by David Barton
• Also, my sincere appreciation is due my wife, Cheryl, who graciously and flexibly accommodated the countless hundreds of hours I spent researching and writing this work, often at irregular times and in unusual settings.
• Of course, my highest gratitude is humbly offered to my Creator and Redeemer without Whose daily sustenance and mercy my life would not even exist. It is only in His loving Providence that we live, move, and have our very being.
I offer my heartfelt thanks to each of these; their contributions, most of which will never be fully known by the public, have been indispensable.
Spring 2012
About the Author
David Barton is the founder and president of WallBuilders, a national profamily organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. He is the author of many best-selling books, including Original Intent, The Bulletproof George Washington, American History in Black and White, The Question of Freemasonry and the Founding Fathers, and many others. He also addresses more than four hundred groups each year. David and his wife, Cheryl, have three grown children.
Barton was named by Time magazine as one of America’s twenty-five most influential evangelicals, and he has received numerous national and international awards, including Who’s Who in Education and DAR’s highest award, the George Washington Honor Medal.
A&E Biography, 12
abolition movement
blacks in, 111–112
Quakers in, 172
societies, 88
abolition of slavery by states, 101
absolute truth, xxi
absolutes, Poststructuralism rejection of, 18, 197
Academic Collectivism, xxii–xxiii, 36, 77, 149, 198
definition of history and, 210
on Jefferson as racist, 96
solution for, 208–209
Adams, Abigail, Jefferson letter to, 27
Adams, Dickinson, 73
Adams, James Truslow, 23, 125
Adams, John
Callender and, 23
church attendance, 143
funding for Bible printing, 68
on Hume, 37
Jefferson as vice president, 133
Jefferson’s communication with, 78, 179, 183, 185
presidential election of 1800, 143–144
views on federal power, 142
views on Missouri Compromise, 107
Adams, John Quincy, xii, 109–110, 186
on Hume, 37
Adler, Cyrus, 81
African Americans. See blacks
Age of Corruption, 119
Age of Purity, 119
Age of Reformation, 119
Allegheny v. ACLU (1989), 137
Allen, Richard, 88
American Exceptionalism, xix–xx
American Revolution, clergy threat of Hell for helping patriots, 159
American Unitarian Association, 185
Anglican Church, 120
disestablished in Virginia, 46, 149, 156
Jefferson as vestryman, 168
universities founded by, 45
Anti-Federalists (Republicans), 142
Callender as, 16
antislavery laws in colonies, king’s veto, 100
antislavery views
in Declaration of Independence draft, 101
of Declaration signers, xi
Jefferson correspondence on, 105–106
Three-Fifths clause and, 86
Antoninus, 74, 77
Apocalypse, Jefferson on, 181
apologetics, 60
contemporary Christian, 65
Jefferson instruction on, 59
Aristides, 74
Armenian view, vs. Calvinistic, 173
atheists, 127–128, 165–166
Jefferson on, 191
Augustine (saint), 235n50
Austin, David, 158
Bacon, Francis, 38
writings, 39
Balch, Stephen, 158
Bancroft, George, xiv
Banneker, Benjamin, 94–95, 112
Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut, 123–125
Baptists, 45, 122–123, 171, 173–174
Separate, 172
Barger, Herbert, 10
Barlow, Joel, Jefferson letter to, 98–99
Barrow, David, 91
Jefferson correspondence with, 106–107
Bausman, John, 158
Beliles, Mark, 64–65, 73, 155
on Jefferson’s anticlericalism, 158
Bennet, William, 71
bias, 201
from exclusion, 200
emphasis on Gospels over other parts, 179–182
as gifts from Jefferson, 68
Jefferson and, 194
Jefferson’s advice to Carr, 62
Jefferson’s help with printing finance, 68, 194
Jefferson’s ownership, 69
separation of church and state in, 119
specific language and anti-trinitarianism, 184–185
Bible of Jefferson, 67–83
Bible references
Exodus 2, 119
Numbers 13 and 14, 199–200
Chronicles II:26, 119
Isaiah 46:9, 206
Acts 17:11, 209
Acts 20:27, 208
Romans 12:21, 199
Romans 15:4, 206
Corinthians I:10, 206
Corinthians II 2:11, 199
Hebrews 10:32, 206
Timothy II 2:15, 208
Revelation, Jefferson’s opinion on, 180
bible studies, in homeless shelter, vii
online availability, 207
value of study, 206–207
Blackburn, Gideon, 43
as abolitionists, 111–112
claims of inferiority of, 96–97
in colonial South, 89
impact of conditions on intellectual abilities, 97–98
roles in colonial North, 88
treatment, 3
Blackstone, William, 37
Commentaries on the Laws of England, 34–35
Bland, Richard, 89, 99
Book of Common Prayer, 33
Boston Port Bill, 130
prayer in support of, 153
Boston Tea Party, 130
Boudinot, Elias, 59, 107
Bowers, Claude G., 148
Brattle, Thomas, xvii
Brennan, William, 137
Brent, Robert, 43
Broaddus, John, 57
Brodie, Fawn, 3, 11, 27–28
Brown University, 45
Brubacher, John, 32
Bryan, Andrew, 88
Buffon, Georges Comte de, 212–213
Burns, Ken, xv
Caleb, 199
Callender, James T., 16–20
anger against Jefferson, 20–21
charges against Jefferson, 21
correspondence with Madison, 17
drowning death, 21
errors in allegations, 22
historians’ assessment, 24
Jefferson’s attitude on, 18
Calvin, John, 42
vs. Armenian view, 173
Jefferson rejection of, 182–183
Restorationists and, 177
Calvinistic Reformed Church, Jefferson support of, 153–154
Campbell, Alexander, 177
Campbell, Thomas, 174, 175
Cane Ridge revival, 174
capitalization in colonial writing, x
Carr, Peter, Jefferson’s letter to, 57–58, 61–64
Cato, 74
Cavender, Thomas, 158
Channing, William Ellery, 185
chaplains, on University of Virginia campus, 54–57
Charen, Mona, 10
ottesville, VA, worship, 179
Chase-Riboud, Barbara, 3
Chastellux, Marquis de, xii
Cherokees, missionary school for, 43, 135
Cheswill, Wentworth, 88
Chinese students, xiii
Christian Association, 175
Christian Church, 189
Christian Connection, 175
Christian Primitivist Movement, 174
impact on Jesus, 184–185
Jefferson and, 177–182, 196
Christian thinkers, Founding Fathers reliance on, 37
Christian unity, Jefferson on, 178–179
historical periods, 119
Jefferson on, 134–135, 166–167
Jefferson on Locke’s system, 41
Jefferson’s study of movements, 235n50
Locke as theologian, 40
radical call to primitive form, 174–175
University of Virginia and, 31
Dissenting (non-Anglican), 172
Jefferson’s financial support, 158
North vs. South, 143
in Virginia, decline, 173
Churches of Christ, 189
Cicero, 74, 76, 77
Clay, Charles, 79, 152, 153
influence of sermons on Jefferson, 155
Jefferson letter of commendation for, 154
as instructors, 33–34
Jefferson and, 195
Jefferson’s financial support of, 158
Jefferson’s views, 141–164
support for Jefferson, 149–153
Cline, Austin, 141
Clinton, Bill, impeachment proceedings, 1–3
clockmaker theory of God, 191
Coles, Edward, 105
Collectivism, Academic, xxii–xxiii, 36, 77, 149, 198
definition of history and, 210
on Jefferson as racist, 96
solution for, 208–209
College of Charleston, 45
College of Rhode Island, 45
College of William and Mary, 33, 34, 45
Jefferson on board, 46–48
Peter Carr acceptance to, 58
colonial writing style, ix–x
colonization societies, 89–90
commas, in colonial writing, x
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 34–35
Common Place-Book to the Holy Bible (Locke), 40
common sense, philosophy and, 34
Condorcet, Marquis de, 98
Jefferson letter to, 95
Congregationalists, universities founded by, 45
Congress. See U. S. Congress
Connecticut, abolition of slavery in, 101
conscience, 65
consensual sex, 3
context of history, 197, 207–208
Continental Congress, Jefferson’s provision to end slavery in territories, 102
Coolidge, Calvin, 215
Cooper, Thomas, 52
cooperation, interdenominational, 46, 171, 173, 187
Cornett, Daryl, 31
Corruption, Age of, 119
Coutts, W., 158
Creationist view of Newton, 40
Curtis, William Eleroy, xv
Cutler, Manasseh, 133, 151–152
Czechoslovakia, xiii
Dabney, Robert, 57
Danbury, Connecticut Baptist Association, 123–125
Darrow, Clarence, 204
Dartmouth, 45
De Interpretatione Naturae Prooemium (Bacon), 38–39
Dearborn, Henry, 43
Declaration of Independence
acknowledgments of God in, 131
Jefferson’s assertion on, 36–37
Jefferson’s draft, 100–101
painting of signers, xi, xvii
Scottish Common Sense philosophy and, 35
Deconstructionism, xvi–xviii, 77, 149, 162, 196
avoiding effects, 199–202
definition of history and, 209
deists, 191
Jefferson’s language and, 155
Locke as, 40
Democratic-Republicans, 142
denominational nonpreferentialism, 178, 194
as University of Virginia goal, 48–51, 56
denominations, Jefferson’s views of conflict from, 179
Disciples of Christ, 45, 189
Dissenting (non-Anglican) churches, 172
Divine Providence, 35
DNA testing, 1, 193
news articles on Jefferson and Hemings, 6–7
retraction of story about Jefferson and
Hemings, 3–4
need for verifiable, 15
primary source, xxiii, 207
primary source, vs. modern experts, 209
Douglass, Frederick, 87, 111–112
Douglass, William, 33
Dow, Lorenzo, 156
Dowse, Edward, 71
Dreisbach, Daniel, 207
Dunglison, Robley, 51
Dutch Reformed, 45
Early, John, 172
Eclectics, 77, 235n50
Eliot Bible, 69
Elizabeth I (Queen of England), 121
Elliott, Robert, 44
Ellis, Edward, xv
Ellis, Joseph, 1–2, 6, 12–13
Elson, Henry William, xv
emancipation, 89
Jefferson as advocate, 94, 194–195
Jefferson’s actions and writings on, 99
Jefferson’s bill emancipating all slaves born after act passage, 101
Unitarians and, 186–187
Emancipation Proclamation, 111
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 185
Emmons, Nathanael, opposition to Jefferson, 147–148
end times, Jefferson opinion on, 181
English, teaching methods, 205
Christian vs. secular viewpoint, 37
European, and Jefferson’s thinking, 36
Epictetus, 74, 76, 77
Epicurus, 74, 76, 77
Epistles of Paul, de-emphasizing, 179–182
equality, Jefferson’s actions and writings on, 99
establishment clause, in First Amendment, 122
Estabrook, Prince, 88
ethics, professorships with responsibility for religious teaching, 49
European Enlightenment, and Jefferson’s thinking, 36
European witch trials, xvii–xviii
Everson v. Board of Education (1947), 127
evolution, 204
Exceptionalism, American, xix–xx
experts, challenging claims, 208
Eyerman, Jacob, 158
Fabricius, Johann Albert, 63, 64
faith of Jefferson
grandson’s report on religious beliefs, 191–192
impact of family deaths on, 170
Jefferson’s reluctance to discuss, 187–188
Malone on difficulty in analyzing orthodoxy of, 190
Farjon, Therese, 43
fasting and prayer, Jefferson’s call for public day of, 130
federal power, disagreements over level, 142
“federal ratio,” 86
Federalism, Jefferson’s views of, 137–138
Federalists, 142
Callender attack on, 16
feminist movement, 3
Few, William, 89
Fiske, John, xv
Fontaine, James, Jefferson letter of commendation for, 154
Foster, Eugene, on DNA testing limitations, 12
foundational concepts, rejection, xviii
Founding Fathers
as racists, xi
reliance on Christian thinkers, 37
secular government as goal, xxii–xxiii
France, Jefferson in, 4, 103, 169, 212
Frederick-Town Herald, 21–22
Fredericksville Parish Church (Anglican), 33
p; Freethinker, 165–166
Frothingham, Richard, xiv
Fry, Henry, 171
Galloway, Charles, 119–120, 121
Gamalielites, 77, 235n50
Garnet, Henry Highland, 112
Gee, Henry, 2
Geneva Academy, 42
Geneva Bible, 69
geographical regions
differences, 88
J efferson on distinctions, 90–91
Glendye, Rev. Mr., Jefferson letter of praise for, 154
Gnostic Gospels, 64
Gnostics, 77, 235n50
God, 65
and history, 206
Jefferson’s belief in, 60, 166
Jefferson’s letter to Carr on questioning
existence, 57–58
in Scottish Common Sense philosophy, 34
The Godless Constitution (Kramnick and Moore), xxii
Gorbachev, Mikhail, xiii
Gordon-Reed, Annette, 3, 14–15
Gospel Shelters for Women, vii
abridgement of, 72
emphasizing, 179–182
government, secular, as Founding Fathers’ goal, xxii–xxiii
governor of Virginia, Jefferson’s call for prayer, 139
Graham, Pearl, 11
Great Awakening, 152, 168
Second, 156, 173, 188
in Virginia, 170–172
Greenwood, John, 120–121
Gregoire, Henri, 98
Gwatkin, Reverend Mr., 130
Hamilton, Alexander, 142
Hammett, William, 57
Hampden-Sydney, 45
Harvard University, 45, 75
Havel, Vaclav, xiii
Haynes, Lemuel, 88
Healey, Robert, 65
Hemings, Eston, 5
DNA testing, 14
paternity alternatives, 9
Hemings, Madison, 14
Hemings, Sally
background, 4
children of, 221n14
DNA evidence of relationship with Jefferson, 6–13
early printed charges of Jefferson’s paternity, 16–20
evidence against Jefferson’s relationship, 5
father of children, 1–30
Jefferson’s relationship, 5
oral tradition, 13–15
Henry VIII (King of England), 120
Hercules, Thomas, 88
Deconstruction of, xvii
Jefferson as, 193–215
historical malpractice, recognizing and avoiding traps, 199
historical meanings, xviii
context of, 197, 207–208
decline in knowledge of, 196
definition, 209
examination free from agendas, 210
personal interpretations in Poststructuralism, 202–203
published scope and sequence of standards for states, 257n16