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Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)

Page 15

by Lilian Roberts

  She was filled with warmth and love for this man, the only man in her life. The man she wanted like no other, the man who took her to incredible heights in bed, reaching emotions of ultimate ecstasy. She was sure she couldn’t live without him. His arms tighten around her and he crushed her against his hard, muscular body. His mouth found hers in a hungry, obsessive kiss and she moved into him, surrendering mind and soul. They clung to each other like magnets, heat and fire pulsing between their bodies like opposite conductors.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, baby?”

  “I was afraid of what you might do. It's so close to our wedding day and I didn’t want any problems. After all, he really didn’t hurt me.”

  “Didn’t hurt you? What are you saying? He compelled you to want him,” he said softly. “What if he took you somewhere, what if he went a lot further than just a kiss and an embrace?” his lips were stretched in sheer anxiety. “I can see that he's obsessed with you and he might even break the immortal code.”

  She watched him carefully. “Can he make me love him and forget you?” she enunciated each word.

  “Yes, he can,” he said thoughtfully.

  She moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “I love you so much!” she whispered, lifting herself on tiptoes to touch his lips. He bent down and kissed her hard, possessively, selfishly.

  “I have to do something,” he murmured looking ahead. “I can’t let him do this. Gaston harbors a lot of anger against me and he'll do everything he can to persuade you.”

  She watched his expression change to distress. She tugged his shirt, making him look down at her. “Sebastian, there's not a person in this world who could make me stop loving you. I can’t live without you. I can’t breathe without you. I need you with me to feel whole.”

  Sebastian squeezed her tightly as they walked in the house. “I feel the same way baby, that’s why I have to do something. Loosing you would be the end of me.”

  His mouth found hers again and the kiss became deeper, limitless.

  They readied for bed without any more discussion about Gaston. Once in bed, Arielle pull the covers back and stretched leisurely. suppressing a yawn. Sebastian was watching her intently, wide smile spread across his face. His arms slipped around her and he pulled her hard against him. “I’ll kill anyone who touches you,” he murmured lips against hers.

  Arielle move into him seductively and he loved every minute of it.

  “Can he compel me to do things I don’t want to do forever? Or just for a small period of time?” she asked full of curiosity. Their gazes were locked.

  He winced and groaned but replied, “Yes he can, but…” he paused.

  “But…but…what?” she asked eagerly.

  “Immortals regard the breaking of the sacred code a very serious matter. It’s an oath that should remain unbreakable as long as the immortal roams this earth. When an immortal compels a human to love them, he has to use a lot of his body energy. He will need an enormous amount of Salve to prevent his energy from draining his body quickly. The intake of vast amounts of Salve in the long run will create problems for his self-preservation and the body will slowly perish.”

  “Gosh!” she murmured. She was quiet for a moment. “Well, I suppose that’s a good thing, right?”

  “No, not really. He can compel you for as long as he wants to satisfy his desires and then let you go.” He looked anxious as he continued. “I’m sure that he knows how long he can sustain the compelling without trying to kill himself. Gaston was extremely resourceful when we were growing up. I’ve no idea when he was turned or who turned him but I’m sure his immortal capabilities are now very dangerous.”

  Arielle shivered at those words and snuggled closer to him, into her own private sanctuary, Sebastian’s warm embrace.

  “How can I fight against something like that?” she asked, distressed.

  His arms closed tightly around her. He pulled her closer and gasped as he felt her breasts press against his muscled chest. His mouth found hers and the kiss deepened to that of absolute consciousness, wild desire and hot sensation that traveled through every fiber of their bodies and shattered both, leaving them breathless.

  He pulled back, gasping. How can he get so worked up each and every time he felt her touch? He groaned as he heard the blood pounding his ears and his pulse thudding his temples painfully. He hauled in a deep breath trying to control his desire. He heard a soft chuckle and felt her turning to her side without leaving his embrace. She shifted and he pulled her closer, spooning his naked body around hers. He heard her breath easing and her body relaxing in his arms. He smiled warmly. He shifted again. Her skin was soft, exciting, and he trembled at the feel of their naked bodies flush against each other. He nuzzled her hair, and gave her a soft squeeze.

  “I love you, baby,” he murmured softly brushing his lips against her ear.

  “I adore you,” she whispered in a barely audible voice.

  Arielle felt his warmth and knew that this was where she wanted to be for the rest of her life. Eyes closed and on the brink of sleep, she tilted her head up searching for his lips, and he locked them eagerly to a deep passionate kiss. His muscles tensed with excitement and he stopped breathing. Suddenly he froze, as a quick vision of Gaston and Arielle in that tight embrace, and their lips locked in that kiss shuddered his awareness and his pulse leaped to high intensity. Arielle was at the very edge of unconsciousness but she felt his pulse pounding against her body and her eyes snapped open.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing, my love…” he muttered. “Go to sleep.” He pressed his lips against her temple until he felt her relax again, utterly motionless. He snuggled closer and groaned quietly, suppressing the overwhelming emotion of needing more each and every time the heat of her body touched his. He listened blissfully at her soft breathing, and felt the pleasing rhythm of her heartbeat, filling him with shattering emotions. His heartbeat had been stilled for over 500 years and the forfeiture was that of an endless horrible emotion. Immortality was what he had to accept in order to survive on this earth for centuries to come.

  Somewhere in the midst of that thought he dozed off, only to wake a few minutes later, shaken by another thought that settled in the center of his very core. He gazed down on Arielle’s peaceful sleeping face and realized that it was just a vision. She was still in his arms safe and sound. He bent down and pressed his lips softly on her bare shoulder, shivering at the touch of her soft satin skin.

  His thoughts turned to the moment at the beach, when he looked into Arielle’s eyes, and saw that Gaston was conspiring with Annabel to unearth ways to destroy his life. He couldn’t fathom how an argument over a beautiful girl who attended his 20th birthday would unravel in such a wild way 500 plus years later. Gaston and Sebastian’s parents were friends. The boys played and spent time together ever since they were 3 years old. He never knew anything about Gaston’s immortality during their 17 years of friendship. They loved each other, and their friendship was strong and deep, more like brothers. Why didn’t he ever talk about his immortality? Sebastian would've never had divulged Gaston’s secret to anyone. He’d loved Gaston and trusted him with his life. He felt a pang knowing that Gaston never trusted him. He groaned softly. “How did it ever come to this?”

  His mind journeyed back to that hurtful night when their friendship was severed. He didn’t see Gaston for two years after that, not until his wedding day to Annabel. He hadn’t invited him, so he was sure that Gaston was Annabel’s guest. He’d never known how he met Annabel, but now he understood. They frequented the same immortal circles. He saw Gaston a few more times and their meetings were always cordial but never friendly. After he left Annabel he never saw Gaston again.

  Gaston’s name surfaced approximately three times in this century but to this day Sebastian hadn't laid eyes on him. He wasn’t going to allow him and or Annabel to destroy his life. A life filled with the existence of this incre
dible girl who was nestled safely in his arms. Arielle made his world orbit around her. Time stood still each time they were together. He thought back at their encounters and heat spread, claiming every nerve and muscle, making him ache for her in an indescribable way. He muted a groan and tried not to wake her.

  During his very long immortal existence he'd had frivolous affairs with many females, but he’d never met anyone like Arielle. Their encounters were like massive tidal waves and monsoons all wrapped in one. Every time their bodies merged, his emotions were draped simultaneously in heat, intoxication, passion, and exquisite blissfulness. He was overwhelmed with the desire to explore and possess every little grain of her beautiful body, to watch her surrender unconditionally to his every desire and wish. What he found inconceivable was the fact that each encounter left him with a different emotion; one that was greater and more palpable than the one before and he just wanted more.

  Sebastian stayed awake a large part of the night. After a lengthy consideration of every possible angle to his problem with Gaston, he came to a firm conclusion. Christian and Isabella were going to become Arielle’s invisible bodyguards. This seemed to be the perfect solution. He trusted both of them and knew they would provide the safety blanket Arielle needed every moment she was away from Sebastian. Annabel didn’t know Christian or Isabella and she wasn’t going to link them to Arielle and Sebastian’s group of friends. Gaston was sure to show up again and Sebastian wasn’t willing to expose Arielle to his sick methods. He could see in Arielle’s thoughts that Gaston was obsessed with her and determined to persuade her. Sebastian’s lips twisted at the thought. He glanced down at Arielle’s peaceful face, pressed his lips softly against her temple and closed his eyes, hoping it would all work out.


  He woke early in the morning and Arielle was still sleeping in his arms, her bare soft body pressed firmly against his. He smiled blissfully and couldn’t resist the impulse. He bent and took her mouth with his. She shifted and stretching groggily open her eyes to meet that deep green gaze that turned her world upside down and she kissed him back fervently.

  “Good morning,” he murmured his lips still on hers. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Mmm…” she mumbled, blissfully. “Every time I’m in your arms I sleep perfectly.” She turned to face him without leaving his embrace.

  “You’re so warm,” she whispered and shifted even closer. He chuckled and held her tightly.

  “What are your plans for the day?” he asked tenderly.

  “I can’t think right now,” she said gasping, feeling him aroused under the covers. Sebastian smiled, drew a vast breath and, shifting his hips even closer, he felt her quiver.

  “Whatever do you mean by that?” he asked pretending nonchalance.

  “You…you…” she mumbled and gazed into his eyes.

  All Sebastian could see was a dark blue ocean filled with thunderous desire. His body struggled for control and failed miserably. His gaze moved from her eyes to her mouth to her beautiful long alabaster throat, rested on the stunning mounds on her chest and he gasped. His hand moved slowly, encircled one of those mounds and pressed softly massaging and stroking, sending a sweltering wave of heat throughout her body. He then bent down, set his mouth on the other, and lapped eagerly, hungrily, ravenously. She cried out, struggling to breathe. She was lost in a sea of wonder and awe. Sebastian was having a hard time trying to hold back, to enjoy this amazing creature in his arms for a long while, but he failed. He pulled her underneath him; conquered her, and she surrendered. Burning lava enfolded them, muscles tightened and senses soared to incredible heights. They shattered and crashed, fulfilled and spent. They remained in a tight embrace, unwilling to let go.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” he murmured. She chuckled blissfully at one of his favorite phrases. His mouth found hers and he crashed her lips beneath his with scorching desire. His thoughts whirled in unimaginable places. He held her gaze for a long time and a wide smile lifted his lips.

  “What is it?” she asked inquisitively.

  “Nothing…” his voice trailed off and he chuckled. He shook his head, wondering if he’d lost his mind or maybe he was at the verge of going crazy. How could he explain that his endless desire for her was something that pushed his thoughts to a far-reaching level? How could he tell her that all he wanted was to essentially devour her whole, make their bodies fuse so they’d never have to be apart? He certainly couldn’t say all that. That wasn’t the thinking of a rational man. He chuckled again trying to wipe away all these crazy thoughts. She was watching him intently waiting for him to say something.

  “What’s on your mind, love?” she asked curiously.

  “Nothing…nothing at all,” he said again and laughed quietly.

  “It doesn’t seem like nothing to me,” she said probingly.

  “I was just thinking about how I love just being here with you,” he said softly and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “I feel the same way,” she was quick to reply. “I want to just spend a whole weekend doing nothing but lying in bed with you,” she said thoughtfully. “But somehow it’s never worked out that way. Something always comes up. We either have to meet someone, or someone is coming over, or you have some emergency at the office, or a crazy phone call, something… something…something…ugh!” she cried out in exasperation, pushing the covers off and throwing her hands up in the air.

  Sebastian burst out into laughter, while gathering her even closer in his arms. “We’re here now, baby,” he said tenderly and his mouth closed over hers. She gave into the kiss with so much passion that he drew back gasping, brows lifted, wide grin spreading across his face.

  “Well…whatever this is about please keep it up,” he hauled in a deep breath, eyes filled with wonder. She swallowed hard and finally broke out into a hearty laugh.

  “Well…speaking about always something coming up…” her voice trailed off.

  He lifted on one elbow and gazed down at her, watching her with a soft smile. “Yes, I’m listening,” he said, amused.

  “Loren and Eva are coming over. We made an appointment to spend a few hours at a spa.”

  “A spa!” he exclaimed, chuckling. “So…my massages don’t meet your standards?”

  Arielle gazed up at him with an appealing look in her eyes. “When you start what you call a massage, it escalates to something much different,” she said, blushing.

  Sebastian ran his fingers gently over her cheeks. “Blushing, my love?” He chuckled. She smiled.

  “What time are they coming?”

  “At 1:00 o’clock, the appointment is at 2:00.”

  “Well…it’s now 9:30,” he whispered softly. “What are you planning on doing between now and then?”

  “Um…” she chuckled. “I have a suggestion for you,” she mumbled, arms wrapped around his neck tightly. His eyes filled with delight, focused on her lovely face.

  “I’m listening!” he murmured, brows arched in question.

  “I’ll let you massage me. How does that sound?” She giggled blissfully.

  “Oh…do you think I can meet your standards this time?” he murmured as he brushed his lips against her ear.

  “I’m hoping you can. This will be your last chance,” she said, trying to suppress a laugh, holding his gaze. Her hands moved down, caressing the hard planes of his back and he moaned bursting with anticipation. She chuckled softly and her lips were on his, probing inside his mouth to taste his immortal scent. She suddenly pulled back from the kiss.

  “I’m going to get a glass of water, do you want me to bring a glass of Salve for you?” she asked. His eyes snapped wide open.

  “Right now?”

  “Yes, right now,” she chuckled and jumped out of bed. “Stay as you are, I’ll be right back,” she said, looking down at him with lust and desire. She ran her tongue over her lips slowly, trying to savor every bit of his immortal scent left from the last kiss. He could feel the heat of her gaze and saw
the glow of her wet lips and he nearly fractured.

  “No, I…I don’t need anything,” he finally said. The words struggled to leave his lips as he fought the desire to jump out of bed and pull her back in his arms. He watched her walk seductively out of the room, looking back at him with a soft smile. He moaned aloud at the sight. When she disappeared down the hallway he pushed the covers away and stretched leisurely. He put his hands behind his head propped up on the pillows and closing his eyes, waited impatiently. He chuckled at the blistering desire and sizzling thoughts that occupied his mind each and every time they were together. A loud crash of a glass hitting and shattering on the marble floor locked his muscles to an alarming position. His immortal hearing caught each and every one of the shards as they hit and shattered across the kitchen floor. His eyes narrowed to slits fixing his gaze toward the bedroom door. There was a moment of stony, creepy silence. He heard his blood pounding his veins and a cold chill ran through his body.

  “Arielle!” he called out, as he sprang out of bed. He listened for a reply from the other room but nothing, except cold silence. “Are you all right?” he called out again as he ran toward the kitchen. The eeriness of the quiet turned his muscles to unbending steel. He stepped into the kitchen ready to face anything that came along, but the room was empty. His eyes scanned the area wildly. He ran over the sharp pieces of glass that were spread across the kitchen floor and using his immortal speed searched every room in the house, including the garage, and backyard, but no sight of Arielle. His breathing was elevated, as rage started to boil in the pit of his stomach. He stood lost in the middle of the backyard, unable to ponder a single thought, unable to move.

  “Oh…God…please—no—not again!” he gasped aloud, conscious of the significance of the moment. “Arielle!” he cried out, pain searing every muscle, every vein.

  Chapter 12

  SEBASTIAN WAS FROZEN in shock and nervous silence. Where was she? What happened? Who was in the house? How long had they been in the house hidden and waiting? His mind was whirling wildly, but he couldn’t answer any of these questions. This was surreal…what were the odds of this befalling them all over again? He growled furiously as wild thoughts began to churn in his bewildered mind. His eyes narrowed, and he cursed aloud, as he contemplated several possibilities. It was totally unreasonable to suspect a Russian mafia conspiracy, because that chapter had been firmly closed by the immortal group a while back. This was different; he could feel it in his bones. He winced at the name that flashed into his brain like a brilliant neon sign. “Annabel!” The icy eerie possibility of Annabel abducting Arielle was choking him to the point that he couldn’t breathe. Anger, resentment, fury, desperation, and guilt filled him. He sank to his knees in the middle of the backyard and, wrapping his hands around his body, growled in anguish.


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