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Silent Spring

Page 32

by Rachel Carson


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  "Chemicals in Food Products," Hearings, 81st Congress, H.R. 323, Com. to Investigate Use of Chemicals in Food Products, Pt. I, (1950), pp. 388–90.

  Page [>]

  Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Home and Garden Bulletin No. 24 (1961).

  Page [>]

  Mulrennan, J. A., To author, March 15, 1960.

  Page [>]

  New York Times, May 22, 1960.

  Pages 176–77

  Petty, Charles S., "Organic Phosphate Insecticide Poisoning. Residual Effects in Two Cases," Am. Jour. Med., Vol. 24 (1958), pp. 467–70.

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  Miller, A. C., et al., "Do People Read Labels on Household Insecticides?" Soap and Chem. Specialties, Vol. 34 (1958), No. 7, pp. 61–63.

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  Hayes, Wayland J., Jr., et al., "Storage of DDT and DDE in People with Different Degrees of Exposure to DDT," A.M.A. Archives Indus. Health, Vol. 18 (Nov. 1958), pp. 398–406.

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  Walker, Kenneth C., et al., "Pesticide Residues in Foods. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene Content of Prepared Meals," Jour. Agric. and Food Chem., Vol. 2 (1954), No. 20, pp. 1034–37.

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  Hayes, Wayland J., Jr., et al., "The Effect of Known Repeated Oral Doses of Chlorophenothane (DDT) in Man," Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Vol. 162 (1956), No. 9, pp. 890–97.

  Page [>]

  Milstead, K. L., "Highlights in Various Areas of Enforcement," address to 64th Annual Conf. Assn. of Food and Drug Officials of U.S., Dallas (June 1960).

  Pages 179–80

  Durham, William, et al., "Insecticide Content of Diet and Body Fat of Alaskan Natives," Science, Vol. 134 (1961), No. 3493, pp. 1880–81.

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  "Pesticides—1959," Jour. Agric. and Food Chem., Vol. 7 (1959), No. 10, pp. 674–88.

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  Annual Reports, Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. For 1957, pp. 196, 197; 1956, p. 203.

  Page 181

  Markarian, Haig, et al., "Insecticide Residues in Foods Subjected to Fogging under Simulated Warehouse Conditions," Abstracts, 135th Meeting Am. Chem. Soc. (April 1959).


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  Price, David E., "Is Man Becoming Obsolete?" Public Health Reports, Vol. 74 (1959), No. 8, pp. 693–99.

  Page [>]

  "Report on Environmental Health Problems," Hearings, 86th Congress, Subcom. of Com. on Appropriations, March 1960, P- 34.

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  Dubos, René, Mirage of Health. New York: Harper, 1959. World Perspectives Series. P. 171.

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  Medical Research: A Midcentury Survey. Vol. 2, Unsolved Clinical Problems in Biological Perspective. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. P. 4.

  Page [>]

  "Chemicals in Food Products," Hearings, 81st Congress, H.R. 323, Com. to Investigate Use of Chemicals in Food Products, 1950, p. 5. Testimony of A. J. Carlson.

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  Paul, A. H., "Dieldrin Poisoning—a Case Report," New Zealand Med. Jour., Vol. 58 (1959), p. 393.

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  "Insecticide Storage in Adipose Tissue," editorial, Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Vol. 145 (March 10, 1951), pp. 735–36.

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  Mitchell, Philip H., A Textbook of General Physiology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956. 5th ed.

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  Miller, B. F., and R. Goode, Man and His Body: The Wonders of the Human Mechanism. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960.

  Page 191

  Dubois, Kenneth P., "Potentiation of the Toxicity of Insecticidal Organic Phosphates," A.M.A. Archives Indus. Health, Vol. 18 (Dec. 1958), pp. 488–96.

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  Gleason, Marion, et al., Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1957.

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  Case, R. A. M., "Toxic Effects of DDT in Man," Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. 2 (Dec. 15, 1945), pp. 842–45.

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  Wigglesworth, V. D., "A Case of DDT Poisoning in Man," Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. 1 (April 14, 1945), p. 517.

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  Hayes, Wayland J., Jr., et al., "The Effect of Known Repeated Oral Doses of Chlorophenothane (DDT) in Man," Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Vol. 162 (Oct. 27, 1956), pp. 890–97.

  Pages 193–94

  Hargraves, Malcolm M., "Chemical Pesticides and Conservation Problems," address to 23rd Annual Conv. Natl. Wildlife Fed. (Feb. 27, 1959). Mimeo.

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  ——, and D. G. Hanlon, "Leukemia and Lymphoma—Environmental Diseases?" paper presented at Internatl. Congress of Hematology, Japan, Sept. 1960. Mimeo.

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  "Chemicals in Food Products," Hearings, 81st Congress, H.R. 323, Com. to Investigate Use of Chemicals in Food Products, 1950. Testimony of Dr. Morton S. Biskind.

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  Thompson, R. H. S., "Cholinesterases and Anticholinesterases," Lectures on the Scientific Basis of Medicine, Vol. II (1952–53), Univ. of London. London: Athlone Press, 1954.

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  Laug, E. P., and F. M. Keenz, "Effect of Carbon Tetrachloride on Toxicity and Storage of Methoxychlor in Rats," Federation Proc., Vol. 10 (March 1951), p. 318.

  Page 196

  Hayes, Wayland J., Jr., "The Toxicity of Dieldrin to Man," Bull. World Health Organ., Vol. 20 (1959), pp. 891–912.

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  "Abuse of Insecticide Fumigating Devices," Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Vol. 156 (Oct. 9, 1954), pp. 607–8.

  Pages 196–97

  "Chemicals in Food Products." Testimony of Dr. Paul B. Dunbar, pp. 28–29.

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  Smith, M. I., and E. Elrove, "Pharmacological and Chemical Studies of the Cause of So-Called Ginger Paralysis," Public Health Reports, Vol. 45 (1930), pp. 1703–16.

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  Durham, W. F., et al., "Paralytic and Related Effects of Certain Organic Phosphorus Compounds," A.M.A. Archives Indus. Health, Vol. 13 (1956), pp. 326–30.

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  Bidstrup, P. L., et al., "Anticholinesterases (Paralysis in Man Following Poisoning by Cholinesterase Inhibitors)," Chem. and Indus., Vol. 24 (1954), pp. 674–76.

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  Gershon, S., and F. H. Shaw, "Psychiatric Sequelae of Chronic Exposure to Organophosphorus Insecticides," Lancet, Vol. 7191 (June 24, 1961), pp. 1371–74.


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  Wald, George, "Life and Light," Set. American, Oct. 1959, pp. 40–42.

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  Rabinowitch, E. I., Quoted in Medical Research: A Midcentury Survey. Vol. 2, Unsolved Clinical Problems in Biological Perspective. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. P. 25.

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  Ernster, L., and O. Lindberg, "Animal Mitochondria," Annual Rev. Physiol., Vol. 20 (1958), pp. 13–42.

  Page 202

  Siekevitz, Philip, "Powerhouse of the Cell," Sci. American, Vol. 197 (1957). No. 1, pp. 131–40.

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  Green, David EL, "Biological Oxidation," Sci. American, Vol. 199 (1958), No. 1, pp. 56–62.

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  Lehninger, Albert L., "Energy Transformation in the Cell," Sci. American, Vol. 202 (1960), No. 5, pp. 102–14.

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  ——, Oxidative Phosphorylation. Harvey Lectures (1953–54), Ser. XLIX, Harvard University. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1955. Pp. 176–215.

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  Siekevitz, "Powerhouse of the Cell."

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  Simon, E. W., "Mechanisms of Dinitrophenol Toxicity," Biol. Rev., Vol. 28 (1953), pp. 453–79,

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  Yost, Henry T., and H. H. Robson, "Studies on the Effects of Irradiation of Cellular Particulates. III. The Effect of Combined Radiation Treatments on Phosphorylation," Biol. Bull., Vol. 116 (1959), No. 3, pp. 498–506.

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is, W. F., and Lipmann, F., "Reversible Inhibition of the Coupling between Phosphorylation and Oxidation," four. Biol. Chem., Vol. 173 (1948), pp. 807–8.

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  Brody, T. M., "Effect of Certain Plant Growth Substances on Oxidative Phosphorylation in Rat Liver Mitochondria," Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., Vol. 80 (1952), pp. 533–36.

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  Sacklin, J. A., et al., "Effect of DDT on Enzymatic Oxidation and Phosphorylation," Science, Vol. 122 (1955), pp. 377–78.

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  Danziger, L., "Anoxia and Compounds Causing Mental Disorders in Man," Diseases Nervous System, Vol. 6 (1945), No. 12, pp. 365–70.

  Page 204

  Goldblatt, Harry, and G. Cameron, "Induced Malignancy in Cells from Rat Myocardium Subjected to Intermittent Anaerobiosis During Long Propagation in Vitro," Jour. Exper. Med., Vol. 97 (1953), No. 4, pp. 525–52.

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  Warburg, Otto, "On the Origin of Cancer Cells," Science, Vol. 123 (1956), No. 3191, pp. 309–14.

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  "Congenital Malformations Subject of Study," Registrar, U.S. Public Health Service, Vol. 24, No. 12 (Dec. 1959), p. 1.

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  Brachet, J., Biochemical Cytology. New York: Academic Press, 1957. P. 516.

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  Genelly, Richard E., and Robert L. Rudd, "Effects of DDT, Toxaphene, and Dieldrin on Pheasant Reproduction," Auk, Vol. 73 (Oct. 1956), pp. 529–39.

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  Wallace, George J., To author, June 2, 1960.

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  Cottam, Clarence, "Some Effects of Sprays on Crops and Livestock," address to Soil Conservation Soc. of Am., Aug. 1961. Mimeo.

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  Bryson, M. J., et al., "DDT in Eggs and Tissues of Chickens Fed Varying Levels of DDT," Advances in Chem., Ser. No. 1, 1950.

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  Genelly, Richard E., and Robert L. Rudd, "Chronic Toxicity of DDT, Toxaphene, and Dieldrin to Ring-necked Pheasants," Calif. Fish and Game, Vol. 42 (1956), No. 1, pp. 5–14.

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  Emmel, L., and M. Krupe, "The Mode of Action of DDT in Warm-blooded Animals," Zeits. für Naturforschung, Vol. 1 (1946), pp. 691–95.

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  Wallace, George J., To author.

  Page 207

  Pillmore, R. E., "Insecticide Residues in Big Game Animals," U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pp. 1–10. Denver, 1961. Mimeo.

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  Hodge, C. H., et al., "Short-Term Oral Toxicity Tests of Methoxychlor in Rats and Dogs," Jour. Pharmacol, and Exper. Therapeut., Vol. 99 (1950), p. 140.

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  Burlington, H., and V. F. Lindeman, "Effect of DDT on Testes and Secondary Sex Characters of White Leghorn Cockerels," Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., Vol. 74, (1950), pp. 48–51.

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  Lardy, H. A., and P. H. Phillips, "The Effect of Thyroxine and Dinitrophenol on Sperm Metabolism," Jour. Biol. Chem., Vol. 149 (1943), p. 177.

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  "Occupational Oligospermia," letter to Editor, Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Vol. 140, No. 1249 (Aug. 13, 1949).

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  Burnet, F. Macfarlane, "Leukemia As a Problem in Preventive Medicine," New Eng. Jour. Med., Vol. 259 (1958), No. 9, pp. 423–31.

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  Alexander, Peter, "Radiation-Imitating Chemicals," Sci. American, Vol. 202 (1960), No. 1, pp. 99–108.

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  Simpson, George G., C. S. Pittendrigh, and L. H. Tiffany, Life: An Introduction to Biology. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957.

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  Burnet, "Leukemia As a Problem in Preventive Medicine."

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  Beam, A. G., and J. L. German III, "Chromosomes and Disease," Sci. American, Vol. 205 (1961), No. 5, pp. 66–76.

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  "The Nature of Radioactive Fall-out and Its Effects on Man," Hearings, 85th Congress, Joint Com. on Atomic Energy, Pt. 2 (June 1957), p. 1062. Testimony of Dr. Hermann J. Muller.

  Page 211

  Alexander, "Radiation-Imitating Chemicals."

  Pages 211–12

  Muller, Hermann J., "Radiation and Human Mutation," Sci. American, Vol. 193 (1955), No. 11, pp. 58–68.

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  Conen, P. E., and G. S. Lansky, "Chromosome Damage during Nitrogen Mustard Therapy," Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. 2 (Oct. 21, 1961), pp. 1055–57.

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  Blasquez, J., and J. Maier, "Ginandromorfismo en Culex fatigans sometidos por generaciones sucesivas a exposiciones de DDT," Revista de Sanidad y Assistencia Social (Caracas), Vol. 16 (1951), pp. 607–12.

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  Levan, A., and J. H. Tjio, "Induction of Chromosome Fragmentation by Phenols," Hereditas, Vol. 34 (1948), pp. 453–84.

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  Loveless, A., and S. Revell, "New Evidence on the Mode of Action of 'Mitotic Poisons,' " Nature, Vol. 164 (1949), pp. 938–44.

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  Hadorn, E., et al., Quoted by Charlotte Auerbach in "Chemical Mutagenesis," Biol. Rev., Vol. 24 (1949), pp. 355–91.

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  Wilson, S. M., et al., "Cytological and Genetical Effects of the Defoliant Endothal," Jour, of Heredity, Vol. 47 (1956), No. 4, pp. 151–55.

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  Vogt, quoted by W. J. Burdette in "The Significance of Mutation in Relation to the Origin of Tumors: A Review," Cancer Research, Vol. 15 (1955), No. 4, pp. 201–26.

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  Swanson, Carl, Cytology and Cytogenetics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1957.

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  Kostoff, D., "Induction of Cytogenic Changes and Atypical Growth by Hexachlorcyclohexane," Science, Vol. 109 (May 6, 1949), pp. 467–68.

  Page 213

  Sass, John E., "Response of Meristems of Seedlings to Benzene Hexachloride Used As a Seed Protectant," Science, Vol. 114 (Nov. 2, 1951), p. 466.

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  Shenefelt, R. D., "What's Behind Insect Control?" in What's New in Farm Science. Univ. of Wise. Agric. Exper. Station Bulletin 512 (Jan. 1955).

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  Croker, Barbara H., "Effects of 2,4–D and 2,4,5–T on Mitosis in Allium cepa," Bot. Gazette, Vol. 114 (1953), pp. 274–83.

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  Mühling, G. N., et al., "Cytological Effects of Herbicidal Substituted Phenols," Weeds, Vol. 8 (1960), No. 2, pp. 173–81.

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  Davis, David E., To author, Nov. 24, 1961.

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  Jacobs, Patricia A., et al., "The Somatic Chromosomes in Mongolism," Lancet, No. 7075 (April 4, 1959), p. 710.

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  Ford, C. E., and P. A. Jacobs, "Human Somatic Chromosomes," Nature, June 7, 1958, pp. 1565–68.

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  "Chromosome Abnormality in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia," editorial, Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. 1 (Feb. 4, 1961), p. 347.

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  Bearn and German, "Chromosomes and Disease."

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  Patau, K., et al., "Partial-Trisomy Syndromes. I. Sturge-Weber's Disease," Am. Jour. Human Genetics, Vol. 13 (1961), No. 3, pp. 287–98.

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  Therman, E., et al., "The D Trisomy Syndrome and XO Gonadal Dysgenesis in Two Sisters," Am. four. Human Genetics, Vol. 13 (1961), No. 2, pp. 193–204.


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  Hueper, W. C., "Newer Developments in Occupational and Environmental Cancer," A.M.A. Archives Inter. Med., Vol. 100 (Sept. 1957), pp. 487–503.

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  ___, Occupational Tumors and Allied Diseases. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1942.

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  ___, "Environmental Cancer Hazards: A Problem of Community Health," Southern Med. Jour., Vol. 50 (1957), No. 7, pp. 923–33.

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  "Estimated Numbers of Deaths and Death Rates for Selected
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  1962 Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society.

  Page [>]

  Vital Statistics of the United States, 1959. Natl. Office of Vital Statistics, Public Health Service. Vol. I, Sec. 6, Mortality Statistics. Table 6–K.

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  Hueper, W. C., Environmental and Occupational Cancer. Public Health Reports, Supplement 209 (1948).

  Page [>]

  "Food Additives," Hearings, 85th Congress, Subcom. of Com. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, July 19, 1957. Testimony of Dr. Francis E. Ray, p. 200.

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  Hueper, Occupational Tumors and Allied Diseases.

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  ___, "Potential Role of Non-Nutritive Food Additives and Contaminants as Environmental Carcinogens," A.M.A. Archives Path., Vol. 62 (Sept. 1956), pp. 218–49.

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  "Notice of Proposal to Establish Zero Tolerances for Aramite," Federal Register, April 26, 1958. Food and Drug Administration.

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  "Aramite—Revocation of Tolerances; Establishment of Zero Tolerances," Federal Register, Dec. 24, 1958. Food and Drug Administration.

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  Von Oettingen, W. F., The Halogenated Aliphatic, Olefinic, Cyclic, Aromatic, and Aliphatic-Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Including the Halogenated Insecticides, Their Toxicity and Potential Dangers. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. Public Health Service Publ. No. 414 (1955).

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  Hueper, W. C., and W. W. Payne, "Observations on the Occurrence of Hepatomas in Rainbow Trout," Jour. Natl. Cancer Inst., Vol. 27 (1961), pp. 1123–43.

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  VanEsch, G. J., et al., "The Production of Skin Tumours in Mice by Oral Treatment with Urethane-Isopropyl-N-Phenyl Carbamate or Isopropyl-N-Chlorophenyl Carbamate in Combination with Skin Painting with Croton Oil and Tween 60," Brit. Jour. Cancer, Vol. 12 (1958), pp. 355—62.

  Pages 225–26

  "Scientific Background for Food and Drug Administration Action against Aminotriazole in Cranberries." Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Nov. 17, 1959. Mimeo.

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  Rutstein, David, Letter to New York Times, Nov. 16, 1959.


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