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Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)

Page 9

by Lilian Roberts

  “Oh Sebastian, I’ve been dying inside unable to help you, and make you feel better,” she whispered. Her lips pressed his in a hot kiss. Sebastian chuckled when she gasped as his hands closed around her breasts. Waves of ecstasy travelled like wild fire through her. Their lips remained locked as her hands caressed the muscled planes of his back.

  “I want you….” he murmured, and she gasped again.

  His hand stroked her breasts, awakening every fiber in her body. His mouth claimed hers with wild demand. She moaned through the kiss and pulled him closer. He bent down and set his mouth on her breast as her body bowed toward him and his lips closed around her hard bud. His breath was hot and her body surrendered with exhalation and expectation.

  “What in the world was I thinking?” he murmured, as his lips found hers again and held her to a fevered kiss. She exhaled with eagerness, as she was sure of what was about to come.

  God! Will I ever stop wanting this man? I don't think I’ll ever have enough of him!

  Sebastian hauled in a deep breath, and bending one more time, he crashed her lips beneath his. Arielle set her hand on the back of his neck and held him to her, moving into him in a demanding way. His hands moved restlessly, claiming every part of her body and she moaned, intoxicated by his very existence. His arms were now firm around her body and with a swift move he pulled her underneath him and stretched his body on top of her. She gasped as she felt his erection brushing her thighs and she muted a scream of elation.

  “I want you,” she murmured, and their eyes locked as their lips remained together in a ferocious kiss. The heat intensified to a painful point of want, and eagerness, and lust. He wasn’t going to prolong this intense need, and without holding back he pressed into her, every muscle locked with a frantic hunger. Their lips were still locked and they both were panting hard through the explosion of emotions that swept over them while their bodies were merging into this amazing love dance.

  Arielle’s breath held in her throat, as her body arched upward and her nerves tightened. She was afraid she was going to shatter every nerve, every muscle, and every fiber swirling in this crashing wave of ecstasy. Sebastian groaned and dragging in a deep breath gripped her buttocks and pressed in one more time imploding, taking Arielle with him into an intoxicating climax. The sensation was so powerful that it was enough to make her scream in frenzy. She wrapped her arms around him and held him to her as his body relaxed and his head lay against her chest.

  Sebastian exhaled deeply and smiled wide at the feel of her heartbeat. “I love you,” he whispered.

  She sighed, overwhelmed with incredible fulfillment. All she ever wanted was to give him pleasure. He finally lay back, closed his eyes, and exhaled deeply as his arms pulled her closer and held her tight.

  “My desire for you is something I’ll never understand,” he murmured as he nuzzled her hair.

  “I couldn’t face your rejection another day,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry, baby, please forgive me,” he murmured. “I love you and will for eternity.” His lips found hers and held her to a passionate kiss. She pressed herself closer to him and smiled, content.

  “Did you have a nice time with Gabrielle?” he asked.

  “Yes, it was wonderful, the water was a bit cool but the sun was warm. We've always loved spending time together.”

  “Did you talk to any guys?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “You’ve got to be joking?” she said, gazing into his beautiful emerald eyes. Her eyes roamed his perfect body. He looked like a Greek God, a specimen of perfection and unbelievably he was hers to love and to have anytime she wanted. She chuckled with extreme pleasure.

  “I'm a very jealous and selfish man when it comes to you,” he murmured.

  “I don’t look at other men,” she said in a very firm voice.

  “Even if they're good-looking?”

  “Better looking than you?”

  “Yes,” he replied.

  She couldn’t believe her ears. “Sebastian, you couldn’t possibly believe that there are humans out there who possess your flawless immortal looks.”

  “Is that what you love about me? The immortal looks?” he was watching her carefully.

  “Certainly not!” she protested. “I love you, Sebastian, but having met some of the women in your immortal world, your attraction to me is a puzzle,” she murmured.

  He looked concerned as his arms pulled her fast on top of him and his eyes rested on her face, looking like he was reading her very essence.

  “You're the core of my very soul; you give meaning to my miserable life.” He pulled her down and his tongue thrust into her mouth, giving her ecstasy. She kissed him feverishly and rolling off to her side, let her hands caress tenderly every part of his body. He moaned as she watched a hot volcano infusing his eyes.

  “What are you doing to me?” he gasped and she laughed aloud. He was aroused again.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” he said, and she knew that she had her old Sebastian back.

  “I've never heard of anyone dying from pleasure,” she chuckled.

  “In the last two years I’ve not been able to explain the constant frustration that surrounds my very existence,” he said. His voice was doused in pure desire.

  “I don’t understand,” she said, confused by his statement.

  “Arielle, you’re like an invariable need that I can’t elucidate. When we’re apart I ache for you and when we’re together that ache actually intensifies. How do you explain that?” he seemed desperate for an explanation, as he gazed at her in complete wonder. He fell silent for a few moments.

  “I feel the same way,” she broke the silence, as she bent down and claimed his lips with hers.

  “Arielle,” he groaned as his hands moved, touching, caressing, enjoying, taking over every inch of her body.

  Sebastian had been sure that after two years he knew everything about this beautiful girl who’d turn his world upside down. He was shocked to find that every day there was something new driving his need for her to implausible heights. His hands moved fast enclosing her and pulling her tight against his body as he rolled over taking her with him and landing on top of her again. He heard her gasp with anticipation and he lost it. His need was so extreme that he had to be careful not to hurt her. Soon they were moving to the soft rhythm of pleasure and he heard her moan, gasp, and cry out in pure ecstasy and that took his body to a higher level. She was warm, soft, and the fragrance of freesia filled his nostrils, making him smile in bliss. His desire drove him to an ultimate stage when she arched her hips up, wanting more. Fire shot through every layer of his body and he was now burning up. He thrust his tongue in her mouth to devour her as he tightened his hold on her and heard her soft whisper.

  “I love you, don’t ever leave me,” she murmured, and he felt her body shudder as his muscled clenched and he imploded. She lay totally exhausted and he collapsed next to her in utter bliss.

  Why would she ever have to ask me not to leave her? That would be like choosing to stop living. He rolled over and, lifting up on one elbow, gazed down into her beautiful sapphire eyes as his lips curved up to the smile he held only for her.

  “I’ll never leave you, Arielle, I’ve told you over and over again that I can’t live without you. I’m here to stay until you don’t want me anymore.”

  His amazingly faultless face was but an inch away as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to feel his beautiful luscious lips against hers. She smiled, completely satisfied that this man loved her and would be hers for as long as she lived. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips in frustration. The painful reminder of Sebastian remaining on this earth after she would be gone surged through her mind. She felt his soft lips on her forehead and his musical voice caressed her ears.

  “What’s bothering you, baby?”

  “I was just remembering how jealous I get when I think about you remaining on this earth after I’m gone,” she chuckled, sulkily.<
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  “You’re not going anywhere.” His arms were pulling her up against his body and his mouth was searching for hers, as she heard him murmuring.

  “I’ll make sure you remain on this earth with me for eternity. Can’t you just trust me?” She felt the warmth of his body and she was content. She felt exhausted, as she lay back down and he encircled her in his arms, settling in for the night. Sebastian was back and what a comeback! She smiled blissfully and drifted off to sleep.


  The week before the wedding Troy and Sebastian’s friends flew in, this time ready to party hard. They showed their support for Ian and Eva’s new identities and welcomed them in their secret immortal world, while Gabrielle and Arielle still couldn’t wrap their brains around the idea of immortality. Troy kept up his complaining about Gabrielle being away from him for a whole week and the guys were amused. Arielle spent quite a long time with Gabrielle, Eva, and Loren while the guys partied nonstop.

  Paul and Ian educated the immortal boys in the English stag weekend’s version and the mini-holiday before the wedding, as they called it. The girls knew that immortals loved to spend time together, boating, skydiving, golfing, and horseback riding. These guys could go to the end of the earth and back since they had no restrictions and no limitations. They could tell that they were into the party mode and ready to indulge.

  Sebastian asked Eva to stay with Arielle. He was worried about Gaston showing up while he was away. Arielle understood his concern but she wasn’t going to live her life afraid of breathing each and every day. She was sure Annabel knew that she created a frightful environment for Arielle and she must've been extremely happy about that.


  It was the Monday before the wedding and Gabrielle had already moved in with her parents for the week. Troy’s friends stayed at the house, while Jon, Pierre, and Jacques stayed with Sebastian and Arielle. Troy moaned and complained every single moment about Gabrielle staying with her parents. Eva and Arielle were stunned about Troy’s relentlessness and how much he complained about Gabrielle being away from him for a whole week. On one hand they thought it was cute, but on the other, that he was absolutely ridiculous. On Tuesday, Arielle got ready to move in with her parents so the guys could have the house and party without any girls around. Sebastian asked her to take a walk down to the beach so they can talk.

  “I want you to stay with Eva, I don’t want you being home alone,” Sebastian said. Arielle heard anxiety in his voice.

  “Nonsense,” she said defiantly.

  “I don’t want to worry about you,” he said, low-voiced. “Arielle, I don’t like the fact that Gaston showed up,” he continued, with a sterile voice, as they made eye contact and he looked alarmed.

  “Gaston? Why would you worry about Gaston? I thought you'd worry about Annabel,” she said, shaking her head in surprise. He looked deep into her eyes and she saw a muscle twitch in his jaw.

  “Annabel told me that Gaston was here for you,” he said with an anxious voice and she recoiled.

  “That’s just crazy, I don’t believe a word of it. She’s just trying to get you upset and frighten me.” Arielle gazed in his anxious eyes and pursed her lips.

  “He was my best friend, we did everything together. We never had a single fight over anyone or anything until you. He severed a friendship that was solid, built in concrete, because of you. I never knew he was an immortal and I’ve no idea when he became one, however I can think of a thousand reasons why he’d keep something like that a secret.” He cleared his throat awkwardly and pressed on.

  “One thing I know for sure is that he goes after what he wants with no hesitation or concern for anything or anyone until he satisfies his desire. You. Are. What. He. Desires.” He emphasized each word. Her jaw dropped and she felt a lump climbing up her throat. His arms pulled her against his body and held her tight.

  “I’m not going anywhere if you stay here alone.” He was unyielding.

  “Do you really think he’s here for me?” she asked with a trembling voice.

  “Yes, I’m sure, because I know how he thinks. The morning after you left Calais he came looking for you. I told him to leave you alone. He was furious with me and walked out, but not before saying, 'I’ll look for her no matter how long it takes and she’ll be mine.' I brushed it off, as I thought it was just his bad temper,” he said with a soft smile. “He usually got over girl tantrums fast, but this time he was serious. I didn’t know he was an immortal; I didn’t know any immortals in those days. I knew they were sought out by the government and when found they were murdered. I’m sure that's one of the reasons he kept it quiet. One thing I know for sure, he was in love with you because to my astonishment he severed our friendship for good. I saw him a few times after that, but we never had the same relationship. I never saw him or heard anything about him again, until you brought his name up when you returned from Calais.”

  “Sebastian, I’ll go and spend a couple of nights with my parents. They keep asking me and I just never have the time.”

  “But you're going to spend a week with them before the wedding.”

  “I know, but you can go and have fun and I’ll be all right.”

  “I don’t like to come home and not find you here,” he said anxiously.

  “You can’t be with me every moment of every day,” she replied, quite amused.

  “Yes I can. I’ve made a commitment to do that for eternity.”

  “Be serious; that’s quite impossible,” she said rolling her eyes.

  “I guess you don’t know me very well.” His voice was immovable.

  “I think this'll give you time to think and maybe work out the things that are bothering you,” she said looking at her feet.

  He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face to meet his gaze. “What are you saying?” he asked with concern.

  “I missed you, Sebastian, and even though our encounters are back to normal, I know you need to work a few things out.” She felt a sting in the back of her eyes and saw a shadow cross his. She continued without waiting for him to reply. “I was looking forward to spending some time with my father, and you won’t have to worry if you don’t make it home one night.”

  “All right, if that’s what you want,” he said, pulling her into his arms and holding her tightly.

  “I love you,” she murmured and their lips locked in a glorious kiss. They walked back to the house with their arms wrapped around each other.

  “I didn’t get the chance to tell you how I felt at Eva’s wedding,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  His lips curved up to that wonderful smile and gazing in her eyes he murmured, “Watching you walk down that aisle was excruciating. You were so beautiful and so amazing that I struggled to keep myself from running to you, picking you up and taking you home.”

  “I'm sure glad you didn’t do something like that. It would've been utterly embarrassing for all of us.” She laughed in pleasure.

  “I’ll try to control myself at Gabrielle’s wedding,” he said, a smile lifting the corner of his mouth.

  Chapter 8

  A WEEK BEFORE Eva’s wedding, Gaston attended an immortal gathering in Italy with a close friend, Cinzia Salerno. Cinzia was quite the socialite and very well-known in immortal private circles. She was in love with Gaston, but knew he was the untamable type. Girls loved him and he wasn’t willing to give his love to just one girl. Cinzia called and pleaded with him to be her date for the night. He accepted even though he didn’t know the host, but he did like Cinzia, and was always passionate about fun.

  When they arrived, the party was already in full swing, champagne flowing in abundance. He recognized a few faces, but most of the guests were strangers to him. Somewhere in the mist of all the drinking, dancing, and loud conversations, he noticed a lot of racket coming from a small group of men. They seemed to be chatting enthusiastically among themselves and passing around several photos. Their dialog was loud enough fo
r everyone in the room to hear. They were looking at the pictures and talking about their holiday at St Jean De Luz, in France. He looked again but didn’t recognize any of them.

  He wasn’t the least bit interested at their conversation, or their photos. He wandered slowly through the rooms with a drink in his hand and chatted casually with a few people. Eventually he ended up back into the main room, and carried on a boring conversation with a few girls who approached him, eager for his attention. He looked over in Cinzia’s direction and saw that she was lost in a dialogue with a friend. He sighed, brushing his hand across his hair in sheer boredom. He was ready to walk outside for a smoke when he felt a nudge at his side. He braced himself for another boring chat as he turned and came face-to-face with a beautiful girl in her mid-twenties. She hesitated as her honey-colored eyes scanned his face and she seemed to forget what she was about to say. Gaston held her gaze and smiled. He finally broke the silence.

  “Can I help you?” he asked softly.

  “Um…” she seemed to be in a haze. She coughed a couple of times to clear her throat. “Could you please pass this photo to the girl over to your right?” she said bashfully and handed him a photograph.

  He took it absentmindedly and kept his eyes on her.

  “Um…thank you,” she murmured delicately. She tried to keep her composure, but her body language told Gaston otherwise.

  “Sure,” he chuckled. He averted his gaze from the girl to the photo and glanced at it in passing. It reflected a few happy guys and girls on a beautiful beach. His hand with the photo was moving slowly to his right when suddenly, something resonated in the back of his mind. He realized that two of the faces looked quite familiar. He pulled his hand back and scanned the photo carefully. His eyes narrowed and focused on the two faces in the middle. He swallowed hard and drew a breath, eyes fixed on those two faces. He gasped and took an even closer look.


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