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Substitute Starlet

Page 7

by Marie Kelly

  As he surfaced, Sunny was beside him. “Race you”, her challenge thrown down as she began to swim towards the other side, her movements graceful and fluid. Instantly he went after her, surprised at just how good a swimmer she was. Laughing, he finally grabbed her ankle, dragging her backward before making a final spurt to win. Turning around, he found her laughing hysterically, as she spluttered out that he was a cheat, he laughing back. Most women would have been furious, but not Sunny. She saw the fun in everything, and when the wave of water hit him fully in the face, he knew she also knew how to retaliate, her half-scream, half-squeal filling the air as he went after her.

  For half an hour the two chased each other around the pool, each finding new and creative ways to punish the other, their laughter filling the space. Logan could not remember when he had enjoyed himself so much. Finally, however, she threw herself onto the side, one hand raised in mock surrender. “I give in”, she panted, lying on the tile as he joined her, grinning happily.

  “Thank God… I was this close to caving myself.”

  Sitting on the edge of the pool, shoulder to shoulder, both with their feet dipped in the water, a sense of serenity descended on the two, neither feeling the need to speak. The sun caressed their shoulders, the moment one of perfect tranquility.

  “Hells bells!” The loud exclamation pulled both out of their reverie, two pairs of eyes snapping round to look at Ross who was reading his cell, with apprehension in his features. Looking at the two he frowned, a small groan escaping him.

  “It’s Rita. Landen Derry just discovered that you and Sunny are here, together. He has a villa a few miles away and is having a BBQ and pool party tomorrow. Apparently you are both invited”, his head lifting to Logan, “And I think you know what that means.”

  Logan exhaled a deep sigh, as Tara fixed him with wide eyes. “Who is Landen Derry?” Both men stared at her as though she were an alien just landed from another world. Ross was the one who finally seemed to remember who he was really talking to, rushing to explain, “Landen is the premier gossip columnist in this town. He can make or break careers, and while he has not been nasty about you, neither has he been particularly nice.”

  Beside her Logan grimaced, “And when Landen ‘invites’ you somewhere, you’d better turn up. Nothing is guaranteed to move you from the ‘I don’t know’ list to the ‘hell no’ list faster than refusing one of his invites.

  Shrugging, Tara flashed both a smile, “So then it’s settled… We go”, her brows furrowing seeing the look which passed between the two men. “What?”

  Ross’s expression was filled with disquiet “He is notorious for his dislike of starlets. Seems to think that they are shallow and self-serving. Snorting, she laughed, “Wow – shallow and self-serving people in this industry… Inform the papers!” Both men laughed despite themselves.

  Ross leapt to his feet, determination in his features. “OK. If we are doing this, then you need to go shopping. You need a bikini and a drop dead casual dress.”

  Scowling, she looked down at her one-piece. “What’s wrong with this?”

  Logan laughed before stopping seeing the fierce look she threw him. “Oh… You were serious?”, his tone more subdued as Ross stepped in.

  “Sunny. This is one of Landen Derry’s parties. You have to go looking like a star, not like Mary Poppins on holiday.”

  Logan dropped his head to smother the laugh as she scowled up at him. “There is nothing wrong with this!”

  Ross did not even bother to argue as he strode towards the building. “Get changed…I’ll meet you in half an hour.” Tara growled, a few choice words escaping her lips before she realised that Logan still sat beside her, he now laughing.

  “Why Sunny James, I had no idea you even knew those kind of words”, his laugh breaking the tension as she too began chuckling.

  “Oh, you would be shocked at some of the words I know.”

  Standing, he offered his hand, pulling her up before leaning in closer whispering, “Personally, I think you look stunning.” Tara froze, instant awareness of him slamming into her, aware as he too seemed to freeze. She felt his hands move to grip her shoulders, his head still close to her ear nuzzling her hair. Everything in her wanted to fall harder against him, knowing that he wanted the same.

  “Half an hour Sunny.” The disembodied voice floating from the inside of the house had the two falling apart, neither able to look at the other as they both nervously talked over the other, “Better get inside.”

  “Bossy, isn’t he?”, Tara spinning on the soles of her feet and fleeing into the safety of the villa.

  In just over a half hour, the three once more met, Tara again in control of herself. Why did Logan Callen affect her so? Her look flicked to where he stood, his eyes on her too. Even wearing jeans and a t-shirt, he still looked every bit the powerful and successful man he was. Looking shyly up at him, she managed a smile.

  “You don’t have to go through the torture of a shopping trip if you would rather stay by the pool.”

  His lips quirked. “No. Perfect trip for us to be seen together. Nothing says ‘in a relationship’ more than a poor man being dragged around stores on a weekend”, his wink taking away any edge to his words as she was unable to stop the chuckle, her head nodding.

  “Wise words Mr Callen”, her eyes once more meeting his, again feeling the small jolt which passed between them.

  The afternoon shopping was more enjoyable than she had expected. Ross had decided that he would find her a bikini, not wanting to be seen as a third wheel, allowing the two of them to meander through the designer boutiques. Seeing the prices of the outfits initially shocked Tara, Ross’s words to ignore the tags ones she was trying hard to hold onto.

  Logan was patient and free with his opinions as she would try on different outfits. As they moved into one store, he pulled a silk A-line dress in the bluest material, holding it up for her. “This would perfectly match your eyes.”

  His words brought a smile to her as she playfully teased, “Why Mr Callen, I had no idea you were paying so much attention to my eyes.”

  For a moment she once more saw the fire deep in the depths of his before he grinned, looking at the dress, his words delivered slowly, “It would amaze you what I have noticed about you Sunny.”

  Taking the hanger from him with fingers which trembled slightly, she could feel the intensity of his words, happy to escape to the changing room. The dress, which reached just above her knees, with capped sleeves, looked as though it was made for her. Staring into the mirror she could see that the colour truly was a match for her eyes, loving the dress instantly. As she stepped out of the changing room, Logan’s mouth fell open, Tara giggling as she performed a twirl for him.

  “Wow”, he finally managed, the shop assistant nodding enthusiastically beside him.

  “You look amazing”, the assistant managed in a bubbly voice, racing away declaring that she had the perfect shoes, before returning with delicate flats in a matching colour. Tara tried to hold down the groan at the price, knowing it was more money than she could make in a month. How did Susan afford this lifestyle?

  Returning from the changing room, the sales assistant who had taken the dress away while she was dressing stood talking with Logan. In his hands he held two bags, her look full of surprise as he declared that everything was paid for, discomfort filling her. She did not like him paying for her clothes, Tara’s independent streak flaring into action. “That is very sweet of you, but I will pay you back.” Logan’s brow rose in surprise as he took her hand, giving the assistant a smile as he pulled her outside with him.

  Once back in the sunlight, he bent down to whisper in her ear, “No. You will not. As my girlfriend, it would be suspicious if I didn’t pay, so for the sake of our cover, you will not be paying me back.” Biting her tongue, her mouth snapped closed, grumbling words of Hollywood women and the fifties, making him chuckle as he pulled her towards a coffee shop, “I think someone needs a drink and maybe a c
ookie.” Despite herself, Tara could not help but perk up at the thought of something sweet. Yes, somebody definitely needed a cookie.

  Entering the coffee shop, they found Ross already there waiting for them. At his feet sat a large bag with the name of a designer shop emblazoned upon it, tissue paper poking out of the top. Given the size of the bag, Tara was relieved that he had obviously shown restraint, rewarding him with an approving smile.

  The three enjoyed their day, returning a little later than planned to the villa. As Logan and she had dinner reservations for seven, she had to run upstairs to change the minute they arrived. Ten minutes later, dressed in a chic cocktail dress, with six inch heels which elongated her already long legs, she presented herself to the two men.

  Ross laughed, taking in the way she swept her hair into a loose knot, small wisps escaping to trail sexily down her cheek. “This is why I love this girl”, he joked, “She doesn’t need two days and an army of stylists to get ready and look great.”

  Flashing him a warm approving grin, her eyes flitted to Logan, he too dressed in a suit, looking as handsome as ever. While he smiled in agreement with Ross, there was an appreciation in his eyes as his look trailed down her, his look far more personal than her manager’s. Together, the two moved to the door, both apologising to Ross that he could not accompany them, both knowing that Rita had leaked where they would be to the paparazzi. Ross however just laughed, his hand waving them away. “OK. You two go and be the romantic couple. If I go along, then it will make it a completely different story, and not sure if rumours of threesomes will help or hinder either of you.”

  Sunny smacked his arm as her mouth opened in a shocked “Ross!”, again Logan feeling the strangest relief, their interactions those of a brother and sister.

  Entering the upscale restaurant, almost on cue flashbulbs exploded, the paparazzi appearing as if from nowhere to shout questions at the two. Tara shrank harder against Logan’s imposing height as he wrapped an arm protectively around her, guiding her quickly into the safety of the eatery. They were instantly seated, his hand moving to take hers, Tara aware that it still trembled slightly, seeing the surprise in his eyes.

  “You OK?” His soft, concerned question pulled a shaky nod and smile to her lips, she managing a small shrug and half-laugh.

  “Yeah, no matter how often that happens, it still makes me nervous. Not sure how...” Tara only just stopped herself before she questioned how Susan coped with it, her hand pulling from his as she took a long drink of water.

  “Sure how… what?”, his prodding question making her swallow nervously.

  “Not sure how big stars like Angelina and Brad cope”, she finally managed, relieved as he grinned. “Oh they seem to manage just fine”, his assessing look landing on her, “And so will you. Something tells me it would take a lot more than a few photographers to faze you.”

  Nodding, wanting to change the subject, she concentrated on the menu, her voice inquisitive. “So, I know why I incurred the wrath of Rita, but what did you do?”

  His pithy, “Half of the Hollywood elite, if you are to believe her”, answer making her laugh loudly, her hand covering her mouth as she tried to smother the sound, eyes flashing with merriment.

  “And that is bad? Thought the rules were different for men.”

  His lips curled in a grimace as he shook his head, a soulful sigh escaping him. “Well, apparently not making it past a week with any woman is too much even for this town.”

  “A week?”, her voice was genuinely shocked as her look flew to his. While Tara had not dated often, only having had two long term relationships, each had lasted for over a year. Both had ended when she finally admitted to herself she was bored with them, both men having reached a point in which they wanted to take things further.

  Across from her, Logan shrugged. “I suppose I have a low attention span. But a man really can only talk so much about the latest designers, or where to be seen. To be honest Sunny, there were times I felt the week was six days too long.”

  Tara scrunched her nose up at him, laughing. “You poor sexy, powerful man. I am sure all of the ordinary men out there would feel very sorry for you if it was not for the fact you are sleeping with every single women of their dreams.”

  His deep appreciative chuckle and, “You called me sexy”, made her groan.

  She felt a flush once more rise to her cheeks, a prim expression crossing her face as she snorted, “Like you don’t already know you are.” Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “You know your problem? You need to stop dating the starlets and start dating the real women… Women who actually have a life outside of this”, her hands lifting in an open gesture.

  Releasing a long-suffering sigh, his lips quirked. “Oh I tried. But, they turned into wannabe starlets so damn fast… ”, the rest of the sentence left unspoken as she giggled.

  “Oh dear lord, poor Logan, seems they think you have the Midas touch.”

  Nodding his head in agreement, his look rose to hers, a more serious light in his eyes. “You are the first woman I have met who doesn’t see me as a ticket to further her career… And who does not bore me rigid.”

  Tara gave him a sympathetic return look. “Well that Logan, is because we are only friends. You have a natural aversion to ‘relationships’ and see ulterior motives behind every trip to the jewelers and wedding planner your girlfriends try to make.”

  Logan once more laughed, his eyes crinkling with appreciation. “Sunny James – you are such a smartass”, his voice softening. “But you sure as hell are not boring.”

  Chapter Six

  The meal seemed to pass in a content blur, both enjoying the food and each other’s company, neither wanting the night to end. However, all too soon it was time to go. Once more braving the cameras, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, shielding her from the more persistent photographers.

  Returning to the villa, the two were met by Ross. He paced the landing in agitation, pouncing on both as they moved into the area. Tara paled seeing the fear in his eyes, instantly rushing to him. “Ross, what is it?… What’s wrong?” Ross flicked his look nervously to Logan, she knowing instantly that it was news about Susan.

  Grabbing her hand, she felt the way he shook, terror slamming into her. What had happened?, was Susan OK? The look in her eyes dragged a slightly more reassuring one to his.

  “It’s my… err”, his look again landing on Logan who was watching the scene unfold before him with a frown, “It’s my mother. She was taken to hospital. I have to go to her.”

  Instantly Logan was sympathetic and supportive. “Of course you do. Where was she taken? I can call for a helicopter for you.” Tara felt heat unfurl within her at the genuine concern in his voice.

  “No. They won’t let me see her before nine tomorrow”, he giving her a reassuring look, his words meant to quell the panic in her eyes. “They say that she is in no immediate danger. I just need to leave here really early tomorrow morning. I will phone first thing and see about getting a rental… I hope you don’t mind.”

  Stiffening, Tara nodded, “Of course not. I will come with you. You should not be alone when seeing your mother”, her words dripping with hidden meaning, Ross shaking his head at her.

  “Thanks sweetie… But you can’t. Rita already told Landen you would be there. If you ignore his party then he will crucify you in the tabloids”, his look moving to Logan.

  “You’ll look after her won’t you?”

  Logan nodded, his mouth curving in a soft smile. “Of course”, his hand rising as he threw car keys at Ross.

  “Take my car. I have another in the garage.”

  Ross stared back open-mouthed. “I…I can’t take your car Logan…it’s…” He floundered for the right word to describe the sleek expensive sports car.

  “It’s a car that will get you where you need to be”, Logan finished for him, his voice brooking no more argument as Ross smiled thankfully back at him.

  “Thank you”, he finally managed.
“I need to finish packing.”

  Turning, he headed back up the stairs, Tara in close pursuit, pausing only to give Logan a quick ‘goodnight’ and ‘thank you’ for dinner. Sighing, Logan followed the two more slowly. Not quite the way he intended the night to end.

  In the safety of his room, Tara grabbed Ross’s arm, looking up at him with eyes full of so many questions. Ross dragged her to sit on the bed, his look a cocktail of anger and fear. “Susan got a mild infection a few days ago. Not surprising given how weak she was. But the doctor gave her antibiotics to help shift it… And nobody checked to see if she was allergic to penicillin.”

  Tara’s hands flew to her mouth, the severity of what that meant clear in her wide eyes. “Oh my God… We are both allergic. Did they realise in time?”

  Nodding, Ross’s features were grim, Tara seeing how pale he looked. “Yeah. She is recovering…but I need to see her”, the stark need in his words so clear on his face, Tara nodding.

  “Yes. You do”, a small sob catching her voice as she gripped his hand. “She needs you Ross”, her voice breaking slightly, “And I need you to be there to tell me what is happening.”

  Relief showed in his nod as he once more stood, throwing his clothes haphazardly into his bag. “I’m sorry Tara, I didn’t mean to ditch you… But Logan seems like a decent guy.” Moving to pull his clothes out of the bag and fold them, she nodded, both needing to be busy, both deep in thought, their minds solely on Susan.

  That night, Tara slept fitfully. When she would finally slip into sleep, she would wake up terrorised with nightmares, her sister being hunted down or lying dead, often the flash of cameras the impetus for her eyes to open, her body soaked with sweat. At six, she heard the muted sounds of Ross trying to slip quietly from his room, she quickly throwing back the covers to join him downstairs. Insisting he have a coffee before leaving, she nibbled her lip, nervously seeing how haggard he looked. She knew that he had not slept all night, his love and concern for her sister shining from him. Making him promise to phone the minute he had news, she waved farewell to him, “Give Susie a big kiss from me”, her last words as he nodded, before climbing into the large car and disappearing down the driveway. Tara sighed as she pulled her wrap around herself.


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