Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3) Page 15

by Praks, Alexia

  “Hey, mind if you do me a favor?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Jayden replied.

  “I promised to spend time with Kelly today. I mean, I really missed her, bro. If you don’t mind, would you go to Tiffany’s to get our wedding rings for me?”

  “Yeah, sure. Today?”

  “Yeah. The payment is taken care of. Just need to fetch them. Mind you, it’s a surprise for Kelly. She hasn’t seen them.”


  “Thanks, man,” Sam said, patting Jayden’s back.

  With the deal done, Sam whisked Kelly away, and Jayden went about having his breakfast.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 18

  Alexandra slipped back into the bedroom. She leaned against the closed door and sighed. She saw the BlackBerry Jayden gave her on the bedside table, grabbed it, and started dialing her home numbers. After a few rings, it was picked up by her mom.

  “Hello? Mali speaking.”

  “Hey, Mum.” Alex tightened the phone in her hand near her ear. The sound of her mother’s voice caused a knot in the pit of her stomach. Gosh, she missed her family.

  “Sweetheart, how’s things? The conference is not tiring you out? I know how much you don’t like traveling and especially going to another country.”

  “I’m good, Mum. How’s Dad and everyone else?”

  “Everyone here is good. Sweetheart, we miss you so much, and it has only been four days.”

  “I know. I miss you all too.”

  In the distance, Alex could hear Emma’s voice shouting, “Mum? Is that Alex? Hey, Alex, have you been shopping for my presents yet? Remember, I want gifts. And have you been sightseeing at all yet?”

  Alex shook her head. She wanted to laugh. Emma would always be Emma.

  Sightseeing? She had been wanting to go sightseeing since the day she arrived, but so far that handsome fake boyfriend of hers had yet to take her as far out as the street in front of the house.

  “Don’t mind her,” Alex heard her mum say. “You know how your sister is.”

  Alex laughed. “Yeah. Mum? I love you. I have to go now.”

  “Oh. Of course, sweetheart. We’ll talk later. And see you again soon.”

  “Yeah, bye now,” she said and hung up.

  After placing the BlackBerry back on the bedside table, she ambled to the balcony. Looking down at the immaculate garden below, she saw Sam and Kelly kissing passionately near the water feature. A moment later, they reluctantly parted and hopped into the red Ferrari. Alex felt an odd tug at her heart as the car moved away to the gate. No doubt they’d be having a wonderful time together.

  Ugh! What’s wrong with you, Alex? she asked herself. She wasn’t usually a jealous person, but—

  Heck! She was envious of Kelly for finding the right man who loved her. But she was also happy for Kelly because the woman deserved it.

  Once the car disappeared from sight, she turned on her heel and went back to the bedroom. It was such a lovely day. She couldn’t believe she was wasting it here in the bedroom, sulking.

  She collapsed on the bed and groaned. Here she was, dressed in a sexy dress and hoping the damn man would take notice of her new look. But what did she get? Nothing. Not even an invitation to go out for a short walk. Oh yeah! No plan for the day? What the heck did you plan to do for the whole day, Jayden?

  The next moment, she felt somebody sitting on the bed. She widened her eyes. Then she felt the warmth of a body near her and a hand touching her hair. Then a voice said near her ear, “Still tired, huh?”

  Alex turned. Her face nearly collided with Jayden’s. She saw him grinning at her.

  “I’m not that tired. Just nothing to do so—”

  “Well, then would you like to come on an errand with me?”


  “I have something I have to get. How about it, partner? We have a mission. It’s important.”

  Alex smiled, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Um. Yeah. Sure. Why not?”

  “Good,” he said. “Come along, then.” He pulled her up by the hands and led her to the door.

  “Wait!” Alex chuckled. “Not so fast. I need my shoes and bag.”

  “All right. Hurry, hurry,” he said, letting her hands go.

  Alex rushed into the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of Louboutin peep-toe pumps and her new Gucci handbag. Jayden grabbed her wrist impatiently the moment she was back and led her to the stairs. His action was so quick she dropped her shoes. She pulled him back and said, “My shoes.”

  She bent down and picked them up as Jayden shook his head. Once she had gotten control of her shoes, he scooped her into his arms.

  “Oh,” Alex gasped. “I can walk, you know.”

  “Yes, I know you can.” He chuckled, rushing down the stairs, carrying her.

  Outside, he dropped her into the front seat of his BMW convertible.


  “Very much, thank you.”

  “Good,” he said. He got in and started the engine.

  Alex felt exhilarated sitting beside Jayden with the sun warm on her skin and the breeze dancing about her face and playing with her hair. She pulled out her Christian Dior sunglasses and put them on.

  “What do you think?” she asked, turning to him.

  “Beautiful,” he replied.

  “It is, aye?” she said. “Quite expensive, too.”

  Jay laughed. He didn’t have the heart to tell her he was referring to her and not the sunglasses.

  Alex couldn’t contain her excitement as the car cruised along the busy streets of Manhattan. She enjoyed the scenery tremendously, marveling at the things she found fascinating. She couldn’t believe New York City was so crowded. The buildings were sky high, the footpaths crammed with people, and the roads jammed with cars. The pollution was probably up there as well; she was sure.

  Jayden slowed the car down along 5th Avenue and parked in front of a tall building famous for its jewelry.

  “Are we here?”

  He nodded as he got out.

  “That was quick,” she commented and got out as well, her eyes still wide at her surroundings like a child lost in wonderland.

  Jayden came to take her hand as he locked the car. Alex grinned as she walked beside him. In that instant, she felt as though she were his real girlfriend.

  As they headed toward the building, she took her sunglasses off and read the sign on the front door of the building. Tiffany & Co.

  Alex’s jaw dropped. “Oh my God! It’s Tiffany, like in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s with Audrey Hepburn.”

  “Yes, it is,” he said, leading the excited and stunned Alex by the hand into the store.

  At the grand entrance, a well-built man in a polished black suit opened the door for them, nodding a polite welcome as they came through. Alex bit her lip with anticipation as her large eyes wandered around inside the huge store. She took in the chic, glamorous décor. She noted the jewelry on display. What a fabulous place to see for her first sightseeing.

  A pretty blond sales consultant in a sleek suit of red and black came over to them. “May I be of assistance?” she asked pleasantly, with a wide smile on her face.

  “I’m here to pick up a package,” Jayden said.

  “Of course, sir. Would you please follow me? We need to get some details.”

  Jayden glanced at Alex, who nodded at him that she’d be all right alone. Once the sales consultant and Jayden were gone, Alex wandered around, admiring the iconic jewelry store that was for the rich, the powerful, and the famous. She simply couldn’t believe she was there. She felt like a million dollars.

  After Jayden gave the sales consultant the details, he returned to the main lounge and sat on the leather sofa. He crossed his legs and rested one arm over the back, wondering where Alex had gone off to. He scanned around the place, pausing here and there to admire the jewelry. Long ago, before he had found out about Sarah and Kyle, he had wanted to buy an engagement ring from Tiffany for Sar
ah. But the thought of it now only brought a painful jab about his chest that had nothing to do with his health, and he dismissed it immediately.

  He noticed four beautiful young women admiring the emerald necklaces, glancing his way, showing him with their body language they were available. He dismissed them and turned to his left. He saw Alex, wide-eyed and grinning, as she stared at a particular piece of jewelry.

  “Sorry about the wait, sir,” the sales consultant said. She handed him a light-blue bag that had the Tiffany & Co brand.

  Jayden took the bag. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sir. We hope to see you again.”

  Jayden nodded politely and thought, Not in a million years.

  “She’s a fine piece.”

  Jayden saw the woman nodding toward Alex.

  “She is,” he commented.

  “Congratulations, sir. The best of luck from us, and enjoy your honeymoon.”

  Jayden blinked. He smiled after he realized her meaning. She nodded and left.

  He came to stand behind Alex, curious at what had snatched her interest so completely. In the showcase glass, he saw a princess-cut diamond ring encased in a platinum band.

  “All sorted,” he whispered into her ear softly.

  Alex jumped. She turned and glanced up at him. “Hi,” she greeted, smiling, and her eyes were shining with adoration. “Look at that one. It’s so beautiful.”

  “Yes, it is.” He agreed, his eyes on her.

  Alex licked her lips. “I’ve never worn a ring before.”

  “Yeah? Then try it on.”

  “Huh? Don’t be silly.” She scoffed, waving her hand at him.

  “Excuse me,” Jayden called for a sales assistant behind the counter who had been watching them. She came around to them.

  “Yes, sir? Can I help you?”

  “That one,” Jayden said, nodding to the ring.

  “Jayden!” Alex hissed.

  “Ah. Excellent choice, sir,” the sales assistant commented.

  Jayden ignored Alex’s frown as he watched the woman insert a key into the lock and open the glass door.

  “It’s a Lucida princess-cut diamond ring set in platinum,” the woman said as she gently picked up the case containing the ring.

  Jayden picked up the piece of jewelry and examined it in his fingers. He grabbed Alex’s left hand and slid it onto her ring finger.

  “Wow,” Alex exclaimed. She moved her hand this way and that so the diamond caught the light and sparkled. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s a perfect engagement ring,” the sales assistant said.

  “Oh,” Alex gasped, surprised. This was an engagement ring? “Um, thank you.” She quickly took it off. The sales consultant carefully set the ring back in its case, then put that back into the secure glass box.

  “Thank you,” Jayden said to the woman. The sales assistant nodded and returned to her position behind the counter.

  Jayden led Alex to the door, holding her hand in his.

  “Is that all?” she asked.

  He sensed disappointment in her voice, and he knew she wanted to see more of New York.

  “Yeah,” he replied with a secret smile. “That’s all.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  * * * * *

  Across the huge store on the other side was Stephanie, with bags of Tiffany and Co. in her hands. She watched with interest as Jayden and Alex headed toward the exit. Her eyes zeroed in on the Tiffany and Co. bag in Jayden’s hand. A bubble of excitement erupted within her. It must be an engagement ring. After all, she had glimpsed Jayden putting a diamond ring on Alex’s finger—the one-of-a-kind that was on show in the main glass case in the middle of the lobby, the one that everyone admired but couldn’t afford to buy. She couldn’t wait to spread the good news.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 19

  Alex slid into the passenger seat, clicked on her seat belt, and put on her sunglasses. Jayden couldn’t help but admire the way she handled herself—with such elegance and innocence. She looked as though she belonged there, as a part of his world, but at the same time, she looked vulnerable and lost. She was very contradictory in his mind, but desirable.

  “Back home, then, I suppose,” she said absentmindedly.

  Back home? Jayden was surprised at her choice of words. Did that mean his home was now her home?

  “What?” she asked when she saw him looking at her oddly.

  “Nothing,” he replied, starting the engine. He steered the car around and into the thick traffic.

  Alex relaxed, thoroughly enjoying the sun. A moment later, she asked, “So what was it?”

  “Hmm?” Jay glanced at his blind spot and switched lanes.

  “What did you get? Your errand.”

  “Oh. In the bag,” he said, nodding to the back seat. “Have a look.”

  “Sure. Don’t mind me.” She leaned over and reached for the blue bag. She placed it on her lap and took out two small velvet boxes that had the initial Tiffany & Co. “Ooh,” she made a sound as she opened one. The gold wedding band shone against the glistening sunlight.

  “Whoa,” she gasped. “It’s Kelly’s wedding ring?”

  Jayden nodded.

  “Nice.” She turned the box about so she could inspect it from all sides without having to take the ring out. She didn’t want to dirty it.

  Jayden laughed. “Do you want one?”

  Alex glanced at him. “Who doesn’t? That is, when I find the right man, of course.”

  Jayden was curious. The right man, huh? He wondered what type of man was her “right man.” He had no doubt she probably had a list of criteria.

  “Just curious, what’s your ideal man? That perfect man you’re looking for?” he asked casually.

  Alex shut the box and placed it back into the bag. “I suppose every girl has her ideal man. Mine is tall but not too tall. Your height is good.”

  Jayden grinned at her comment.

  “He has to be kind. Don’t care who he is or where he’s from. I mean nationality-wise. Not sure about his career, though. But I’d love to have a doctor as a husband,” she said, nudging her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose.

  “Why?” he asked, a hint of disapproval in his voice. “A doctor?”

  “Because I’m a scientist. They kind of go together, don’t you think?”

  “No. Does it matter that he has to be a doctor?” He glanced at her.

  Alex pouted her lips. “No, I suppose not.” She shrugged.

  “Besides, aren’t doctors supposed to be so busy that they won’t have time for you?”

  “I think that depends,” she commented, starting to feel quite uncomfortable chatting about her “ideal” man. If he asked her enough questions, he’d know who her ideal man was, the man she wanted in her life, which was him. That was why she told him a doctor instead of a businessman.

  “Let’s talk about something else,” she suggested.

  “What do you want to eat?”

  “Huh?” She glanced at him.

  “What type of food do you want to eat?”

  “Are we going out to eat?”


  A happy feeling bubbled up within her. “And I get to choose the place?”


  “Cool.” She chuckled. “What about a steak house?”

  Jayden raised a brow at her. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I love steak.”

  “All right.” Then he added, “After I’ve taken you for a cruise around town.”

  Alex couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She turned to him and grinned, her eyes large and puppy-like. “Really?”

  Jayden chuckled. “Unless you have something else planned.”

  “Oh, no,” she replied quickly. “Nothing planned.”

  “Good,” he said, speeding up. “Taken care of, then.”

  After that, everything was a delightful blur to Alex as she took in the sights of Central Park and then the Metropolitan Museum of Ar
t as Jayden guided her around, holding her hand and showing her things. When she was exhausted from the heat and from learning and seeing new things, he took her for a late lunch.

  The BMW came to a screeching halt in front of The Steak House restaurant. Jayden got out and rushed over to open the door for her.

  Alex laughed. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Ah, but I have to. I’m a gentleman.”

  “Yeah. Right.” She scoffed. She felt like reminding him that he was supposed to be gay, but she didn’t have the heart to do so because he looked so pleased with himself. And he was so damn handsome she couldn’t take her eyes off him. She wondered if he knew that he was good-looking and that lots of women would fall for him if he were to lead them on.

  The restaurant was busy and packed with customers. Most of the seats were taken, though Alex couldn’t help but admire the fact that everything was running smoothly. A waiter showed them to their table, which was situated near the window that overlooked Central Park. He even pulled out a chair for Alex, and she thanked him politely. Then he poured them each a glass of water and then showed them the menu.

  “Would you like some wine today?” he asked.

  Jayden glanced down the wine list and chose one. The waiter jotted that down and then left, telling them he’d be back in a few moments.

  “Wow. I don’t know what to have,” Alex commented, biting her lip as she scanned through the menu.

  “I thought you wanted steak. Just go for a steak,” Jay suggested, leaning back in his seat.

  “Yes, I want steak. All right, I’ll go for the steak.” Decision made, she shut the menu.

  The waiter reappeared with the wine. He expertly poured a bit into a glass for Jayden to taste. Jayden nodded his approval and then the waiter poured more into his glass.

  He turned to Alex and poured some into her glass.

  “Oh. Thank you,” she said to him, smiling.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied and then left them after he had taken their order.

  Once they were alone again, Alex said, “I like this place.” She scanned around and noted that everyone in here dressed up real nice. At the door, she saw two people came in. It was them—the blond-haired woman and the handsome man she had met at Buon Appetito. She hoped they wouldn’t see her and Jayden. She hoped they wouldn’t recognize her.


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