A Dangerous Infatuation
Page 17
‘I was never interested in your money,’ Emma said quickly, hating the idea that he lumped her in with women like mercenary Shayna Manzzini.
He laughed softly, and lifted his hand to brush her hair back from her cheek. ‘I know that. You are different than any woman I’ve ever met. Compassionate, caring, fiercely independent and totally unaware of your sensual allure. Is it any wonder that I was out of my head with wanting you, mia bella?’
Emma’s breath hitched in her throat as he traced his thumb over her lips, and her heart jerked painfully beneath her ribs when he lowered his head so close to hers that his words whispered across her skin.
‘I still want you, Emma. I can’t eat or sleep or function without you. Come back to Portofino with me? I know you want me,’ he said raggedly. ‘I can see the desire in your eyes, and your body tells its own message.’ He curled his hand around her breast and gave a satisfied smile when her nipple instantly hardened beneath his touch. ‘I can make you happy, and Holly will love living at the Villa Lucia.’
Fierce longing burned inside her so strong that her body shook with the force of it.
‘I can’t.’ She jerked away from him, fighting the temptation to succumb to his velvet-soft voice.
It would be so easy to agree. She knew he would sweep her into his arms, where she longed to be, and kiss her with his sensual mastery until she was trembling with a desperate need that only he could assuage. But there was Holly. She knew it wouldn’t be right for the little girl, and her daughter’s needs would always come first.
Rocco paled beneath his tan. He had not anticipated her rejection, and he felt as though he was teetering on the edge of an abyss of eternal blackness. ‘Why not?’ he demanded savagely. ‘You’ve told me you’re not still in love with Jack. Is there someone else?’
‘No.’ There could never be anyone but him. ‘But I can’t be your mistress, Rocco. It wouldn’t be fair to Holly. She needs long-term security, and I couldn’t bear for her to regard your villa as her home only to be uprooted and upset when you grow bored with our affair—as you undoubtedly would,’ she said painfully. It had been hard enough to walk away from him after a few weeks; it would destroy her to be forced to leave him some months in the future, when he no longer wanted her. ‘You said yourself you don’t want commitment.’
‘I didn’t think I did.’ He caught hold of her shoulders and hauled her against him, holding her so tight that the air was forced from her lungs. ‘Haven’t you been listening to a word I’ve said?’ He stared down at her, and Emma’s heart turned over at the fierce emotion blazing in his eyes, the betraying, shocking glint of moisture that revealed his vulnerability.
‘I love you, Emma,’ he said in a driven tone. ‘I don’t want you to be my mistress—I want you to be my wife.’
She opened her mouth, but no words emerged, and he took advantage of her parted lips by covering them with his own and sliding his tongue between them in a kiss of hungry passion and fierce possession.
Emma clung to him and kissed him back, unable to hold back her frantic response or deny the emotions storming through her.
‘Tesoro,’ he said in a shaken voice when at last he lifted his head. ‘Ti amo. I will love you always and for ever. I never thought I would feel like this,’ he admitted. ‘I think I fell in love with you the first night we met—when I realised you were wearing that ghastly woollen hat Cordelia had knitted for you because you didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I know you’ve been hurt, but I’m not Jack, and I swear I will love you and be faithful to you until the day I die.’
Icy fingers of fear gripped his heart when he saw the uncertainty in her eyes, and he crushed her tighter to him—as if by sheer force of will he could make her love him. ‘I know I can be a good husband, and a good father to Holly. I can teach you to love me. Just give me a chance,’ he pleaded.
Emma pressed her fingers to his lips, her heart aching as she realised that he wasn’t sure of her. ‘Of course I love you,’ she assured him softly. ‘I couldn’t have made love with you if I hadn’t felt it in my heart. But your grandfather told me he will only hand over control of Eleganza to you if you marry an Italian bride. I know how much the company means to you …’
‘It means nothing compared to my love for you,’ Rocco told her passionately, relief seeping through his veins that she was truly his. ‘You are my world, Emma. Silvio can do what he likes with his company—although I suspect he will be very happy with my choice of bride. Especially as he will gain a gorgeous little great-granddaughter, and hopefully more great-grandchildren very soon.’
As his words sank in, joy unfurled in Emma’s heart. She felt as though she had travelled on a long journey but now she was home, safe and secure in the arms of the man who was the love of her life.
‘How soon were you thinking of giving Silvio great-grandchildren?’ she murmured as Rocco lifted her and strode into the cottage.
His tiger’s eyes gleamed with a feral hunger as he headed purposefully up the stairs to her bedroom. ‘I think we should practise making babies right away, cara.’ His heart thudded when he stared down into her smoke-soft grey eyes. ‘I love you,’ he said raggedly.
Emma smiled. ‘And I love you. And, as we seem to agree on everything, it’s going to be a perfect marriage.’
All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.
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First published in Great Britain 2011
by Mills & Boon, an imprint of Harlequin (UK) Limited,
Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR
© Chantelle Shaw 2011
ISBN: 978-1-408-92624-6
Table of Contents
About the Author
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten