Barbie- The Vampire Hunter Boxset
Page 66
“You want this,” he hissed, his fingers gripping my shirt at the already somewhat sliced neckline I’d created and shredding it straight down until it parted on either side. His palm cupped my bra-covered breast as his mouth found mine once more. I gasped into his kiss—consumed by his volatile movements and words. Fingers gripped my nipple, pinching down through the fabric covering my breast. My eyes closed as I let my head fall back—tearing my lips from his. Torin’s mouth worked its way down my throat as if he couldn’t help himself. “Barbie!” He paused and leaned back, shaking me slightly. “Tell me you want this,” he commanded when my eyes opened and I looked at him through lust-clouded vision. “I don’t know if I can stop if we keep going, but I won’t do this if you aren’t willing—I need to know before it goes too far.” He gritted his teeth as he waited for an answer. One of his fangs sliced through his lower lip. Blood welled up. Just a single droplet.
Despite being the spawn of the monster that had slaughtered my entire family, Torin Priest was truly a good person. I closed my eyes briefly, exhaling. There was no more denying this. I was tired of lying to myself—at least, for now I was. Maybe later, when my mind wasn’t consumed by my vampire, by Torin’s scent, I would change, I’d slip back under the cover of hating him, but for right now, I wanted him this way. My eyes opened. I leaned up and pressed my mouth against his, my tongue swiping out and stealing away the blood that had managed to escape before the minor wound had healed itself. “I want this,” I whispered.
“Thank God.” The irony of a dhampire thanking a divine being was not lost on me. His hands went to my pants, unbuckling my belt. His fingers hooked into the waistband of my jeans and underwear at the same time. He backed away, pulling them down and off in one single, fluid movement—yanking my boots off as well after the fact. Though my back was protected by his leather jacket, my ass met the pavement. I didn’t have to wait long for him to come back to me. “Do you know how beautiful you are to me, Sweetheart?” he asked as he pressed my thighs apart and shifted between them.
I didn’t know about being beautiful or anything, but when he touched me, I felt like something far more valuable than mere beauty. I couldn’t pinpoint it—couldn’t give the feeling a name. When his fingers raked through my hair, though, and his mouth found my neck, there was no denying that a spark of something more was there. As if there were a string inside of me being gently tugged in his direction. Maybe it was all of that vampire mate mumbo jumbo, but whatever it was, it was addictive.
“Torin,” I whispered his name as he kissed my throat, sucked my skin between his teeth and fangs. My own ached with a desire to bite him. I panted, air pumping in and out of my chest at a rapid pace. Hands fumbled below. His already loosened jeans and boxers slid down. He was poised at my entrance, the head of his cock rubbing against me in a way that made every fucking nerve in my body pull taut with need and anticipation. My fingers sank into his shoulders. “Condom?” I managed to croak.
He froze and pulled back. Red eyes stared down at me, lips twisted into a pained grimace. “Barbie…”
I cocked my head. “Don’t tell me you don’t have one,” I said. I swear to fuck, if he got me this fucking hot and bothered, and didn’t have a fucking condom—
“You don’t need one,” he said. “I haven’t been with anyone else since you and even if I had been, you’re not susceptible to STDs anymore.”
“Pregnancy?” I asked. “What—” He shook his head.
He didn’t say it, but then again, he didn’t have to. I got it, and even if I hadn’t, Satrina’s voice whispered through my mind a moment later. And as she spoke, her words were filled with an almost sorrowful note, low, quiet—as if she didn’t really want to say it. Female hybrids rarely conceive, she said. Before, there was a possibility when your body was at least human, but now … you’ll likely never conceive.
She didn’t need to finish. I got the drift. I couldn’t have kids. It was a fucking downer, for sure. Especially mid-sex. But what was I going to say? What was I going to do? I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t want to think about it. About what I was, about what that meant, about yet another fucking thing that had been taken from me—even if I’d never been sure whether or not I wanted kids.
I reached up and curled my hand around the back of his neck. His eyes widened as I arched up and reached back with my free hand. I’d undone my own bra so many times—doing so one-handed while I gazed up into Torin’s bloody gaze wasn’t as difficult as I had expected it to be. The cups of my bra sagged and I released him to pull it off and toss it aside.
“Okay,” I said quietly with a shake of my head. “I don’t care.” I forced those words out, focusing on him—letting all of my attention zero in on Torin’s body hovering over mine. “It’s okay,” I said, wanting to believe it. It was all going to be okay. Not just this. Not just us. But everything. “Kiss me.”
He waited, hesitating, and when it seemed like he might stop altogether, I took control for him. I leaned up further and instead of kissing him, I sank my fangs into the side of his throat in a flash of vampiric speed. The shout he unleashed ripped through my ears and caused whatever chains he’d placed on himself to break.
Torin’s hands gripped me hard. He lifted my hips even as I pulled steadily from his vein and sank his cock into my depths. I closed my eyes and let my fangs retract, licking my lips as a moan bubbled up. Wrapping my arms around him, I pressed my face into his shoulder and the movement of his hips sliding back and forth comforted me.
I could feel him—not just against me, but in me. A violent, abrasive storm cascaded over my mind, but he wasn’t a part of that at all. He was the ship. He was the harbor. He was the safe haven calling me towards him as he pounded into me relentlessly. I didn’t even feel my back hitting the ground—he pumped his hips harder. The jacket was a cushion, but his strength was a fucking wrecking ball. It was nothing. It was very little protection. It was a good thing I was stronger now.
I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter, biting down on my lip as he released me. I was latched onto him so fucking close, I matched every move he made. He trailed his hand between us. I sucked in a breath, feeling the heat of his palm against my abdomen as he moved lower. Torin found my wetness, spreading it from where his cock thrust into me up to where my clit throbbed—a hungry, needy thing. Much like me.
My eyes popped open as he flicked it lightly, moving two fingers in a circle, grinding down on that little bundle of nerves. My own hips jerked in reaction. I couldn’t help it. It was too much. Torin’s head moved back until he could meet my gaze.
“I love you, Barbie.” Those words and the feel of his fingers rubbing into my clit as his cock slammed home sent me careening over the edge—whipping me into a white hot frenzy. My lips parted as I cried out, clamping down hard on him—making it damn near impossible for him to pull out as he, too, found his release.
For a long time afterwards, we stayed like that—him on top of me. Our hearts thudding slowly—galloping to their own beat—matching each other. I laid there, panting. Shocked. It was a wonder no one had come upon us before then. I knew we had to get up, get dressed, and leave, but I couldn’t make my muscles move, and it appeared neither could he. As my breaths sawed in and out of my chest, I had to wonder … how fucking long was I going to deny it? Torin fucking Priest had barged past all my walls. He’d stolen my very life from me. Ignored my wants for his own selfishness.
With those words, a crack in my armor appeared. Even though I couldn’t say them back—not yet—I had to admit, at least to myself, I didn’t … completely … hate Torin Priest.
Chapter 18
My eyes popped open, followed by a rush of confusion. There was blood on my tongue from where my fangs had nicked my lower lip. For a moment, I thought I'd been pulled into another one of Satrina's random worlds, or maybe I was dreaming. Unfortunately, neither was true. Instead, I was standing in the bathroom with the only source of light emanating from one of
Beth's many wall plug-ins, this one in the shape of a diving dolphin. It illuminated the small room in a soft blue glow, directly contrasting with the glowing red eyes that stared back at me in the reflection. The blood came from where my fangs had protruded from my mouth, one of them nicking my lower lip. Even as I stared at myself in the mirror, my tongue peeked out and swiped the blood almost as fast as the wound healed and my fangs retracted once more.
What the fuck? I spoke, but my lips didn't move and it was then that I realized, I wasn't the one standing there. My vampire was.
"Glad you're awake," she said, my lips in the mirror moving as she spoke. "I've been wanting to meet you for a while now."
What are you doing? I demanded. How the fuck had she taken control? Was it because I'd been sleeping?
Sleep is an inhibitor, Satrina agreed. It's highly likely.
This felt so fucking trippy. I was a mass of three voices inside one head. I was the primary owner, but I wasn't the one moving now as Vampire-Barbie leaned closer to the mirror, turning her head—my head—one way and then the other as if she were examining me. Us? This was not easy to keep track of.
“We need to talk,” she said, my lips moving in the mirror.
Talk? About what?
I groaned. Seriously? Can’t you give me a fucking break? Just tonight. We—
“I want to do it again.”
I … didn’t know how to respond to that. So I did the only thing I could think of, I called for my demon. Satrina?
The sound of Satrina’s sigh broke through. Unfortunately for you, Barbie, I am on the vampire’s side in this.
You cannot be serious.
Sex is usually the only thing I am serious about, she said. I’m a succubus, or did you forget?
I hadn’t forgotten, I’d just put it to the back of my mind and tried really fucking hard not to think about it. Can I just … think about it? I asked, pushing the question towards my vampire. I just did … that ... with Torin, and honestly, I need more time to just work it the fuck out in my head. Don’t do this again—the whole waking me up like a sleepwalking body bag.
It was eerie to see my own head tilt to the side in the mirror. “Why not?” she asked, genuine confusion making me—her—us—it—whatever!—frown.
Well, first of all, because it’s fucking weird! I snapped. I don’t need another reason other than it’s my own goddamned body. It was mine first, so I get to be in the fucking driver’s seat, bitch. I pulled back and pushed the next sentence back to Satrina. And I thought you said my vampire wouldn’t take over complete control like this.
Satrina was silent for a moment before she spoke. I assumed your demon side would overpower her, but…
But what? I practically screamed when she trailed off, not finishing her sentence.
“But I’m a lot more powerful than she expected,” my vampire answered with a grin in the mirror. A noise sounded beyond the bathroom door and that grin of hers widened. “I wonder who that could be?” I already knew who it was. I could scent him even from beyond the door. Maverick. Jesus fucking Christ, could this night get any worse?
The door opened and Maverick’s head appeared in the crack, backlit by the hallway light. “Barbie?” He yawned. “What the hell are you—” My hand—or rather Vampire-Barbie’s hand—clamped on his arm and dragged him inside, throwing him against the door almost as soon as it’d closed as she plastered herself all over his front. “Barbie? What the actual fuck?”
“I want you, Maverick,” she hissed, licking a path up the side of his throat even as I tried to shred her from the inside. This was far too soon after what had happened with Torin. Fury pounded through me. I didn’t think. I just acted. I wrapped my fists around her energy and ripped her back even as I thrust myself forward. As soon as I took control, my whole body sagged against Maverick. His head was tipped back and his palms found my shoulders, pushing me back.
“I’m sorry,” I said quickly, shaking my head even as I released him and backed up. “That wasn’t me. That was—”
“Your vampire?” he guessed.
I nodded, panting slightly. “I’m sorry,” I repeated, looking away as guilt spiraled through me. The echo of laughter in my head from the bitch in question made my whole body harden. I pushed a palm out against the wall even as I dragged a hand down my face. Fucking fuck. I’d almost let her—
“It’s okay,” Maverick said. “You don’t have to apologize.”
“Yes, I do,” I argued. My fangs burned behind my gums. This made no sense. Why was I hungry? I’d been feeding far more than regularly just to keep this exact thing from happening. I was trying to keep these urges under control so, if anything, I’d been overfeeding. I’d literally bitten Torin hours ago and drank from him. “You should get away from me,” I warned.
“Are you having trouble controlling her?” he asked instead, moving closer. The scent of him in my nostrils was damn near overpowering. We were secluded, trapped in this small space. I glanced up. The door was on the other side of him, I’d have to touch him to get to it. I took a step away from him as he reached for me, the backs of my calves smacking the tub.
Barbie, Satrina called my name, stealing my attention even as Maverick moved nearer. Perhaps your vampire was trying to tell you something. Her request might have had something to do with the demon side of you.
Like what?
These cravings. Perhaps you’ve been confusing the sexual craving your demon side should be experiencing for bloodlust. She has realized it, but you haven’t.
My head hurt—practically pounded as I tried to work through the collection of thoughts cluttering up my mind. What does that mean? I asked.
Before Satrina could answer, however, Maverick’s hands were on me. I ripped myself away, stumbling and nearly going down. His arms caught me, holding me close and that burn I felt to release my fangs spread throughout the rest of my body, taking over. I trembled with the effort I exerted holding it all at bay.
“Maverick.” His name was a warning on my tongue.
“What’s going on?” he asked, worry coating his voice—deepening the tone of it. “Do you need me to call Torin?”
Even though my vampire wasn’t fully in control anymore, I could still feel her presence. Could still see the effects of it from the red glow of my eyes reflected off the mirror to the side. I glanced over and saw the picture the two of us created—him so large and shadowed in the darkened interior of the bathroom. Anyone looking in would have assumed him more powerful than me, but I knew the truth. I could break him without even trying and that fact fucking terrified me.
“Let go of me,” I demanded. “You should be scared of me.”
“The fuck? I’ve never been scared of you, Barbie,” he snapped. “I’m scared for you.”
I looked up and met his eyes. “You should leave,” I said. “I’m hungry and your presence is fucking torture.”
He didn’t seem startled by that fact. Then again, he probably knew before I’d even spoken. My fangs were throbbing. “Do you want to bite me, Barbie?” I closed my eyes as he moved closer, dipping his head down. His scent was stronger. I forced my face to turn away. “Do you want to drink my blood, Princess?” A warm hand smoothed over my abdomen and I sucked in a harsh breath, my eyes popping open as I hissed at him. He didn’t even flinch. “I think I want that,” he whispered. The hairs on the nape of my neck stood up at the suggestion in his tone. “I think I want you to take me as deep as you can. All the way to your fucking soul.” His other hand slipped up my back and through my hair, gathering the strands in his strong grip. Maverick forced my head back, my mouth opening as he moved.
Yes, my vampire urged. Do it.
“Why won’t you trust me, Princess?” His words entered my mind, but I wasn’t listening. All I could feel was the hard pounding throughout my veins. The fiery need. The unsatiated desire.
“Mav…” I rasped.
He pressed hi
s mouth against my pulse, kissing it gently. My thighs tightened as that burn forced its way downward. My clothes suddenly felt too fucking tight. Too fucking hot. I wanted to rip them all away and then do the same to his. Perhaps Satrina was onto something. Maverick lifted his head and my eyes flicked to him.
As soon as his throat was in reaching distance, I struck. “Fuck!” His shout, combined with the jerking of his hips, told me more than anything else that he didn’t particularly hate my bite.
Warm blood slid into my system—fucking hot and delicious. More than hot, he tasted like a fucking volcano. It wasn’t right. I’d drunk human blood and even though I’d upchucked it all, I knew what it should’ve tasted like. And it shouldn’t have tasted like this. Still, I couldn’t get enough. Maverick tasted like forbidden desires and wicked spices. I wasn’t in control anymore. My vampire was. And she was fucking ravenous.
As I drank him down, I lost all sense of reason. Flashes of images danced behind my closed eyelids as they slowly shut. Golden scales. Fire. Claws. As soon as my fangs retracted and my eyes opened, I looked at Mav and shook my head with horror. I couldn’t make sense of any of it, but something was very, very wrong.
“Oh, Mav…” I reached up, touching the side of his face even as he blinked at me, his cloudy gaze unfocused. “What did you do?”
Chapter 19
Maverick wouldn’t talk to me. He wouldn’t answer my questions. We didn’t even talk about the fact that I’d drank from him, and … I hadn’t gotten sick either. Was it his blood specifically? I wondered. Or was it the fact that it hadn’t been bagged? I wasn’t sure, but there was something about Maverick’s blood that had tasted off. Maybe it was because I didn’t have much in the way of comparison, but that combined with his avoidance left me on edge. There was so much happening that left me confused and I didn’t like it one fucking bit. And unfortunately, Maverick wasn’t the only one I had to worry about.