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AMAZON KINDLE VERSION A Siberian Werewolf In London EDITED 3 9 2012

Page 12

by Caryn Moya Block

  All right, Seth. I’m granting you the job of guarding Melisande and little Joe. Brencis and I will take it from here. Stay in the car with the doors locked. We’ll return as soon as we can, Grigori sent to the young wolf while rubbing the fur around his ears.

  Seth wagged his tail and, with little Joe trailing after, went over to the car and climbed in the front seat. Grigori walked up to Melisande’s window. He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.

  “Watch the young ones. Brencis and I will find Rosie and be back in a bit. If you see anything or feel threatened in any way, reach for me. I will return to you immediately.”

  “Don’t worry. We can handle being alone for a little while. Just be careful and come back to me.”

  “Always, lyubov moya,” Grigori assured her.

  “Let’s go, before someone gets curious,” Brencis said.

  “Right behind you.”

  Grigori and Brencis took a deep breath, letting their wolf senses come to the surface and sharpen their perceptions. Quickly picking up Rosie’s scent trail, they headed up the street, using a burst of preternatural speed.

  At the gate to the property, Grigori signaled a stop. He could hear three men talking on the front porch. Rosie’s scent trail led through the gate and to the right of the building. Was she in the house or somewhere outside? Grigori signaled to Brencis to loop around the property and look for another way in. Brencis nodded and started making his way around. Grigori listened to the men’s conversation.

  They never mentioned seeing Rosie and Grigori wondered if she was still here.When another man came out of the building carrying a bundle of rope.

  “Come on. Let’s go tie up that busybody we clunked on the head. We don’t want her waking up and screaming for the police.”

  “What are we going to do with her? Maybe we should take her down to the river and let her sink,” said one of the men, a beer bottle dangling from his fingers.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” a second man said, grabbing his crotch. “She’s not too old for a little fun, and I kinda like my women with some meat on im. Did you see those knockers? I sure could use a nip of those.”

  “You couldn’t handle a woman like her. She nearly castrated me before I could knock her out. She’d remove your package before you mounted her,” the leader said, fingering the rope.

  Grigori felt his wolf rise to the surface with his rage. He was tempted to shift and tear the men’s throats out for talking about messing with Rosie. He subdued his wolf spirit and wondered briefly how hurt Rosie was from her struggle with the men. Would she need to go to the human hospital?

  He reached for Brencis with his mind. Did you find anything?

  There’s an old wooden shack in the back. I can hear the sounds of a pup coming from inside. There’s no gate, but I can probably jump the fence.

  All right, check the shed, while I take care of these louts in the front.

  Grigori strolled into the yard and up to the four men. He knew he should use his telepathy to mesmerize the men and put them to sleep. But he itched for a fight and hoped the men would instigate an altercation. They deserved so much more than a beating for hurting Rosie.

  “Good evening, gentlemen,” Grigori greeted the men who sat in lawn chairs and on top of crates. Beer bottles littered the ground around their feet.

  “You lost, mister? Cause there ‘er no gentlemen here,” the apparent leader of the group said, still holding the rope in his hands.

  “Yes, I can see that. It looks like there are a bunch of drunks here,” Grigori answered, flexing his fists.

  “Nothing wrong with being a drunk. More fun than being a chump like you.”

  Grigori, stop playing around. Rosie’s hurt, and there is a lycan pup with her. I need a hand. The pup is feral, and I’m afraid of hurting her, came Brencis’ mental call.

  Grigori looked at the men and swore. They all sat there in their numb state, too lazy to do anything but look at the stranger in their midst. Reaching for their minds, he shuffled through their memories. Only the leader knew about the wolf pup. With a telepathic command, he put them all to sleep. The men all slumped down in their chairs or onto the ground. Grigori wished he could leave a few bruises on them, but his honor demanded he leave the louts be.

  Rushing around the side of the house, Grigori came up to the shed. He heard Brencis inside trying to coax the pup into trusting him. But from the growls and snarls coming from inside, it wasn’t working. Grigori walked up to the door to see Brencis down on his knees next to Rosie’s unconscious form. In the back of the shed, wedged behind a bucket and an old rusted shovel, a small wolf pup showed her teeth. She snapped at Brencis as he tried to grab her.

  “Brencis, take Rosie to the car. I’ll get the pup,” Grigori said.

  Brencis picked up Rosie and backed out of the shed. Grigori kneeled down and peered at the little face of the pup. He reached for the pup’s mind with his telepathy.

  Come, little one. I won’t hurt you. I’m here to save you, Grigori sent to the pup. He felt panic and smelled fear coming from the young animal. The pup was very young, and Grigori wondered how the humans found her.

  Just then, from next to the shed door, a new voice was heard.

  “Oh, Grigori, look at the poor baby. Come on, darling. Come to Meli. I’ll keep you safe, little one,” Melisande said as she knelt down on her knees and joined Grigori.

  “Melika, I told you to wait in the car,” Grigori said, gritting his teeth.

  “You were taking too long. So I touched your mind and saw you put those men to sleep. It was safe so I walked over. Seth and Joe are watching the car, and I passed Brencis carrying Rosie. Now let me try to get the pup. Please, Grigori?”

  Grigori moved back and let Meli move closer to the pup. He noticed the pup stopped growling as soon as Melisande’s voice was heard. Now, the pup’s ears were perked up, and her head was cocked to the side.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Come here to Meli, and I will make everything all right,” Meli coaxed her.

  The pup moved a little closer, smelling the air. Grigori kept a light touch on the pup’s mind, in case she decided to bolt or tried to bite Melisande.

  “Come, baby, come here,” Meli said, opening her arms to the pup.

  The pup moved a few steps closer and gave a weak wave of her tail. “Good girl, that’s a good girl,” Meli continued. Finally, the pup sniffed Meli’s hand and gave it a little lick. “That’s right. Come here, baby.” Grigori sighed in relief as the pup came up and leaned against Melisande. She quickly scooped the pup into her arms and snuggled her close to her breast.

  “She’s skin and bones, Grigori. How old do you think she is?”

  “Young, two or three years old. I saw from the men’s minds they found her in her wolf form playing in the park near the zoo and grabbed her. Don’t get too attached. We’ll need to find her parents,” Grigori warned her. “Come on. We need to get Rosie to the hospital,” he continued as he rose and helped Melisande to her feet. The pup snuggled down, but Grigori noticed she still looked around, her eyes wide. Easy, little one. We’ll take care of you, he sent, trying to reassure her.

  As they made their way around the house and to the front gate, Grigori wondered how best to find the pup’s parents. How did Rosie hear the pup’s cries? And if there were no known lycanthrope packs outside of Siberia, how was it these children were here?


  Grigori looked down at his sleeping mate, the wolf pup snuggled into her side, and smiled. Dawn was on the horizon, and it had been a very long night. All he wanted was to climb into the bed with Meli and hold her and the little one close.

  He ran his hand through his hair as he thought of Rosie’s five children, all lycanthrope pups, sleeping one floor up in the small rooms in the attic. Rosie had awakened groggy and dizzy as they made their way to the hospital. She had tried to tell the group how she found the pup, but was too sick and nauseated to say much. Rosie was staying in the hospital under observ
ation. The doctors assured them she would be fine with some rest and care.

  How was he going to keep everyone safe? Grigori wondered as he sat on the edge of the bed to remove his shoes. Funenko was still out there, and Valerii had reported that the same black sedan had driven by the house three times last night. The Alpha of the pack protected its members, educated the children, and provided for their care. Grigori would need to call Dmitri and have funds wired to him if he was going to maintain that position. Then the question of returning to Siberia loomed on the horizon. How could he leave England, knowing little ones needed protection and instruction? That answer was simple enough: he couldn’t leave. But what the future was going to bring still eluded him.

  He finished getting undressed, making mental lists in his head. He would need to order more food, clothes for the little one, and start the search for the little one’s parents. That would be challenging, since he couldn’t go through regular channels. The government would step in and want custody of the baby. But because she was currently in her wolf form, that was impossible. Her parents must be looking for her. Where would be the best place to find them?

  Then there was the matter of Funenko and how to find him. Grigori would call Inspector Lewis later, when they all woke up.

  As he got into bed and spooned his mate, he sighed in relief. He brushed a wayward lock of hair from Melisande’s cheek and kissed her shoulder gently. This was his haven; the woman in his arms completed him. He wanted to do everything in his power to make her happy. Melisande was his life.

  Melisande awoke to puppy kisses on her nose and cheek. She smiled and cuddled the pup, petting her silky fur. She buried her nose in the pup’s fur, smelling the scent of the lavender shampoo they had bathed her with last night. Melisande enjoyed having the puppy close to her, but wondered when she would change back into a little girl. What did she look like? Would her hair be light or dark?

  She frowned suddenly, thinking of the frantic parents still out there, searching for their daughter. How were she and Grigori going to find them? She glanced over her shoulder at Grigori’s sleeping form. He had handled each new crisis last night with calm confidence, making quick vital decisions. Rescuing and taking care of Rosie, fetching her children, getting them bedded down upstairs. Then helping her with feeding and bathing the pup. Grigori had been marvelous. A swell of pride surprised her, but she reveled in it, because Grigori was hers.

  She kissed him on the nose and watched as his eyes slowly opened. She loved the sexy, sleepy smile he gave her and how his arms tightened around her, letting her know he wanted her there. “Good morning,” she said, smiling.

  “It is waking up with you in my arms, lyubov moya,” he murmured to her.

  The puppy wiggled and squirmed, and Melisande released her and watched as the puppy climbed over her to get to Grigori and start kissing him.

  “Good morning to you as well, Malyshka, little one,” Grigori said, chuckling as he petted the puppy.

  Melisande rolled over and faced Grigori, the puppy now between them. It was a perfect moment, waking up like this. Grigori’s emerald eyes glanced at her with love and good humor. The puppy wiggled and playfully kissed Grigori and then, as if she feared leaving Melisande out, began kissing Meli’s nose. They both petted and caressed the pup, and Meli wondered if this was how it would be with their own children.

  “Why doesn’t she change into a little girl?” Melisande asked as she continued to pet the puppy.

  “She will, when she feels ready. I can read her mind and coax her, but I would rather not force her into the change. She already suffered a trauma when she was taken from her parents. I don’t want to add to it,” Grigori explained.

  “How is it, there are lycanthropes here in England? I thought you said the pack was in Siberia.”

  “At one time there were several packs. Members related to the reigning monarchs of Europe would travel when marriages between kingdoms took place. But that was a long time ago. To my knowledge, our pack hidden in Siberia was the only one left. Maybe the little one’s parents can explain or connect us to a pack leader here in England.”

  “That would be a good thing, right? Finding a pack here in England?”

  “It would, though I wonder how it is Rosie needed to find and protect these little ones. The Alpha of the pack should have been aware of the children’s needs and protected them, bringing them into his own home when orphaned. We have very specific laws and traditions concerning the role of the Alpha and responsibilities to the pack.”

  Melisande felt a hard resolve flowing through the mating bond, and it chilled her. “What is it, Grigori? You are upset.”

  “If the Alpha is derelict in his duties, he must be replaced.”

  “How is that done? Is there a trial or vote for a new leader?”

  “No, lyubov moya. There is a wolf fight, possibly to the death.”

  Melisande already knew the answer in her heart, but she needed to ask anyway. “Who would fight?”

  “If there is no one able to lead the pack here in England, then I will fight the Alpha for his position. He can’t be left in office if he is ignoring these children and their plight.”

  “But you said the fight was to the death?”

  “Only if the Alpha refuses to submit to me. Don’t worry. Let us not be concerned about something that hasn’t happened yet. We still have Funenko to worry about and defeat, as well as finding the child’s parents. The decision to remove the Alpha will wait until we solve the other two problems. Right now, let’s take the little one outside to do her business and then get something to eat.”

  Before she dressed, Melisande watched as Grigori slipped on some clothes and scooped the puppy into his arms. Her heart felt heavy as she put on jeans and a T-shirt. Just moments ago she was thinking how perfect things were. Would they find another pack here in England? Would Grigori need to fight the Alpha?

  Grigori picked up the puppy and held her close as he waited for Melisande to dress. The puppy was a sweet little thing, and he peered into her thoughts, looking for answers. He saw the child’s memories of her parents and felt the love they shared. But everything was overshadowed with fear. He couldn’t tell from her young mind if it was from the kidnapping or if something else terrified her. But he intended to find out. One memory helped tremendously. It was of her mother feeding her. He heard as the child looked up at her mother. “Open your mouth, Carly, one more bite of peas, love.”

  “So, your name is Carly?” Grigori said smiling. “Come, Malyshka, wouldn’t it feel good to be a little girl again? You can play with your dolly and have tea parties.”

  No! Wolf better. Bad man won’t hurt wolf, came the child’s telepathic reply.

  The bad man is all gone. I will keep you safe from any bad men, Grigori sent into the child’s thoughts.

  No, no, no!

  Grigori felt the child’s panic and smelled the acid scent of fear coming from the puppy’s small body.

  “Shh, Carly, it’s okay. When you are ready, I will help you change. There is no reason to be afraid. You are safe with Meli and me. We will find your mommy and daddy,” he reassured her.

  Not safe, Mommy say, not safe. Must be a wolf, wolf have teeth, wolf can bite.

  All right little wolf. Let’s go outside in the sunshine. Grigori will keep you safe.

  Grigori looked up at Melisande’s worried eyes. The child could remain a wolf for now. They still needed to buy her some clothes to wear when she did change. Grigori knew Melisande had followed the telepathic conversation through the mating bond and felt the child’s fear. Something wasn’t right. But he couldn’t know what it was until he found the parents. Time would give them more answers.

  Time flew, and before Grigori knew it, he was helping to set the table for dinner so his newly formed pack could eat. Brencis and Valerii had gladly taken time with Rosie’s children to teach them some of the pack laws. They even practiced shifting in the upstairs parlor. Little Joe refused to participate, saying
he wasn’t feeling well. But Grigori suggested that he lie on the couch and watch just the same. Except for a slight blush when Valerii disrobed, Joe watched the exercises with excitement. Melisande brought Carly in, who still refused to change from her wolf form, and the other children played with her. When Carly was all tired out, she fell asleep, lying on the couch with Joe.

  Melisande called the hospital and found out Rosie was scheduled to be discharged the following morning. Next, she telephoned the newspaper and placed an ad, hoping to reach Carly’s parents so they would come to the house. Finally, she called Lord and Lady Ashtown for an appointment to give them the results of her testing on their new tapestry, which had finally arrived in the mail from the Smithsonian. Testing had revealed that the tapestry was indeed an old piece from the 1400’s, and a meeting was set up for the following week. Grigori wasn’t looking forward to seeing Lady Ashtown again, but until Funenko was dealt with, Meli wasn’t going anywhere without Grigori at her side.

  Inspector Lewis reported that Officer Kincaid repeatedly lost the black sedan when he tried to follow it last night. That news gave Grigori pause. How was it that Kincaid kept missing the chance to find Funenko’s lair? Was he being too cautious or was he incompetent? Grigori tried to question Lewis further, but it seemed his trooper’s performance embarrassed him, and Grigori decided to drop the matter.

  Later, he remembered Kincaid had been working security for Lord Barras’ dinner. He also was the one who escorted them to the townhouse and bought Melisande her British beer. Kincaid certainly had no problem downing his pint at the pub. Grigori had been surprised and thought it unusual that an officer would drink on duty. Something told Grigori he needed to take a closer look at Kincaid’s actions.

  The table was set, and the children gathered around to sit with Valerii and Brencis. The pup kept jumping up and trying to get one of Rosie’s children to pick her up, but they all ignored her antics. She yipped and whined. Grigori saw Melisande wanted to rescue the little one. Wait a moment, Melika. I want her to change for us, he sent to her thoughts.


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