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Goldest and the Kingdom of Thorns

Page 22

by Joanne Durda

  The afternoon went by finding a melancholy Floriana sitting before her best friend, her pink crystal ball. She had spent the afternoon gazing into it, trying to see into the future for herself. She had been feeling lonely these days, especially watching Goldest toy with Esbri, walking hand and hand, teasing one another. And she had watched how romantic Ushi was with his princess, with their romance growing stronger every day. Floriana was quite fond of Savagio, but it seemed that she was always seeking him out, and not him seeking her out. She wanted to see what thoughts were inside Savagio.

  “I will sit here, even if it takes all evening, and see if Savagio comes to me,” Floriana smartly told herself.

  It was a shame that she, a mystic gypsy and a magical sorceress, could not help herself, only others. This was very true in the clandestine area of the psychic forces and influences. They held special powers of enchantment for others, but not for themselves – they could do for others what they could not do for themselves. She lit candles and burned incense cones of blue rose, calling out for true love to come to her room.

  As the evening crept on slowly, the attendants came and built a fire in her room. She asked for tea and lemon biscuits to be brought to her. She was adamant about not budging from this room. After the blue rose had died out and the sweet aroma had left the room, she then lit incense cones of cherry to attract love. She drifted languorously in and out of sleep, as the essence of her soul bathed in the pleasantly sharp smell of the cherries.

  She moved herself and her Austrian lead crystal over to the fire and sat close. Her room was cozy and the warmth caressed her skin. She felt contented, munching on her lemon biscuits as she sipped her tea. She smiled at her crystal as the flames danced upon it. Her crystal kept her company. She never went anywhere without her pink companion. It not only dwelled upon the past, but played and taunted her with the future.

  During the evening, Savagio wondered why Floriana never came down from her room. It was strange for someone so lively not to make an appearance. He decided to go visit her and to find out what was amiss. I think she just might like that, he told himself. He picked up a blushing tangerine from the fruit bowl to take to her. “I cannot go without taking some type of gift,” he said with a smile. Then he remembered that tangerines are a token of love. “How thoughtful of me,” he told himself with a chuckle.

  He saw her door ajar and walked into her room. The warmth caressed his skin, also. He walked up to her by the fire and smiled down at her. Floriana coyly smiled back at him. He presented her with the blushing tangerine. She accepted the gift graciously as a thought ran through her mind: His heart is in love with me, but he will not agree to it, afraid of being scorned again.

  “I have been told you wish an audience with myself, Madam,” he conjured up.

  Floriana motioned for him to sit. “Sit, Savagio. My crystal has some words for you.”

  Savagio raised an eyebrow. He did not care for crystal balls. They each had their own character. Some were flawless while others were filled with imperfections. Floriana’s was filled with truth, honesty and was adamant about letting her know just how it felt. Her pink crystal looked at others as if they were inferior to it. He felt uneasy around them all, especially hers. Hers made him feel like he was being watched closely. It seemed to look down on, jeer at and hold in utter contempt others who did not believe in its power. And he knew Floriana’s crystal was powerful and strong. She would never waste her time on a weak, meek crystal.

  “A most beauteous and interesting woman is reflected in my crystal. You need to look inside her affectionate heart and you will find that she has a secret fold reserved for you – and you alone. You must look inside the essence of her soul and you will sense her endless love for you. Perhaps, you might let your heart return her incessant love and give this woman all the painstaking, innermost folds belonging to your benevolent, glowing heart,” Floriana said to him seductively.

  An amused Savagio looked deeply into Floriana’s crystal, which seemed to be staring back at him with disdain. Why, that crystal is jealous of me, thought Savagio, who was quite entertained by it.

  “I am looking inside her thoughts and I see silver stars dancing our names across the heavens. I see that her unending love for myself has etched my name on the essence of her very passionate spirit,” Savagio responded.

  Floriana looked deeper into her pink crystal and gasped in surprise as she exclaimed, “My goodness! I think I also see a very jealous crystal staring right at me!”

  A laughing Savagio sprang over to Floriana and they both fell backwards on to the floor, rolling around, laughing together. Floriana innocently rolled Savagio over and found herself on top of him. She looked up.

  “Uh-oh,” she remarked flatly.

  Savagio tilted his head backwards on the floor. At the door to her room stood the Queen of the Willows, Goldest, Lowilla, Augean and the Tooth Fairy Princess. Goldest was amused, knowing she could expect anything from Floriana, while the innocent Augean was delighted for the two; but the rest were gaping at the mouths at the bundle rolling around on the floor. The Queen had a most displeased look upon her face. Even the crystal ball had dimmed down from a bright pink to a dull solar color from embarrassment for the two.

  “Humph!” the Queen exclaimed. “Are you two joining us in the main dining hall for dinner tonight, or are you going to flirt and flaunt on the floor with each other all night?” the Queen asked them, with an icy coldness in her voice. She sniffed the aroma in the room filled with cherry incense. “Oh, I should have known – cherry to attract love!” Then she looked at the blushing tangerine that had fallen off the table in the ruckus and rolled over to her feet. “A tangerine,” the Queen stated flatly. “You could have at least brought her a peach rose from the vases filled with roses, instead of a tangerine from the fruit bowl!”

  The women at the door were highly amused at the scene and couldn’t help but giggle after the initial shock was over – seeing them on the floor together in a manner most unbecoming for a woman of royal blood.

  Tsk, tsk. Poor Savagio, thought the Queen, as she tried to hold her smile in check.

  The Tooth Fairy Princess was not surprised, because Floriana had confided in her that she was quite fond of Savagio. I hope Floriana and Savagio become united because then I won’t have to feel so guilty anymore, thought the princess to herself. The guilt of the princess meant she still concerned herself with the state of Savagio’s gentle heart.

  They disengaged themselves, with Savagio helping Floriana up. He helped her to straighten out her sea-green gown, to the displeasure of the Queen of the Willows. Savagio gave the unfazed Floriana his arm and escorted her in silence down to the dining hall. They followed the group of women who had left her doorway. Before they had left her room, Floriana stared back at her pink crystal, as it looked quite piqued at her. Now I have a crystal that is in a miff, she thought to herself, as Savagio seated her at the long table.

  The next day found the sewing room bustling with activity around the gowns. For now, not only Goldest and the Tooth Fairy Princess having their wedding gowns made, but Floriana was also having one made for herself. After dinner the night before, Savagio had taken Floriana’s hand and they went for a secretive, bewitching walk among the hardy lilacs, admiring the deep purple blooms edged in white, the soft lavender lilacs with darker buds, and the lilacs with creamy-yellow blooms.

  While basking in the warm smell of the lilacs, Savagio said he thought it would be nice if they were united. Floriana instantly agreed. She didn’t even take the time to think about it – she knew! She had to keep her heartbeats quiet within the folds of her clothing. She feared her high-strung heart would come wildly beating out of her gown with all the excitement! An unnerving shyness then set in for the both of them, and it took awhile before they regained control and both admitted their enduring love for one another. The essence of each passionate spirit was finally surrendered, one to the other. I shall have to have a talk with my pink crystal,
thought a siren Floriana to herself, while they walked in the silence of requited love, holding hands. They were both enchanted and bathed in their contentment with their silence. She grew concerned about the jealously she had seen in her pink crystal and feared emotional problems would arise from it in the future. I had a feeling that my crystal was not only possessive of myself, but also envious. And now, I fear the hostility towards a rival – Savagio! A disturbed Floriana thought secretly to herself.

  It was Augean who broke the spell of Floriana’s thoughts. “This is so exciting! A triple wedding! You are so lighthearted and full of enjoyment. You will be good for Savagio, Floriana,” Augean told her.

  “Every warrior needs a woman to come home to. Savagio has been alone for much too long, as has Ushi,” the Queen remarked with intelligence. “And I am surprised that you two did not decide to unite long before this, what with you throwing yourself so forcefully upon him,” the Queen remarked to Floriana.

  “It is the nature of my gypsy character to be so fun-loving and gay, and to take charge of any given situation,” Floriana responded, defending her true spirit to the Queen.

  “I was quite surprised that you hadn’t found a proper suitor for yourself until now; however, I will admit, you will be perfect for Savagio, and him for you,” the Queen admitted, as she smiled with tender affection at Floriana.

  I must not be so harsh with Floriana anymore, thought the Queen to herself. I must remember that she is a passionate gypsy, and we all must accept each other’s personality traits within any of the kingdoms in the Domain in order to remain at peace with one another.

  Augean was in deep thought. She now had become worried about the promise. “But Grandmother, what about Ushi’s promise to my grandfather, the King?”

  “Promise? What promise is this that we speak of?” the startled princess asked.

  “Do not concern yourself, princess. Aparicio is handling this so-called promise,” the Queen remarked slyly.

  “But…” the princess began, but Lowilla cut her off.

  “We need not speak of turmoil, princess. Aparicio is taking care of this unpleasant conflict at the present time. You have other things to be more concerned with right now. Concentrate on what we are doing here. Relax and enjoy this afternoon.”

  Goldest was silent, feeling guilty that she was the cause of this secret being kept from the princess. Aparicio owed her, and she knew that he would come through, just like she had come through for him. A gracious kindness done for one in need is usually repaid by a benediction, thought a hopeful Goldest.

  The Queen quickly changed the subject, knowing it was best for all concerned. “Please bring over those emeralds for Floriana to see. The green emeralds used as the beading on your gown will bring out the green within your eyes.”

  Sabira brought over the green emeralds for all to see. Floriana, Lowilla and Augean looked upon the green emeralds with delight. All knew that they were the perfect choice for Floriana.

  A distressed princess was now deep within her own thoughts. What guarded promise is this that is kept so discreetly secret from myself? the troubled princess asked herself.

  The afternoon dragged on for the princess with the sewing of the gowns. They all took a break and decided to go for a walk in the gardens and get some fresh air. They needed to be refreshed. The seamstresses were badly in need of a long break to rest their weary eyes and hands.

  They had missed their morning ride together, all having slept in after a most festive night last night with the announcement of Savagio and Floriana also wanting to be united.

  In the main dining hall, the King of the Willows sat at the long table eating a late lunch. He had gone riding with his own entourage into the far corners of the Ladybug Kingdom looking for the massive cherry trees that he had heard grew on the far northern boundary of the kingdom. He was impressed when he saw the dark, massive structures looming over him and his riding party.

  The cherry trees were monstrous creatures gifted with large, juicy, sweet red cherries; some had even sweeter yellow cherries. A few of the darker bark trees sprouted vast dark grape cherries. These were really tart and succulent. He had told his entourage that he would have to think of a way to dig up the smaller, new growth of these grape cherries and transport them back to his kingdom to be replanted. The courtiers who had gone riding with him that morning, back to the northernmost boundary, sat with the king eating their lunch. They all wondered how he could eat so much on top of all those cherries he had eaten from the robust cherry trees that morning.

  “Better watch, sir, that you don’t get a tummy ache on top of all those cherries you have eaten,” an older maiden of his Court had told him, shaking her finger at him.

  The King laughed a boisterous laugh at the older maiden as Aparicio and Ushi walked in together to join him at his table to eat. They had really come to have a special, private talk with him, and doing it over lunch seemed feasible. Everyone knew the King loved to eat, and approaching him with a request or a favor was best to do when he was eating. He was more inclined to be agreeable and grant you your wish than at any other time.

  “I understand you two wanted a word with me. I already know what this is all about, seeing that Ushi is taking a bride. Besides, I wouldn’t be a King if I did not see or know what I needed to see or know,” the King told them agreeably.

  “Set Ushi free of his vow to you, and let me take his place,” Aparicio blurted out, not caring that members of the King’s Court were present or not. His patience with his father was beginning to wear thin, again.

  The women of the King’s Court that were present at the table gasped at Aparicio’s words and his bluntness, ignoring the fact that the King was at lunch with his Court, and should be respected enough not to have any private affair presented to him at this given time.

  The King was upset at Aparicio’s disregard that he was having lunch with members of his Court, and now was not the time to talk business about a private family affair. The King gave Aparicio a hostile look, with both his eyebrows lifted and his forehead furrowed. He took a sip of his wine and let his anger towards his only son simmer quietly. He knew his son had always lacked patience, but he had hoped that being banned from his kingdom and family would by now have molded him into a better character, with virtue and piety.

  “Patience is a gift not born from within, but taught and learned. As I see it, you have never grasped it,” the King told his only son bluntly.

  Ushi saw how angered the King was, with his simmering now turned to boiling, and knew immediately that he had better step in and settle things. “Let Aparicio make things right, again – for his own family,” Ushi told him seriously.

  The King looked up from his wine glass and now gave Ushi an odd look, with both eyebrows raised in question. “You take sides now with my son?” the King asked him boldly.

  Ushi gulped, knowing it was best to keep silent now and let the King make his decision.

  The King sat back in silence for a few minutes. He wanted to smirk, but knew better. He was now amused at this little, conniving conspiracy. He wanted to burst into laughter at his Court looking with such appalled expressions at Ushi and Aparicio, thinking they would be in the King’s good graces for thinking ill of the two. He noticed how his Court held their collective breath in anticipation. He decided to humor them all for a while and let Ushi and Aparicio squirm a bit. Would they cower beneath him? the King asked himself secretly.

  The King broke the silence and remarked seriously, “So, I see, another conspiracy…”

  “But it is a good one!” Ushi blurted out.

  The Court gasped, again – this time in unison. The King wanted to laugh, but dared not give himself away. Some of the Court began to twitch with nervousness. Their muscle spasms had started to set in. This both annoyed and tickled the King. Only Ushi and Aparicio sat with resolute vigor and unyielding spirits.

  Quietude set in again for several seconds, with the King leaning back as he sipped his wine. T
hen he leaned forward and spoke. “I shall put it this way. The Queen will banish me from my own kingdom if I do not let Ushi go and Aparicio take his place!”

  Both Aparicio and Ushi burst into laughter, with the King following suit. His Court decided they had better laugh, too. They all wanted to stay in good favor with their King.

  “I see Mother can indeed wield her own power once in a while,” Aparicio remarked slyly.

  “Do not let the kindness of your mother’s heart fool you. She can be quite harsh and brutal at times, and has closed her door to me many a night,” the King responded.

  A relaxed atmosphere had set in again, with the company resuming their lunch and drinking their wine with placid enjoyment.

  Frangelico and Carlos walked in together to join the festive table for lunch. The King was humoring himself and looked forward to the two gypsies joining them for the remainder of the meal. The King felt good about himself, his family and his own kingdom. His own heart beat harmoniously, which made him feel kindly for a change. He wanted to share his well-being with the Gypsy Warriors. He was also in a jolly, humorous mood and wanted to be amused himself.

  “So, I see our frog has chosen a philandering Gypsy Warrior to rule by her side,” the King remarked wittily to the couple.

  Ushi was annoyed at the King’s words. He leaned forward and reminded him, “Goldest is no longer a frog. Please refrain from referring her to that. She is a Queen now with her own kingdom.”

  Aparicio came to Ushi’s defense. “A golden Queen – quite bewitching.”

  “Someday, Goldest may come to your rescue from some shadow of evil that still lurks within the Domain,” Frangelico seriously informed the King.

  Carlos chuckled within his own thoughts. “All of Esbri’s flamboyant women are shocked and jealous that he has landed a Queen with her own kingdom and that he will be a King.”

  Frangelico took a witty look at Carlos. “Imagine that! I just bet you cannot wait to get back and spread the news all over again, and start trouble with the women! Haven’t you been pushed into enough of our wells by now by these females?”


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