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Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)

Page 22

by Lilian Roberts

  “What’s wrong with me?” he asked. “Why don’t you want me?”

  “Gaston, I’m not ready to give you an answer right now. I need time,” she said and pressed her lips together.

  “I need to know your thoughts right now,” he pressed.

  She kept her face blank and her voice came out calm and steady. “Gaston, you’re beautiful, you’re astonishing, any girl would die to be with you, but not me. At least not right now. I’m in love with Sebastian. I’ve already given myself to him, body and soul. I can’t just change the way I feel just because you asked me,” she stated.

  “I do understand that you need time,” he murmured. “But I want you to know that I don’t want any other girl. I’ve only ever wanted you and you alone,” he said, trying to reason with her. “I’ll give you all the time that you need, and oh! How I wish you’d change your mind. It'll be much more gratifying that way,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” Arielle recoiled. She knew exactly what he was talking about.

  “Arielle, I’m not going to hurt you, I love you and I’m not going to force you into anything. However, I’m here to stay, so it’s your decision on how you want to go about this, I mean about us. I'll wait for you, for as long as you want me to wait,” His voice dropped to a mere whisper.

  “You might have to wait for a long time,” she warned.

  His eyes narrowed to slits and then he smiled wide. “I’ll wait…” his voice trailed. “Remember that I’ve all the time in the world,” he said and chuckled.

  Eva’s advice was working wonderfully. Arielle needed to remain calm and let Gaston believe that she needed time to adjust. She needed that time to find some more clues for Eva. So when his hand cradled her jaw and pulled her face up to meet his, she didn’t resist. His lips pressed against hers softly and then he let her go.

  “That’s better,” he said. “There’s no need to fight me, I’ll never hurt you,” he said, again softly.

  She nodded and he kissed her again.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. Arielle couldn’t see any reason to resist food any longer. She was starving.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  Gaston smiled, pleased, and, taking her hand, pulled her toward the small table with the food tray.

  “Is this okay or would you like something else?”

  “No, that’s fine,” she replied. She sat in the chair and Gaston took a seat across from her.

  “Gaston, can I ask you a question?” Arielle said.

  “Anything at all,” he replied, eagerly, happy that she was finally talking.

  “Why did you lock me in the room for two days?”

  “Oh, that,” he said and waved his hand dismissively. “I didn’t want you to wander in the dark before you got familiar with the house and the surroundings,” he said softly.

  “Oh,” was all she said. She sank her teeth into the sandwich and he watched her blissfully. She drained the milk and ate half the fruit in the bowl.

  “I love you,” he murmured. “I’ll never get tired of telling you that.”

  She forced a half smile and that seemed to be enough to send Gaston to silly blissfulness. When she was finished eating, she stood and went to wash her hands.

  “Would you like to take that walk now? I’ll show you the house and the property,” he offered.

  “Yes, I’d love that,” she said eagerly. “I need some fresh air.” She was going to look for obvious clues. She wiped her mouth and stepped out of the bathroom. Gaston took her hand, a smile on his face and led her out the door.

  He showed her the house and introduced her to the help. She noticed that there were 4 women and 3 men who took care of the house. They were very nice, very friendly and all of them immortal. So in total there were 11 immortals in the house, including Cecil, Edward, Oliver and Gaston. She was gathering all that information and passing it telepathically to Eva.

  They finally stepped outside into the glorious day. Arielle inhaled a large amount of fresh air and it seemed to give her amazing strength, renewing her mind and body. They walked slowly toward the end of the property and she was astounded. The density of the forest was totally breathtaking. She could smell the ocean and it made her smile.

  “Why are you smiling?” Gaston asked. He'd been watching her face and her changing expressions.

  “Oh, several reasons,” she said.

  “Can you share any of those reasons?” he asked, imploringly. She remained quiet for a short time. When she spoke her voice was soft like a whisper.

  “I can hear the waves lapping against the sand, smell the salt of the ocean and feel the breeze from the trees brush against my skin,” she said.

  Gaston squeezed her hand and she looked up at him. His face was blissful and jubilant. “All I can see is you,” he murmured, and she laughed. Her laugh stroked his very soul. He couldn’t remember another moment in his long life that he felt as happy as he did right then and there.

  However Arielle’s thoughts were far from Gaston; they were resting on another flawless face and she sighed inwardly. She looked back and saw Oliver watching her intently from a window on the second floor. An uneasy shiver coursed through her body and fear spread.

  “What’s wrong with your friend?” she asked, looking up at Gaston.

  “Who do you mean?”

  “Oliver, of course,” she said, pressing her lips together.

  “Why? Did he say something to you when I was gone?”

  “No, I never saw him, but when I do see him, he has a creepy look on his face,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about Oliver. He's happily married. He just admires a beautiful girl when he sees one.” He chuckled.

  ”Where are we?” she murmured. She tried to make her voice totally indifferent.

  “We're on a beautiful island. Away from any person who would interfere with you and me getting to know each other,” Gaston said softly.

  “What island?” she asked. “Gaston, I can’t leave and I can’t tell anyone else, so why can’t you tell me?” Arielle’s voice was a little shaken but filled with anticipation that she might be able to tell Eva her location tonight. “Are you going to keep me in the dark for as long as we're together?” she asked casually.

  He seemed to bonder the thought. “I'll tell you tomorrow.”

  “All right,” she agreed, not wanting to alarm him.

  They spent a considerable amount of time walking through the beautiful manicured gardens, the twisting paths that stretched among the flowerbeds, and the perfectly trimmed hedges. Three large fountains made the view even prettier. When they reached the edge of the property her breath caught from the stunning beauty of the forest that stretched ahead. Arielle’s eyes traveled across the large trees plush with dense foliage, countless trunks and branches covered with moss.

  Gaston took her hand and pulled her down a small trail filled with green sprouts, swaths of beautiful ferns and amazing vegetation growing in frenzied abundance. She heard the sound of running water and soon they came upon a wide creek with crystal clear water rushing down from the mountain toward the ocean. The beauty of the place was something she couldn’t get over. They were deep into the woods when she noticed a gray building nestled in the middle of the forest. It looked like a church with a narrow structure attached to the right of it. The narrow structure was taller than rest of the building but the thick trees prevented her from being able to see the top.

  “What's this building?” she asked Gaston, pointing at the structure.

  “That’s a very old church, with a tall bell tower. It’s not in use any longer. Just a beautiful structure that remains as an old landmark,” he said quietly.

  “Does it have a bell on the top?”

  “Yes, the belfry reaches way above the trees. The density of the forest doesn’t give you a clear view from the ground.

  “Can we go there?” she asked.

  “How about doing that tomorrow,” he suggested. “It's getting late and I have another com
mitment in about an hour.”

  She nodded agreeably and he seemed very pleased. Anxiety crept over Arielle. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep up the charade.

  “Are you tired?” he asked.

  “I’m not,” she said softly. There was a long pause and then he took her hand again and turned toward the house. When he left her at her door, he drew her closer, leaning in, he pressed a passionate kiss on her lips. Arielle tensed then raised her head and kissed him back. Utter shock coursed through Gaston’s body and his breath shivered.

  “Thank you,” he murmured. “I’ll come back later. We’ll have dinner downstairs in the dining room. Will that be all right with you?” he asked softly. She nodded in agreement and he walked away in sheer shock.

  Gaston couldn’t contain himself. He couldn’t believe the change in Arielle.

  When the door closed, Arielle let out a low growl. She fell on the bed and closed her eyes hauling in a deep breath. Her resentment toward Gaston grew by the minute. The frustration over having her life interrupted in such a horrible manner was mammoth. She wanted to believe she was living a nightmare, and any second now she’d wake to discover that the recent events were just a dreadful hallucination. She wanted to be back in Sebastian’s arms. She wanted to get lost once again in that deep green ocean that made life worth living. She wanted to be there for her wedding day. Scorching tears welled, burning the inside of her eyelids and searing soft skin as they trickled down her face. She got out of bed and walked over to the window.

  Gaston, on the other hand was delighted with the outcome. He had absolutely no reason to suspect anything unusual. They were in a remote island, thousands of miles away from Brighton, and Arielle had absolutely no way of communicating with a single soul. He smiled, trying to convince himself that maybe Arielle realized there was no way out of this situation. This was now her new life. So he thought…

  Chapter 17

  GRITTING HER TEETH, Eva speed-dialed Sebastian. “She’s in Fiji,” she said breathlessly.

  “Fiji!” His voice hitched, and his body stiffened.

  “Yes,” Eva said. “She’s not sure where in Fiji, but she thinks the island’s name may begin with the letter V.”

  “Why in bloody hell Fiji?” he cried aloud. The surprising awareness that they actually had a firm location overwhelmed him. Swallowing a curse, Sebastian drew a deep breath. “Is she all right?”

  Eva understood his state of mind. “She’s fine Sebastian. She also said that there's a tall mountain behind the house. As you very well know there aren’t very many mountainous islands in Fiji. That's a great clue and we should be able to minimize the number of Islands we need to search,” she said.

  “I agree. I’ll do a little research and have the details when you get here,” he said.

  “Ian and I will be right over,” she said softly. They were dressed and out of the house within a few minutes.

  They were stunned to find all of Sebastian’s immortal friends there, ready to offer him their complete support once again. Eva looked around and smiled wide. Thirteen amazing, robust, vigorous immortals were more than ready to rescue Arielle. Jon, Pierre, Jacques, Antonius, Girard, and Giani warmly greeted Ian and Eva. They’d all rushed to Sebastian’s side. Christian and Isabella were there. Loren had never left, and even Nathan Shilton came to help his friend in his time of need.

  They all gathered in the library to put down a well-thought-out plan. Sebastian sensed his world was coming apart, and he was struggling desperately to grasp his levelheadedness. His heart thudded with eagerness as something very powerful surged through his thoughts. His arms ached, his lips twisted, he couldn’t imagine his life without Arielle. He loved her deeply, powerfully, and passionately. He needed her more than he needed air. She needed to be back where she belonged—in his warm embrace. He turned to face his friends with a thankful smile. “I just can’t tell you what this means to me. I’m confident that together we can bring Arielle home safely, because without her I’m completely lost.” Sebastian wasn’t sure whom he was trying to convince about her safe return; his friends or himself. He drew a deep breath and tried to still his mind feeling his pulse pounding his temples wildly. He started to pace again.

  He stopped pacing and scanned over the eager immortal faces. “It’s déjà vu all over again,” he said bitterly. “We have to put in place a foolproof plan that will guarantee her freedom without creating problems for any of us.” He stopped pacing, sat and began to elaborate on the bit of information Eva had provided thus far. “Eva connected with Arielle,” he said. “She's in Fiji!” He saw everyone’s face reflect shock and continued. “The name Fiji is displayed on a few paintings in her room, right below the artist’s signature. She also saw a Fiji tag on a car leaving the house. So we’re sure she’s in Fiji, but exactly were, we’re not sure.”

  “Is Gaston the same guy who was at Eva’s wedding reception with Annabel?” Giani asked.

  “Yes, he’s the same rogue,” Sebastian said. A curse escaped him and he pursed his lips irately. “Something that maybe helpful is that Arielle noticed the letter V preceding the word Fiji on those paintings. She also told Eva there's a tall mountain behind the house. She'll continue looking for landmarks and other things to help make our search easier.” He breathed deep and continued. “The presence of the letter V led Eva believe that the name of the island may begin with the letter V. This won't be an easy undertaking, but given our speed and ability we should be able to find her,” he said anxiously and looked around the room to get his friends’ approval.

  They all nodded in agreement. Sebastian rose and started to pace again, hands clasped behind his back. “The fact is that out of 322 islands in Fiji, only 106 are inhabited,” he continued. “I’m afraid my assumption might not be accurate, but after doing some quick research, the number of islands that begin with the letter V are exactly 7. Taking into consideration the existence of a mountain, the number of islands we should be interested in narrows to exactly 5. I think we should first check those islands and if we can’t find her there, then we’ll spread across Fiji and check every inch of the remaining islands.” He winced at the thought of not being able to find her quickly. He was, however, determined, as was everyone else in the room.

  “Do we have anything else that might help to locate Arielle quickly?” Jon asked, gazing at Sebastian thoughtfully.

  Sebastian’s lips twitched in anxiety. “Arielle told Eva that the house has three levels, with countless rooms and long corridors. That makes me believe the house is massive. She also said it’s hidden in a dense forest between the ocean and a very tall mountain.”

  Jacques turned to face Eva. “Eva, let us know as soon as you have something more from Arielle.”

  “Our minds are open to each other. I will text when I have something new,” Eva promised.

  Sebastian looked around to be sure there were no other questions before he continued. “There are 5 islands that begin with the letter V and are mountainous and there are thirteen of us. Do you want to make your own choices or do you want me to do it for you?” Sebastian asked, glancing around the room.

  “Go ahead, Sebastian,” Antonius said, eager to get started.

  Sebastian quickly wrote down the names of the 5 islands, then made the assignments. “Viti Levu is the largest of those islands, so I think Christian, Isabella, Loren. and myself will search that area together,” he said. “Vanau Levu will need a few people as well, as it’s the next largest in the bunch, so Nathan, Ian. and Eva will go to that one.” He assigned Vanua Balavu to Jon and Piere, Vatu Vara to Antonius and Giani, and finally, Vunisea to Jacques and Girard.

  “Hopefully,” he said, “she’ll be on one of those islands. If we don’t find her in any of those islands we'll regroup and scan every inch of the other islands as well.” His expression was wrathful, muscles clenched, lips stretched to a thin line. “The fact is that she's in Fiji,” he continued. “Anything you find, make sure we know. Now’s a good time to exch
ange telephone numbers if they've changed from the last time we did this,” he said. chuckling bitterly. He hauled in a deep breath, made 10 copies of the list and handed them to each one.

  A couple of hours had passed since they’d gathered in the study, and they were all eager to find Arielle. As they started to disperse Eva’s voice drew them all to a halt.


  Arielle got out of bed and wiped her tears away. She walked to the window overlooking the dense forest that extended all the way to the foothills of the mountain. She squinted at the bright sunlight and focused toward the place where she remembered seeing the gray bell tower. She smiled wide when she saw out in the distance the top of the gray structure peering through tree canopies in brilliant gold and a bell that was now sparkling in the sunlight like a jewel of freedom. Her freedom.


  Arielle’s thoughts surrounded Eva, and Eva’s expression became intense.

  Hmm, Sebastian thought, brows lifting inquisitively. He moved close to Eva and waited agonizingly. Eva listened fixedly, making notes, using a vastly superior note-taking method, her mind-map. She founded that easier to use to recall details and scan through them quickly with accuracy anywhere, anytime. Arielle’s voice came through fervently.

  Eva, are you there?

  Yes, Arielle, we're all here,

  Is Sebastian there?

  Yes, he’s right here.

  Eva pursed her lips feeling Arielle’s sadness. Her eyes flickered to Sebastian and she could clearly see his excruciating expression.

  “What's she saying?” Sebastian asked eagerly.

  “She’s asking about you,” Eva said and he groaned painfully.

  Eva, Arielle’s thoughts came pouring into Eva’s mind. Gaston just left the room. I took your advice and made him feel at ease. He thinks I might be considering his offer. I took a walk with him and found that a very thick forest surrounds this house. I can see the ocean on one side and the mountain on the other. There's nothing in sight but trees, water and more water. I did notice an old church in the forest adjacent to the property. A gray narrow medieval-type of bell tower is attached to the right side of the building. The church itself is located on the west side of the property facing the foothills of the mountain. I couldn’t see the top of it from where we stood.


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