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Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)

Page 11

by Lilian Roberts

  Annabel’s pacing came to an abrupt halt. “Oh, Gaston, I made a big mistake. I turned Sebastian to an immortal a long time ago.

  “What are you saying Annabel?” Gaston drew in an anxious breath.

  “Sebastian's an immortal now because of me,” she said. She laughed and it was a laughter of loathing and contempt. Then she sighed deeply but remained silent.

  “What is it?” he finally asked breaking the silence.

  “Gaston, the line between hatred and love is very thin, actually barely visible. I didn’t want him to die. I wanted to make sure that I could punish him for centuries to come. I wanted my revenge to be long and painful,” she said, and her eyes looked wild, filled with revulsion. “I was never going to let him be happy with another woman. I'd make sure I killed whoever he loved, just to deliver pain and misery in his life.”

  “So what’s going on? Where is he?” he asked, pretending nonchalance.


  “What?” he asked.

  “I never really cared about his unimportant escapades with different women throughout the centuries. However this time around he's given a ring to a miserable human and planning to get married,” she grimaced and cursed out loud. “I hate them both,” she shrieked and pounded on the table. “I’ll never let this marriage take place.”

  “Whom is he marrying?”

  “I told you, some miserable human.” Her lips pressed in a thin line.

  “Who is she?” he persisted.

  “Her name is Arielle and I loathe her,” she murmured, and cursed again. However she didn’t go into details about how many times she’d already tried to actually get rid of her for good. Her thoughts were interrupted by Gaston’s thoughtful voice.

  “I met a girl by that name and her two sisters, back in Calais.”

  “When?” she asked a bit curious.

  “Oh, way back, when Sebastian and I were in our twenties.”

  “Then, I’m sure she’s not the same girl. The name is just a coincidence.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked and hauled in a deep breath.

  “Yes, I’m very sure. This girl is definitely human.”

  “Do you happen to have a photo of her?” he asked.

  “Why?” She was now searching his face.

  “Well do you? I need to see the girl’s face.”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I do. I’ve used the photos when I need to locate her whereabouts.” She laughed contemptuously. She walked over to an end table and pulled a photo out of the drawer. She handed him the photo and watched him carefully. Gaston gasped in utter shock. It was Arielle, his Arielle.

  “Annabel,” he said, in a husky voice. “I met this Arielle girl back in the 1500s. Back when Sebastian and I were in our twenties. Way before he met you. She and her sisters were at a gala his parents gave in Calais. She couldn’t possibly be human and still here after more than 500 years.” He stopped talking and hauled in a deep breath. He ran his hand irritably through his hair in sheer frustration.

  “I don’t know anything about the Arielle you met,” she said. “But there’s nothing in this world that I’m more sure of, than the fact the marriage between this Arielle and Sebastian is never going to take place.

  “But…” his voice trailed off. His expression was that of complete confusion. Annabel understood there was a lot more going on in his mind. Gaston appeared unable to separate his meeting with Arielle back in Calais and Annabel’s testimony.

  “But what? What's so upsetting to you?” she was now sitting next to him watching him extremely close.

  “Annabel,” he said, and exhaled deeply. He gazed in her eyes looking for answers.

  “Are you sure this is the same girl?” she asked and pointed at the picture.

  “Yes, I’m positive,” he murmured, and silence fell between them. She looked totally mystified but soon enough she broke the silence.

  “Well I’m not sure what all this means. I can tell you that I’ve met the girl and she’s human.” Her reply was stern, her eyes fixed on his face.

  “Annabel, I’d like to see her again. Can you arrange that?”

  “Why are you interested in this girl?” she asked, looking at him with extreme curiosity. Gaston shifted uncomfortably, as he couldn’t help the odd feeling that traveled like a heat current through his body. Arielle a human! How strange, he thought to himself. He hesitated for a moment.

  “How long have they been together?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Almost two years, but, Gaston, why do you care about Arielle?” she asked again giving him a serious look. He gazed deep into Annabel’s eyes, as emotion poured out of his mouth.

  “I’m in love with her,” he murmured.

  Annabel shot out of her seat, as if she was on fire. Her body was locked in a shocked position.

  “What?” Her shocked green gaze swept over his face. “What?” she asked again extra forcefully this time.

  “I’m in love with Arielle,” he said again and watched Annabel’s mouth drop in sheer astonishment.

  “You love her?” she cried out. “When did you meet her?” she tried not to get to excited before having all the details.

  “I told you, Annabel, I met her in Calais. I can’t explain how she can be human and here after 500 years, but I can assure you that this is the same girl.” He pressed the back of his hands to his eyes and cursed quietly in total frustration. “I’m going out of my mind. She's the reason I severed my friendship with Sebastian,” he said, his voice fierce with emotion.

  “What do you mean?” Annabel asked, puzzled. Gaston swept her face with painful eyes and chuckled inconsolably.

  “I told Sebastian back in Calais that I liked the girl and I didn’t want him to interfere. Sebastian and I never argued over girls. If I liked someone, but he really wanted to be with her, I stepped back, and he did the same for me. This time was different. I fell in love with this girl from the moment I set eyes on her. To my astonishment Sebastian moved in on Arielle and wouldn’t let go. I told him I felt strongly about her and that he needed to back off, but he dismissed me, as if I was a stranger.”

  “What happened then?”

  “We argued, and I ended up leaving his house upset. I went back the next morning to find out if things had calm down between us. At first he was as joyous as always, but when I brought Arielle’s name up he got extremely angry. Bitter words were exchanged between us and that was the end of our friendship. I must admit that I was devastated. Both of my worlds collapsed.” Gaston growled, pain and longing flashed across his eyes.

  “Both worlds?” Annabel whispered inquisitively.

  “Yes, both worlds,” he repeated. “The feeling of being in love for the first time and a long and treasured friendship. Both crashed and gone.” He pressed his lips together as anxiety spread across his beautiful face.

  A long stony silence fell between them. Finally Annabel rose and walking across the room where she poured another drink for both of them. She walked back and, handing him the glass, broke the silence.

  “Maybe I can help,” she said, a sinister smile painting her lips. He raised his eyes to hers.


  She didn’t reply immediately. Gaston watched her intently. He was jolted by her suddenly hearty laugh. He tried to interpret her reaction. Excitement wasn't the word for it. It was pure elation. It felt like time stopped and everything went still. It took a little while before Annabel came out of her jovial mood and now she was smiling wide.

  “Gaston! If I could cry from joy, I'd be crying right now,” she said blissfully.

  “I don’t understand,” he murmured.

  Amusement flashed in her eyes. “This just couldn’t be any more perfect,” she whispered.

  “Annabel, what in bloody hell are you muttering?”

  “Gaston, you're the answer to my long-lingering desire to destroy Sebastian,” she said filled with joy.

  “Me?” he asked, astonished.

  “Yes, can
’t you see the picture? You and I are a match made in heaven.”

  “How is that?”

  “Gaston—Gaston—I—I want Arielle the hell away from Sebastian, and you—you want Arielle for yourself,” she said, and laughed again. “Now, do you see what I’m trying to say?” An evil smile lingered at the corner of her mouth. Their eyes met, his thoughtful. He eventually nodded in agreement.

  “I would like to see her. Do you know where she is?”

  “Funny you ask. My informers have told me that a wedding will take place next Saturday. One of her best friends, Eva, is getting married, and Arielle is in the wedding.

  “Eva! That’s right,” he said anxiously. “Eva was one of her sisters and the other girl was Gabrielle.”

  “That's very peculiar, but both those miserable girls are her best friends, not her sisters,” she said.

  “That’s strange,” he murmured.

  “I plan to show up at that wedding for a couple of reasons,” Annabel said, breaking his train of thought. “The first is to light a little fire under their feet and let them know that I’m here to stay. The second reason is a little more complicated.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Gaston you’re welcome to come with me. I’m sure your presence will provide a strong distraction for your little human,” she said, a menacing smile on her face. “However, I have some unusual plans arranged for Sebastian. It’s my private issue with him, and I’ll handle that alone.”

  “I don’t want to upset Arielle and I definitely don’t want to hurt her,” he said.

  Annabel stood and walked back toward the bar rolling her eyes. Irritation enveloped her as she recalled all the times she’d tried to kill Arielle and failed. She wasn’t going to talk about that with Gaston. She was still doubtful that Arielle was the same person Gaston met in Calais, but if by some weird chance, she were, it would fit perfectly in her evil scam to destroy Sebastian. She could almost see her horrible scam coming to a close.

  Chapter 9

  A WEEK LATER Gaston followed Annabel to Brighton and crept into Eva’s wedding totally unnoticed. Hidden behind a large column, Gaston swallowed hard at the sight of Sebastian. It'd been centuries since he last saw him and Gaston was now overwhelmed with the unpleasant memories of their last conflict. Somewhere in the depths of his soul he really did miss their friendship. He was still lost in thought when his eyes were filled with the most awe-striking vision.

  Arielle walked down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers resting against her chest, an astonishing smile on her beautiful face. His breath caught in his throat and his jaw tightened. He didn’t breath and didn’t blink, terrified that she was just a dream that would disappear. Waves of heat and desire grew bigger and bigger, as the time clicked away. When the ceremony was over he watched her walk out on Sebastian’s arm and jealousy ripped right through him. He zeroed on her beautiful bright blue eyes and he was sure this was the girl he fell in love with 500 plus years ago.

  He and Annabel stood by the side of the large entrance doors and watched their little group stand in the parking lot and chat cheerfully. They looked so happy and he was drawn into deeper sadness. Suddenly she looked up as if she sensed their presence and he saw a terrified look on her face. Why would she be so terrified? He never did anything to hurt her or even give her the idea that he wanted to hurt her. Gaston stepped to the side and hid himself from her direct view. He was startled when Annabel grabbed his hand tightly.

  “We’ve got to go now.” She didn’t look like she was expecting a reply. She moved in that immortal speed of hers and he followed. They ran for a long while and Annabel stopped a couple of times to scan around them to make sure they weren’t being followed. When they reached a large park she stopped him and pressing his hand made him face her.

  “What happened?” he asked, hauling in a deep breath.

  “They saw us and Sebastian is coming after me,” she said. “Here's where the second part of my plan starts, and I need to do this alone. Gaston, you need to go and stay with my friend Andrew; he's expecting you. I’ll come and see you tomorrow.

  “Will you be all right?”

  “Sure, I’ve everything arranged. Don’t worry about me,” she smiled, an unforgiving, meaningful flash in her eyes. Gaston was sure all of her anger was directed toward Sebastian.


  It was a couple of weeks before Gabrielle’s wedding and a warm beautiful July day. Arielle had agreed to meet Gabrielle and Loren at the Lanes. Sebastian left for the office very early, but not before waking her up and claiming, to her delight, what he knew was his, and only his for centuries to come. While driving to the mall, the vivid memory of their morning encounter flashed back in her mind. She felt heat spreading across her body and smiled wide, trying to concentrate on the road. She chuckled aloud, realizing the wild effect Sebastian had over every aspect of her life.

  When she arrived, she scanned the parking lot for a vacant spot, but to her disappointment it appeared quite full. She drove around hoping to find an empty spot that wasn’t so obvious at first look. She really wanted to be a little closer to the shops, but she was a bit frustrated, there were no parking spaces available. She decided to drive toward the very end of the lot and to her surprise found the perfect spot wedged between the wall and a large van. The car would be parked under a huge tree that would keep the inside cool while she was shopping. She smiled, pleased, even though she was a bit further from the shops, but today she was happy to walk. She turned the engine off, and twisting grabbed her purse from the back seat. She pulled the strap over her shoulder, and shutting the door, pressed the lock button on her key fob. She chuckled when she heard the familiar click of the lock. She took a deep breath, filling her nostrils with the salty scent of the ocean, and started to walk.

  The walk from the parking lot to the stores was a hike, but the weather was wonderful. She looked around and smiled. Huge trees full of green leaves surrounded the parking lot, creating an amazing contrast against the clear blue sky. The sun’s brilliant surface nestled in the middle of that smooth unending space, giving Arielle an amazing warm feeling. She marveled at the sight and picked up her pace. The plan was to shop for a couple of hours at their favorite shops and then have lunch. Loren was going to indulge them by pretending to have lunch. Arielle chuckled at the thought of the immortal world she was living in.

  She was utterly lost in joyous thoughts about Sebastian, when a voice penetrated her mind.

  “Arielle!” She froze mid-stride and gasped. The voice was very familiar, familiar enough to send fright down her spine. The air suddenly changed from warm and comfortable to icy cold. She shivered and started to hyperventilate; her heart started to pound in her chest, spreading searing pain through every fiber of her body. She couldn’t breathe; she gulped a mouthful of air and felt faint. Suddenly she knew he was standing right behind her.

  “Arielle!” the voice was now soft. This time she spun around and froze in place as the most stunning crystal blue eyes met hers. Chill was an instant reaction to his presence and her voice came out quivery but clear.

  “Gaston!” she stammered. “What are you doing here?” she immediately knew it was a stupid question. The uncomfortable sensation continued, leaving her profoundly apprehensive. His last statement to her flickered in her mind like a neon sign. “I always get what I want, and you're what I want.” She pressed her lips together and tried to ignore him as if that was possible by staring at the ground.

  Without another word she turned and started to walk again picking up pace. He kept pace with her. She was trying to avoid any conversation with him, hoping to get to the location where she was to meet Loren and Gabrielle. She felt the weight of his gaze on her, but didn’t turn to look at him.

  Gaston was watching her carefully, a smile spreading across his face.

  “Arielle,” he said again. His voice carried a demanding tone. “I need to talk to you. Can we please sit somewhere and have some tea?” he asked. She stoppe
d walking and turned to face him. He reached out for her hand, but she stepped back, putting a little more distance between them.

  “Gaston, I’m completely aware that you aren’t interesting in eating or drinking any type of human foods, so please don’t insult my intelligence.” She felt a rush of vivid recollections from Calais and paused feeling awkward. She inhaled deeply and looked up at him, avoiding direct eye contact.

  “What do you want, Gaston?” she asked through clenched teeth.

  “I want to know about the link between the Arielle in Calais and the Arielle in this century,” he said as he inched closer.

  “Calais was a long time ago,” she said and noticed Gaston’s mouth stiffen.

  “That’s exactly why I’m here,” he said. His voice troubled, his eyes filled with wonder. “I don’t understand the correlation between you in Calais, and you right here, in the 21st century, knowing you're human,” he said, accentuating his question. “How can that be possible? You're here, and I just don’t understand.” He ran his hands through his hair and mumbled something inaudible. He paused for a moment as his gaze swept over her face. “You have to say something, because I’m going out of my mind.” His eyes hardened and his jaw clenched. He waited for a reply. Finally, unable to bear the silence, he said slowly, “Arielle, I’m not going anywhere, so you better start talking.” He pinched the tip of his nose, tilted his head to the side and gazed at her, his expression inscrutable.

  Anxiety stirred Arielle’s emotions mixing with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She turned her head to avoid a direct gaze into his eyes.

  “It was time-travel,” she replied quietly, her voice slicing through the silence.

  “Time-travel!” he exclaimed. He looked shocked.

  Strangely enough, Arielle thought she owed him an explanation.

  “Yes, time-travel,” she said again. “I met Sebastian a year ago in St Jean De Luz while on holiday with my family and we fell in love. One of my immortal friends has this special gift. The time-travel to Calais was my birthday present. I wanted to meet Sebastian before he became an immortal. That’s how you and I met. Gaston, I was already in love and engaged to Sebastian for over a year. And even though you're amazing, my heart is already with Sebastian. Do you understand now?” She was trying to make sense out of a very weird situation.


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