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A Forbidden Love

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by Alexandra Benedict


  A Forbidden Love

  For my grandparents:

  healer and fortune-teller,

  gendarme and dreamer.

  Your lives are an inspiration.



  The winter storm clouds tumbled across the midnight sky, masking…

  Chapter 1

  The young parlor maid bustled through the corridor, a bundle…

  Chapter 2

  Anthony stood alone, meditating on the secluded arched bridge, shadowed…

  Chapter 3

  Sabrina Kallos was lounging on a cloud—or so it seemed.

  Chapter 4

  With a furtive glance, Ashley captured sight of the dozing…

  Chapter 5

  Sabrina detected his smile under the faint flicker of candle…

  Chapter 6

  Anthony slumped a shoulder against the bedpost, his eyes tightly…

  Chapter 7

  Luncheon was almost upon them and Sabrina had yet to…

  Chapter 8

  Edith let out a boisterous giggle. Her uncle dandled her…

  Chapter 9

  “It looks like rain.”

  Chapter 10

  A crooked flash of light split the dark sky. The…

  Chapter 11

  What a ghastly old man.

  Chapter 12

  “If Cecelia’s life turns out to be peaceful, she will…

  Chapter 13

  “Are you sure you don’t want to ride up front?”

  Chapter 14

  “Do you intend to peel the skin away?”

  Chapter 15

  The somber hues of the gloaming sky swirled together, as…

  Chapter 16

  She was nearly home. The thought was strange to Sabrina.

  Chapter 17

  The creaking carriage wheels, trampling over sooty, cobblestone roads, lulled…

  Chapter 18

  “You’ll beat the skirt to shreds.”

  Chapter 19

  Sabrina stifled a horrified scream and swung her head over…

  Chapter 20

  “Are you hungry?”

  Chapter 21

  Raven-black locks rested over his midriff, blanketing him in a…

  Chapter 22

  The viscount prowled his bedchamber in search of his cravat.

  Chapter 23

  “How about a game?” Vincent uncrossed his legs and moved…

  Chapter 24

  The procession of fine-crafted Town Coaches, each emblazoned with a…

  Chapter 25

  The room was still, except for the infrequent snorts and…

  Chapter 26

  Lanky shadows and swirling mist did not look very inviting.

  Chapter 27

  Anthony found the door to his bedroom unlocked.

  Chapter 28

  Bedlam. A hospital—if it could be called such a place—for…

  Chapter 29

  The Viscountess Hastings stood alone in the bedchamber, her mind…

  Chapter 30

  The flames spit and crackled, puffing warm air into the…

  Chapter 31

  Dawn broke. Pale blue light streamed in through the unmasked…


  The steed hopped the low wooden fence without hesitation. Hooves…

  About the Author

  Other Romances


  About the Publisher


  Dover, England


  T he winter storm clouds tumbled across the midnight sky, masking the moon and stars from view. Only the distant murmur of the thrashing waves guided the cloaked figure toward the sea, where an anchored ship sat veiled in the mist, awaiting its precious cargo: a locket.

  Tears streaked the woman’s icy cheeks. She was so close to her sanctuary, within a league’s eye of the blessed sandy shore. But she was also on foot, her steed maimed and killed in the hunt, and with the distant hail of galloping hooves fast approaching, it would not be long before her enemies descended upon her.

  She gripped the small ornament in her icy palm. So seemingly insignificant. Yet the secret sealed between the two golden faces wielded enough might to knock a nation to its knees.

  Frantic, she vowed if she could not get the locket out of the country, then at least her foes would be denied the peace and comfort afforded by its possession.

  Her fingers unfurled. The locket sailed through the whirling winds and landed in a mound of snow. Minutes later, the muffled blast of a pistol brought the chase to a bloody end.

  But the locket remained buried under the icy flakes. It was not until a month later, when the last remnants of winter had melted, and crocus and snowdrops poked through the thawing soil, that the glimmering speck of gold arrested the attention of a passing gypsy girl, who, wiping the dirt and grime away, fastened the locket around her neck.

  Chapter 1



  T he young parlor maid bustled through the corridor, a bundle of white linens tucked firmly in her arms. It was but one of a dozen loads that needed to be washed within the next two days, and new to the estate, she was anxious to please her mistress with the timely deliverance of all the tablewear.

  Unbeknownst to her, though, a distant pair of sensuous green eyes were roaming the corridor in search of some mild amusement. Those eyes happened to lock upon the fresh-faced maiden, and their evergreen hue brightened at the piquant sight of the well-rounded, petite form bustling along the passageway.

  Lord Anthony Kennington, third Viscount Hastings, couldn’t resist bestowing a suggestive wink and a dashing smile to the lovely young creature. Nor could the parlor maid resist heeding his flirtatious charm, and promptly stuffed her cheeks into her pile of laundry to conceal her blooming blush.

  The two passed in silence. It was only when the servant had scurried far enough away that Anthony released the deep chuckle gurgling in his throat.

  Meg, was it? Or maybe Mary? Her name eluded him. But she had proven a delightful treat the night before, when he’d found her, all alone, dusting in the study. Since his father spent much of the day shut up in that room, the maid had only the evening hours to tend to any housekeeping duties, and Anthony was much obliged for that shift in routine. His Mary-Meg was certainly merry, and after a few whispered words of amour on his part, they’d found themselves, under the waning candle glow, in a most exquisite position on his father’s large mahogany desk.

  Ah, to be in the country again! He must visit his Mary-Meg once more—twice, if time permitted. Such an accommodating, prime little piece was difficult to find within the boundaries of London’s great walls.

  Anthony’s boots clicked softly, his greatcoat fluttering about his ankles with each long stride. He reached the sanctum of the parlor and flung open the door.

  Lady Ashley Winthrop lowered her knitting needles to her lap and cast her assessing green eyes on the viscount. “And what, pray, do you find so amusing?”

  Lush memories of his Mary-Meg, that’s what, though Anthony thrust such mischievous sentiments aside to respond with more prudence, “Why, the sight of you knitting, of course.”

  Ashley pursed her lips and his grin only widened at her peevish countenance. He closed the door and approached his twin sister, offering her a kiss on the cheek before he settled in an opposite armchair to meditate on her painstaking stitches.

  “Taken up a new pursuit, have you, Ash?”

  Her response was to yank at the knotted yarn, prompting the tip of her finger to turn a bright crimson red.

  His laughter rumbled throughout the room. “Why don’t you leave the knitting to the spin
sters and take a stroll through the grounds? The air will do you good.”

  “Don’t be absurd.” Brow wrinkled, she tugged and tugged until at last her finger was free. “I’ve come this far and I intend to finish the pair.”

  “The pair?”

  She proudly held up two little misshapen boots of rose-colored yarn.

  Anthony winced in sympathy for his infant niece, who was the likely recipient of her mother’s valiant efforts. “Aren’t those a little warm for Myra? It’s the middle of April.”

  “And I should have the last stitch looped by November,” she vowed with grim determination.

  Shaking his head in light amusement, Anthony planted his elbows on the armrests, lacing his fingers together and resting them over his belly. “And where is my baby niece?”

  “Out in the garden with her father and elder sister.”

  “So it’s safe to assume the entire family has escaped to some refuge on the grounds?”

  “All except for Mama and Cecelia, who seek out any commotion in which to immerse themselves.”

  Anthony withheld his snort, not the least surprised. He dipped his head back, until his neck nestled comfortably in the one sweeping groove of the ornately carved chair, and closed his eyes. “Well, there’s certainly plenty of commotion. I’ve just come from the west wing and it’s in utter shambles.”

  Ashley’s eyes darted from her knitting to her brother. “Dare I ask what your eyes beheld?”

  “Only the birth of Chaos herself. Orders were shouted over heads, reaching no one’s ears. Bodies shuffled aimlessly, all appearing to be busy, but none really knowing where they were going or what needed to be done. The grand dining hall alone is in a frightful state.”

  “As is the ballroom.”

  He peeked inquisitively at his twin through the flaxen fringes of his faintly raised lashes. “And what, pray, is going on in the ballroom?”

  “Nothing less than a cosmic feat. I’ve spent all morning overseeing its preparation, only mercifully to be excused by Mama’s closest friend, who insisted on taking charge of the extravaganza herself.”

  “And so here you are.”

  “And so here I am,” she reiterated with a sigh, fatigued at the mere thought of what she’d nearly undertaken. “It will be a miracle akin to biblical proportions to see this whole tiresome affair come together. Really, Anthony, I don’t remember my début being nearly so exhausting.”

  Ashley had celebrated her come-out alone, despite their being twins, for he was not presented at court until after he’d completed his studies at Cambridge. As for their younger sister, Cecelia, the upcoming gala was to be her first formal affair, an introduction of sorts to her fellow peers prior to her official début at St. James’s Palace.

  “Your début was equally as exhausting, Ash. You just had a livelier spirit in your youth and a little disorder was always welcomed.”

  She crinkled her brow at him. “We’re not that old, Anthony.”

  Another deep chuckle escaped his lips. “Considering the fact that we’re hiding in a parlor to avoid the commotion of a ball, I’m afraid we are.”

  She humphed before returning to her knitting. “Well, this celebration is costing Papa a small fortune.”

  “I would imagine so. Do you know, I happened upon a cage of doves this morning?”

  A startled Ashley soon burst out laughing, holding her hand over her belly. “Surely you jest?”

  He teetered his head back and forth in the chair’s groove. “I’m afraid not.”

  “Poor Papa,” she empathized. “And poor us. I shall need a holiday after this festivity is over.”

  “You should have considered that before volunteering to be Cecelia’s chaperone for the season.”

  Her golden brows cambered. “Volunteer? I was ordered to the post by our baby sister, and well you know it. At least Mama is accompanying us to London, so I won’t have to be by Cecelia’s side for every engagement.” She paused her knitting to sigh longingly. “I had hoped to visit Paris this spring.”

  “You’d best postpone that hope for the distant future.”

  “Yes, well, you’d best postpone any of your future plans, as well. This season will demand all of our attentions, and if I’m not mistaken, Anthony, even you are not deprived of a duty.”

  “True indeed,” he grumbled, recalling his obligation to scrutinize his sister’s potential beaux before they progressed on to their father for the final inspection. Anthony had been spared such tedious obligation during Ashley’s hunt for a husband, since he’d been too young to perform the task, but there was no such excuse this time around, and he was not the least bit looking forward to the chore.

  His father, not surprisingly, was elated with the forthcoming state of affairs. And not for the obvious reason. As it was Anthony’s responsibility to shift through the sea of unsuitable husbands, Reginald Kennington, the earl of Wenhem, had only to meet the handful of prospective suitors and make his final choice. Avoiding Cecelia’s fustian callers was a joy unto itself, but the aging earl had another cause to be so content, and Anthony knew it. His father was agog at the prospect of heaping more responsibility onto his heir’s shoulders, believing Anthony didn’t have enough of it. And while that may be entirely true, the truant viscount did not appreciate the bestowal of this particular chore. Imagine the grueling demands of tending to his pleasures by night and then hightailing it over to the West End to fulfill his brotherly obligation by day. Just when exactly was he to sleep?

  “It’ll be a harrowing ordeal to get Cecelia married off,” he repined. “The chit is bound to be finicky. I’ll likely get a list of her husband’s qualifications and have to acquaint myself with each and every credential.”

  “Oh, the agonies you shall have to endure!” A raised brow accompanied Ashley’s insincere sympathy. “At least you are spared from attending dozens, if not a hundred, soirées this season.”

  Anthony grimaced at the thought. “Don’t even mention such a ghastly fate.”

  His sister, at her wits’ ends, finally tossed the knitting needles and yarn aside, and slumped back into her chair. “Would you like some tea?”

  He smiled. “I’d love some, thank you.”

  Heading for the wheeled serving cart, she poured a cup of the still-steaming refreshment, commenting aloud, “I missed you at breakfast this morning.”

  “I couldn’t be bothered with inane chitchat over ballroom décor so early in the day. The vacant grounds were much more agreeable.”

  “Hmm.” She handed him the cup and saucer. “In search of amusement, were you?”

  Her suggestive tone had him smiling devilishly. “Nothing too wild, I assure you. The woods here are alive with faeries and elves, and the waters filled with playful nymphs. I thought I might ramble about in the hope of meeting one of the mystical creatures.”

  Ashley’s staid glare never wavered from her brother as she settled back into her armchair. “And dare I ask if you found any nymphs or faeries?”

  “Alas, no.” He sighed with exaggeration. “Not a nymph or faerie was to be seen. A pity, too, for one might, perchance, have cast a spell over me and taken me away from all this madness.”

  She flitted her eyes heavenward. “Kindly recall this is Cecelia’s début. It can’t end in a scandalous debacle, so you just avoid any nymphs or fairies or whatever else flutters about in a skirt.”

  The twins were close enough that Anthony felt no modesty when posing his next question. “And just what am I to do with my time if not consort with fluttering skirts?”

  “Oh, so ennui is the trouble.” She tapped her finger against her cheek, as though deep in thought, before her eyes lit with feigned enthusiasm. “I have the perfect solution—marriage.”

  The hair on the back of his neck bristled at the prospect. Anthony was well aware it was the goal of every woman and burden of every man to get oneself’s leg shackled, but he saw no valid reason to hurl his bachelorhood away at his young age. His sister, on the other
hand, considered matrimony to be the solution to all vice, and the sooner he found himself riveted the better.

  “Ash, marriage is the most appalling suggestion to make to a man in the prime of his youth. You really are intent on capping all of my fun.”

  “Or at least curtailing it.” Her critical gaze narrowed on him. “I think we both know neither vow nor iron manacle will wholly reign in your passion for the ladies.”

  He grinned, unrepentant, at that. “True indeed. God has simply made the fairer sex too beautiful to resist.”

  She gave an indelicate snort. “An excuse for debauchery since the time of Adam, I’m sure.”

  He chuckled. “Well, if man’s nature is inherently flawed, and one must have a vice in life, a passion for the ladies is the most agreeable to have.”

  Ashley’s eyes flashed toward the ceiling. “Yes, well, back to your pesky trouble with leisure. You need more responsibility, Anthony.”

  “And a wife should do the trick nicely,” he replied without missing a beat, inured to the argument, having heard it countless times before.

  There had once been a time when his twin sister hadn’t a priggish tendency to complain of, when she’d been downright indulgent of his escapades, believing her brother no different from other men, all of whom she’d deemed prone to a philandering instinct. And then she’d met her husband: a faithful, upright, respectable gent, and she’d reasoned all men were capable of such husbandly devotion if she just badgered them long enough.

  “Certainly a wife will rid you of your spare time,” his sister spoke with the astute wisdom of such a wife. “And I assure you, you won’t have a moment’s peace after the brood of children arrive.”


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