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Demon Romance- Finding Fortunes

Page 4

by Lucile Wild

  Keep Sierra safe.

  A scream pierced the air, and he whirled around. The space around him shimmered in magic, and he froze.

  Cresher lounged in the doorway with a knife to Sierra’s throat. He’d spelled her so that he couldn’t smell her. Her eyes were wide with fear.

  “Stop,” he shouted, and everyone froze. All eyes were on Cresher.

  “So nice of you to join me, brother,” he said as he looked at Damien. “Do you know who this is?”

  Damien cocked his head. “The huntress.”

  “Yes. She’s is a huntress. And I’m about to slit her throat.”

  “Why should I care?”

  Cresher smiled. “Maybe you should ask Preston about that.”

  Damien turned to Preston, and Preston knew he could see the raw and naked fear on him. He trembled knowing that Sierra was only inches from death.

  “This had nothing to do with her,” Damien said in a controlled voice. “Let her go or kill her. It makes no difference to me. You’ve let a full blooded demon top side, and that has to end.”

  Cresher looked around. “You’ve killed my nest.” Preston could see the rage in his eyes. “Now I’m going to watch your own suffer.”

  He pulled the dagger up, and Preston moaned. He was going to sit here and watch Sierra die.

  But Sierra was smiling. The blade came down, and she twisted at the last minute. It sunk into her shoulder, but she was already whirling around. He watched as she pulled a pin from her hair and sank it into his eye. He howled, and she gripped her shoulder, but she was already chanting.


  He looked closer. The pin had a crystal glued to the end. A sleeping crystal.

  It wasn’t big enough to drop him, but it was enough to make him stagger. Damien made his move, but a quick movement from the corner caught their attention. The full-blooded demon streaked from the shadows, grabbed his master, and disappeared.

  “No,” Damien swore. Preston dove for Sierra as she fell, and he caught her.

  “What are you doing here,” he hissed.

  “Followed you,” she panted. “Wanted to help. Fuck that blade hurt.”

  He gritted his teeth as he slit his wrist again. He knew everyone was watching as he healed her with his own blood, but he didn’t care.

  “A sleeping crystal?” he growled.

  She smiled. “I have them stashed all around. I usually wear one at all times. Just in case, follow rule number One. Never go anywhere without a weapon.” She suddenly swallowed hard. “Preston?”

  “Yes, beautiful.” The wound stopped bleeding and started to close.

  “The others are staring at me.”



  “They know you’re my Coyquiha.”

  She gripped his shoulders as he carefully pulled her up. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that I love you. Forever.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and she stared at him. “You do?”

  “I do.” His heart raced. What if she didn’t return his feelings?

  She licked her lips and stared at the others nervously. “Are they going to kill me?”

  Damien laughed. “If a man is cursed with a Coyquiha, he deserves to suffer the consequences.” He turned. “Good job, brothers. Let’s go home.”

  One by one, they filed out. Sierra looked nervously at the bodies. “That’s a lot of blood.”

  He tipped her chin to stare at her. “Do you love me, Sierra?”

  She laughed shortly. “I’m standing ankle deep in blood and corpses. Is this really the time and place?”


  She took a deep breath.

  “I’ve been trained to kill your kind since birth, but I feel different around you. I feel whole and alive. I thought it was just the sex, but it’s not. It’s you. It’s everything about you. I love you, Preston Wellington. I love your demon and your human half.”

  Her confession shook him to the core, and he enveloped her in a slow and long kiss.

  “Preston?” she murmured.


  “I love you, but if you try to seduce me among all these dead bodies, I may never speak to you again.”

  “Shit.” He broke away. “Sorry. Come home with me?”

  She took his hand. “There’s no place I’d rather be.”

  As they walked out of the house, a sudden thought struck him. “Is your father going to kill me when I ask for your hand in marriage?”


  “Hm. That’s going to be a tough barrier to break down.”



  “We’re no longer ankle deep in corpses.”

  He looked down and saw the desire in her eyes. “Sierra, we’re in the front yard of some stranger’s house,” but he was already erect.

  She drew him into the shadows and dropped to her knees. “I want you.”

  And as she unzipped his pants and bared stiff member, he hissed. She wrapped her lips around him, and he knew he’d give his life to protect her.

  His huntress.

  His lover.

  His love.


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