Stage 6
Page 20
Steve replied, “Yes, we’ve double checked and everything’s ready to go!”
Ben asked, “Would you like to give the signal Jack? We’re all waiting for one tap of this horn, to set off.”
Emotion filled me, as I stepped up to the driver’s seat. Ben was driving, so he held his hands away from the steering wheel. I took a deep breath, and looked out the open door to the world. I pushed the horn, and Kevin pulled the Lamborghini out the door with a loud gunning of the engine. The next cars in line slowly set off after him, and then came our turn. We ventured out, and I realized that we must make quite a peculiar procession for anybody still alive to watch. Nine cars came out of the grocery store, back to back, and at the center was a huge, militarized school bus controlling the whole operation. We meant business. A few minutes later, we were on open roads, traveling on our route straight west across the country. We tested out the radio’s, checking in with each and every car. We named them based on the color and make of the car, so we’d always be able to identify them no matter who was in the car.
I spoke into the mike, “Red Lamborghini, check?”
Kevin’s voice came in a heavily accented drawl back over the radio, “Ahh, copy that Yellow School bus, we can hear you loud and clear.”
All the radio checks went off perfectly, and everything was going according to plan. A few hours later, I was kneeled down in the back next to Lucy, making sure her wheelchair didn’t roll around so much as we accelerated.
We approached a town with an obvious Infected presence, and Kevin’s voice came over the radio again, “Ahh Yellow School bus, this is Red Lamborghini and I’d like to report a town up ahead with zombies confirmed. Should we proceed?”
Steve turned to look at me, grinned, and asked, “Let’s go?”
I smiled back and turned to Lucy, and asked her, “Let’s go?”
Lucy then reached her good arm around me and kissed me. Stunned, a huge grin spread over my face.
Then she smiled and said, “Let’s go Jack. Let’s go.”