Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3) Page 16

by Praks, Alexia

  “I’m sorry, sir, but all our tables are taken. If you both could please wait a moment,” one of the waiters said to them.

  The blonde muttered something under her breath and folded her arms across her chest in irritation. Then her eyes met Alex’s.

  Alex was sure she could see the hazel eyes narrowing as if there were a sense of recognition. She glanced away, pretending she hadn’t noticed the woman. She wasn’t pleased when the blonde headed toward their table.

  The blonde stopped right in front of them. She glanced at Alex and then turned to Jayden, smiling pleasantly as if they were old friends.

  “Jayden, darling,” she said brightly.

  Alex widened her eyes in shock. The blonde knows Jayden? Oh my God! What a small world.

  She watched Jay, who looked at the blonde with a cold, masked face. “Sarah.”

  That was when Alex felt the butterflies in her stomach. Her heart fluttered as she realized Jayden was tense. She could see his hands were gripping into fists.

  So this was Sarah? Jayden’s ex-girlfriend? The sense of realization settled in her, and Alex felt sick in her stomach.

  “Did you enjoy yourself last night? You didn’t stay too late with Britney, did you?” Sarah asked.

  Jayden ignored her questions and fired one of his own. “What are you doing here?”

  “Lunch, of course, darling,” Sarah replied sweetly.

  “Sarah, we’re getting our table,” the man said behind her. He came to a stop when he saw Jayden. “Well, well, well. New York is certainly a small place.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” Jayden replied sarcastically. “How are you, Kyle? Have you managed to bankrupt another company yet?”

  Kyle gritted his teeth. “That’s none of your business, Jayden.” He sneered.

  “Sorry for asking. Don’t you have your own table to go to?”

  Sarah gritted her teeth at his comment.

  Alex could feel the woman glancing at her. There was a sense of curiosity and jealousy in her eyes.

  “My girlfriend, Alexandra Stewart,” Jayden said.

  “Your what?” Sarah shouted in shock. “This cleaner—this slut is your girlfriend?”

  Jayden’s eyes become dark and cold, and his face turned rigid. Alex had never seen him looking so ruthless and dangerous before, and the image set her pulse racing. She had to admit he looked very hot, though.

  Alex turned her attention to Sarah Taylor. What an arrogant bitch this woman was. The woman thought she, Alex, was a cleaner and treated her so horribly that Alex was not prepared for it to happen again.

  Alex smiled pleasantly and coldly as she stood, her eyes on the other woman. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ve ever told you that I’m a cleaner or that I’m a slut.” Moving her face closer to Sarah, she added, “And I don’t cheat on my boyfriend either.” She folded her arms in satisfaction, her brows rising just a bit.

  Alex glanced at Jayden. She hoped she hadn’t gone too far. She sighed with relief when she saw he didn’t look angry. In fact, as she gazed into his eyes, she realized there was a glint of pride. She grinned as he reached his hand out and touched her, like a boyfriend would to his girlfriend, to show her he supported her, cared for her, and loved her.

  Sarah’s face burned with humiliation. Alex thought the woman must want to murder her right now. But she couldn’t, of course, and Kyle started begging her to leave.

  “I’m not leaving, not yet,” Sarah hissed as they went to the table that was offered to them.

  Alex watched as they took their seats. Kyle looked as though he wished they were somewhere else, and Sarah looked stiff and angry. At that moment, an idea popped into her head. She saw her chance and moved her chair so she and Jayden sat side by side, like a loving couple. She whispered softly into his ear, “Sorry about that. I thought I was a bit too forward.”

  Jay chuckled. “I see the little bird has finally flown out of its nest.”

  She cocked her head to one side. She fluttered her long lashes a few times in confusion and asked, “What does that mean?”

  “Just that,” he said, gently tucking some hair back behind her ear. He wondered if she knew her lashes were long and the innocent fluttering affected him.

  Alex felt a fluster of warm sensations melting through her. Jayden moved his lips to her ear and said softly, “I’m sorry you had to meet them here.”

  His warm breath tickled her senses. She giggled and snuggled her face against his neck. Once she managed to settle herself down, she asked, “Who are they?” She was pretending ignorance, of course.

  “Nobody you should know. Ah. Here’s our food.”

  They made the most of their meals, both in the delicious food itself and in putting on a good show for their unwelcome guests who were sitting at the table across from them. Alex knew without question she had to make Sarah know her place, that she was no longer Jayden’s girlfriend and Alex now was. She knew she must act as the perfect girlfriend. She did so by doing her best flirting with Jayden. At least she thought she was flirting with Jayden, and she did this by putting some of her food on his plate, feeding him, smiling at him, saying stupid things she knew made him laugh, which he did so accordingly, and yeah, touching him most intimately.

  She knew Jayden was uncomfortable with the presence of Kyle and Sarah, that he was tense and he was probably thinking about Sarah throughout the whole meal. That didn’t sit well with her because she knew Jayden still had feelings for Sarah. Otherwise, he would have a new real girlfriend by now and wouldn’t have to hire her to be one.

  They finished their meals and took their leave, managing a curt “see ya around” to Kyle and Sarah on their way out.

  Sarah watched until the lovebirds were out of sight before she allowed her full hatred to show on her face.

  “Ugh! I can’t believe this. Disgusting!” she muttered.

  “She’s hot,” Kyle said, smiling.

  “What? You think that bitch—that girl is hot?” Sarah asked in disbelief.

  “I have to say Jayden does have good taste. Alexandra,” he said softly. “Even her name sounds sweet. Can’t wait to taste her.”

  Sarah glared at him, her mouth twisting. Then slowly she smiled as a thought entered her mind. “You really want her?”

  Kyle laughed. “What man doesn’t? She’s one hot chick, all right.”

  Sarah picked up her wine glass and sipped, a plan forming in her head.

  * * * * *

  “Where are we?” Alexandra asked, looking around her curiously. Jayden had been driving her around the city and showing her the sights, which she still could not believe since he did not utter one word to her since they left the restaurant. It was such a pleasant surprise, and she was sure they both enjoyed themselves tremendously.

  Jayden got out of the convertible and came over to her side. “Come on, missy,” he said, pulling her out of the car.

  “All right. Hold on.” She chuckled, grabbing for her handbag.

  Once out, he led her to the wharf. She had no idea where they were, but she loved the scenery. All she knew was she was at the harbor because there were lots of yachts around—really big, expensive-looking ones.

  “Slow down, will ya?” she said, laughing. “I’m wearing heels. My feet are sore now.”

  Jay shook his head. “Women,” he said under his breath.

  “Well, excuse me for being one,” she snapped as she tried to catch up with him so his hand on her wrist wouldn’t hurt her as he dragged her along.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. Just a figure of speech.”

  “Yeah, right,” she retorted, ignoring him. Suddenly, one of her heels got stuck in between the planks. “Hold on.” She wiggled her foot, pulling him back. “I’m stuck.”

  “What?” Jay halted and glanced down. He laughed, loud and clear, so that his chest rumbled.

  She smacked him on the arm. “Stop it. This is serious.”

  Once he managed to stop, he got down on his knees and helped pu
ll the shoe out. Finally, after a good attempt, he said, “You might have to take that shoe off.”

  “All right,” she said, bending down.

  “No, don’t. I’ll do it.” He began to help ease her foot out of the peep-toe pumps as she leaned over him for support. Once her foot was free, she stepped back so Jay could do the manly thing of freeing her shoe from the board. His force was so hard he broke the heel.

  “Shit!” he swore, staring at the dismantled shoe in disbelief.

  Alex laughed. She couldn’t help herself as she touched him on the shoulder, staring into his face. “You’ve destroyed my shoes, Jay. I can’t believe it. They’re expensive, you know.”

  He grinned, his eyes twinkling. He got up, shoe in hand. “Well, then what shall I do?” he asked dramatically, his head cocked to one side.

  “I don’t know,” Alex replied, hands on hips, her face all serious now. “You broke it. You fix it, mister!”

  “Damn!” he muttered. “I’ll buy you another one. That’ll fix it.”

  “I happen to like that one, Mr. McCartney. And you can’t buy me happiness.”

  “Really?” he prompted.

  “Really,” Alex echoed, now folding her arms across her chest. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  Jayden looked at the broken shoe in his hands as if he were in a great dilemma. “Well, I can always do this.” He threw the thing into the water nearby.

  Alex gasped. “Jayden! Now how am I supposed to walk?”

  “I see no other option but to—”

  Alex raised her brows, wondering what he was going to do. Her curiosity was answered when he scooped her up in his arms.

  “Dear me,” she said under her breath, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Since you can’t walk with one shoe, I’ll carry you.”

  “Well, I’m not that heavy anyway, and you have to work off all that lunch you just had,” she teased as she wiggled herself to get more comfortable in his arms.

  “I have worked it all off, darling, due to your incessant chattering for the past three hours.”

  “Jayden!” She gasped. “I did not chatter. I just talked, that’s all.”

  “Talk is chatter, my sweet.” He grinned cheekily.

  Alex smiled. She couldn’t believe he was using endearing words when other people weren’t even around. That was surely odd because they didn’t have to act like a loving couple right now. But she felt all warm and happy inside when he used those words.



  Jayden nodded and started walking down to the end of the wharf.

  “Where are we going, by the way?” she asked some moments later.

  “You’ll see,” he replied.

  And Alex did see. There was a beautiful large, white yacht waiting for them. It had the name Spirit painted on the side.

  “Oh my,” she exclaimed in excitement. “This is my first time in a boat. But I must tell you I can’t swim.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re in safe hands.”

  “Whose is it?” she asked curiously as they walked to the main deck.

  “Mine,” he replied.

  “Yours?” Of course it was his. He was a billionaire, after all, and what billionaire didn’t own a boat?

  “You like it?”

  “Heck yeah!” she chuckled. “You know I can save up for the rest of my life and still never be able to buy this type of stuff?”

  He chuckled, glancing at her.

  “I’m lucky. Thank you. So, like, do I get to look around?”

  “Heck yeah!” He echoed her words, and Alex laughed, throwing back her head.

  Jayden couldn’t help but feel a glow of happiness spreading through him.

  He eased her down gently. Once her feet touched the smooth, shiny deck, Alex glanced up at Jayden to see him gazing down at her. His stare was so intense she started responding. Her body was trembling, and her heart was fluttering.

  She knew her cheeks were red because she felt the heat rushing to her face. She bit her lip and quickly unwrapped her arms from his neck. When she was about to walk away, he caught her wrist and pulled her to him. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

  “All right,” she managed to say, her throat dry.

  He led her into the saloon. Alex gazed in awe at the interior surroundings. The dining and living areas were exceptionally beautiful with the leather sofa and a chandelier smack in the middle. The galley was exceedingly flashy, made out of oak wood and modern kitchenware.

  Jayden smiled at her look of wonder. “Come on,” he said, leading her to the upper deck.

  Alex was excited when she saw they were in the captain’s quarters. A moment later, she heard the engine running. She glanced at Jayden and saw he was guiding the yacht out of the harbor. She grinned and came to stand beside him, studying as the boat slowly steered its way to the sea.

  With the wind in her hair and a smile on her face, Alex couldn’t help but feel like she was in heaven as Jayden cruised the boat about New York Harbor, showing her places she could see from afar. He even let her steer the boat. She felt like she was in a romantic movie as he stood behind her, his face beside hers, and his hands on top of hers as she was steering the boat.

  “Can you see that?” he asked, pointing north.

  Alex narrowed her eyes. “Oh my gosh! It’s the Statue of Liberty!”

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “You know all about it, huh?”

  “Can we go there?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “We can’t. We need permission.”

  “Oh. Right. But it’s still nice to see it from here.”

  Jayden switched off the engine. “Come on,” he said, taking her hand and leading her outside onto the deck. He made her stand by the rail, his body behind her and his face close to hers. He could smell her perfume, a sweet scent. He loved it.

  “Can you see New York City from where we are?” he whispered into her ear.

  Alex nodded, biting her lips, enjoying the view and enjoying his warm breath against her skin. They stood there gazing out into the distance, enjoying the peaceful moment.

  “I had fun. Thank you,” she commented some moments later.

  Jayden looked at her. “You’re welcome,” he said, staring deeply into her eyes.

  Alex didn’t know what came over her as she tilted her face to his, offering her soft lips for him. Suddenly, he kissed her—deeply and passionately. His tongue plunged into her mouth, igniting the fire within her. She groaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, responding to his demanding urge.

  Alex felt as though her whole body were on fire. She was all warm and cozy. She felt alive. She tightened her arms around his neck and dug her fingers into his thick, blond hair. She groaned again and wondered if she was in heaven.

  Jayden suddenly stopped the kiss and pulled back. He stared into her eyes. He saw the passionate desire there and something else, something deep and personal. Shit! He realized what it was. She was in love with him.

  His heart did a somersault. Jayden, you seriously screwed this one up now. This couldn’t be right. Alexandra could not fall in love with him, not when he was supposed to be gay. And the most ironic thing was he knew he was falling in love with her, too. But how the heck was he going to resolve this complicated web? Would she still love him if she knew he wasn’t gay? That he was just like any other man?

  He frowned, taking a step back, shocked at that realization.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, searching his face. “Oh. I see.”

  Jayden raked his fingers through his hair. “Alex, I have to tell you something.”

  “No, you don’t. I understand,” she blurted out. She knew he was regretting he had kissed her. In her heart, she knew he still loved Sarah, and now he felt disgusted and guilty that he had kissed another woman.

  Alex felt the hurt building up in her chest. No, she could never make Jayden love her because his heart had already belonged to another woman, a wom
an who cheated and betrayed him. How could a man love that kind of woman?

  “No, you don’t. Look, Alex.” He cupped her face in his hands; his heart felt tight with dread. Gosh, how he wanted to tell her he loved her, but he didn’t want to get hurt. He didn’t want to get rejected. He knew she would hate him the moment she found out he was not gay and he was lying to her. But he knew it was either now or never.

  “Alex…” He began. “I have to tell you something.”

  “No, Jayden. You don’t have to. I understand,” she said, shaking her head, a dark expression in her eyes.

  “Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I’m not gay. I’m straight. Just like Sam and Dad and Peter, like any other man you know. And I—” He couldn’t go on. The little voice in his head kept screaming, Tell her, you idiot! Tell her you love her.

  “Why did you lie to me?” she asked. “Why did you have to tell me you’re gay when you’re not?”

  “I couldn’t help it. It just all happened at once and—”

  “There’re many other women around, ones that are better looking than me. Ones who—I don’t know—ones who belong in your world. I, Jayden, I don’t know your world. Why me?”

  “I’m sorry, it just happened.”

  “Don’t be sorry, Jayden. I don’t understand why you’ve chosen me, though I do understand why you did it. I know you still love her. I know you don’t want your family to fix you up. I know you need space. That’s why you hired me.”

  “Alex, sweetheart, it’s not like that.” His face inches from hers, Alex could feel his warm breath on her skin.

  “I don’t like people lying to me, Jayden, and I’m really upset about it. I totally understand why you did it, though. But since you’ve paid me, and I’ve used up the money, it’s my obligation that I must complete my part of the deal.”

  Jayden wanted to growl in frustration. She was calling their relationship a deal now? And that it was her obligation to complete it? This was ridiculous.

  “Alex, listen to me, sweetheart.”

  “Jayden, you don’t have to call me ‘sweetheart’ anymore. We’re alone. I’m getting cold. Can we go now?” she said abruptly and moved his hands away from her. She turned and strolled back into the captain’s area, away from the sudden onset of cold wind.


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