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Falcon (Kindred #5)

Page 18

by Scarlett Finn

  “Against the rules?” Repeating what he said was easier than trying to come with new sentences of her own.

  “On the bed, shy. You’re supposed to stay on the bed.”

  Because this was about her pleasure. He developed these toys, not only for her enjoyment, but to negate the need for him to touch her. Reluctant as she was, she climbed off him, over the footboard, and sat down in the middle of the bed.

  “Practice,” she said again. “If I need practice, then you stick around, right?”

  “Not tonight,” he said, recognizing her ploy to try and keep him near. “I want you to give them to me. Both of them.”

  She knew exactly where the egg was, the vibrator she wasn’t so sure of. But before she could think about removing the now-still egg from inside, she became aware of her nudity. Sitting cross-legged, with him just a few feet away, she had no modesty.

  He’d seen her naked before, but this was different, this was by choice, and they were alone after sharing an intimacy.

  “Take it out,” he said. Leaning back, she lifted her knees and found the silicone cord that allowed her to follow his instruction. When she noticed how intent his focus was on what she was doing, she wanted to kiss him again. “Find the other one.”

  Rolling onto her front, she fumbled around on the mattress, under the pillows, only to find that the vibrator had fallen onto the floor. Hanging off the edge of the bed to reach it, Devon probably gave him a better view of her ass than he’d expected. But the man had just watched her screaming for him, climaxing around the gift he’d given her while he controlled her experience.

  One toy was wet and one was dry, and she was going to offer to wash them, but he took both from her after she sat up and before she could open her mouth. Something about holding her hand over his, with her juices smudged between them, gratified her all over again.

  That was evidence of what he’d done to her, and she prayed it would entice him to want to do it again and maybe to get closer next time, so she could leave her juices on another part of him.

  “Lord,” she said, curling her fingers. “Thank you.”


  “For now,” she whispered. Incremental progress may be all she could ever hope for, and she wouldn’t push too hard too fast. If she took each concession and was encouraged by each victory, eventually they would reach the summit of her true desire.

  “Get some sleep, shy.”

  “Yes, lord.”

  Sinking back into the sheets, she slid her hands up beneath the pillows and closed her eyes. Wearing a broad smile, she dreamt of the next ecstasy he’d deliver her to.


  “I need to talk to Zara.” Those were the first words Devon heard when she walked into the dining room the following morning.

  Though they weren’t directed at her, they did make her stop because she hadn’t expected Zave to be in this room, sitting at the head of the table. Yet, there he was, talking to Thad who was seated at his left eating brunch.

  The table was covered with food, and Bess stood at the foot of the table folding laundry from one basket into another.

  “That will give Zar the shock of her life,” Thad said in reaction to what Zave had said, and the doctor raised his brows at her in what she guessed was a good morning.

  Thad carried on eating. Zave was taking notes in a pad to the left of his plate that was clear now but showed signs it had been used. Moving forward, she sank into the chair at his right and rested her palm over his knuckles and curled her fingers, sharing with him a more physical good morning.

  In another surprise, Zave twisted his hand in a quarter turn to squeeze her fingers, just for a brief second, but it was more than she could’ve hoped for.

  “It needs to be done,” Zave said, having not missed a second of his writing.

  “What’s the problem?” Thad asked.

  Devon selected the juice jug and filled up her glass as she listened to the men converse. “Some of the language is a bit hazy,” Zave muttered.

  “Ambiguity has never been your friend,” Thad responded. “You think you’ll be able to hold a conversation with Zara? I guess she’ll hold it for you.”

  Zave kept writing, while Thad ate. “She’s been the liaison for this merger, and she’s done a fine job,” Zave said. “It’s not her fault that the talking heads at the top of the chain want a slice of the pie for themselves.”

  “But you have to shut them down,” Thad said. “Make sure they know who’s in charge.”

  “Thad can do it,” Bess said. “He can call Zara, if you’re uncomfortable doing it.”

  “No,” Zave said. “Brodie entrusted this to me.”

  “And much as he hates it,” Thad said, watching his cousin write. “He’ll put his discomfort aside because he has some weird bond with Brodie. And given what we expect Brodie to do for the Kindred, he takes the greatest risk. So it’s sort of right that the rest of us should pick up the slack when he asks us to.”

  “When he so rarely asks for anything,” Bess said. “Brodie has zero business experience, while Zave has plenty. Kindred members use their skills for the good of the group, those are the rules.”

  Brodie took the biggest risk, she wondered what that meant and what skill he used to benefit the Kindred. “Brodie has a company?” Devon asked, picking out a bagel.

  “Inherited it,” Thad said. “The McCormack family firm, after his brother died. Brodie never took anything to do with it, it was always his father and brother’s domain. But there’s no one else left in that line, so while he remains the majority shareholder, he’s signing all decision-making over to Zave and allowing the companies to be merged. Which is easy, because Zave is the sole shareholder of Knight Corp, so he can pretty much do what he wants. And everyone who knows him knows, as long as he’s in control, Zave is happy.”

  She hadn’t expected Zave to be looking at her when she drew her eyes around to him, but he was. While his gaze tested her, she smiled. Yes, she knew all about how he liked to be in control, and she’d learned a lot about herself last night in allowing him to have it over her.

  Placing her hand on his again, he turned his hand to hold her fingers like before. This time, he didn’t let go even after he went back to his writing. Devon hadn’t put anything on her bagel, but she’d happily eat it dry if it meant holding his hand in this public place, so that was what she started to do.

  Thad was preoccupied by the physical connection. “Is it really the time to be thinking about business?” he asked. “Or other distractions? Did you forget about the message you got this morning?”

  “I didn’t forget,” Zave mumbled, writing something else. “I’m getting these things in order now, so we can move when we have to. We have plenty of time for prep, this is a standard mission, one we’ve done before. It could take weeks for them to confirm.”

  “I’ll have to talk to my boss,” Thad said.

  “Wait? A mission?” she asked.

  Thad didn’t answer, neither did Zave, and Bess stopped folding. “Once they get the next call, it’ll be just you and me for a couple of days,” Bess said.

  But Zave never left the island, he’d told her that himself except to fulfill one specific need. “There’s going to be an auction?” she asked, panic was the only discernable emotion in her voice. “But what about—”

  “It’s a different group,” Zave said. “We haven’t missed our chance, this doesn’t affect the information you gave me. Swift is figuring it out. The men who had you only hold one or two auctions a year.”

  Ok, so that was something of a relief. The special “meet” that she’d heard them talk about was happening before the next auction of the group who’d held her. That didn’t stop another gang selling their merchandise, they worked to a different schedule.

  “We haven’t heard from these guys for a while. It will be interesting to see what they have,” Thad said.

  “I’m more interested in their setup than their stock,” Zave said
. “But I’m sure we’ll bring something home.”

  A woman, one who would occupy the room that Devon had woken up in. It was odd that even though she’d been intimate with this man and their relationship was nothing but ambiguity, she didn’t experience jealousy.

  It didn’t occur to her to be insecure about him seeing other vulnerable, exposed women. No jealousy, despite the fact that he would select one, spend money for her, and bring her back to his private abode.

  All Devon felt was concern, terrible worry, that he was going to such a dangerous place to do such a righteous thing. At any second, he could be discovered, and there would be no mercy. He may have done this before, he may know he could hold his own if questioned or accused by the criminals who ran these human trafficking operations, but she felt sick.

  Devon was a novice, she’d never watched Zave go to war before, and she didn’t like how helpless it made her feel to know all she’d be able to do was sit here and wait as each second ticked by until he returned.

  “I have work to do,” Zave said. “I’ll meet you downstairs in an hour.” Thad nodded, his mouth full of food.

  When Zave stood up, she didn’t let go of his hand. “Lord,” she said but wasn’t quite sure what question she wanted to ask or what reassurance she needed.

  He drew a knuckle from one of her ears to the other, following the line of her jaw. “I haven’t forgotten about you,” he said. “I’ll come to you.”

  And while the others might not understand what that meant, she did. Although she was reluctant, she let him go because she was going to cause more of a scene than she already had if she didn’t. He stalked away to his door and disappeared.

  “Lord?” Thad asked. “You guys are into some kinky shit.”

  Bess clucked. “Oh, you be quiet. Couples the world over have pet names for each other. I think it’s lovely. He calls her ‘shy.’”

  Devon knew that but couldn’t remember if he’d done it in front of Bess or if maybe he used her pet name in private, when she wasn’t around. “Is there anything I can do?” Devon asked.

  “Not at this end of the deal,” Thad answered. “Zave’s right, we have time. Carlos calls ahead to see how many buyers he can round up and if they have any specific tastes they want fulfilled.” Just as Zave had explained. “And it gives their customers a chance to make plans. When it’s time, we get a message no more than thirty-six hours before. They like to keep the details as vague as possible until the last minute, just in case any uninvited parties try to drop in.” See: law enforcement. She understood his implication.

  What had happened to her seemed like a distant memory and one she thought was secure in her past. This made her realize just how present the situation was for all of them and specifically how dangerous it was for Zave.

  “They can just call you at any time?” she asked.

  “Sometimes it’s a week after the initial call, sometimes it’s a month, sometimes it’s as many as three.”

  “Then what?”

  “We go, find the girl who looks most in need, most vulnerable, usually she’s the last one of the night, the one the real sick fucks pay big bucks for. We bring her back here and… you know what happens next.”

  Zave would have to sit there while girl after girl was put on the block. “Have you ever thought about bringing back more than one?”

  “Sure. But it gets unwieldy. We only have so much space in the chopper. Plus, if they wake up and learn there’s a dozen more here just like them, they might think we’re another factory. Who’s likely to spill the beans? Who’s likely to keep our secret? When we’re dealing with a large group, it gets difficult to read them and keep a lid on things.”

  “We always wish we could do more,” Bess said.

  Thad was more pragmatic. “We are only a small band of people, and I hold down a full-time job. Zave always keeps his distance, so it’s down to Mom to figure out our guests. If we were to bring back too many girls, I’d never be able to ensure all of their medical needs were met, not single-handedly.”

  He didn’t sound guilty, but the rush of his words betrayed that he’d thought about what she was asking, probably more than once. Maybe he did feel guilty that they couldn’t help more people. Yet, everything he said made sense. Devon was sorry she’d brought it up and made him uncomfortable.

  “You can help me,” Bess said. “I thought we might take a tour outside today.”

  “Outside?” Devon asked. “I think I might like that.” She smiled. “I think I’m ready. I’ve seen so many slivers of the sea through these narrow windows… I’ve been thinking about swimming.”

  “Swim?” Thad asked, glancing at his mother. “In the ocean?”

  Devon didn’t share their concern. “Why not?”

  “It will be freezing for one thing and the currents for another.”

  “The rocks offer some protection. If I stay in their shelter, near shore, I should be ok.”

  Bess wasn’t any more enthusiastic than Thad. “There are two swimming pools in the building,” Bess said. “Heated ones. One is in the gym in the basement and the other is in Zave’s suite. I’m sure he’d let you use either.”

  A test perhaps. If he did then Bess would have confirmation on the relationship. Except she probably got that from the earlier hand-holding. “It’s not the same as being outside,” Devon said. “I’ve always loved swimming in the open.”

  “What would you wear?” Thad asked, clearing his plate. “You don’t have a bathing suit.”

  That was true and a point she hadn’t considered, but she wouldn’t let it stop her. “There’s no one around,” she said. “You guys have told me that we’re alone for miles.”

  Again, Thad looked to his mother and while Bess was smiling, there was a distinct rosy hue in Thad’s cheeks. “You mean… you’d go skinny-dipping?”

  Devon smiled and wondered if she was so cute when she blushed. “You’re a doctor, what do you care? You see a thousand naked women every day. Bess has all the same parts that I do.”

  “And Zave?” Bess asked, drawing out his name in a drawl laced with innuendo.

  Devon could only laugh. “The first time he saw me, I was naked. I don’t think he’d bat an eye.”

  “If he learns you’re planning to prance around naked outside, I think he would have plenty to say,” Bess said.

  “Do you think I should ask his permission?” Devon asked, considering how far their numbered rules reached and if she should be doing as he commanded outside the bedroom or not.

  Bess was folding again. “I think it would be an interesting conversation if you did.”

  “What did he mean he would come to you?” Thad asked, giving Devon an opportunity to blush.

  “Nothing,” she said. “Nothing important.” Although she’d already eaten half her bagel, she started to spread cream cheese on the other half to busy herself while the other two exchanged their furtive squints. “Going outside would give me a chance to draw more of the water. It would be great to have oils and—” she stopped herself.

  “What’s wrong?” Bess asked.

  “Nothing, it’s just, I should learn to watch my mouth.” Rolling her eyes upwards, she knew Zave couldn’t hear but knew he would find out what she’d said. “I have a habit of making wishes and finding they come true pretty quick.”

  Bess laughed and even Thad joined in. “Yeah, he’s not subtle,” Bess said.

  “Always trying to compensate for something,” Thad said.

  Compensate for what? Devon wondered, taking a bite of her bagel. Was spoiling her supposed to make up for what had happened to Bronwyn in the same way what he did at the auctions was supposed to make up for it? Devon liked being in his thoughts, liked that he cared about her needs, but she didn’t want him fulfilling them out of obligation.

  “It would be nice to get a wide view,” Devon said, moving the conversation on. “I can’t get that in any of the rooms I have access to. I’m limited in—”

  “Not too limit
ed,” Thad said.

  Devon clarified. “I can get up and down several of the hallways, but as far as rooms go, I have this one, the kitchen, my bedroom…”

  “You have access to more than that,” Bess said and came closer. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think to say. I supposed you would be naturally inquisitive… like Zara, she’s always opening doors and sticking her head in just to see what she can find.”

  “What are you talking about?” Devon asked.

  Thad answered, “Last I looked at the grid, your fingerprint had been authorized for most of the rooms in the house.”

  “My fingerprint?” she asked, having never thought to try any of the restricted rooms, in part because she was worried her attempt would be flagged on some system somewhere. It might upset the Kindred to know she was snooping where she shouldn’t be. “You fingerprinted me when I arrived?”

  He scoffed. “Nothing so crude,” Thad said. “We got it digitally.”

  “My fingerprint exists digitally?” she asked. “I’ve never been arrested. I’ve never—”

  “No, but you had an iPhone,” he said and stood up. “You should snoop around, most of those rooms only see Bess here when she goes in to clean them. Zave won’t be upset. You won’t get in anywhere he doesn’t want you to be… If he’s getting his shit in order, I better do the same.”

  Thad left and Devon turned to Bess. “I suppose you have some more exploring to do,” Bess said, returning to her laundry. “Eat up, girl and get to it.”

  There were some rooms that Devon was more curious about than others. Zave’s private lab, where she’d been only once, was the place she was most interested in. Except if there was any room that would have remained restricted, it would be that one.

  She wasn’t sure she’d even be able to find it again. But if she did, that was one room she didn’t mind being caught trying to get into because its occupant was the one she craved time with, whether he was happy with her or not.

  Besides, she had to ask his permission to skinny-dip, and as Bess had said, that could lead to an interesting conversation.


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