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The Highlander Who Saved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 2)

Page 7

by Allie Palomino

  Eric ran in.

  “I haven’t seen her!”

  Saydie came in cautiously. “Nay sir, there’s no sign of her. Her cleaning brushes are intact. The cook said she hasn’t seen her, either.”

  Connor raised an eyebrow at Wynton. A smile crept on Connor’s face.

  Robert ran down the stairs panting. He stood in front of his father.

  “Nay, Father. Her bed is made and looks as if it hasn’t been slept in,” he said, catching his breath.

  Wynton’s angry gaze snapped to Connor’s. Connor proceeded to tell the earl of his demands.

  “Ye won’t get anything unless I know she’s untarnished!”

  “But Father, what about the Marques! Sir Henry Binouix?” Robert said.

  Wynton gave his son a hard stare.

  “Binouix?” Connor repeated, quirking an eyebrow.

  “She’s been promised.”

  Connor felt the words strike him as harshly as a slap on the face.

  “For a hefty sum,” Robert said, snickering.

  “Robert! Enough, you babbling fool!” Wynton said, never taking his eyes off the Highlander.

  So the old man had sold his daughter. Then she hadn’t omitted the fact that she was promised? Did she know? Questions swam in his head.

  “She is of no good to me if she’s been tarnished,” Wynton said.

  Connor’s eyes reflected his hatred. This man was even more repulsive than he’d thought.

  “Those are my conditions. She has not been tarnished…yet,” Connor challenged.

  “Damn ye, Scots bastard! All of ye are bastards!”

  Connor placed a hand on his sword.

  “Why don’t they just keep her? She’s their responsibility anyway!” Robert said. Wynton walked over to his youngest son and slapped him.

  “Shut up!”

  Wynton faced Connor, who was easily a foot taller.

  “She better be as pure as the day she was born!” Wynton barked.

  Robert laughed. “She’s not pure! Never was.”

  Christopher shoved his younger brother hard. Robert stopped laughing.

  “A fortnight and no later. She’ll pay the consequences of yer tardiness.”

  “I don’t care about that but she better be pure! And I wouldn’t lay my hands on her, Scot, if I were you. You’ll not get your ransom and you’ll have bastard children touched by the devil’s hands!”

  What nonsense was this man talking about? Connor turned to leave, sickened, loathing the men who stood before him.

  The others turned and walked towards the door.

  Connor turned one last time. “Ye may want to stay on guard, gentlemen. Anyone could walk into yer keep and cut yer depraved throats. I’m thinking ‘twould be a good thing, that would be,” Connor said and disappeared beyond the doors.

  Connor was seething. No protection in the castle for Maddie. None. And they hadn’t cared at all for her safety. Nay. Wynton only cared about her purity because he had sold her. Sold Maddie.

  Sold his Maddie.

  It made him sick. She was so cheerful and caring and warm. How could she be related to them?

  “She looks nothing like them!” Kiel said.

  “Aye. They were verra light in coloring with blue eyes and she has a mane of dark hair and the yellowest of eyes,” Kirk said, causing Connor to look over at him with a reserved expression.

  “They sold her. And she thinks she’s going to a convent! Wynton showed no more feelings towards her than he would a horse. How could they be nonchalant about her?” Kiel asked.

  Connor wondered the same. How could anyone be nonchalant about her?

  “What did they mean about her not being pure? Do ye think she’s been with a man, Connor?” Kiel asked.

  His stomach tightened and his heart skipped a beat. The thought of her having been with someone else made him ill. He knew she hadn’t been with anyone, though. The way she kissed him. Nay. She has had no experience with men.

  “Nay. She is pure,” Connor said as a matter, and they looked at him curiously.

  “What did Wynton mean when he said that if ye touched Maddie, ye would have bastard children touched by the devil’s hands?” Bruce asked.

  “‘Tis obvious, Bruce. ‘Twas an insult. Maddie would get with child. The English hate Scots and think us as low as the devil. He was comparing a Scots bairn with the devil.” Iain had answered.

  Connor thought about that. A child with Maddie. A child with her spirit. A child with her sharp tongue and wit, all veiled underneath a calm façade. He wasn’t fooled by her calm exterior for one second. He knew she hid her true emotions.

  A baby with Maddie? He rejoiced inwardly. And if the Lord was merciful, a child that wouldn’t be obsessed with cleaning like his or her mother was.

  “What are ye thinking about? Having bairns with Maddie?” Iain jested.

  Connor gave him a serious look and Iain knew that he had.

  Iain hid his satisfaction. Since having met Maddie, Iain knew that they couldn’t go through with the plan, just as his father had said. She’s too good, loving, and trusting. She had trusted them to protect her after only having known them mere minutes. She was innocent. Now, after having seen where she calls home, he had to let Connor know that this plan needed to be dissolved.

  “What are ye thinking about?” Connor asked, looking over to Iain. The rest of the men followed behind their mounts, which gave them some privacy to speak.

  “Ye canna do this, Connor. She’s too lively and trusting. Innocent. ‘Twould break her trust forever if she knew ye were ransoming her. And ye canna seduce her, Connor.”

  “What would ye suggest? I just hand her back to her family?” Connor asked heatedly.

  Iain shook his head.

  “What then, Iain? I’m not to seduce her, I’m not to ransom her, and I’m not to take her back to her family.”

  “How can ye think of taking her back, Connor? They doona care about her well-being! There is no protection for her. They couldna care less about her,” Iain said harshly. “They sold her,” he whispered heatedly.

  Connor gave his brother a hard look.

  “‘Tis not like us to bring helpless women in a battle amongst men, Connor.”

  Though he knew his brother was right, he wouldn’t let reason deter him.

  “Nay, Iain. We will proceed as we have been. Not another word about it!”

  Connor separated from the pack and spurred forward at full velocity. Iain’s words resounded in Connor’s head. The words bothered him because they echoed Connor’s own thoughts.

  He couldn’t go through with this. When the plan had been drawn out, Connor had pictured a snobbish, cruel English lady. That woman would have been easier to deal with. She would have been the complete and utter opposite of Maddie.

  Damn it! Why did this have to be so difficult.

  Chapter Eight

  “Come on, Maddie, they’re waiting!”

  Katie and Maddie hurried outside. Children were sitting around, waiting to see the puppets.

  It had been an eventful week since Connor had gone. Maddie slowly coaxed Katie out of her room. They did little things at first. Maddie asked Katie for help putting flowers around the castle. Then Maddie would ask for Katie’s help in picking more flowers. Maddie slowly eased Katie out of her self-imposed isolation.

  When the clan found out that an English woman was living amongst them, they grew upset. Men and women were hounding Hugh and Malcolm with complaints. Maddie knew about it, but she wouldn’t let it get to her.

  Only the clan’s men and women had a problem with her, though. The children adored her. That is, the ones whose parents allowed them to be outside when Maddie was. Once Maddie had eventually persuaded Katie out to pick flowers, children who were playing by them ran over and curiously asked what they were doing. As Katie was picking flowers and as Maddie was pulling weeds and talking, they turned around and noticed that the children were sitting down, listening to Maddie’s stories. They g
iggled and smiled. That’s how all the activities began.

  They made games out of the most mundane activities. Maddie would ask them to pick a flower to see who could pick the prettiest one. Maddie would set aside some time to tell stories. She even taught the children how to play a game called “hide-and-go-seek.”

  Katie had been the one who thought to make puppets. She and Maddie made two puppets apiece and practiced a story to present it to the children. The children sat all giddy and smiling. As the parents witnessed Maddie in action, more and more allowed their children to go out and talk with the Englishwoman.

  “Are ye ready?” Maddie asked and the children cheered excitedly.

  Katie and Maddie sat on the grass and began the show. The children’s laughter could be heard all over and slowly, even some adults came out to hear it.

  Midway into the play, Katie and Maddie sat up, hearing a commotion coming from near the gates. Katie looked scared.

  “Stay here, Katie. I’ll be right back.”

  Katie took Maddie’s hand, “No, Maddie, please doona go. It might be dangerous,” Katie pleaded.

  “Don’t worry. I promise, I’ll be right back.”

  Maddie patted her hand and rushed on, running after Hugh.

  “Maddie stay back.”

  She didn’t listen.

  Connor and the men rode through. Distress was evident on all of their faces. Maddie’s gaze met Connor’s and she saw worry reflected there. She looked down at the body hanging over the horse.

  “What happened?” she asked, coming nearer. Hugh was next to Maddie.

  “Kiel has been injured. We were ambushed and a blade managed to cut him deeply on his shoulder. The battle was over and one stray man ran towards him. There’s too much blood!” Connor hurriedly said. He dismounted, and he and Iain carried their younger brother. Once they entered the castle, Connor spoke to Aimee.

  “Aimee, where’s Esther? Kiel needs attention now!”

  Aimee shook her head, “Laird, I’m sorry, she’s visiting her daughter. Her daughter is due to give birth any day now.”

  “Is there anyone else, Aimee? There must be someone!”

  “Nay, Laird, I know of no other healer available. Sorcha is also away.”

  “Aimee, please give me my needle and some thread, and please hurry! ‘Tis in my room on the bed still there from making the puppets,” Maddie said. “Connor, place him in the sitting room. I need plenty of strong ale, and a candle. I need some cloth,” when no one was moving, she yelled and clapped, “Hurry! Now! I need them now!”

  Aimee and Bruce jumped to her bidding.

  “Do ye know what ye’re doing, lass?” Connor asked Maddie.

  Her eyes showed annoyance.

  “Aye! Now bring him to the sitting room!”

  Connor and Iain placed Kiel on the floor. Malcolm and Miriam rushed into the room after having found out about Kiel.

  “Oh dear God! All the blood,” she whispered, bringing her hand to her mouth. “The blood!” Miriam said, crying into Malcolm’s chest. Blood continued to ooze out of his shoulder.

  Aimee and Bruce came back with the supplies. Kiel was stirring awake. Maddie kneeled over him.

  “Kiel,” she touched his face, “Can ye hear me? You need to drink these spirits, Kiel. What I will do will be painful. Here, drink some,” she said, holding up his head and letting liquid drop into his throat. He swallowed a large amount of it.

  Maddie stood over him waiting for a few moments as the spirits did what they needed to. Her hand was still on the side of his face. She rubbed his cheek soothingly.

  “Kiel, are you getting sleepy?”

  Kiel’s face lit up and smiled. “Ye’re an angel. An angel. So lovely…” his voice was slurring and growing faint.

  “Good! Aimee, hand me the needle and thread. Sir Bruce, hold the candle and give me the spirits,” she looked at Connor and Iain. “Hold him down. This will wake him again.”

  Once Iain and Connor secured him at both ends, Maddie grabbed the spirits. She looked up at Connor and Iain, looked at Kiel again, and poured a large amount over the wound.

  Kiel soared upwards, screaming. The scream reverberated through the castle. The veins at his neck were outlined and bulging. Iain’s hold was too lax, however. Kiel was so caught up in his torment when he sat up, that he smacked Maddie on the face knowing she was the one that inflicted his pain. This sent her flying backwards. Miriam’s sobs were louder.

  “Hold him still!” Maddie said as she got up, dazed. She waved Connor off when he went to help her. Her lip split and was now bleeding.

  “I have to pour more to cleanse the wound. Hold him!”

  Maddie poured more liquid fire on the wound and Kiel struggled to get out from the grasps of Connor and Iain. He screamed, sweat beading on his forehead.

  “Help him, Maddie, please!” Miriam whispered by Malcolm’s side.

  Maddie checked to make sure the wound was unsoiled. She threaded the needle and held the needle above the candle flame. Once satisfied that it was clean, she began to sew the wound. Kiel didn’t move; the pain of the spirits on his wound placed him into a slumber.

  As Maddie concentrated on her task, Connor studied her. He admired her. She knew exactly what to do and even after being hit as hard as she had been, she still helped Kiel. Not that he doubted that she would stop. Once done and satisfied with her work, she asked Aimee if Esther had any healing salves.

  “Aye, she does, Maddie, but I’m not sure which would do.”

  “The one ye’ll be looking for smells minty and is green. It smells good.”

  Aimee nodded and ran off.

  “Will he be ok, Maddie?” Miriam asked. She was squeezing her hands tightly together.

  She nodded. “Aye. He arrived in time. A bit longer and too much blood may have been lost. The wound wasn’t too bad, ‘twas the cut that that hit a bad spot. The well of blood that is stored there spilled out,” Maddie explained.

  “I didna notice, Maddie! Yer lip. ‘Tis bleeding,” Miriam said, coming over to her.

  Maddie tried to smile but it faltered. Pain lit her eyes.

  “‘Tis nothing, Lady Miriam, really,” Maddie said looking into Miriam’s concerned eyes.

  Aimee came in with the salve.

  “Is this it, Maddie?”

  Maddie smelled it and nodded. She tried to smile, but failed again.

  “Good job, Aimee. Excellent!”

  Maddie grabbed a piece of cloth and applied the salve slowly to the wound. Once done, she wrapped cloth around it. She stood back and looked at Iain and Connor.

  “Take him upstairs. He needs plenty of rest. He’ll be fine, but the bandages will need changing and the wound will need to be monitored to make certain it doesn’t open again. And we must be certain he doesn’t catch fever.”

  Miriam ran forth and hugged Maddie.

  “Thank ye, Maddie. Since ye’ve come here, ye’ve made all of our lives richer,” Miriam said and Maddie hugged her back.

  Miriam pulled back and tears fell down her face.

  “Thank ye,” Miriam said placing her palm on Maddie’s cheek, her voice deep with emotion. She gave her one last hug and started to leave with Malcolm.

  Maddie’s cheeks were flushed, and it wasn’t just from Kiel’s backhand. She couldn’t recall anyone ever having told her such pretty words.

  Connor looked up surprised to see Katie there. Not only was Katie out of her room, but she was smiling, too.

  “Katie?” He looked concernedly from Maddie to Katie.

  “Hello, Connor.”


  Miriam chirped in.

  “Maddie and Katie have been playing with the clan children,” Miriam responded, letting Connor know to halt any questions he may have.

  “Connor, ye failed to tell me that ye had a sister. I was surprised and delighted!” Maddie said.

  Kiel moaned.

  “Please, take him upstairs. He must rest,” Maddie told Iain and Connor.

nbsp; Everyone slowly departed and Maddie was left alone in the sitting room. She was absolutely exhausted. She would just sit down for a minute. Her nerves had been on end,hoping that she could help Kiel.

  She fell asleep on the settee.

  Miriam and Malcolm left Kiel’s room. Iain and Connor stood outside waiting.

  “What’s going on mother? Katie?” Connor asked.

  His mother smiled. He hadn’t seen his mother smile in over a month. She asked them to follow her and Malcolm into their chamber. Once in the room, she told her sons to sit, and she and Malcolm began explaining from the beginning.

  “And once I realized I had overslept, I panicked and went to Katie’s room. Maddie had already been there. Everything was so bright!” Miriam said with an expansion of her arms. “Flowers were there, the room was tidy, and the window coverings were opened!”

  “But how did Maddie manage to convince Katie, when Katie wouldn’t let anyone do that before?” Iain said.

  Malcolm shrugged.

  “I doona know, Iain. But I doona question it. I am just grateful,” Malcolm said smiling.

  “I know why,” Miriam said smiling. “Maddie’s special. No, doona roll yer eyes and call me fanciful. She is. She’s an angel. Even the clan is warming up to her. And the children! They all adore her. Well, those children whose parents allow them to spend time with her.”

  “Who wouldn’t allow their children to spend time with her?” Connor snapped, and stood up.

  Miriam, Malcolm, and Iain exchanged looks.

  “Easy, Connor. They’ll warm up to her soon enough,” Miriam said. She paused a moment and continued. “She slowly coaxed Katie out. First saying she needed help with placing flowers around the castle and next she needed help picking them. I saw it in her eyes. She was slowly calculating how she would get Katie out of her room. She’s smart, that one. And a handful,” Miriam said laughing.

  “How did she start playing with the children?”

  It took many minutes before Malcolm and Miriam stopped laughing enough to tell the story. Connor and Iain looked at each other.

  “Clearly, Maddie’s daft personality is contagious,” Connor said.


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