Em.

  For one thing, it was clear that she hid things. I had to stay on my toes with Valentina before she had me in some bullshit.

  Like tonight. What the fuck is she going to do? And what’s up with the kid’s picture book?

  I opened my bedroom door. Some big Russian stood by it. He nodded at me with a straight expression.

  I eyed him and drooled at his gun. “You’re my guard?”

  He nodded again.

  “Okay.” I left, and he followed me.

  I could get used to this. Someone watching my back, instead of constantly watching others.

  He trailed me like I was a star. When we passed servants, they gestured and whispered. When we hit the ballroom, many of the hundreds of guests hushed and turned our way.

  We remained in the doorway as I scanned the place, searching for Xavier or Em.


  Kazimir’s uncle sure loved a party. It wasn’t a feast; it was a vanity affair. Everyone looked like they slept on boatloads of money. Diamonds glittered among gold. On the dance floor, designer gowns twirled among expensive tuxes.

  A sweet perfume hit my nostrils. I turned in the direction.

  Valentina’s lovely face greeted my eyes. “Do you like your tuxedo?

  Oleg got to her right and snorted.

  Ignoring him, I nodded. “I love it. Did you pick it out?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t trust Kazimir to do it. He’s not into style.”

  I thought about the way Em moaned hours ago. “Yeah. I can tell he’s into other things.”

  That blonde hair hung in lovely curls tonight. That urge came again, the one that made me want to grab a fistful of hair, wrap my finger around it, and pump my cock into her.

  I directed my gaze down the gown. It was expensive and designed to make men fall to their knees. Her gaze met mine. The air left my lungs and all my blood rushed to my cock.

  Besides Em, I’d never seen a woman so perfect and
so utterly dangerous. Violence and sex radiated from her skin. I inhaled the air, needing to suck her in.

  There was something about how flawlessly she was put together that made me want to throw her on the ballroom floor and fuck her right there. Slam my cock into that sweet pussy and make her ass moan loud right in front of her uncle and brother. How sexy she would look, dirty and sweaty and dripping with my cum.

  She parted her lips as if she saw every dirty thought flashing through my head. “Why are you staring at me this time?”

  I winked. “Same reason. I’m still wondering how you sound, when you moan.”

  Oleg stretched his neck as if he was gearing up to fight me.

  I didn’t fear the man. Sure, he could take me, but I’d fuck him up on the way down to the floor. He’d be missing something by the next day—his life, a leg, maybe even an eye.

  But that was besides the fact. Oleg wouldn’t touch me because it would piss off Em which would anger Kazimir.

  This isn’t Chinatown. This is something else. Yes. We’ll have to call this shit Prague.

  “Have a good evening, Valentina.” I nodded at her and prepared to leave.


  I stopped. “No?”

  She pointed to a table far in the center and then curled her arm around mine. “You’ll be eating with me. We’re over there, right by the stage.”

  “Will there be a performance?”

  “There always is. Probably puppets.”

  “O-kay.” I led her that way, hoping that Em and Xavier would be eating there too. The whole point of Chinatown was the fact that I could disappear and do what I want. Everyone was supposed to be focused on Em, but things weren’t turning out that way.

  The Russian had given me a bodyguard like I was a fucking national official. Now, his gorgeous sister was on my arm. And she was a thing of beauty. Every man paused at what they were doing and gave her a hungry glance.

  I was sure people would be wondering who I was by the end of the night.

  As we walked forward, she leaned closer to me, “You looked into the bag. I can tell.”

  “That’s a good talent to have.”

  “You don’t deny it?”

  “It wouldn’t matter. You’re not mad I looked.”

  “Any questions?”

  “Why the picture book?”

  She widened her eyes. Humor lay within her lids, although she kept a straight face. “That was for my daughter. I was multitasking.”

  “How many kids do you have?”

  “Just one.” She stopped us near the center of the room. We were barely ten feet from the table. She turned to Oleg. “Show him Natalya.”

  Surprisingly, the scowl left Oleg’s face. He dug his fat hand into his jacket pocket, pulled out his phone, and showed his lock screen. On the phone, he held a tiny baby with blond curls. It was the oddest image, a man hard and built like a mountain holding such a small and soft child.

  Oleg spoke with a rough accent. “I am the godfather.”

  I nodded.

  Valentina motioned for us to walk on. “She’s going to like the story about Vasilisa. Don’t you think?”

  “The images of Baba Yaga might scare her.”

  She grinned. “No, there’s no fear in her DNA.”

  “Who’s the father?”

  Her body tensed as we arrived at the table. She turned to me with a frown and waited by her chair. “No one ever asks me that. You should fall in line.”

  “No one ever asks you who the baby daddy is?”

  She looked like I’d slapped her. “Of course not.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if I wanted anyone to know, I would’ve told them.”

  “The father should know—”

  “You don’t know anything.” She gestured to her chair.

  Oleg shook his head at me, stepped up, and moved her chair away for her.

  “Oh, sorry.” I sat down along with her. “I didn’t know that was what you wanted me to do.”

  “Even a man from New York would know to do that.”

  I laughed. “I can tell you haven’t dated many men from New York.”

  She was about to say something, but she caught sight of something. I turned that way. A woman walked into the room. Her red hair was tossed up into an elaborate silky bun. Her pale arms were bare as a crimson gown wrapped around her. She was lush and sexy, but no one looked her way. In fact, all the men turned their faces. A few women rolled their eyes.

  Oleg stood behind Valentina and grunted.

  “Who is she?” I asked.

  “No one. At least not anymore.” Valentina picked up a glass, took a sip, and then gestured for guard. “Oleg, go tell her that’s she’s no one.”

  The big man left, barreling her way. The woman in red spotted him, seemed to search behind him, and then stopped her gaze on Valentina. I swore she looked to be heading our way, but Oleg stopped her and said something.

  She moved around him and screamed, “Valentina! Talk to me!”

  Oleg grabbed her. Other men rushed her way.

  “Valentina!” she screamed as they dragged her out. It took four of them to lift her up and stop her from kicking and hitting. As soon as she left, the rest of the guests returned to what they were doing.

  I turned back to Valentina. “Who is that?”

  “An old friend.”

  “From Prague?” I asked.

  “From Moscow.”

  “But she lives here?”

  “No.” Valentina took another sip. “She has friends on my plane staff. They probably told her I was on my way here. When I figure out who did, I’m going to kill them.”

  I grinned. “Metaphorically kill them?”

  She gave me a deadly gaze. “No. I will spill their intestines onto their own bed. Let them sleep with their own shit.”

  “Wow. I’ll remember to keep our secret.”

  “You will.” She placed the glass on the table. “Let’s dance.”

  “Now? Shouldn’t we wait for everyone?”

  “No.” She pointed to the other end of the room. “Kazimir is here. Once Emily arrives, he won’t notice if I leave. I’ve made sure of that.”


  “You’ll see what I’m saying, when you see her.” She rose from the table. “Let’s dance.”

  What the fuck is going on?

  Valentina had too many questions. What was she going to do? Why did she need Kazimir to think she was going to be at the dinner? What had she planned to keep Kazimir’s eyes on Em? And who the hell was the woman in red?

  “Awww.” She frowned as many turned their heads to the main entrance and whispered. “I thought we would have time to dance, but we don’t. You owe me a dance later tonight.”


  “Later, we’ll dance. I’ll show you my Prague.” Valentina landed a soft peck on my cheeks. My whole body warmed. Before I could ask her anything else, I realized what everyone was staring at.

  Damn, Em. I said the plan was Chinatown, not Master of the Universe!

  Em took many people’s breath away. Several faces turned in her direction. And she looked unprepared for the attention. Luka guided her forward.

  Well, now I know what Valentina was talking about. Kazimir will be watching Em the rest of the night.

  I turned to tell Valentina she was right, but she’d disappeared.

  Oleg eyed me and placed a finger in front of his mouth.

  “Where did she go?” I asked.

  “Valentina is still here.” He nodded for me to sit back down. “She’s sitting right next to you. Remember.”

  “I remember.”

  Oh yeah. I’m her alibi. So now she’s off to my room to change into fucking Catwoman or something and do God knows what? This shit better not come back to bite me.



  Four men dragged a woman dressed in red out of the ballroom. I had no idea what she’d done, but I damn sure didn’t want to do it
. She turned my way, spotted Luka, looked at me, and then screamed.

  I jumped up a little.

  “Really, Luka? Really?” She yelled as they dragged her away. She turned a crazy gaze my way. “Which one of them are you fucking?! Which one?”

  I looked behind me and realized she’d been talking to me.

  “Which one?!”

  One of the men tried to cover her mouth. He jumped back as she bit him. She kicked at the guy, but he didn’t even flinch. “Which one of them is she fucking?!”

  “Let’s go.” Luka held out his arm. “The show should begin soon.”

  “What show?”

  “There’s always a show.”

  I sighed and placed my arm around his. “Who was that?”

  “An old friend of Kazimir.”

  Shocked that he told me, I pressed him for more. “An old friend or ex-lover?”

  Luka stirred on my side and led me into the ball room.

  Ex-lover, but that didn’t make any sense. Why did she ask which one I was fucking?

  I glanced over my shoulder. I didn’t see her anymore, but I spotted X. I let go of Luka’s arm and waited for him. “You look good.”

  “You’re damn right I do.” He turned to show me his whole outfit. “New cane too.”

  “I’m glad someone is enjoying being dressed up like a doll.”

  “Free clothes come with its perks.” X gave me his arm. “You look beautiful as always.”

  “I feel like I’m at my wedding.”

  X chuckled. “I always knew I would be the one to walk you down the aisle.”

  “Thanks for coming. I know this is crazy.”

  “We’re used to crazy, Em.” X gestured to where Max was siting. “Normal might scare the shit out of us.”


  “Just be careful with your Russian.”

  “His name is Kazimir.”

  “Don’t matter what his name is. You understand this.” He slowed us down and lowered his voice. “Don’t let him take all your control, baby girl. Don’t fight him on everything but know your battles and don’t let up. A man like this with all that control in his hands, he wants a strong ass woman who can save him when he’s down. A partner. Team mate. Alpha female. You become weak and you’ll lose his attention.”


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