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Draconians: Complete Series (BWW Dragon Shifter Scifi Romance)

Page 12

by Grove, Scarlett

  “I’m fine.”

  “Loretta. Eventually, the Draconians will leave Earth. You must understand that.”

  “I do.”

  “You still have the right to leave. We made that deal.”

  “I was supposed to mate with you first. Right?” She felt hopeful and numb at the same time.

  “Yes. After we mate, I will give you one million dollars. And you are free to stay or go.”

  “What will happen to you?”

  “I am confident that you will stay with me.”

  She stopped and turned to him, the sky hanging low overhead. The first drops of rain sprinkled on her cheek. “What makes you so confident?”

  “A Draconian’s semen opens his mate to him. It makes her feel as strongly connected to him as he is to her.”

  “It’s an aphrodisiac?”

  “Something along those lines. It only works with a male’s true mate. Only she will open to him in this way.”

  Chapter 11

  Back in the apartment, she threw her jacket on the couch and began pacing around in front of the big window. Her heart felt like it might explode in her chest. Anxiety and confusion assaulted her from every side. She couldn’t get a handle on what she felt or what she wanted. She didn’t even know who she was anymore.

  She played her life back inside her head, thinking about all the choices she’d made that had brought her to this very moment. She wanted to be a stockbroker. She wanted to feel the rush of playing with the market. It had been her dream, since she was a girl, to be able to manage around large sums of money. She’d been so poor growing up with her grandma. She wanted to turn her sharp mind to the problem of money.

  Now that she was embroiled with Mylash, she didn’t know what her hopes and dreams really even meant anymore. She’d have a million dollars by tomorrow, maybe even in a couple hours if he wanted to make love to her. To have so much handed to her in exchange for sex almost felt like cheating.

  Aside from all that, Mylash was an alien. Not just some ordinary billionaire offering her all her dreams. He wanted to take her back to his home planet to be among his people. She just couldn’t imagine it. What would it be like to never see Earth again? Could she handle that? Was Mylash enough?

  “What is it, my little mate?” he said, stopping her from pacing. He put his big hand on her shoulder and caught her chin with his other hand. He forced her to look up into his face. His worried expression made a tear form in the corner of her eye. She didn’t want to disappoint him, but her head felt like it was about to explode. Her heart felt like it might burst from the pressure building there.

  “Mylash. I don’t know what to do. Maybe I should leave. Forget about the money. I don’t think I can go to Draconia. I can’t leave my family.”

  “It’s all right, little mate. We don’t have to worry about this for quite some time. The armada will be here for another ten Earth years.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’m scheduled to be here until human society is stabilized and thriving.”

  “That could be like, a lifetime.” She laughed and a tear let loose from her eye and slid down her cheek.”

  “Indeed.” He hugged her to him. His hard chest was warm and smelled of his sweet scent. She wrapped her arms around him and inhaled. She felt him harden against her stomach. His hand roved down her body and gripped her behind, inching the hem of her dress up over her panties.

  His fingers slid around the back of her thigh and between her legs. He continued to rub in and out, reminding her of what he’d done with his cock earlier that day.

  “I need to be inside you,” he growled, abruptly lifting her off the floor. Her shoes toppled to the ground. He wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to the bedroom. She lay over the bed, her knees shaking. He turned her over on her stomach and unzipped her dress before peeling it off her body. He unhooked her bra and slid off her panties.

  His hands found her ass and he began to knead the globes between caresses of her damp pussy between her legs. He gripped her hips and pulled her up on her knees. Three fingers found her opening and began to thrust inside as his other hand flicked her bud.

  “Mylash,” she groaned, already feeling her orgasm ready to ignite.

  He pulled his fingers away and slapped her ass, making her body vibrate.

  “Like this, from behind?” she gasped as he pressed his cock to her opening.

  “Yesss,” he growled. His voice was almost unrecognizable.

  Loretta groaned and gripped the bedspread, leaning down on her elbows as her legs shook.

  The thick head of his cock pushed through her folds and pressed against her tight entrance. She shoved her face in the blanket and bit the fabric. Pleasure and pain coursed through her as Mylash split her open. His massive width spread her wide as it inched inside her. Her body opened around him, sucking him deeper and wider than her mind could comprehend. The utter fullness of his cock inside her made her mind go blank.

  He held her hips tight, his pelvis hit her ass with a slap. Loretta groaned. The pleasure button inside her was on full alert. She didn’t know if she was coming or going. Her body whirled with unknowable lust. Mylash pulled back and thrust forward again. That’s when she came undone. With each thrust of his hips, her orgasm spread out further, cresting and diving in waves of absolute abandon.

  He ran his hand over her clit as he fucked her hard from behind. She could feel the need in him, the driving force to take her like this. To know he could be inside her at least this one time. He dropped forward and held the back of her neck. His hips pumped her hard into the bed.

  She was a mindless flesh, built for pleasure and need. Mylash roared over her, his cock expanding even more, impossibly thick within her. His hot semen pumped deep in her womb, exciting yet another pleasure sensation at the depths of her core. He leaned back, holding her hips steady before he pulled away.

  He gathered her in his arms and pulled a blanket over her fragile form. Her mind still orbited somewhere in outer space while her body twitched and throbbed from Mylash’s love.

  “Holy shit,” she gasped. She lay her head on his chest and felt his semen slipping down her thigh. She was in such a daze that she didn’t even care that he’d just come inside her. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. Nothing made sense.

  She held him as she listened to his heartbeat under her ear and the heat of his body radiated against her skin. She didn’t know when she fell asleep, but the next thing she remembered was waking up under the blanket with Mylash nowhere in sight.

  It was getting dark outside and she could hear the faint sound of the television in the living room. She put on a robe and walked through the big doors. Mylash sat at the couch, watching basketball again. She slid into the chair beside him and snuggled against his chest. His arm wrapped around her and she let out a long breath. Her body was sore from the sex, but the soreness had a kind of pleasure that made her want even more.

  She tucked her feet under her and watched the TV screen, not thinking about anything. All of a sudden, the screen went to digital fuzz and a second later, there was a man in a mask on the TV. She recognized the masks from when she’d been taken hostage. It was the Human Liberation Coalition. Mylash growled and swore in Draconian.

  “We, the people of the Human Liberation Coalition, demand all Draconians leave Earth immediately. We demand that all traces of Draconian technology be wiped from the face of the Earth. All females who have mated with Draconians will be executed. All young born of such unions will be executed. The Draconians are a scourge on our race. They have interfered long enough. We demand they leave this planet and never return. Anyone who does not stand with us is in league with the enemy. We will deploy bombs on cities and towns who do not declare their allegiance to the ideals of a Draconian-free Earth. Humans of Earth. It is time for your liberation. Join us or die. You have been warned.”

  The video feed blipped out and basketball came back on the screen. Mylash swore again. “W
hat just happened?” Loretta asked. It just wouldn’t end. She put her hand to her brow and gripped the lapels of her robe together at her throat.

  “The bastard terrorists are releasing their manifesto,” Mylash growled, looking at streaming data playing over the inside of the wrist of his uniform. A man appeared after that and began talking. Mylash quickly stood up. “Yes, sir. I saw the feed.”

  “Why is this still a problem, General Shin?”

  “I am distracted, Commander. But I have been making progress. I will deal with this matter immediately. Soon, my mission here will again have my undivided attention.”

  “We all understand the trials of the mating impulse, General, but let’s not allow the race of our women to implode while you seek to spill your seed.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll be in for debriefing within the hour.”

  He ran his finger over his wrist and turned back to her. “Loretta. I’m sorry. I have to go. I will return soon.”

  He pulled a credit card from somewhere within his suit and handed it to her. “This card is for an account in your name. It has the million dollars already in it. Do what you please with it. When I return to this apartment, I hope to find you here.”

  “Mylash, I…”

  He swept in and kissed her mouth passionately, lifting her up off the ground. “I’ll see you when I return, beloved little mate. Then I will claim you as my own. The dragon within will no longer harass me. We will make beautiful babies together and have a full and happy life.”

  He turned away and strode out the door, leaving Loretta standing alone in the room, holding a million dollars in her palm.

  Chapter 12

  Loretta was left dumbfounded. Thoughts raced to her mind. She had no idea what to do. Should she go? Should she stay? Everything was a jumbled mess. The one thought that she could hold onto was the idea of bringing money to her grandmother.

  She hurried into the closet and found a suitcase. She threw clothes inside it and hurried into a fresh pair of pants, a sweater, a jacket, and a pair of comfortable tennis shoes. She would have to travel back to Alabama as quickly as possible and that meant getting a hover flight out of the airport. She hurried downstairs and out the front door of the building, onto the street. It was rush hour traffic and she couldn’t hail any taxis. She checked her phone and found that the subway was only a few blocks away.

  Her mind was racing as she made her way around the corner to where the subway entrance stood at the end of the street. She hurried down the stairs and into the damp darkness of the underground. The sound of the train screeched to a halt. She ran her card through the turnstile and it allowed her through. She stood on the platform with everyone else and found the train that would take her to the new hover airport. She quickly got on. It slid forward into the dark tunnel.

  The subway was packed with bodies, everyone going home from work or school after a long day. The faces of the people told the stories of what they were feeling. Just the day before, the city had been bombed by a terrorist group that also bombed three other cities around the globe. Just moments ago, the terrorists had threatened to kill anyone who stood against the Draconians. It was a frightening time and she knew that everyone else was as scared as she was.

  The subway screeched to the next stop and passengers boarded and disembarked before the doors slid closed again and the train continue down the track. She rode along for several miles, stopping at each station until the tunnel grew longer as it went out towards the new hover airport.

  Loretta gripped a handrail as the lights blinked on and off and the sound of the hover jets vibrated through the retrofitted subway. Out of nowhere, the crack of an explosion burst all around her. Cement crashed overhead. Alarms blared and the lights went out. People screamed and shrieked all around. The red backup lights went on, casting a dim glow over the panicked passengers. Loretta wanted to scream and cry, but all she could do was sit there silently, the tears not even falling down her face. She couldn’t panic anymore. She couldn’t allow the fear to control her any longer. This was the last straw. She wasn’t going to let her life be dictated by the agendas of others anymore. She would take her life into her own hands and make her own decisions from now on.

  If she didn’t want to be a traumatized victim of yet another bombing, she was going to have to stand up and learn to be a survivor. She dropped her case on the floor and went to a young mother whose baby was yowling with terror. Loretta wrapped her arms around the young woman and her baby, making calming noises as they all embraced each other.

  “Thank you,” the woman whispered. Loretta caressed her back and helped her hold the baby, who had already begun to calm down.

  “What’s happening? What’s happening? What’s happening?” a young man wailed in the corner. He was curled up in the fetal position, completely distraught. Loretta went to him and placed her hand on his brow.

  “Is going to be okay. I know General Shin of the Draconian armada. He will come and save us all. Just like yesterday.”

  “You know the Draconian who burned through the building on Wall Street yesterday?” a man in a business suit said, standing up, his briefcase held tightly in his hand.

  Loretta felt intimidated by the man, but she believed in Mylash and his intentions with Earth. She knew more of the story after talking with him about it from a Draconian’s perspective. The news releases that humans were accustomed to seeing only gave a partial story. No one ever really knew what was going on.

  “I know him. He’s a good man with good intentions. I trust him.”

  “Draconians aren’t even real. It’s a government conspiracy to cover up the real truth about why the economy is in the toilet,” said an old man in the corner.

  “All I know is what General Shin told me. I know him to be an honorable man. The Draconians didn’t expect to throw the economy into a depression. They only came here because they needed to replenish their DNA.”

  “We’ve all heard the public service announcements,” said the woman with the baby.

  “Are you one of those Draconian brides?” said the businessman. “I thought you all had to live on their spaceships.”

  “I didn’t say I was a Draconian bride. I said I knew General Shin.”

  “How do you know him?” the old man asked, pointing a gnarled finger at her.

  “I was in the bombing yesterday. He saved us.”

  At that, everyone seemed to shake their head and leave it alone. She went to sit in her chair, the old man eyeing her the entire way. After hearing the Human Liberation Coalition’s manifesto the night before, every human seemed to be a threat to her. With her association to the Draconians, the people who believed in the ideals of the Human Liberation Coalition would want her dead. It was terrifying and isolating. Could she deal with that?

  She sat in the corner and thought about Mylash. She thought about everything he had said and done for her over the last few days. After he’d saved her from the bombing, the first time she’d laid eyes on him, her heart skipped a beat. Later, when he told her she was his mate and offered to give her enough money to solve all her problems, she began to see him as a savior. But her feelings had blossomed into so much more. The love making alone had blown her mind a thousand times. Mylash had also proved himself to be a good and honorable man.

  As she huddled in the red glowing darkness of the subway, all she wanted was to feel his arms around her again. She didn’t care where he was from or where he was going. She didn’t care that he was a different species from her. Everything in her was telling her that they belonged together. She could feel the well of feelings bursting like a thick bubble within her chest. If she made it out of the subway alive, the first thing she would do would be to tell him.

  Chapter 13

  Mylash arrived on the command ship of the Draconian armada and strode onto the bridge where Commander Or awaited his arrival. His commander stood at the helm of the ship and nodded to Mylash sternly.

  “General Shin, what news of the Human
Liberation Coalition?”

  “That broadcast they sent out will have given them away. There must be a signal from their location,” Mylash said.

  “Sir, we zeroed in on the signal, but it is heavily encrypted through the human communication systems,” one of the technical lieutenants said.

  “I’m sure we can find the signal uses our own systems,” Mylash said.

  “If I pinpoint the same electrical signal through our ship’s tracking system, I can see it centered around New York City in the United States. Very close to the first bombing.”

  “The leaders are there,” Mylash said.

  “Whoever sent the video is there,” Commander Or said. “Possibly.”

  “I will look into it and update you with my progress, Commander.”

  “How are the rest of your commandos fairing? I haven’t heard from any of them. They are supposed to report to you.”

  “The commandos are doing reconnaissance over the rest of the globe. They are gathering intelligence and information about the lives of these people. Living among them.”

  “Like you are,” Commander Or said, crossing his arms. The rest of the men on the bridge looked from the general to the commander and back.

  “We agreed to revisit that issue at a later date, Commander,” Mylash said.

  “I have been thinking about the subject and realize that we must make some concessions, especially for your men. They are, as you said, living among the humans. We could all learn something from their experiences.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Mylash nodded his head in a subtle bow and stepped backward and out of the command bridge. He had a job to do and he was determined to do it. He had the last signal from the bombers. Draconian equipment was far beyond what had been released both legally and illegally to the human population. There was no way a human could hide their electric signals from the Draconians for very long.

  Mylash took the transport shuttle back down to New York. After landing at the consulate, Mylash took his hover car back to the apartment building and took the elevator upstairs. When he got inside, he called her name.


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