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Alpha Bears And Brides (Red Lodge Bears) The Complete Collection

Page 22

by Vivian Wood

  One of his big hands splayed over her back, bracing her waist, as the other cupped and fondled her breast. The moment that she relaxed under his kiss, he ripped his mouth from hers and used the tip of his tongue to tease and explore her ear, nipping her earlobe with his teeth. Charlotte cried out and squirmed, the sensation sending liquid heat to her nipples and straight down to her core.

  She slid one arm around his neck and lifted one knee, rubbing her foot along the hard lines of his ankle and calf. Every inch of him was pure, lean muscle, and damn if it wasn’t killing her. She ran her free hand over the ridges of his ribs and hip, sighing with want.

  Noah stiffened under her touch, his cock twitching against her stomach giving away his weakness. Charlotte grinned up at him, taking a half step back and running her fingertips down the rippling muscle of his abs, licking her lips as his eyes visibly darkened with carnal lust. When she closed her fingers around his throbbing erection, her big Alpha male actually shivered.

  One glide of her hand over his water-slicked cock, one swipe of her thumb over the blunt crown, and she had him right where she wanted him, every muscle bulging as he struggled to remain still and silent, clinging tightly to his last reserve of control.

  Heedless of the water coming down around her, Charlotte locked her gaze to Noah’s and sank to her knees. His expression turned hard, almost hostile, but he didn’t move a muscle. Charlotte deliberately licked her lips again as she stared him down, a direct challenge.

  His growl of dominance was cut short when her lips brushed the tip of his cock, parting to let her tongue brush the hot, slick underside of the crown. Noah’s hips jerked as he sucked in a huge breath, his growl returning. Instead of stopping her, though, one hand threaded into the damp tumble of her hair, holding her in place.

  Charlotte continued to stare right up at Noah as she opened her mouth fully and took him in, as deep as she could manage. He was too long and thick for her to take him all at once, but she curled her fist around the base of his cock and bobbed her head slowly, enjoying the torment in Noah’s eyes.

  His fingers tightened in her hair as she worked her tongue around the tip with every movement. She gripped his hip with one hand, keeping him from thrusting into her throat even though she knew he could barely keep himself in check. Instead she kept her rhythm steady, sucking and licking until Noah gave a pained growl.

  “Charlotte,” Noah hissed, trying to pull her away.

  She ignored him, trailing her free hand down between his legs to cup and tease his balls.

  “Charlotte,” he said again, his voice desperate, nearly threatening.

  Noah’s whole body vibrated, straining, for several long moments until he stiffened and shouted, his cock pulsing as he came, thrusting hard into her mouth. The salty tang of his seed filled her senses as she licked and sucked him, pushing him through his climax.

  Charlotte gasped when Noah’s hands pulled her away, lifting her to her feet. If she’d expected him to be replete and relaxed, she couldn’t have been more wrong. His mouth came down on hers, as hard and demanding as ever. He backed her into the wall, lifting her off her feet and pinning her into place with his hips.

  His lips left hers as he released a tortured groan, one hand cupping her ass as the other explored her breast. She was shocked to feel his cock hardening against her belly once more as he thrust and ground against her soft flesh. Charlotte looked up at him, enthralled by his glowering expression of hungry determination.

  He slipped his hand between them, fingers finding and caressing her clit, stoking the flames of her desire. She could still taste him on her lips as his fingers slid down to touch her core, one thick finger sliding deep inside. She cried out and raked her nails over his shoulders, wanting more.

  Noah grasped his cock and thrust inside her, stretching and filling her without hesitation. This time there was no gentle easing, no preparation as he thrust hard into her slick passage, stealing her breath and thoughts as he moved within her.

  Noah’s hands found her hips, holding her up against the shower wall as he hammered into her, shuddering and panting. The cool tile against her back, the hot water pouring off Noah onto her breasts, the sensation of her nipples against his chest, the look of complete concentration on his face… Charlotte was a living flame, her lips and teeth exploring his neck and shoulder as he fucked her, his cock touching every sensitive spot inside her body. He claimed her, branded her, took and gave everything she’d ever known.

  “Noah!” she cried, her body tensing, inner muscles fluttering. She climaxed without warning, pulling them both under, his cry mixing with her own in the steamy air. For several moments, she knew nothing, only the hot, liquid pull of pleasure at her breasts and core and lips.

  When she finally sagged against Noah, he let her legs down, both of them standing unsteadily under the now-cooling shower spray. They leaned against each other, struggling for breath, until Charlotte shivered. Then Noah was pulling her out of the shower, pulling her close and picking her up. He wrapped her in a thick, soft towel and carried her to the bed. Setting her down, he vanished for a moment before returning wrapped in his own towel, holding another to spread under her pillow.

  Noah pulled back the comforter and climbed underneath and Charlotte followed him, meek as a lamb. He wrapped her in his arms with a sigh, settling her at his side. It was only moments before Charlotte tumbled into a long, dreamless sleep.


  Twenty Three

  When Noah woke, Charlotte was sitting in the chair near the window, staring at her phone with a bleak expression. She wore one of his dress shirts, with only one button done just below her breasts, and Noah immediately wanted her again, his body hardening. The look on her face kept him from pouncing on her, though.

  “Is there news?” he asked, rising and stretching. Charlotte took in his nudity with a raised brow and a bemused smile, shaking her head.

  “Nothing yet. I’m going a little crazy,” she admitted.

  Noah grabbed a fresh pair of boxer briefs and a t-shirt from his suitcase and tugged them on before taking the chair across from hers. He pushed his briefcase over on the table and leaned across the table, taking her hand.

  “I can’t believe you do this with all your patients. It would kill a normal person,” Noah told her.

  She blushed and shook her head again.

  “I don’t. I mean, I care for every patient. But Max is special to me.”

  “I can see why. He’s an incredible kid, really smart. He’s got a good heart under all the hurt and anger from being in the foster system. I can’t believe his people haven’t taken him in,” Noah grumbled.

  Charlotte’s chest rose as she sucked in a deep breath. She turned that dazzling sapphire gaze on Noah, nearly stilling his heartbeat.

  “I’ve filled out the paperwork to become an adoptive parent. I’m just too much of a coward to file it,” she said.

  Noah’s jaw actually dropped. Of all the things he could have expected her to say, this certainly wasn’t among them.

  “You… you want to adopt Max?” he asked, trying to keep his voice level. He let the idea sink in, picturing Max in Charlotte’s front yard, imagining the two of them arm-in-arm. It was sweet, but…

  “I filled the papers out the last time he was in the hospital. I did a lot of research, and…”

  Charlotte shrugged, pulling her hand away and looking down into her lap.

  “Why haven’t you done it?”

  She looked up, surprised.

  “It’s a big responsibility,” she said. “I’d have to sell my house, get a bigger place, closer to a good school district. And I work a lot, so that would be really hard.”

  Before Noah could say anything else, Charlotte gave herself a hard shake.

  “Can we not talk about this anymore? It feels a little morbid.”

  Noah looked her over, sighing internally at her discomfort.

  “I want to show you something,” he said. He opened his briefcase an
d pulled out his laptop, pulling up his most recent photo set. He turned the laptop toward Charlotte, smiling at the way her eyes widened.

  “You took these?” she asked, scrolling through dozens of photos of Max.

  “I did.”

  “These are amazing. You can’t even tell that he’s sick!” she said.

  “I asked him if I could interview him, and his stipulation was that he look healthy in the photos. I touched them up a little,” Noah admitted.

  Charlotte looked up at him, biting her lip. She hesitated, then sucked in a breath.

  “Can I read your interview?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “Sure,” Noah said. He pulled up the document and then stood. “I’m heading for the shower. Make yourself at home.”

  Noah dragged himself to the shower, growing irritated as his seeming inability to leave Charlotte alone for a handful of minutes. She was probably sick of him by now. So he went through the motions of taking a shower, scrubbing and washing, trying not to sigh like a lovesick schoolboy. The thought made him pause, scowl, and then bang his head against the cool tile wall. Love was not in Noah’s vocabulary.

  “I am so fucked,” he said aloud. “So, so fucked if I’m even thinking about that word.”

  He turned off the shower and dried off, wrapping a towel around his waist. The second that he stepped out of the bathroom, Charlotte almost gave him a heart attack. She flung herself into his arms, giving him a long, desperate kiss. When she wrapped her arms and legs around Noah and dragged him down to the bed, there wasn’t an ounce of resistance in him. Frustration over a certain four-letter word fled, banished by Charlotte’s unmistakable and considerable charms.


  Twenty Four

  “My brain feels like it’s full of mush,” Charlotte groused, turning over and pressing her sweat-slicked naked body against his.

  “Really? I felt that way two orgasms ago,” Noah informed her.

  Charlotte giggled, pressing her lips to his. He’d never seen her so lighthearted, and it made him feel good. Better than he had since he’d touched down on American soil, in fact. Still, he supposed that they should do something other than fuck. Charlotte had seemed a little sore at the beginning of the last round, and if they didn’t get out of bed soon he was going to have her again anyway. Minx that she was, she would probably let him.

  “Okay. What’s on the menu today. Are you working?” he asked.

  “No,” Charlotte snorted. “Now’s a nice time to ask, since it’s probably noon. Anyway, I think I should go check on Max. After yesterday…”

  “We should go, you mean,” Noah said, giving her a look.

  Her tentative smile made his stomach do uncomfortable things.

  “All right,” she agreed.

  “I’m afraid that means you’ll have to put on clothes,” he told her with a frown.

  Charlotte laughed and rolled her eyes, giving him a tantalizing view as she climbed out of bed and found her clothes. Where she led, Noah could only but follow, so he got up and got dressed too.

  Driving to Children’s Hospital, Noah was filled with nervous energy. He couldn’t get the image of Charlotte and Max hugging out of his mind, like it was burned into the back of his brain. He felt as though he was at the edge of something, but damn if he wanted to explore any further. He’d quit his traveling job, he’d found a girl that he might just be serious about… he was already outside his comfort zone. Way outside of it, in fact.

  “What?” Charlotte asked, giving him a skeptical look.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You keep heaving these big sighs. Care to share?”

  Noah arched a brow, pursing his lips.

  “Definitely not,” he said. “And look, we’re already here.”

  He pulled into a space in the parking lot, jumping out to open Charlotte’s door. She gave him a knowing look, but didn’t press the issue. Noah took Charlotte’s hand and they headed upstairs, the path already familiar to him.

  “Nurses’ station is empty,” Charlotte noted with a frown.

  They passed it and stopped in front of Max’s room. Finding the door closed, Noah reached out and knocked. No response. Noah swung the door wide, freezing in place when he found it perfectly empty.

  “Max?” he called out, feeling stupid even as the word left his mouth.

  Noah stepped into the room, Charlotte on his heels, clinging to his arm.

  “No,” she whispered. “No no no!”

  Noah looked down at Charlotte as she crumpled. He caught her as a sob burst from her chest, her eyes going wild as she scanned the room.

  “We’re too late,” she uttered. “He’ll never even know…”

  “Darling, you don’t know—” Noah tried.

  “He’s dead, Noah! We’re too late!” Charlotte cried.

  She looked up at him, devastated. In that moment, Noah saw the image of her and Max again. This time, though, he was on Max’s other side, all three of them beaming. The idea, the very image Noah had pushed away since their time at the beach, hit him like a fist to the gut. Looking at that same feeling as it spread across Charlotte’s face tore at his heart.

  He gathered her in his arms, hugging her tightly.

  “I’m so sorry, darling,” he murmured into her hair. “I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t taken him out yesterday…”

  “What the hell are you two doing in here?” came a man’s voice.

  Noah and Charlotte turned to find a short, silver-haired man standing in the door. He wore a long white doctor’s coat and held a stack of charts.

  “Dr. Rivers,” Charlotte said, her voice wavering.

  “You’re not working,” he said. More a statement than a question. He eyed Noah for a moment, then looked around the room. Something seemed to dawn on him, and he cleared his throat.

  “Ah. Your young friend Max,” he said. “He’s been transferred to D ward.”

  Noah let out a grunt of surprise. Charlotte gripped his harm, her nails digging into his skin.

  “Transferred?” she repeated.

  “Your friend Connie got him into the new chemotherapy trial that’s about to start. I hear they’re having remarkable results. I wish I could get more of my patients into it,” Dr. Rivers said, cocking his head.

  “I thought—” Charlotte spun around and flung herself into Noah’s arms once more, sobs wracking her body again.

  “I’ll leave you to it,” the doctor said, giving them a disapproving glance as he went.

  “Hey, hey,” Noah said, trying to soothe her. “Everything is okay, darling.”

  Charlotte calmed in his embrace, taking in a ragged breath.

  “The papers,” she said, turning her tear-streaked face up to him.

  “Papers?” he asked, brushing a lock of hair back from her face.

  “I need to file the adoption papers,” she said, her brow creasing.

  Noah hesitated for the briefest moment before shaking his head.

  “I think you should wait a few days,” he said.

  Charlotte’s eyes widening, anger brewing. She put a hand on his chest, about to push him away, but he trapped her hand and held her there.

  “I think we should file some other papers first,” he said.

  Charlotte’s jaw dropped. She looked at him as if he’d gone mad.

  “Are you… what?” she asked, confused.

  “Charlotte, I want you to be my mate.”

  Her mouth opened and closed several times as she sputtered.

  “You’re just… you don’t mean that!” she accused.

  “I mean every word of it. You are beautiful and fiery and loving, and you somehow manage to tolerate me. I can’t think of a woman better suited to me. Can you?” Noah asked, unable to resist teasing her a little.

  “What about Max?” she asked, her big blue eyes filling with tears again.

  “Well, that’s why you should wait. Just until we get human marriage papers, I mean. We should make it official, s
houldn’t we?”

  For a heart-wrenchingly long series of seconds, Noah wasn’t certain if she would accept or punch him in the face. Her lips trembled, a single tear spilling down her cheek. He held her hand to his chest, directly over his heart, and held his breath. More than that; for the first time in his life, Noah Beran actually prayed for Charlotte to accept his proposal.

  “Yes,” Charlotte whispered at last.

  “Yes?” Noah asked, a grin lighting up his face. The terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach vanished as he watched a hopeful smile light Charlotte’s eyes.

  “Yes, yes,” Charlotte laughed, wiping at her face.

  Noah wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, kissing her for all he was worth. When he set her back on her feet, they were both breathless.

  “First things first,” he told her. “We visit Max, and then…” He looked at his watch. “We can still make it to the courthouse this afternoon. You won’t mind terribly if we sign the papers before you pick out a ring, will you?”

  Charlotte gave a watery laugh and shook her head.

  “As long as you keep giving me those kisses, I think I might let it slide.”

  Noah couldn’t do anything else but oblige the woman who was destined to be his one true mate.


  Gavin’s Salvation Cover



  Gavin Beran shifted in his seat, frowning at the cramped hardwood picnic table that he and two of his brothers had staked out as their territory. It was one of maybe two dozen or so that were scattered over a broad expanse of thick, green grass in the public park where the Krall clan had set up the third day of their week-long string of social activities, all geared toward getting single Berserkers together to find potential mate matches. It was like a singles’ cruise, except with dozens of nosy werebear parents looking over their children's’ shoulders the whole time. Also instead of sun and sea and fun, it was St. Louis and forced socialization and a lot of very brash females determined to find the strongest Alphas for their mates.


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