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More Than Memories: A Second Chance Standalone Romance

Page 12

by N. E. Henderson

  That’s not why I’m sitting out front of my husband’s office, though, in the back seat of a cab.

  Once a week I take Emersyn to a local church that offers a Mommy’s Day Out so I can have a few hours to myself. I usually write—something no one knows I do—but not today. Today I need to get things from my house, and I want to do it when my husband is nowhere near. The bank he runs is thirty minutes from our house, so I’m here to make sure he’s working before I go home.

  His Lexus is parked on the curb, in front of the building, as it always is, in the vice president’s designated spot. At twenty-eight, he’s the VP of an investment banking company his father owns.

  I’m about to tell the cab driver to take me to my house when I see him exit the glass doors. I quickly duck down in the back seat, not wanting him to see me.

  “Lady, you okay back there?”

  “Yeah. Just give me a sec, okay.” I ease back up when Blake doesn’t look my way. His attention is focused on the black Mercedes double-parked in front of his building. Another car honks, making me look at the car. More specifically at the driver of the car; a woman. A woman that looks vaguely familiar, but I’m not sure why. I can’t see all of her face; just her side profile.

  Blake gets into the passenger side, and then they speed off in the opposite direction the cab is facing.

  “Can you follow the black car that just went that way?” I ask, pointing my thumb behind us. He stares at me through the rearview mirror, looking annoyed, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he pulls out, doing a U-turn in the middle of the road. A slew of honks are geared our way.

  Within a few minutes, less than ten, the car we’re following pulls up to the front of the Madison Hotel.

  “I can’t stop here, lady.”

  “Just a sec, okay.”

  A man, dressed in all black, rounds the vehicle—the valet I’m sure. Blake steps out, as does the woman. It’s then I realize who she is. Courtney Harris. She’s his father’s executive assistant. Blake waits for her to walk to the other side of the car where he’s standing. When she reaches him, he pulls her to his side, and then he plants a kiss on her lips.

  I’m stunned silent.

  Is he really doing what I think he’s doing? What the . . .?

  How long? I’ve only been gone for four days. In four days he’s found someone to bang?

  Yeah. Right. All those times he shut me down about meeting for lunch. I bet this is what the bastard has been doing.


  “Lady, come on.”

  What a fucking pig.

  I quickly snap a photo with the new cell phone Shane arranged for me to pick up from his carrier.

  I have cash at home. I’m always stashing extra cash away for when I want to buy something I don’t want my husband to know about, and I plan on paying Shane back if I’m able to get my hands on it.

  Blake places his hand at the small of her back as they enter the building.

  “You can go,” I deadpan. I can’t believe my eyes. He’s been calling Shane’s phone almost nonstop demanding I come home. Threatening God knows what, because Shane won’t tell me, and all this time he’s off fucking some . . . holier-than-thou, uppity bitch I never liked to begin with.

  Good riddance. I don’t love my husband, sure, but I’ve always been faithful. Even when it’s been hard. When he’s been difficult to deal with, I never once thought about cheating on him.

  “You still have the address I gave you?”

  I gave him my home address right after he pulled up to Blake’s work. I hadn’t planned on staying. I just wanted to make sure his car was there before going to our house.

  “Yeah. That’s where I’m taking you, right?”


  He finally pulls off, and I’m left to my thoughts, wondering if she’s the only woman he’s cheated on me with. The thought sickens me, and not for the reasons they should. My stomach rolls at the thought of what he might’ve caught from someone. What he may have given me.

  I had to let the cab driver leave. I ran up a forty-five-dollar fare by the time he pulled into the driveway of our home. When I dropped Shane off this morning, he left me with sixty dollars in cash. I’m praying I’ll be able to get inside with the spare key I have hidden for emergency situations. Blake doesn’t know about it, so I should be good.

  I punch in our four-digit code on the garage keypad, and then the door starts to roll up with ease.

  So far so good, but I don’t waste any time. I’m not stupid, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Blake doesn’t have notifications on his cell phone that tells him when the alarm has been unarmed. There have been too many times he’s made little comments about the times I’ve gotten home late from picking up Everly from school. That tells me he knows when I come and go. Logically there are two ways: the alarm and my car.

  Shit. I really hope he doesn’t have something installed on my car. I plan to take it with me. In no way do I want to become any more of a burden on Shane than I already am. But I also don’t have a choice. It’s not like I can go to my parents’. They are the cause of this whole mess.

  They basically sold me to someone like they were selling a used car. Lying in bed last night, that’s what I kept thinking over and over. How is what they did much different than human trafficking? I might not have been physically abused, but I was forced to marry a man. I didn’t know I was being forced, but even back then that’s what it felt like. My mother said over and over think about the baby you’re carrying and how she’ll be part of a broken home if you don’t marry and raise her with Blake.

  Once the door is open enough that I can duck under, I do, and quickly jog over to Everly’s bicycle. I keep the spare key inside her empty water bottle that’s attached to the frame.

  In less than a minute, I have the key, and I’m inside my house. The code worked, making me sigh out in relief.

  I spot my purse sitting on the island. I snatch it up as I race down the hall and up the stairs. I hit the girls’ rooms first, throwing as many clothes as possible into Everly’s duffle bag and large tote that she keeps her old stuffed animals in. I grab her tennis shoes too.

  When I picked the girls up from my parents Saturday night, she only had flip flops and her UGGS. She’s been wearing her boots to school, and complaining afterward because it’s been hot. I guess my nine-year-old hasn’t grasped our jacked-up weather in the South, yet.

  Next, I grab most of Emersyn’s clothes, throwing them in with her sister’s. I’ll have to rewash everything to get the wrinkles out, but I don’t care. It beats taking too much time and chance running into Blake.

  I quickly take the bags and my purse out to the garage, throwing everything but my purse into the trunk of my car. My purse, I place in the front driver’s seat for now, then head back inside.

  The master bedroom is on the bottom floor, so I go there, grabbing the biggest suitcase I own from underneath the bed. I start tossing as many of my clothes inside without bothering to take anything off the hangers. I’d rather bring less than take too much time. I have no idea if Blake knows I’m here or not, and I would rather not find out.

  I’m fast. It takes maybe five minutes with how fast I’m rushing. I don’t bother with my cosmetics. I can always buy more.

  With what money, I have no idea. I’m not mooching off Shane, no matter how many times he tells me it’s not mooching. It is to me.

  Once I load my suitcase into the trunk, I get into the driver’s seat. My keys should be in my purse, and after grabbing them from the side pocket, I plug it in, starting the engine to crank the car.

  I feel like there is something I’m either forgetting, or that I need to do, but as I rack my brain, I have no idea what, so I put the vehicle in reverse, pulling out of the garage. Before I get to the end of the driveway, it dawns on me. My cell phone. Of course. I stomp on the breaks, and then I check the inside of my purse. Sure enough, it’s in there.

  I huff. I don’t want to take it. I have
a new one, and this one is connected to Blake. No matter what happens, I need a fresh start. I don’t know what road Shane and I will go down. I know he wants to be in our lives. He wants me. I’m not blind. And dammit, there is a part that feels something for him too. Sure, he’s attractive. Okay, he’s freaking hot. But besides that, it’s the electricity, the spark, the goose bumps I get when we’re in the same room. When he speaks, or when he looks at me it’s overwhelming and exhilarating at the same time. I don’t need him or anyone else telling me what we had was something more than just high school love. I feel it. I see it when I look into Shane’s eyes.

  The question is, can we have it again? And is it something I want?

  Only time will tell I guess. It isn’t like I have any business rushing into another relationship before I end the one I’m stuck in now.

  I don’t feel guilty for being attracted to Shane. My cheating husband certainly isn’t having any problems sticking his dick in someone else.

  Granted, I haven’t given him any in months, but that’s beside the point.

  I roll down the window, and then toss the phone into the grass, not giving a shit. I’m done with this life.

  Now I just have to find my old one again.


  Shane Braden

  I about lost my shit when Whitney picked me up in her car. Had the kids not been with her, I don’t know what I would’ve said. She specifically went against what I asked her not to do. It shouldn’t surprise me. It’s not like she ever did or didn’t do something simply because I requested it, unless it was something she wanted to do.

  That was a quality I used to like—loved, in fact. But right now, I could strangle her.

  For all I know, that jackass could have LoJack installed on her car or some other tracking device for recovery purposes. When I mentioned it, she shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. It’s a huge deal. And on top of it all, I’m frustrated because I haven’t a clue where to check to see if it does. I don’t have time until Friday to take it to the dealership. And even if I do that, he could have reported it stolen and who knows what bullshit we’d have to deal with if he did.

  Luckily, Jacob called me today. We have an emergency hearing scheduled for Friday morning at the courthouse. Thank God, I’m already scheduled off. Asking my boss for more time off isn’t something I want to do. I have a lot of responsibilities in my third year, not to mention being chief resident adds so much more to my plate. I have administration duties I have to get done when I’m not scheduled in the ER.

  I have to stop complaining. I should be grateful this happened. It might have all fell into my lap at the worst possible time, but I’d rather it happen now than to go another day without knowing I have a daughter or without Whitney back in my life again.

  She may be staying in my apartment, but until I can get her to remember—if that’s even possible—I don’t know if I have a real shot at getting us back.

  Taking a sip of the beer I’ve been nursing since we got home, I watch Whitney and the girls from where I’m braced against the small island in my kitchen. Whitney is going through all the clothes she brought from her house, sorting everything.

  We haven’t spoken since I first got into her car. To say I was a tad livid is an understatement.

  The doorbell rings, gaining my attention. I’m not expecting anyone. Kylie is on a plane at this very moment. She’ll be here later tonight. She had an hour layover in Atlanta.

  “Mom, you didn’t bring my Kindle.” Everly pouts as I walk to the door. Everly pauses, looking up at me. It’s something she keeps doing, and I can’t figure out why. I meant to say something to her yesterday, but I didn’t want to scare her away from me. I like that she seems curious, but it’s something else. I know it is with the way she tracks my movements.

  I can’t worry about that now. I have to answer the door. It’s likely Roxanne. It’s not unlike her to stop by to say hi. I hope like hell it isn’t Blake Lane.

  Someone pounds on the door harder, making my insides tighten with dread. But when I pull it open, I’m met with the colorful, loud presence that is Eve Matthews. She throws her arms around my neck before the door opens all the way.

  “Where is she?”

  “It’s good to see you too, Eve.” I pull away. That’s when I see Chance behind her with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.

  “Hey, bro.”

  “Hey, man. I wasn’t expecting y’all . . . yet.” I shake my head.

  “Move,” Eve demands. And before I can stop her she sidesteps me into my apartment. “Holy shit.”

  “Language, Eve,” I bark.

  That’s when she looks away from Whitney and over to the girls.

  “Shit’s a bad word.” Emersyn points her little finger at Eve. “Right, Momma?”

  I see Everly crack a smile, but then she suddenly stops when she sees me watching her.

  “Come on in, Chance,” I tell my buddy. Once he’s through, I shut to the door. Whitney and the kids look at my guests.

  “Y’all, this is Eve and Chance.”

  Everyone’s silent until Whitney speaks up. “Hi. I’m Whitney.”

  “We know.” Chance rocks on his heels with his hands in his pockets.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve stayed quiet long enough. I can’t keep standing still.”

  “Eve,” I call out, fearing what she’s about to do. Eve is an amazing friend. I love her to death, but until you get used to her, she’s a lot to handle.

  She stalks toward Whitney—who has a deer caught in headlights look on her face. Eve has to round the back of the couch to get to her. When she reaches her, she yanks her into her arms, wrapping her in a tight hug from the pained look I see on Whitney’s face.

  “Eve, chill please.” I try again, but she either doesn’t hear me or doesn’t care. I’m betting on the latter.

  Eve pulls back, placing her hand on Whitney’s shoulder then she kisses her. Yeah, full on Eve Matthews affection, right there.

  “I’ve missed you so effin’ much. You have no idea.” I think I see tears in Eve’s eyes.

  “Did you . . . just kiss me? On my mouth” Whiney eye’s her. Eve just shrugs.

  “Whit, meet Eve,” I say. Chance laughs.

  “She already knows me, jacka . . . Ughhhh!” She grits her teeth in frustration at not being able to cuss.

  “You got a beer, man?”

  “Fridge. Help yourself,” I tell Chance.

  “Bring me one,” Eve hollers at her best friend.

  “Eve, you can let her go now.” Eve glares at me out of the corner of her eye but finally does as I ask by letting go of Whitney to turn, facing the girls. They’re sitting on the couch, facing backwards, watching them.

  Lord only knows what’s going through their minds.

  “Who are these little ones?” She looks at each girl, taking them both in one at a time. With Everly, she glances at me, her eyes somber, telling me she sees what’s clear as the sky being blue. When she looks at Emersyn, her face scrunches. “What’s she doing?” Eve asks, making me look to see what’s she’s talking about.

  Emersyn’s eyes are huge. Then suddenly, she starts to clap like she’s excited. “Mommy!” She yells, clapping some more. “It’s Arial.” Chance bursts out laughing as he comes back through, carrying four, open longneck bottles of beer.

  “Here, brother.” He hands one to me, then walks a couple of steps to Eve and Whitney, handing them one. “Arial is my favorite too.”

  “You like The Little Mermaid?” Her small face is full of shock.

  Chance lifts his white T-shirt, showing the mermaid tattoo on his left side. The top of the redheaded woman’s head starts on his ribs with the tail ending right below his hip. Only a part of the full tattoo is on display for Emersyn to see.

  “Sure do. What’s your name, blondie? You look like a little Elsa yourself.”

  Lord, he’s throwing it on thick for a three-year-old. There’s no one Chance can’t win over. Kids

  “Emsin.” She juts her hand out toward him, crashing against her sister’s face as she leans forward. Chance grins, shaking her little hand.

  “It’s Emersyn,” Everly corrects, grabbing her little sister by the waist, gently pushing her to sit on her butt, on the couch.

  Chance raises an eyebrow at me because of her name, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “And you?” He addresses Everly, who tells him her name too, earning me another knowing look from both Chance and Eve.

  I rarely show my skin, so most people don’t know I have tattoos. I don’t do it on purpose. There’s no reason to walk around shirtless unless I’m home. And until very recently, no one else was living here with me.

  All my friends and family know about my tattoos and have seen most of them. They’ve seen the foreverly tattoo and know exactly what it means.

  “Girls, it’s late. Everly, take your sister and brush your teeth, please. I’ll come tuck you in bed in a few minutes.” Whitney moves from behind the couch, walking behind Chance and me until she reaches the loveseat. She sits, tucking her legs underneath her.

  “Come on, Em,” Everly says, grabbing the clothes from the couch, taking them with her.

  After the kids vanish down the hall, Chance leaves his spot next to me and walks until he reaches Whitney. He doesn’t say anything to her at first. He just stares down at her. Whitney looks uncomfortable. I guess if I didn’t know him, I would too. Chance is covered in ink from the neck down. Whereas my tattoos are usually covered, his are on full display. I’m not sure if there’s a surface left on his body he hasn’t tattooed. He’s tall like me, and lean too, but his presence can be intimidating like my brother’s.

  I watch as his eyebrows go from smooth to scrunched several times before he finally breaks his silence. “You don’t remember me, do you?”


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