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Freed by Her Dragons (The Inmate of the Dreki Dragons Book 2)

Page 19

by Ginna Moran

  Flapping his wings, he launches into the air, abandoning me on my balcony. Ice fills the absence he leaves behind, and I hug myself.

  I’ve never been so confused in my life.

  What happens now?

  Chapter 18

  Finding Answers

  I BARELY MAKE IT TO the ginormous bed before the door cracks open and Maddox strolls in alone, carrying a plate of something I can tell he expects me to eat. If only my stomach didn’t twist in knots. I’m so emotionally out of control that I can’t stop the tears from filling my eyes as I break down sobbing in front of him.

  Where his brothers would rush to me, scoop me into their arms, and try to hug the trembles away, Maddox doesn’t treat me like I’m in need of comfort. He doesn’t treat me as if all he wants is for my crying to stop. He’s not the one to try to guarantee it won’t happen again.

  “Are you injured?” Maddox asks, standing at the edge of the bed, running his gaze over my body to ensure I don’t lie.

  I sniffle and groan. “Where are your brothers?” I ask instead, using the blankets to scrub away my angry tears.

  He tilts his head, narrowing his eyes. “With Quillon and Ambrose. Tiernan went after Theo. So, tough luck, cookie. You’re stuck with me.”

  Maddox sits on the bed behind me and touches my back. I cringe at the blip of pain his fingers create as they glide across the scrapes and scratches from what I can only describe as my hate-sex with Theo. I’m pissed at myself just thinking about it—how he got under my skin and into my soul. How I liked it. How I’m upset he just took off and left me.

  “And it’s probably a good thing, seeing your condition. My brothers don’t understand that you enjoy getting roughed up and pushed into submission. They think you always want to feel strong and powerful, but I know you get tired of always having to be. It’s okay, Nova. You don’t have to feel guilty.”

  “I don’t,” I snap, gathering the blankets in my hands.

  “You don’t have to be angry at yourself for giving into Theo, either. It’s not a weakness to desire such things. Look at us. We disagree all the time.” Maddox combs his hands through my hair, untangling the knots with his fingers.

  “That’s different.” I lean back against his body, silently asking him to just hold me. “I sometimes like you. I just hate him.”

  Chuckling, he shifts me in his arms and picks me up. “Is that how you really feel or how you think you’re supposed to feel?”

  Damn him. “What kind of question is that, Maddox?”

  “Come on, Nova. Answer me. You know I won’t judge you. You’re my mate. You’re mine.” He leans in and kisses my forehead.

  “I seem to be everyone’s,” I mutter, pursing my lips.

  “And it’s okay if you want to be. I am never leaving you no matter what you do, what you think, or how you feel,” he says. “Just don’t go murdering bars full of people. I do have some morals, and it confused the hell out of me thinking you did that shit when I took you to Max.”

  I glare. “Maybe if you believed me in the first place.”

  “No one is perfect, and we’re all doing the best we can. Fuck, I know I fail you half the time. I thought I had this shit all worked out, thinking we could use these assholes and then drop them. But now here I am, trying to get you to calm your tits and realize shit’s going to work out no matter what you want, even those bastards.” Maddox carries me toward the bathroom, careful not to touch me anywhere I’m hurt. “But don’t think I won’t remind them for the rest of time who had you first.”

  “Kash will appreciate that,” I tease, his words helping to ease the hurricane of emotions colliding through me.

  Maddox growls against my mouth and adjusts me in his arms to spank my ass. “You love asking for punishment from me.”

  “Maybe.” I smile and ruffle his hair. “Maybe I want you to help me forget tonight as to not give Theo that kind of satisfaction until he earns it.”

  Humming, he meets my mouth with another kiss. “Or maybe you’re just insatiable. Either way, I’ll give you what you want tonight.”

  “Or not. I need to speak with the princess, Dreki. You were supposed to feed her and give her the exam you demanded.” Ambrose materializes in front of us with a flash of his neon light. “We have priorities, and you know Theo already took care of the least important one.”


  The world spins as Maddox swings me out, using my legs to throw Ambrose off his feet. Skidding across the polished rock floor, Ambrose chants a spell and stops himself from crashing into the wall.

  “Delphia’s needs are the most important thing in our clan. If you cannot accept that, then you will never stand a chance in finding a place among us despite your mirrored feelings for her.” Maddox clenches his jaw, practically spitting fire with his words. When he uses my name in such a way, I know he’s utterly serious. I can’t even blame him. Strangely enough, it doesn’t bother me coming from him like it does from anyone else. It’s like he earned his right to use it.

  “My place isn’t among you,” Ambrose snaps, his eyes flickering with his power. “I am here to serve the Darkonians, and that’s it. Nova cannot and will not ever be mine. It is not my place.”

  I blink a few times, the sudden rejection bothering me way more than it should. But I can’t help taking it personally with the way he says it.

  “You’re going to deny her bond?” Maddox asks, anger lining his words.

  Ambrose groans. “It’s misplaced.”

  “It’s there regardless. Your denial hurts her.” Maddox shocks the hell out of me by spinning me toward Ambrose, forcing him to stare at me directly. “I know you can feel it.”

  Ambrose’s silver eyes rove over me, drinking in the sight of my naked body as I stand vulnerable in front of him. My knees tremble, my body weakening under his scrutiny. He doesn’t look anything like Theo, but yet, he still reminds me of him. And I still hate how confused I am by all of this.

  “Maddox, stop,” I say, my voice coming out a whisper. “I know you want to assure I know that you and I are okay, but it’s too much for you to demand someone else feel the same. I just met Ambrose...and the Darkonians for that matter. You shouldn’t be okay with all of this. It’s weirding me out.”

  Maddox growls, the scar on his face lighting with his dragon fire. “What do you want from me, cookie? I can’t keep up. I know you’re worried about how I feel, and I want you to know it doesn’t matter. We’ve claimed each other. I don’t fear for my standing within our clan. I don’t fear your rejection.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. “I just—I want you to stop doing what you think I want. That goes for everyone. It’s not about me. It’s about us and how the hell we’re going to survive this mess. It’s about getting answers, especially now that I know I’m only here because my own fucking father hates my mother so much that he was willing to basically sell me for power just to spite her.”

  “What?” Maddox and Ambrose say at the same time.

  I shrug. “You heard me. The Litendrakes wanted to punish my mother by giving me away in exchange for power. I’m the child they got for restitution because she killed one of the princes. I wasn’t supposed to find out because—”

  “I’ll kill them,” Maddox says, snarling, his rage crashing into me. This was what Theo feared would happen, and now, I’m afraid too.

  Ambrose braves stepping closer to Maddox to meet his gaze. “You can’t.”

  “By messing with Nova’s fate, they messed with the Dreki Clan’s.” Maddox flexes his muscles, his dragon form yearning to break free. “You heard Quillon. Delilah ran and entrusted Nova in McKayla’s hands to protect the Dragon Lands. Our union was to stop the covens from trying to gain control over the skies.”

  I blink a few times, hearing this information for the first time. “My aunt was the reason my mom escaped Max.” This, I know. Her twin McKenzie told me as much.

  “The first time,” Ambrose says.

  “What is that supposed to me
an?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “She was captured again after your birth, convicted of treason against the High Council. Her and her mates.” Maddox grabs my hand and clasps it gently, quietly trying to fill me with his strength. “They were working with a rebel clan, trying to rise against Magaelorum. Quillon doesn’t know all the details, but he’s helped them portal between the Mortal World and Magaelorum.”

  “And somehow, the Litendrakes knew this,” Ambrose adds. “They made a deal with him for his help on the inside when we were arranging to get you. I wish I had known. I just thought he was some asshole with connections.”

  Anger rushes through me, and I yank Maddox with me toward the wardrobe. He watches me in silence as I rush to throw on the first thing I see—a dress—and stomp my way to the door. Appearing in front of us, Ambrose blocks our way, not allowing me into the hall.

  “Wait, princess. Before you beat up the lycan, we have something else we have to do,” Ambrose says.

  “What?” I ask, staring past him like I could possibly shove him and make a run for it to do as I want.

  “We need to visit the Lioht Coven. The only way we can piece this all together is to find McKayla, and I know how, but I need something from them.” Ambrose turns his attention to Maddox. “Are you sure you can handle the task? I need as much time as I possibly can get.”

  Maddox jerks his head once in agreement. “They’ll never see you coming.”

  Ambrose holds out his hands. “Good. Now take my hands. It’s time to go.”


  I touch my throat, the burning sensation of the magical collar igniting fear inside me. McKenzie tried to kill me in this house and the memory hits me hard as I stare around the guest house. She said the Drekis would be better off without me, considering the mess their lives turned into to save me from prison. But now, knowing everything I do, I’m certain it was never for their sake but hers and the Lioht Coven.

  “I shouldn’t be here,” I whisper, my breathing turning into quick pants. “They’ll know.”

  Ambrose grabs my shoulders and gets in my face. “You’re panicking. Take a breath. In and out. Come on, do it with me.”

  Following his lead, I inhale and exhale, keeping my stare locked to the flicker of magic lighting his eyes. “What if this doesn’t work?”

  “It will. The reason she tried to kill you before was because you will prove her treachery toward the High Council, especially if you prove McKayla’s alive. Why do you think they didn’t capture you all and turn you in?” Ambrose brushes the strands of my wild red hair off my forehead. “This will work out.”

  I struggle to believe him. It never seems to be the case. “And you’re sure your magic is strong enough?”

  “Positive. No one but Maddox can see or hear you. You are safe. As long as he keeps the Liohts distracted, none of them will feel my magical interference.” Ambrose lightly caresses his fingers to mine, still messing with my neck. “And if they do, they won’t be able to do anything. We’ll already be gone.”

  “Just be quick, okay,” I say, continuing to rub my throat, wishing his words were enough to ease the anxiety blooming in my chest. “I don’t like this.”

  “Which might be a good thing. You’re powerful when you’re on edge. You could burn this place down before McKenzie has a chance to react.” Tugging my hands from my neck, he gently gets me to drop them to my sides. “Now go get close to Maddox. McKenzie’s coming. He’s going to need you to help him answer certain questions she might have in regards to McKayla.”

  With his nudge, I shuffle my way from the hallway to join Maddox standing near the sitting area. He offers me a tight smile but keeps his eyes trained on the door as McKenzie enters with a familiar man behind her. I try not to react to Baker and his similarities to his brother Rhett. One more woman saunters up the sidewalk, her blond hair dancing in the wind. She remains outside, not joining her coven mates.

  “CO Dreki, I would be lying if I said it was nice to see you,” McKenzie says, her eyes flashing with purple light. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t summon the High Council to arrest you?”

  Maddox gathers dragon fire in his palms, straightening his broad shoulders. With a glower, he turns his complete attention to McKenzie. “We both know you won’t do it, so lay off the empty threats, High Priestess.”

  Her expression falters, and the scent of white florals permeates the air. She’s nervous. “Don’t test me.”

  Maddox growls, causing McKenzie to back up. She summons lavender electricity between her hands. I tense at her power, just the sight of it making my throat dry. The edges of my vision shadow with anger. How dare she threaten my mate like this. It takes everything in my very being to control the urge to release my inner beast and tear her in half. The idea is far more satisfying than it should be.

  “Why don’t we all calm down for Rhett’s sake?” Baker says, stepping between Maddox and McKenzie. He motions toward the sitting area. “He wouldn’t want any of us to fight. He was like a brother to the both of us.”

  Maddox presses his lips into a frown. “He’s not to me. Not after everything. But that doesn’t matter. I’m here because I have something you want, and you can help me with something I want.”

  McKenzie follows Baker’s lead and saunters toward the loveseat. Crossing her legs at her ankles, she remains stiff and on guard, never taking her eyes away from Maddox. The three of them glare at each other, allowing the silence to grow uncomfortable. I know Maddox does it on purpose, but damn it. It bothers the hell out of me.

  “Is this about the Drakovich descendant’s collar?” McKenzie asks, finally breaking the silence. “It will take something quite valuable for me to even consider paying the price to remove that...though, I can collect a favor from the warlock responsible. It was his fault for Rhett’s death, after all.”

  Dread washes over me at her revelation. She mentions it so casually that I can’t help wondering what the actual fuck is going on.

  “But you already know that, don’t you CO?” McKenzie adds.

  Maddox’s arm muscles flex, his dragon peeking from beneath his skin. “We’re not interested in involving Lazlo or the removal of his wretched collar. We have higher things on our list of priorities.”

  Tucking her hair behind her ears, McKenzie shows off her glittering earrings. “Such as?”

  “The Darkonians. They’ve stolen our mate, and I need information I know you possess to null their contract for a union. Delphia doesn’t belong to them. The fates fell in our favor, and I cannot stand by and accept anything else. She’s a Dreki.” Maddox growls with his words, sounding utterly convincing in his fury over the thought.

  And maybe he is. Maybe he keeps his cool about everything for my sake. The thought alone makes me worry about what the hell I did fucking Theo. What if—no. I can’t think like this. I knew the plan. I knew he was going to use this opportunity to find out more about my mother and her wrongdoings while also helping Ambrose get what he needs to find McKayla.

  “What makes you think I have those answers or that there could possibly be any information in the world you’d have that I’d want in exchange?” McKenzie purses her lips narrowing her eyes. “You’ve wasted our time.”

  Stretching his arms over his head, Maddox groans and turns away. “I guess I’ll take the information I have to the High Council and see what it’s worth to them. I didn’t want to, considering how much I hate the fuckers, but Delphia is mine. I’ll not let anyone have her.”

  Maddox strides across the room to the door.

  “Ezeerf et rod,” McKenzie chants, waving her hand. “Wait.”

  Locking his fingers to the knob, Maddox tries to open it, but it doesn’t budge. He summons his dragon fire and swivels on his feet. Our eyes meet for a brief second, his lip curling slightly in the corner. This is what we wanted—to make the Liohts nervous. Desperate. We need them to think we’re a better ally than threat but also know that we’re powerful enough to destroy the
m if we have to.

  “Now you’re wasting my time, High Priestess.” Maddox releases a guttural noise from his throat. “Do you plan to test my power? You will regret it. My brothers stand guard. We will destroy this house and your coven before you can utter another spell.”

  Baker grabs McKenzie’s hand. “That won’t be necessary, Maddox. We seem to have the same interests. I’m sure you’re unaware of this, but we too, are tired of the control of the High Council.”

  “You work as a gatekeeper,” Maddox snaps, his fire growing more intently. “You’re lying.”

  Holding his hand up, Baker says, “We can prove it.”

  “Baker, shut up. We don’t know if the information he has is of any use to us. This could be a setup,” McKenzie hisses.

  “We’ve found McKayla’s location.” Maddox remains expressionless with his words. “Delphia discovered the truth of another coven’s false conviction. It would be a shame to our chances at a future alliance if we had to resort to bringing this news to the High Council. It would mean—”

  McKenzie’s face morphs into the hideous beast version of herself meant to intimidate others. Throwing her arms out, she shoots electricity from her hands. Maddox dodges out of the way and chucks a huge fireball at her, knocking her off her feet.

  The ground shakes.

  The lights turn off.

  Power shocks me to my soul.

  Chapter 19

  Battle of Wills

  A DEEP ROAR REVERBERATES THROUGH my bones as I hear Rowan’s dragon call over the buzzing of the Liohts’ magic. Fire blazes past the window, lighting the dark room in an orange glow. A lavender burst of light ignites outside the glass door where the other witch stands guard, and she encompasses herself with her magical shield.

  Maddox strides across the room, barely flinching at the blast of power McKenzie throws at him. “Do you really think we’d come unprepared?” Grabbing the collar of his shirt, he yanks it down, revealing an amulet embedded above his heart. “You’re not the only coven who had owed us a favor.”


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