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Fusion (Explosive #5)

Page 31

by Tessa Teevan

  What Jace said next squelched my laughter.“Trust me, Banks. After tonight, she’ll never call me that again.”

  Jeremy grinned, giving him a thumbs-up. As they got into his car and took off, Jeremy slid his arm around my waist, hooking a thumb in my belt loop. His phone beeped from his back pocket, and his grin widened when he checked whatever text message he’d just received.

  “Is Ava good?” I asked, wondering if his mom was checking in.

  His parents had agreed to keep her since it was our last night in town. I was more than looking forward to a night alone with Jeremy, making love in our condo with the sounds of the waves providing the perfect background noise.

  “Of course Ava’s good, baby,” he told me as he slipped his phone back in his pocket. He peered down at me, but there was something I couldn’t quite read in his expression. “Wanna get out of here?”

  My lips twitched as I pretended to mull it over. He waited patiently, however, so I rose up onto my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  In the car, Jeremey drove in the opposite direction of our condo. I was not surprised in the least when he pulled up to our special beach.

  I was, however, surprised when he took my hand and led me down to the gazebo, where a beautiful sight was awaiting us.

  Jeremy—with some help, I guessed—had recreated the night we’d first exchanged I-love-yous. White lights were strung up and a boom box was playing old-school R&B, and when I craned my neck, I smiled at the sight of a picnic basket and a blanket spread out on the beach.

  “What’s all this?” I asked Jeremy, my heart fluttering the same way it had all those years ago. Hell, it hadn’t ever stopped.

  He took my hand and twirled me around before pulling me into his chest and entwining our fingers. His other arm slid to the small of my back, and we swayed to the sounds of K-Ci and Jo Jo’s “All My Life.” That song had been playing the night he’d told me that he loved me. The perfect song for us, because all my life, I’d loved him. All my life, I would.

  “This is twenty years of loving you, baby,” he whispered.

  I reared my head back and stared up at him. “What?”

  The grin on his face was absolutely breathtaking. “Twenty years ago today, the prettiest little girl came running through this gazebo, and my life has never been the same.”

  “Wow,” I breathed.

  “Wow,” he echoed. “Now, dance with me.”

  I laid my head against his chest and did as he’d asked. His heart was pounding, and mine was, too. Twenty years. Twenty years and I was more in love with him than I’d ever been.

  As he held me close, I squeezed my eyes shut and wished that everyone would find a love like mine. Hoping and praying that tonight, just like so many years ago, Lexi was on her way to falling in love again.

  Because what I had with Jeremy?

  It was every girl’s dream come true.

  Twenty fucking years. I could hardly believe it. Hell, I’d almost forgotten until Jenna had mentioned it. She’d been upset to miss the reunion, but she was nine months pregnant and living in Seattle with Chris. Unable to fly, she’d called to send her best wishes.

  “Can you believe it?” she’d asked right as we were about to get off the phone. “You’re going to be in Navarre for your twenty-year anniversary.”

  “Fuck,” I’d breathed out. 2012. Twenty fucking years.

  Jenna had laughed over the line. “Time flies, baby bro.”

  I scowled. She had two minutes on me and lived for reminding me. “Well, I was definitely having fun,” I said, innuendo in my voice.

  “Yeah, so, hanging up now. Make sure to get her something pretty,” she advised before hanging up.

  I’d already had something in mind for Sierra. In fact, it was hiding away in my desk at the office. I was waiting for the right time to give it to her. Suddenly, I’d known that back in Navarre was the perfect place.

  And now that we were, yet again, back where it had all begun, I wondered where the time had gone out loud.

  As soon as the song ended, Sierra’s fingers raked down my back. Her cheeks were flushed pink with the evidence of her arousal. My gaze fell to her beautifully swollen lips, and my cock twitched at the sight.

  We’d had plenty of foreplay at the reunion. With the surprise at the gazebo, she was primed and ready for me. Fuck. I was always primed and ready for her.

  “Remember the last time we were here?” she asked, her eyes gleaming.

  Did I remember it?

  Fuck yeah I did. It’d been three hours after we’d said, “I do,” right in this very spot. After the ceremony, we’d gone back to the hotel for a dinner-reception for the family. It was very informal and pretty damn perfect.

  Once dinner was done, the cake was eaten—neither of us ending up with it smashed in our faces—we snuck away.

  The first time I made love to Sierra was on this beach.

  The first time I made love to Mrs. Sierra Banks was also on this beach.

  When I looked at Sierra, I knew she remembered that night just as fondly as I was. The way she’d scratched my back and breathily whispered, “Husband,” over and over again is something I’ve replayed many, many times.

  “What do you say we relive that night?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  “Wait. I…I got you something,” I said, stopping her. I was on edge when I pulled the box out of my back pocket. It’d been burning a hole there, and I was anxious for Sierra’s reaction.

  She could be thrilled; she could be devastated. I had no idea.

  She tsked. “Jeremy, it’s not even a real anniversary. You shouldn’t have,” she said.

  I smiled. “Fuck, baby. Twenty years. I’d say it’s a real anniversary.”

  “You know what I mean,” she said, scowling at me.

  I grinned. “I know. Even so, we’re celebrating this momentous occasion, starting with a gift for you.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip as her eyes wandered to my groin. “I know exactly how I’d like to celebrate. And exactly what gift I’d like, for that matter.”

  My crotch tightened. I wanted to please her in the way she wanted, but there would be time for that.

  I ran a hand through my hair before handing the sleek, black box to her. “I wish that, in the last twenty years, I’d gotten more eloquent or romantic or whatever the hell, but the truth is I’m still the same goofy kid who fell in love with the girl next door. I could wax poetic for hours, talking about how the color of your hair reminds me of the brightest sun or how your eyes are so freaking blue, it’s like I see the ocean in them every single day. I don’t write poems or love letters or sing beautiful songs.”

  She laughed, and I was pretty sure we were both remembering the Valentine’s Day where karaoke had gone wrong.

  “I love you, Sierra. Plain and simple. I love you, I love our family, and I love the life we have together. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve loved. And we’ve done all of it the most important way—together. Just as we’ll do everything else.”

  She struggled to blink away tears. Using my thumb to wipe one away, I smiled down at her then handed her the gift I’d brought.

  “I love you, baby. Open it,” I prompted.

  She did as I’d asked, and I held my breath. Her eyes widened when she saw the contents inside. We stood there in silence, nothing but the waves crashing behind me to fill the air as she studied it. Lying against a satin sheet was a white-gold necklace with a custom-made pendant of a moon with a star. The moon held Ava’s birthstone, while the star contained the one for the baby we’d lost.

  Her hand flew to her mouth, and her eyes lifted to mine. “Jeremy, I…” she said, trailing off as her eyes darted between mine “What is this?” she asked in a whisper.

  “This is ours,” I said simply.

  Her brow wrinkled, so I placed my thumb and index finger under her chin to tilt her head.

  “We may have lost a moo
n, baby, but we gained a star. One that was too far out of our reach, no matter how desperately we wanted to grasp it. Now, you can keep its memory close to your heart at all times.”

  Her lower lip trembled as tears welled in her eyes. She held her hair up and turned around. Without hesitation, I unclasped the necklace and fastened it around her neck. When she turned back to me, her hands were up to her chest, fingering the chain. Her voice was shaky when she spoke.

  “Thank you.” She swallowed, lifting her eyes to meet mine. “I will treasure it for the rest of my life.” She took a step forward then placed her arms around my neck. “Just as I will treasure you, Jeremy Banks, for the rest of my life and for whatever lies beyond.” Her eyes were still glistening when she let out a small laugh. “Twenty years, babe. Who’d have thought?”

  That was the easiest question ever.

  Without answering, I scooped her up in my arms and led her to the beach blanket, and for the third time in my life, I pledge my undying love to Sierra in the very same spot. And, just as I always had, the moment I slid into her depths, I paused.

  Fucking perfect.

  It always had been. From the very first time, when I could hardly believe she was giving herself to me, and every single beyond that, it was perfect. It was cliché, I know, but when I was inside her, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this woman had been made for me.

  I’d spend the rest of my life proving myself worthy of her.

  Her hips arched, and her whimpers echoed around us. I held my position then covered her body with mine, using my elbows to brace myself as I took her head in my hands. Her eyes fluttered open and she watched me with a hooded, heated gaze.

  “Who’d have thought?” she repeated.

  “I didn’t just think, baby. I knew. From the very first day.”

  And, with that one last answer, I covered her lips with mine, capturing them in a feverish kiss as I made love to my wife on the beach we’d always call home.

  Even though Sierra and I were using the reunion to push Jace and Lexi together, we were back in Navarre. It was the place where we’d met twenty freaking years earlier, and it wouldn’t have been right if we focused on them the entire time. Which was why we’d ended up at our beach. Which was why, after making love in our favorite spot, we both knew we’d have to shower to get the sand off. Not that I ever minded the excuse to shower sand off Sierra.

  “I wish we never had to leave this place,” Sierra whispered.

  Her fingers were lazily running up and down the skin of my back. I rose up, and my cock twitched inside her, apparently not ready to leave his place, either. I couldn’t blame him. Nestled inside Sierra after she’d just explosively come around me was pretty much heaven. And who wants to leave there?

  I gazed down at my gorgeous wife. Her eyes were glossy, her smile crooked, her cheeks so beautifully flushed.

  Sierra was drunk on the champagne I’d brought. I was drunk on her.

  Would I ever not be?

  I doubted it. Even after all these years, it was still there. The excitement. The electricity. The heat. Our chemistry hadn’t fizzled after seven years of marriage. If nothing else, the more we experienced together, the more combustible we were.

  When people heard how long Sierra and I’d been together, I’d get asked how we’d kept it fresh. New. Exciting. Didn’t I get tired of the same snatch over and over again?

  If they could only see Sierra now, laid out and flushed after toe-curling, spine-tingling ecstasy, they’d never ask again.

  In case you’re wondering, the answer is no.

  I’d never tire of Sierra’s glorious pussy, her incredible body, or her beautiful heart.

  I know that it was most likely unusual for most guys my age, but in all of my life, I’d never touched another woman. I had Sierra Banks. Why would I need to?

  “Whoa!” I jerked the wheel to the side just as Sierra reached over and grasped my cock. The same champagne lust-filled gaze that had been in her eyes when she’d come about an hour earlier was still there.

  After her statement of never wanting to leave, I’d agreed. Begrudgingly, and much to my dick’s displeasure, I’d slid out of her, cleaned her up, then tugged my T-shirt over her head before throwing my shorts on. She’d sat up, put her panties on, and then finished the bottle while we’d gazed out at the ocean and talked about anything and everything. That was Sierra and me. We’d have explosive sex then talk about our days.

  That’s the thing a lot of people don’t seem to understand. You can be completely content with your relationship, comfortable as hell, and still ignite in the bedroom. In fact, I’d venture to guess that it’s better that way. Don’t you want to be comfortable with the one you love? It doesn’t mean it’s boring, especially when she leans over and touches your cock when you’re driving. Boring? Fuck no.

  “I love your penis,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  My face broke out into a prideful grin. “My penis loves you, too, baby,” I informed her.

  “It’s such a pretty penis,” she continued. Her fingers slowly stroked me through my shorts, and a delighted smile crossed her face as he grew beneath her.

  Like I said, my dick loves her, too.

  She licked her lips, causing me to go incredibly hard. Material-straining hard. I had to tear my gaze from her face to focus on the road. My hands gripped the steering wheel even though all I wanted to do was pull off on the side of the road, yank her out of the car, bend her over the hood, and fuck her until the entire city heard her screaming my name.

  Thank fuck we were nearing the condo.

  “It ain’t no love sanctuary,” I said through clenched teeth.

  She laughed a sexy, throaty laugh. Then her hand retreated. It was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because if she’d slipped her hand into my shorts and touched my bare skin, I’d probably have caused a crash. A curse because fuck, I wanted her fingers wrapped around me, stroking up and down until I was coming in her hand.

  Then my beautiful wife decided to torture me, leaning across the car and nibbling on my earlobe as she whispered exactly what she wanted to do to me in the shower.

  By the time we entered the parking lot, I was signed up and ready to become an exhibitionist. I didn’t care about the college kids who were playing beer pong in the driveway across the street. I didn’t care about the janitor emptying trash cans full of beer bottles and takeout. I only came out of my lustful haze when Sierra whispered Jace’s name.

  She tapped my shoulder. “Jace,” she whispered again, her voice breathy, shaky, and a little panicked.

  “What the fuck?” I growled.

  Now, I wasn’t a jealous man by any means. Sierra was fucking hot. If a guy wanted to check her out, whatever—do it, dude. Take your fill, go home, and jack off later. I was the guy in her bed. The way I saw it, I was the fucking winner. It’s like staring at a Playboy. You get to admire the woman in the photo, beat off to her image, and then go about your day. But do you ever think about the guy who’s actually fucking her? The one who makes her come? The one whose name she cries as he pleasures her?

  No, of course you don’t, because that’s just freaking weird. But it’s the truth. Behind every gorgeous woman is a man (or sometimes a woman) who’s fulfilling her needs. I was that guy for Sierra. So, no, I wasn’t jealous. I felt sorry that those fucks wouldn’t ever see her in the throes of ecstasy.

  But Sierra’s whispering another man’s name while my cock was hard for her? No fucking way.

  I reeled back, my eyes wild. “What the fuck?” I repeated.

  She didn’t respond. She just took my hand and pulled me along as we sprinted to the elevators on the far side of the building. She pushed the up button three times. Then she glanced around, and as soon as the doors dinged open, she shoved me in, frantically hitting the doors closed button.

  When the doors shut, she leaned back against the wall and let out a sigh of relief. Her eyes were wide as she watched me.

  “I repeat,
what the fuck?”

  “What the fuck what?”

  “You just said Jace’s name while my hand was in between your legs, Sierra.” It wasn’t really an accusation. More of like I’d asked. A what the fuck.

  “Oh. That,” she said, and my blood pressure started to rise. “I saw him across the parking lot. I’m pretty sure he and Lexi had the same idea as us, so I figured we’d better get out of there.”

  Relief washed over me. It was dumb, because I knew that Sierra didn’t want anyone else, but give a guy a break. My hands. Inside her. Jace’s name.

  “Ah,” was all I gave in response.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Jeremy Banks, were you jealous?”


  She placed a hand on her hip. “You were!” Her words were punctuated with a fit of giggles.

  Ones I drowned out when I crossed the elevator, placed my hands on her hips, and crashed my mouth down on her. My tongue forced its way into her mouth, plunging in, colliding with hers as it wiped his name from it.

  All too soon, we were on our floor. Not soon enough, I was sliding the keycard in the door, pushing Sierra inside. I gripped her hips and led her to the shower, where I all but tore her clothes off then did the same to myself.

  I’d like to say that I took my time worshipping her beautiful body, but after the show in the car, I was eager for her.

  As soon as I had her naked, I guided her under the spray of the shower, taking a perfect, pink nipple into my mouth. She let out a quiet moan as her head rested against the cool tile.


  My whispered name on her lips was like gasoline thrown on an already white-hot flame. I sank to my knees and gripped her slim hips as my lips made their sweet descent, not stopping until I was sucking her clit. Her hands flew to my hair, her fingers tangling and holding on for dear life. Or dear, sweet release.

  God, she tasted so fucking good. If her sweet essence could’ve been bottled up and sold, I’d be the wealthiest man in the world. My lips plundered and ravaged her in a way that would have made the fiercest Viking proud. I took my fill then went back for more time and time again. One taste would never have been enough. A finger, then a second, joined in my crusade, searching for the holy grail that was Sierra’s sweet release.


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