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Dating A Saint

Page 25

by Donna McDonald

  “There goes my Lucy Lawless fantasy. I’ll never be able to think about another woman again. Sydney outdid himself,” Jim said, kissing her lightly, but with a bit of heat. They were practically eye level. “You’re absolutely gorgeous tonight.”

  “Jim,” Lauren said, smiling. “This is Sydney.” She turned to Sydney. “Sydney, this is Jim.”

  Sydney reached out a hand to the tall, intense looking man, fascinated with the softness in his gaze that seemed to be there just for Lauren. “Pleasure to finally meet you.”

  Jim shook his hand and smiled. “I like your work, especially on Lauren,” he told a grinning Sydney, who beamed at him.

  Sydney pulled a business card out of his pocket and passed it to Jim. “Here’s my tailor and my shop. I’d love to do something for you, big guy. And for the record, I’ve stopped investigating my customers.”

  Jim gave Lauren a confused look. “I’ll tell you later,” she said with a laugh. She shook her head and reached out a thumb to smudge the lipstick stain on his bottom lip.

  The sudden intensity in Jim’s gaze had her dropping her hand and blushing.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “You look pretty amazing yourself. It’s hard to keep my hands off.”

  Lauren finally remembered her companion, and that she was supposed to be conducting business. She introduced Jim, and he stayed by her side as she talked to everyone Sydney brought to meet her.

  When they finally had a moment alone, Jim turned to stare at the flaming torches rising up out his pool like rockets. The torches alone put out enough heat to keep the terrace comfortable. The only thing hotter in his house tonight was the woman standing beside him.

  “You know how you’re always trying to goad me into losing my control with you?” Jim asked.

  Lauren smiled, nodding softly.

  “You and that dress are making every man here hard tonight. It’s all I can do to not drag you away right now. If I catch one more man staring at your breasts, I may do something that will embarrass both of us,” Jim told her, reaching under her hair to cup the back of her neck. “When I finally get a chance to be with you, I’m going to have to make sure you’re mine. I going to have to be hard and fast to quiet the animal urge, but on the plus side I might make you scream all on my own this time.”

  “Jim—stop. If my face gets any redder, someone will think I’m having a heart attack,” Lauren said firmly. “I didn’t dress to lure anyone but you.”

  “Oh, I know that,” Jim said, liking her pleading gaze, the edge of nervousness about what he was saying he would do, what he definitely would do when they were alone. “I just wanted to warn you about later. You might get your wish to see me unrestrained.”

  Her knees gave out, and Jim caught her, steadying her with his hands at her waist. “As much as I would like to think you’re weak with lust from our conversation, your face is too pale, baby. Have you eaten anything? This is the third time you’ve almost passed out on me.”

  “I can’t remember when I last had food,” Lauren said, truly not able to recall.

  “I’m going to bring you something to snack on until you can have real food,” Jim said. “You want to find a seat or will you be okay?”

  “Whatever it was seems to be passing,” Lauren said, patting his arm. “Cheese and fruit please. No wine, but water would be great.”

  Jim walked away and Lauren watched his retreating form. She was about to sneak off to the bathroom to check the progress of her test, but her mother stepped up to stop her.

  “Hello, darling. Lovely dress, though it could use a bit more coverage in the front, unless you’re intending to sell more than just your perfumes tonight,” Lydia said, gaze darting for the man who was supposed to meet her there.

  “Mother,” Lauren said softly, unwilling to let her anger rule the moment. “Did you come to intentionally ruin my evening or is that just a lovely side effect for you?”

  “I came to be your supportive mother, Lauren. My place is at your side, no matter what. If I’ve done anything to hurt you, it was without meaning to do so. I only want what is best for you,” Lydia said easily.

  “Jim’s coming back in a minute with some food for me. Are you going to be civil to him?” Lauren asked.

  “Of course,” Lydia said easily, reaching out a comforting hand to touch her daughter’s arm. It was important James Gallagher be as close as possible when Jared showed up.

  *** *** ***

  Being an architecture nerd of the worst kind, Jenna strolled the corridors and wings of James Gallagher’s house, wondering if Lauren would give her a personal tour sometime. It was wonderfully designed, even if the décor was too traditional for her tastes. What she loved best were all the private areas just begging to be reading nooks or office areas. It was her dream to own a house this size one day, but a house of her own design.

  Finally, she happened on a bathroom and decided to make use of the facilities while she was there.

  *** *** ***

  Seth had followed Jenna around the house, hanging back far enough that she didn’t see him. He had waited until she had disappeared into a different wing, and then gone after her.

  He needed to apologize and had been waiting for a private opportunity to do it in person. His behavior at Casey and Alexa’s wedding reception was inexcusable. He had embarrassed them both. Allen’s comfort level around him had gone down so much, Seth had felt compelled to give up his weight lifting program.

  No doubt about it, Seth thought morosely, he had messed up his good guy image royally coming on so strongly to Jenna.

  *** *** ***

  Jenna washed her hands and opened the door of the bathroom to leave. She stepped out into the seating area, then went back to open the medicine cabinet, thinking she might find some headache tablets. Her stress level was incredibly high lately. She could feel another big one coming on and wanted to stop it before it got worse.

  When she opened the cabinet, some toilet tissue fell out and a white stick fell into the sink. She picked up the stick gingerly, eyes widening as she recognized the plus sign and what it meant. Whose is it? she wondered, peering at the stick in fascination. She knew about pregnancy tests but had never taken one before. Being female, she felt compelled to study it before putting it back. Then feeling guilty as she realized this was someone else’s house and she was—for all intents and purposes—snooping, she swallowed and swore.

  “Positive or negative,” a very familiar masculine voice asked from the doorway.

  “Seth. What—what are you doing here?” Jenna asked, laying the tissue back out and setting the stick on it.

  His stomach was already a knot of concern. If Jenna was pregnant, it was probably Stedman’s child. Seth stiffened his spine to hear it.

  “Are you pregnant, Jenna? I know I’ve been an ass to you a lot, but you don’t have to keep this from me. I won’t judge you. I just want to help if you need help,” he said, jaw tight.

  “Me? You’re kidding, right? This is not mine. You have to have sex to get pregnant,” Jenna said bitterly, then widened her eyes as she realized what she had just revealed to Seth. Her realization was followed by some vicious swearing.

  Seth allowed himself one moment—one moment only to enjoy the information, then he reminded himself it was information she unwillingly shared and never meant for him to know.

  Ignoring her emotional reaction, Seth stepped into the bathroom and looked down at the plus sign. He crowded her against the sink, heating the space between them with his longing. She held her ground, looking braced for anything, and many things came to Seth’s mind, but he was in better control of himself today. There would be no more tantrums from him.

  “If that’s not yours,” he said huskily, “who’s pregnant? That’s what the plus means, right?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know who this belongs to. Do you think it might be—Lauren’s?” Jenna asked tentatively, looking up to meet his soft gaze. “I was looking for aspirin and found this instead. I was
just about to put it back in the medicine cabinet.”

  Seth reached out and ran a hand down Jenna’s hair, which she had grown out to her shoulders now. He was pleased when she didn’t flinch, more pleased when she didn’t try to stop him. For a moment, he allowed himself the fantasy that he could touch her like this all the time.

  “I just followed you to say I’m sorry for the way I acted at the wedding reception,” Seth said softly. “I’ve already apologized to Allen. I know you don’t want that kind of attention from me, so if you promise not to tease me when you know I care about you, I promise not to act like a jerk again. I didn’t mean to embarrass you or Allen. He’s a nice guy, and regardless of how I feel, I sincerely don’t want to hurt either of you.”

  Seth dropped his hand and walked out of the bathroom, and then stopped and looked back at Jenna, who was still staring at him.

  “You are good person, Jenna Ranger. I know you’re not the kind of woman who climbs into bed with every guy she dates. I’m not the kind of guy who tries to score with every woman he meets. If you’re planning to get more involved with Stedman, well it’s your business and his. Since I’m still interested in you for myself, I’m damn grateful that wasn’t your positive test. But if I had made you get that plus sign, I would have rushed out to tell the world,” Seth said fervently, walking away before he once again did something he shouldn’t with Jenna Ranger. “

  *** *** ***

  “Hello, Lydia,” Jim said to the woman standing sullenly at Lauren’s side.

  He passed Lauren the plate of food he brought, watching her pluck a piece of cheese from it and devour it in one bite. It bothered the hell out of him to think she was hungry and no one had thought to feed her. Tomorrow he was taking her to the Italian restaurant again and buying her all the pasta she could eat.

  Jim uncapped the bottle of water and handed it to a smiling Lauren. “Drink. I bet you haven’t nearly met your quota today. You drink more water than anyone I have ever met.”

  “My hero,” Lauren said, taking the water and drinking.

  “How solicitous of you, James,” Lydia said, frowning at the man who seemed to have no remorse over the public spectacle he was making of them all.

  “I like taking care of the people I love, Lydia,” Jim said, narrowing his eyes. “Your daughter is at the top of my list.”

  Lauren finished the plate of food and sighed in gratitude. “I may make it to the end of the evening now. Thank you, Jim,” she said, reaching over and kissing him gently.

  “Really, Lauren. Can you not at least pretend to be discreet?” Lydia asked, exasperation dripping from her tone, no matter how much she tried to prevent it.

  “No, Lydia. This is as discreet as it gets,” Lauren said, exasperated with her mother. “Can a mother treat her child any worse in public? I didn’t see you offering to get me something to eat or drink.”

  “You’re a grown woman, for heaven’s sake. I assume you can ask for things if you need them. I would have motioned for one of the wait staff for you,” Lydia declared.

  Several fragrance buyers came up then to talk with Lauren, offering a welcome reprieve from arguing with her mother. Jim took the water bottle back and held it while Lauren chatted with them about the organic ingredients in her perfume. Listening to her explanation, the deliveries she continuously received and stacked in her hallway suddenly made sense to him. Jim found himself just as enthralled as the buyers by what she was saying. He was going to enjoy learning about her work.

  Just as Sydney came to collect the buyers to talk to Alexa, Jared Smith walked up to Lauren and Jim. Lydia straightened and smiled when Jared stopped directly in front of Lauren.

  *** *** ***

  Across the room, Casey watched the man walk up to Lauren. He didn’t look like a buyer, and his posture wasn’t friendly either. Unlike the thirty others who had approached Lauren this evening, there was something decidedly threatening about this particular man.

  He put a hand on Alexa’s arm to get her attention. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said to the people she’d been speaking to. “Who’s the strange guy with Lauren?”

  At the urgency in his voice, Alexa looked up and narrowed her eyes. “Jared Smith—her ex. That’s not a good situation.”

  Casey patted her arm to communicate he had it covered, tapped his earpiece, and headed toward the group. He called for a couple of back-up guys in case Smith refused to leave when asked.

  *** *** ***

  “Hello, Lauren. Nice turnout for your product launch. Lydia suggested I stop by and offer my congratulations,” Jared said, smiling. He stepped in to kiss her cheek only to be blocked by James Gallagher putting an arm across the front of Lauren.

  “I’m six inches taller and outweigh you by at least seventy pounds, Jared. If you touch her, you and I are going to make the papers tomorrow,” Jim said tightly.

  “You’re being awfully protective of a woman who’s trying to take advantage of you, Gallagher,” Jared said lightly.

  “You know, I put up with your insinuations at the fundraiser because Lauren didn’t want to make a scene. This is my home—soon hopefully to be Lauren’s home. You’re not going to insult me or Lauren here. You’re going to leave quietly with those men in black over there or I’m going to drag you to the front gate and toss you into the street myself,” Jim warned.

  Jim noticed a crowd of onlookers was collecting around them and listening to them with rapt attention.

  “Fine,” Jared said, holding out a hand to Jim who took the object he offered. “This is Lauren’s. I suggest you ask her what she was doing with it. You might be thanking me later for saving you from fathering an unwanted child.”

  Jim stepped near the pool and lifted the white stick from his hand, holding it in the light of the flames to see the writing on it. He looked at Lauren who was pale as a ghost and swaying in place. He ought to kick Smith’s ass just for stressing her out more. All the business meetings this evening were stress enough.

  “Is this really yours?” Jim asked softly, seeing the answer on Lauren’s face long before she answered.

  “Yes—but, it’s not what it seems,” Lauren said, closing her eyes. “I threw the stick on the table in front of my mother when we argued the other day at lunch. She obviously gave it to Jared. She’s trying to make you upset at me.”

  “Oh, that’s fairly simple to deduce from their gloating,” Jim said, taking the stick to Lydia. “Here. Keep this as a souvenir. If Lauren wants a baby, it’s going to my pleasure—and hers—for me to give her one.”

  “You don’t care my daughter’s so desperate to have a man that she’s trying to trap you in a relationship by getting pregnant?” Lydia demanded.

  “Who the hell are you, lady? I know you don’t really know me, but how can you say that about your own daughter?” Jim asked, shaking his head, glaring down at the woman who he could tell he was never going to like or get along with. “You know, Lydia, I’m used to buying off evil relatives. I’ll give you a half a million dollars right now if you leave and never contact Lauren again.”

  “There’s no need to be insulting, Gallagher,” Jared said, angry the man hadn’t reacted like he should have to the news. “Why would Lydia need a payoff if you end up forever obligated to take care of her daughter and grandchild?”

  Jim looked at Lauren. “This is why I wasn’t more social with people at the country club. I can’t stand people like this.”

  “Aren’t you even going to ask me about the ovulation test?” Lauren asked, not fully believing Jim’s calmness or his attitude.

  Jim walked over to her, handed her the water back. “Here. Drink. You’re too pale. In the time we’ve been together, have I taken any precautions to prevent you getting pregnant?”

  “No,” Lauren said gently. “But I didn’t say anything either.”

  “So we’re both irresponsible in this one area of our lives. Lauren, I’ve had less common sense than a teenage boy since I put my hands on you the first time. We�
�ll just have to add birth control to the list of things we still need to discuss,” Jim said on a laugh. “But for the record, I’d love to have a child with you—if that’s what you want.”

  Lauren stared at him, sniffling. Jim was just going to side with her, no questions asked. Jim was worth any embarrassment, worth dealing with her mother, worth everything—even admitting the truth.

  “I’ve been a mixed up mess since I kissed you the first time. I bought the wrong type of test,” Lauren said quickly, before she could chicken out. “That’s why I tossed the stick down on the table at lunch. I didn’t see I’d bought the wrong test until the stick fell out of my purse to the floor, and my mother picked it up and read it.”

  Jim looked at Lydia and Jared standing slack-jawed, and laughed loudly at their pained expressions. It hadn’t occurred to either of them that Lauren might already be pregnant. It had occurred to him these last couple of weeks, but he had been waiting until after tonight to ask.

  Or maybe he’d been waiting to see what Lauren thought about it before he got too happy.

  Regina was probably having a fit and ready to kill him, because he knew for damn sure that woman had figured it out. It just made him laugh harder knowing there was going to be future hell to pay with a woman who did sincerely love Lauren. But Regina he would win over simply because he was utterly devoted to the mother of his child.

  Jim turned his laughing gaze away from Jared and Lydia and back to Lauren.

  “So did you ever buy the right test?” Jim asked.

  “Yes. I took it earlier. It’s in one of the bathrooms at the far end of the house, but I never saw the results. I’ve been too busy to go check,” Lauren said meekly.

  “Want to know the results?” Seth asked from the edge of the crowd, stepping forward. He felt a brush against his arm and looked around to see a grinning Jenna standing by his side. “We weren’t being intentionally nosy or anything. Jenna and I found it accidentally. But we can tell you if you want to know.”


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