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Alpha Bears And Brides (Red Lodge Bears) The Complete Collection

Page 30

by Vivian Wood

  Back at the guest house, they split up and went to seek their own beds, unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.



  It wasn’t until the next morning that those words were released. Faith made breakfast, as she always did, though her stomach felt as leaden as the thoughts that weighed down her heart. They ate together in the kitchen, standing up, silence expanding between them until it was nearly unbearable. Faith couldn’t finish quickly enough, washing up the dishes, planning to escape to her new office and work on her story.

  Gavin watched her as she worked, brooding. When she gave him a smile and a mumbled excuse about wanting to get to work, he shook his head.

  “Come sit with me for a minute,” he said, taking her hand and leading her to the couch. Faith sat next to him, her eyes intent on his face, trying to guess what he might say. Was he going to ask her to make a decision right now about her future? Or worse, would he just flat-out ask her to pack up and leave? She didn’t think she could bear that, not after how close they’d grown over the last few days. They were at a tipping point, but the uncertainty was making Faith feel more and more out of control.

  “I need to ask you something,” Gavin said at last, rousing Faith from her thoughts. She’d leaned against him without thought, her body seeking his easy comfort. She sat up a little, already mourning the loss of his wonderful warmth as she looked at him.

  “Anything,” she said.

  “I need to know… is there anything holding us back from being together, aside from just needing time to grow into it?” he asked.

  Faith cocked her head, confused.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, is there anyone or anything else that might keep you from… being interested in taking things further. With me,” he said, shifting in his seat. His words were blunt, but he still looked distinctly uncomfortable.

  “Oh, Gavin. I don’t know,” Faith said, releasing a pent-up breath. “I just wonder… I mean, isn’t there anything holding you back?”

  His brow furrowed. Faith’s lips twitched, thinking how his father and brother had just the same expression when they were perplexed.

  “What would be holding me back?” he asked.

  “I’m a nobody. I’ve never been anywhere, I’ve never seen anything. Everything I know is from books, and I’m still not that well-read. I’ve never even been on a real date, except here in the guest house, with you. Is that… wouldn’t you want more in a mate?” she asked, finally letting out the thoughts that had swirled around her all night.


  “No, really. I was listening to Charlotte talk earlier. She’s got a career, and she’s traveled, and she’s stylish—”

  “Just stop,” Gavin said, his words a growl. He reached out and grabbed Faith by the waist, pulling her close. “Charlotte is sophisticated, yeah. But you—”

  He paused, and Faith’s heart squeezed in her chest.

  “I’m what? Just because I’ve got myself a degree from some little no-name community college, that doesn’t make me anything special. I can’t even take care of myself right now. You and your family are doing everything for me! It’s pathetic, and I’ll probably never be able to repay any of you.”

  “Jesus, Faith,” Gavin said, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Is this why you were so put out at dinner?”

  “Well, yeah. I’m just… stuck. And you, look at you! You’re gorgeous, and you have a good career, and you’re nice—” She paused at the grin that spread across Gavin’s face. “Quit smiling. I’m just pointing out the obvious, here.”

  “I’m glad you find me so irresistible,” Gavin said, leaning in for a kiss. He nibbled at her lower lip, making her want to sigh and lean into his embrace. With him so close, she had to scold herself just to stay upright.

  “I’m serious right now. I don’t think I can be enough for you. I just wonder… I think maybe I should try to find my mom, try to find my own way for a while. If I can stand on my own two feet, and you still want me, maybe then we’d have a chance.”

  Gavin frowned, then gave an exasperated sigh.

  “Wyatt,” he sighed.

  “Excuse me?” she asked.

  “Wyatt told you something, didn’t he? Or was it Cameron?” Gavin demanded to know.

  “Wyatt,” Faith admitted, fresh anger growing in her chest as she thought of Wyatt’s warning. “And I don’t want you for your money, just so you know.”

  “Fucking… I will kill him,” Gavin groaned. “You can’t listen to anything he says. He’s totally biased against women. It’s not personal.”

  “He seemed to think I was going to stomp on your heart and take all your money, or something,” Faith said. “Or that I was only interested in sex or something. It was confusing.”

  “I bet he had some true gems to relate,” Gavin said, looking aggravated. “Listen to me. I want you, I admit that. I think you’re beautiful, and very sexy. But I also enjoy you. You’re interesting, and thoughtful, and you’re sweet to me. Plus, you make great pancakes,” he said, ending with a tease.

  “All of which you could find in someone with some actual life experience,” Faith pointed out.

  “But I don’t want someone else, I want you.”

  Faith looked at him for a long moment, biting her lip. Then she turned away, shaking her head.

  “Hey, hey,” Gavin said, cupping her face and pulling her back. “There are a lot of big questions right now, but all we have to answer is whether we want this. So I’m asking you again… Is there anything else holding you back? Not Wyatt, or my family, or money, or whatever. Anything in here?”

  He tapped her chest, just over her heart. Faith tilted her head back, looking right into Gavin’s eyes. He was so sincere, so caring. And she lusted for him as she never had for another, that was to be certain. But was that enough?

  “There’s nothing,” she said finally, lifting her lips to brush his.

  “You’re sure, Faith? I don’t want a part of you, I want everything. So be sure,” Gavin said, pulling back and staring in her eyes again.

  The words were out of her mouth before she even thought them, bubbling straight up from her heart and past her lips.

  “I’m sure, Gavin. I want you, too,” she said.

  “We can go slow, just to make sure,” he promised.

  In response, Faith kissed him again, a little harder this time. The kiss turned heated in half a moment, passion igniting between them. Gavin cupped her jaw, one hand thrusting into her hair, holding her captive as he explored her with his tongue and teeth.

  Faith’s mind flashed to the night at the hot springs, to the way he’d touched her, make her burn higher and higher until she combusted. The image of him sitting on the side of the pool, stroking his thick length as he stared at her with lust-darkened eyes, lodged in her thoughts and make her flush.

  “Should we take this in the bedroom?” Gavin asked. Not a suggestion, a genuine question. Even aroused, and she could tell that he was, he was the perfect gentleman.

  Faith opened her mouth to answer, but the sound of gravel crunching outside interrupted her. Gavin glanced at the door, scowling.

  “I guess Noah got the same lecture from Ma about spending time together,” he sighed. He stood, freezing when he heard a second vehicle pull up to the front of the house. “Two cars?”

  They both stood and went to the front window. Two black SUVs were parked, doors opening to reveal several familiar faces. In particular, her brother Jared stood out, a menacing look of anticipation flashing on his face.

  “Get in your room, Faith. In the bathroom. Lock the door,” Gavin fired off, pulling his cell phone from his pocket.

  “Let me just talk to him,” Faith said, but Gavin silenced her with a glance.

  “Pa, Faith’s brother is here, and he brought… at least six men,” Gavin said into the phone. He listened for a moment, nodded, and hung up. Turning to Faith, he grabbed her by the sh
oulders and pushed her toward the back hallway.

  “Go! I mean it. Don’t make me have to worry about you while I’m fighting,” he commanded. “There’s a handgun in the case under my bed. It’s loaded, so be careful.”

  “No. No one is fighting,” Faith said, wrenching away from him. “I’m going outside. You should stay here.”

  Her heart was in her throat, her stomach churning with fear, but she wasn’t going to let Gavin put himself in danger over her situation. He’d done enough.

  Gavin moved toward her, arms opening, his intent to trap her and force her to the bathroom obvious. Faith dodged him and ran for the front door, flinging it open as he caught her around the waist.

  “JARED!” she shouted. “I’m right here!”

  She struggled, but Gavin was too big, too strong. He pushed her behind his body, squaring off against the men who were now only a dozen paces away. Faith stared at them, gulping as she took in their simple garb and mean grimaces. Her father was absent, but these were his men, and they looked like they meant business.

  “You’re not getting her,” Gavin growled. Faith shivered; she’d never seen this side of him, his bear so close to the surface, aggression rolling off him in waves.

  “You can’t just steal from me and get away with it,” Jared said, stepping forward.

  “You don’t own her,” Gavin spat.

  Jared hefted a thick book bound in ancient-looking brown leather.

  “Really? The Alphas’ Code says that I do,” Jared replied.

  “You’re not the Alpha,” Gavin said, hands bunching into fists.

  “Wrong. That weak-ass old man didn’t deserve it, so I took it. I’m the Alpha now,” Jared said, almost casually.

  Faith’s mouth went dry.

  “You fought him?” Gavin asked.

  “More like killed. Now I’m the Alpha, and this book, the same one your fucking father used to take my sister away, this book says that she belongs to me.”

  “You’ll have to kill me, and my brothers, and my father,” Gavin told him.

  “No, actually. The Code says that if you haven’t completed the mating ceremony and the coupling, I own her. Alphas’ rights. Pretty sweet, huh?” Jared said, grinning. A couple of his henchmen laughed, leering.

  “Gavin…” Faith said, clawing his arm, desperate to get out from behind him.

  “I challenge you for it, then,” Gavin said.

  Everyone went still and silent.



  “Come again?” Jared said, strutting closer, putting his hand to ear as if he hadn’t heard Gavin correctly.

  “I challenge you for Alpha,” Gavin repeated. Faith could feel the tremor that ran through his body, his bear bucking for control.

  “That’s a death match,” Jared drawled, a sick smile on his lips.

  “Only if you make it one,” Gavin said, not backing down an inch.

  “I’ll wipe the floor with you. Then I’ll take my sister back, give her the punishment she deserves. If she wants to be a whore, she can do it for the men in my pack. She’s been such a stuck-up bitch to them, they’ll love deflowering her. Isn’t that right, Faith? I know you’ve saved yourself for my men, haven’t you?”

  Faith growled, pushing at Gavin. Her own bear was rising, demanding that she scratch out Jared’s filthy tongue.

  “Don’t,” Gavin told her simply. “It’s done.”

  She stilled for a moment, and he stepped out of the front door toward Jared. Quick as a flash, she was past him and flinging herself at her brother, growling and scratching at her face.

  Jared caught her easily, pushing her toward her cousin Samuel, who grabbed her by the neck. Samuel’s fingers found a tender spot, making her vision go white for a moment when he gave her a cruel squeeze.

  “Settle,” her cousin rumbled.

  “If you hurt her, you’re next,” Gavin said, his expression stony.

  “Just keeping the peace,” Samuel said, hauling Faith up and holding her fast.

  Gavin stared at Samuel for a moment, then shook his head.

  “Let’s get this over with,” he said to Jared. He started to pull up his shirt, ready to shift and fight.

  “No,” Jared said. “We stay human. It’s in the book.”

  Jared tossed the book at Gavin, and it landed at his feet. Gavin gave it a sneer, shaking his head.

  “No! Gavin, he’s a boxer, bare-knuckle style,” Faith pleaded. “He’s almost killed a couple of guys. Your bear is bigger than his, you can take better that way.”

  “I don’t care. I’ll do it,” Gavin answered. In the distance, Faith could hear the sound of cars approaching. Josiah and the rest of the backup, she presumed.

  “And no one interrupts,” Jared said loudly. “That means your father and brothers stay on the sidelines.”

  “And your men, too,” Gavin said. “Fine. Let’s do it.”

  Jared gave Faith a wicked look, then circled around to square off against Gavin.

  “Let go of me,” Faith told Samuel, pushing at him. “I need to watch.”

  “If you interfere, you’ll be sorry,” Samuel told her, releasing her with a little shove. She sidled away from him, but kept her distance from Gavin and Jared.

  Jared was moving in already, fists up, shuffling closer and closer. Gavin took up the same pose, but Faith could tell that he wasn’t nearly so practiced. Two cars pulled up, the Beran men and a few others running up to the circle, but they were outnumbered.

  “Leave it, Pa!” Gavin shouted, sparing his father the briefest glance. “We’re in the Alphas’ duel now.”

  Josiah and Noah stilled. Jared took advantage of Gavin’s momentary distraction, his left fist flashing out and cocking Gavin in the jaw. Gavin stumbled backward, but he recovered quickly.

  The two circled, taking and landing jabs. Time slowed, a torment for Faith. She watched as Jared made Gavin dance, landing hard blows to his ribs and chest. She felt vomit rising in her throat, but she couldn’t bring herself to move, could barely breathe.

  Gavin held his own for several minutes, but Jared pushed him and pushed him, getting in three punches for every one Gavin got. Jared got Gavin off balance for a second and slammed his fist into Gavin’s face, bone crunching and blood flying. Gavin was quick to repay the favor, getting Jared in the nose with his elbow, but Faith could already see that this wasn’t a winnable fight.

  Jared was going to kill the only man who cared about her, the man she… yes, loved. Her chance at life and happiness. She’d escaped him, foiled him, and now Jared was going to take even this from her.

  Jared tackled Gavin to the ground, landing two sickening thuds to Gavin’s torso. Gavin groaned but rolled away. Faith glanced toward the house, wondering how she could stop this before it was too late.

  An idea struck her, an insane idea. She tried to think, tried to come up with something else, but there was nothing. She was empty inside, a ball of fear and confusion and hatred, and there was nothing else.

  She edged toward the house, glad that all the men were absorbed in the fight. Samuel gave her a hard look, but she turned her back and pretended to sob, fleeing inside. No one followed her; she was given at least that small bit of relief.

  It took her only a minute to find what she sought. It was under Gavin’s bed, just as he’d said. With shaking hands, she pulled the heavy black handgun from its case. She was back at the doorway in half a heartbeat, barely conscious of what she was doing.

  There was only the desperation, clawing her insides, making her tremble, making her want to be sick.

  Jared and Gavin were on the ground still, but Gavin was barely moving. He was blocking punches still, his movements sluggish and clumsy, while Jared grinned like a madman, blood trickling from his mouth and nose.

  A glint of metal shone, something in Jared’s hand. Faith’s eyes widened when she saw that he had a small blade, a flash of steel arcing down toward Gavin. He stabbed Gavin right in the chest, the wet sound of it
almost drowned out by Gavin’s outraged bellow of pain and anger.

  Then the world went silent. No, not exactly. Time froze. Then Faith’s arms moved, seemingly of their own volition. Then there was a sound, a roar, and then no sound at all. Like a plug being pulled that let out all the air, but on her sense of hearing.

  Jared dropped to the ground, his face contorting in pain as he clutched his shoulder. Suddenly everyone was staring at her. Faith looked down at her hands and saw the gun pointed at her brother. Only then did she realize that she’d shot him.

  Samuel’s mouth moved, and she could hear him, a little.

  “You can’t—” her cousin was saying as he walked toward her.

  She swung toward him, gun still pointed straight out.

  “I will kill you,” she told him. “Get back.”

  Now there was no trembling, no fear. No sickness or butterflies or anything else. Just icy anger and determination.

  “Get Jared away from my mate,” she ordered the men.

  “Fucking bitch!” Jared shrieked, his masculine swagger gone. “I will fucking kill you, I’ll kill you both!”

  Jared lurched to his feet, ignoring his bleeding shoulder, and ran at Faith, knife in his hand. Faith moved, and then easily, knowingly fired again. Point-blank, this time, right at the heart.

  Jared’s eyes went wide as he clutched his chest, a murderous look on his face.

  “You… didn’t… I’ll… kill…” he mouthed. Or cried out, maybe; Faith couldn’t hear anything. Then his eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed in the gravel.

  Samuel moved again, several of the men clustering behind him, and Faith turned back to him.

  “I think I made myself clear. I said I would kill you, and I meant it,” Faith shouted over her gunshot-deafness, that icy calm still in control, working her like a puppet. “I killed him. I’m the Alpha now. Get in the car, and leave, or I will kill every one of you.”


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