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Mistletoe Mayhem: Clean Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 1)

Page 19

by Linda Bridey

  Chapter Twenty

  Devon was shocked when Chester told her that Renee had come to see her. She entered the parlor with a quizzical expression. Renee sat in one of the chairs.

  “Hello, Devon,” she said, smiling.

  “Hello. Why are you here?” Devon asked, sitting on the sofa.

  Renee cocked her head slightly. “To explain what happened with Sawyer. It’s time that you stop letting pride get in the way of your happiness.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Devon said.

  “That’s too bad. Now, shut up,” Renee said. “He didn’t know about our plan at first. If the both of you had been willing to listen to each other, we wouldn’t have had to go through all those machinations.”

  Her harsh tone of voice made Devon’s eyebrows raise. “So now it’s my fault that you lied and manipulated me?”

  “Not exactly your fault, but—never mind about that. The point is that Sawyer loves you so much that once he knew about the plan, he went along with it because he wanted you back so much,” Renee said.

  Devon said, “Sawyer said you made a pass at him. Why would you do that if you weren’t attracted to him?”

  “Because I knew that he would refuse me,” Renee said. “And once he did, I could make him admit that he still loved and wanted you. And believe me, I made it very, very difficult to turn me down.”

  Anger burned in Devon’s chest at the image of Sawyer kissing Renee. “What do you want from me?”

  Renee said, “I don’t want Sawyer. There’s no reason to be jealous. He’s only a friend. He turned me down flat because you’re the one he wants. Don’t you see that? I know men extremely well and they’re prideful and you turned his proposal down. In his mind, he wasn’t the one who should’ve made the first move. He wasn’t going to budge. So, I gave him a nudge in the right direction, that’s all. The rest of us didn’t stay involved long. Once you’d set up your first date, he made us quit.

  “He said that he was going to do it the right way from there on out because he felt guilty about scheming. Everything from that night on was completely real.” Renee stood and came over to look down at Devon. “Don’t let your stubborn pride ruin what you have with him. You’re very lucky to have found each other. Don’t let your man get away, Devon.”

  Devon wondered at Renee’s wistful smile, who left without waiting for a response from Devon. She stayed where she was, mulling over Renee’s visit.


  Sawyer sat in the parlor of Hope House, playing knuckles with Dino and Jonathan when Devon walked into the room. Her appearance surprised him.

  “Can we talk?” she asked him.

  “Yeah,” he said, trying not to get his hopes up.

  He got up fairly gracefully. His ankle was coming along, but it was still weak and painful. As they left the house, he tried to walk normally the way Marlene had instructed him.

  “I made a fire in Marcus’ tipi so we could talk in there,” Devon said. “I know he won’t mind.”

  Marcus and several others had tipis in the camp that they used part-time. Sometimes other people stayed there when the Samuels weren’t in camp. They entered the tipi and sat on either side of the fire pit. Sawyer loved the way that she looked in the firelight. He held his silence since he saw the expression that always told him that she was gathering her thoughts.

  At length, she asked, “Do you have feelings for Renee?”

  “No. She’s just a friend. I promise. There’s nothing between us,” Sawyer replied.

  The honesty in his eyes and voice reassured her. “Why did you go along with their plan?”

  “Because I was still angry with you and I wanted you to come to me. It was stupid and petty. I wish I had done things differently, but I have to say that their plan worked. Honestly, if they hadn’t concocted their scheme, I wouldn’t have reached out to you. Even though I still loved you, I was still hurt,” he said. “I’m so sorry, Devon.”

  “And all these weeks together haven’t been some game of revenge?” Hope filled her gaze.

  Sawyer poured sincerity into his words. “No, honey. Ever since we got back together, I’ve been so happy with you. Just like we used to be only even better. Having another chance with you has meant the world to me and I’ve been thinking about the future and that future includes you.”

  She swallowed as tears filled her eyes. “It does?”

  He moved closer to her. “How could it not when I love you so much. I’m going to put aside my pride and ask you for another chance this time. What I did was so wrong and I take full responsibility for it. But I promise you to be completely honest from now on and there won’t be any more crazy schemes concerning you. Please forgive me.”

  Devon knew that he’d never lied or manipulated her before he’d left for the military. His intense expression and candid words convinced her. “I’ll forgive you, but you can’t do anything like this again. Maybe I overreacted a little, but I love you so much and the idea that you had duped me into reconciling with you hurt so much.”

  Sawyer ran his hand over her silky hair and cupped her cheek. “I never meant to hurt you. I love you and I need you. You’re the love of my life and you always will be.”

  Her eyes filled with a happy light. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips meeting his in a hungry kiss. Sawyer was as demanding as she was and he growled when her fingers plowed through his hair as their embrace grew even more frenzied. He bore her down to the soft sleeping pallet they sat on, stretching out beside her as he undid her coat belt and slipped his hand around her waist.

  Holding her always felt heavenly and Sawyer wanted Devon with a ferocity that shook him to the core. Devon felt the same way and she moaned softly as he pulled her firmly against his muscular body. Just as she slipped her hands between them to unbutton his coat, someone scratched on the tipi flap, requesting entry.

  Sawyer broke the kiss with a groan. They separated and sat up, straightening their clothing. “Come,” Sawyer said.

  Skip came through the opening followed by Switch and Renee.

  “What’s going on?” Sawyer asked.

  Switch grinned. “How’d you like to help break the mayor out of jail?”


  Joe looked disbelievingly at Lacey as they sat on his bunk. “Y’all are crazy,” he whispered.

  Lacey chuckled. “I know! Isn’t it delicious? With everyone’s help we can pull it off and just think of how much it’ll cheer everyone up. Please say yes.”

  Looking into her beautiful, shining, brown eyes, Joe thought it over. He hoped and prayed that the odds swung in his favor, but there was a real possibility that he was looking at a prison sentence and most of the people charged with sedition were being given at least ten years. Thinking about the plan his friends had concocted, he saw that it might work. Was he willing to chance it?

  Joe had always been a risk taker, taking on seemingly impossible challenges and not giving up until he’d achieved his goal. With sudden resolve, he decided that if he was going to spend ten years of his life stuck in a prison, he was going to have one last adventure.

  With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he said, “I’ll do it. I worked too hard on that part not to play it.”

  Lacey kissed him, giggling against his mouth. She never failed to excite Joe and he wished they were home so he could make love with her. He’d missed lying next to her, holding her, and loving her. Lacey ran her hands over his strong arms and shoulders before breaking the kiss.

  “I don’t suppose we’re allowed a conjugal visit,” she said.

  Joe grinned. “I love how naughty you are. I’m willin’, but I doubt they’ll go for it.”

  Lacey sobered. “How am I supposed to live without you if they put you in prison?” Tears welled up in her eyes.

  “Shh. It’s gonna be all right. I’ll be acquitted, honey,” Joe said. “And we’ll be together just like always.”

  “But what if you’re not?” Lacey asked.
br />   “We’re gonna think positive, darlin’. We have to.”

  They embraced again, before quietly telling each other all of the things that were in their hearts. Shawn informed them that it was time for Lacey to leave for the night. When he left the area, Joe took his wife in his arms and they kissed tenderly. Parting that night was the most difficult thing they’d ever had to do, but Lacey finally left.

  On the way home, she had to pull her car over because she couldn’t see through her tears. Once she was back in control, she put the gar back in gear and made her way to the estate where she would put on a brave face for her family.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Over the next two days, Renee came to the sheriff’s station, bringing treats from the bakery for Joe and for whomever was on duty, as well as for Len’s men guarding the mayor. She flirted with Len’s men, giving them suggestive looks and saying outrageous things to them. Both men were entranced by the young beauty who seemed to know her way around men.

  The day of the play, Renee leaned down close to Chuck, whispering, “I’d like to come back this evening and entertain you brave men who are keeping our county safe from unsupportive people. Would you like that?”

  Chuck couldn’t keep his eyes from the generous amount of cleavage she showed off and he decided that he would indeed like that. “I sure would,” he whispered back.

  “Good. I’ll see you gentlemen later then,” she said, trailing a hand down his arm.

  Chuck smiled in a daze as she left. Then in a low voice, he told Mort what she’d said and they smiled at each other in anticipation.


  Switch, who was quite crafty himself, wasn’t unaware of his daughter’s penchant for men. He knew that her lack of impulse control came from him. He’d overheard a couple of men at the Watering Hole one night and he’d warned them away from his daughter. The slightly crazed light in his eyes had sufficiently alarmed them so they’d steered clear of her.

  Since then, Switch had done much the same thing with any man he’d seen look at her or to whom she paid a lot of attention. This was the reason that Brody hadn’t called on her. Renee had no idea that Switch was protecting her in this manner. Prior to the night of the play, he’d asked Raven to tail Renee to make sure she didn’t get into trouble at the sheriff’s office while she distracted Len’s men.

  Raven, who was protective of Renee anyway, had instantly agreed. As she entered the office, carrying two bottles of scotch, she smiled at Mort and Chuck.

  “Hello, gentlemen,” she said, placing the bottles on the table before removing her wrap.

  The two of them practically salivated at the sight of her daring mode of dress. Shawn was also on duty and he couldn’t help noticing her gorgeous appearance. She would make any man’s blood pressure rise, he thought.

  Spying a deck of cards on the table, Renee sat down gracefully and picked it up. “Can I interest you gents in a game of cards?”

  Both men agreed and a lively game of cards began. The alcohol began disappearing quickly as Renee egged them on to drink it. She told them that her parents would kill her if she went home smelling of liquor, but that she wanted them to have a good time.

  Although they knew Len would disapprove of their drinking, Renee was so beguiling that they couldn’t resist her challenge. As the hour of the play neared, Renee was relieved when the men finally showed signs of sleepiness from the laudanum-laced scotch. Soon they were both passed out, their heads down on the table.

  Joey sneaked in the back door, which was situated near the cell area. He grinned at his father as he quietly unlocked the door with the key supplied to him by Mitch’s wife, Sammi, who worked as a deputy once in a while. No one had informed Mitch about the plan.

  “You ready for your acting debut, Daddy?” Joey asked.

  “I’m nervous as heck, but ready for some fun. I hate being cooped up in here,” Joe said.

  “Ok, well, get going. Rick’s waiting for you with your disguise.”

  Joe hugged him. “Ok. See you soon. Be careful.” He approved of the way Joey looked in the jeans and shirt that was similar to the one he had on. “You look good.”

  “Not now, Daddy. Go!”

  Joe locked Joey in and then handed him the cell key. He cracked the back door open and went outside. Rick stepped up beside him, startling him.

  “Why does everyone have to do that to me,” Joe said.

  “Shut up, Joseph, and put this on,” Rick said.

  Joe put on the long trench coat and worn black hat he handed him. “Ok, let’s get me to the show.”

  “Sounds good, Tex.”


  The audience inside the Dawson Playhouse quieted as Switch took the stage in front of the heavy, red brocade curtain with gold-trimmed swags. He was dressed in a fine, blue suit and his hair was neatly combed, giving him a suave appearance.

  “Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming to the first annual production of A Christmas Carol. This is a special night and I’m very proud to be a part of it. Our actors have worked hard on their parts, dedicating their time and energy in order to bring some entertainment everybody, myself included. I’m grateful to them for being willing to do so. We have a couple of changes to the cast.

  “As some of you know, our wonderful mayor has been locked up—”

  Loud boos and noises of disapproval interrupted him. Switch quieted them down again.

  “I agree with you all. However, in the spirit of Christmas, Len Washburn authorized a brief respite for Joe and he’ll once again be playing the part of the Spirit of Christmas Present as originally cast.”

  Cheering filled the playhouse and Switch clapped along with them. As the noise wound down, Switch said, “Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I give you A Christmas Carol.”

  He ran stage left, disappearing from the spotlight and ducking behind the curtain.

  Skip stood there in an identical suit. The two men looked so similar that, from the back, the audience wouldn’t be able to tell them apart, especially because Skip would be sitting in dim light while he directed the actors. In this way, Switch had an alibi if needed.

  Switch patted his shoulder. “You’re on, son. Make me proud.”

  Skip grinned. “You do the same for me.”

  Both of them went in separate directions as the play began. The audience was enthralled by the sight of Scrooge’s office on the right side of the stage and a busy, London street on the left. Carolers and children ran about in a cacophony of noise. Inside Scrooge’s shop, the man himself worked away on a ledger as he mumbled to himself, complaining about the noise on the street. There was a soft tittering in the audience as they recognized Randall.

  Chester, playing Bob Cratchit, tried to warm his hands around the single candle that sat upon the desk in his dismal little space while Scrooge watched him from his counting room. Suddenly, Andy Henderson as Scrooge’s nephew, Fred, burst into the office, wishing his uncle a Merry Christmas and the audience reacted to his exuberant performance.

  While the play was off to a good start inside, another drama unfolded outside of the theater. Two riders took off out of town at a fast clip, intent upon a risky mission.


  “Ok, Renee, really get a good clinch on him,” Sawyer said, holding his camera at the ready.

  “I’m trying,” she said, sitting on Mort’s lap. “I can’t keep his arm where it needs to be to make it look good.”

  Devon giggled and said, “Here. Lean this way and I’ll put it up over your shoulder and hold it in place.”

  Between the two women, they were able to make it look like Renee and Mort were locked in a compromising embrace. Sawyer angled the shot so that it hid Renee’s face but Mort’s showed plainly. Once he had the pictures he wanted, Renee got off Mort’s lap and sat on the drugged Chuck’s lap.

  Mort began waking up so Devon held a rag with a little chloroform on it over his nose and mouth until he sank back into slumber.

  “This is
so fun,” Devon said. “I never thought I’d do anything like this.”

  “Me, neither,” Sawyer said. “Ok, honey, hold this guy’s arm the same way you did the other one’s. Renee, pucker up.”

  Renee laughed as she pressed her lips to Chuck’s, turning her head in the right direction to hide her face. Sawyer and Devon laughed, too, as he took the pictures.

  “That’s it, ladies,” Sawyer said. “Let’s get to my shop.”

  They put the men’s heads back down on the table, leaving the two new bottles of liquor that they’d swapped for the drug-laced ones on the table. One of the new bottles was empty and the other was only half full. After they made sure that everything was set, the trio left, nodding to Shawn who stood outside, keeping watch. He returned their grins and went back inside the sheriff’s office to keep watch on the hapless guards.


  When Len answered the front door of his home, two army soldiers stood on his porch. One of them had bushy eyebrows and in impressive mustache, while the other had a very thin, graying mustache and looked a little long in the tooth.

  One of them asked, “Are you Len Washburn, sir?”

  “Yeah,” Len said, startled. “What’s this about?”

  “I’m Lieutenant Abernathy,” said the bushy browed soldier. “This is Lt. Colonel Portmouth. You currently have Joe Dwyer in the jail in Dawson, correct?”

  “That’s right. So?”

  “We need you to come with us. There’s been some sort of commotion there. We received a telegram about it just a little while ago. We’d best be underway quickly,” Portmouth said.

  Len frowned. “What sort of commotion?”

  “I’m not sure. The telegram wasn’t specific. It just said to alert you and come at once. It was from a ‘Mort,’ I believe,” Abernathy replied.

  Len’s eyes widened. If Mort was calling for him, it had to be serious. He threw his coat on and followed them out into the night. He had his horse saddled in minutes and rode away with the soldiers.


  Joe had no idea what all his friends and family were up to, but he trusted them. Over the years, he’d participated in some crazy schemes with them and he knew that they were capable of coming up with some great plans. He put all of that out of his mind as he had Lacey go over his part with him again while he waited to go on. Beneath the too-big, green robe he wore, Joe’s feet were bare and his head was adorned with a curly, brown wig, on top of which sat a halo of holly.


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