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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Praks, Alexia

  Alex felt the hot, sharp pain for a short moment, followed by the feeling of Jay filling her completely. She had never had any man’s root inside her before, and to have Jayden’s, she felt oddly fulfilling and happy. She clung onto him as he started moving inside.

  “We’re connected,” he whispered into her mouth.

  “Is this what love is?” she asked him. “We’re one.”

  He groaned as he felt her so hot and tight around him. “Yes,” he managed to breathe out. “Yes, sweetheart.” Then he snuggled his nose at the base of her neck as he continued to thrust inside her. Alex moved with him, feeling all of him against her. Then she felt as though she were about to reach the stars as he moved faster and faster. Jayden kissed her again, knowing she was about to come. And then she did, long and hard, as she shuddered uncontrollably beneath him. He was amazed at her beautiful sight. Then it was his turn, and finally he collapsed on top of her.

  Alex was still breathing hard when she opened her eyes again. She gave him a smile.

  “Did I hurt you very much?” he asked, concerned, as he had totally forgotten he was supposed to be gentle with her.

  She shook her head. “No,” she said, snuggling her face against his bare chest. “But I’m tired now.”

  He chuckled. “Of course you are. You’re still unwell, and here I am making love to you.”

  “Yes, you’re such a brut, Jayden. You’re not allowed to make love to me again. It’s just too much work for me,” she said, closing her eyes.

  Jayden secretly smiled. All right, he thought, we’ll see about that. He gently brushed his knuckles against the side of her cheek and watched her sleep.

  He wouldn’t let her leave the room for dinner two hours later when she woke up. “You’re still unwell, so we’ll have dinner right here.”

  Alex didn’t argue since she didn’t feel like she wanted to see anyone at the moment. They enjoyed their dinner together and then Jay put on a movie he thought she’d like to watch. It was Pretty Woman, which of course Alex did enjoy, even more so when she was snuggled up in his arms. She couldn’t believe he actually endured watching the whole movie with her. She thought guys hated romantic movies. Maybe he was just doing it to keep her company, and she was rather pleased with that. It was past midnight when she felt sleepy and closed her eyes again.

  When she woke up, it was to the intense, burning heat of need in the midst of her womanhood. She groaned loudly and felt as if she’d die if that hand down there was to stop what it was doing—teasing and caressing her to the brink of insanity.

  She turned her head to her right and felt Jayden kissing the base of her throat.

  “You’re awake?” he asked lazily.

  She gazed up at him in the darkness. In response to his question, she groaned again, and he chuckled.

  “I was beginning to wonder.” He moved his hand from down below to caress her breasts until they turned hard as marble.

  Alex gritted her teeth. “Jay, you cheeky bugger!” she managed to get out. Oh God, his expert teasing was driving her crazy.

  “Now, sweetheart, I believe I’m ready for another round,” he said, pulling her up.

  Alex was confused for a moment as he settled her on his hard belly. Jay grinned as he gazed up at her, and the sight really pleased him. “You’re the driver.”

  “I’m sorry?” she asked. As to answer her question, he wrapped both hands about the small of her waist and guided her down south, and then she found home.

  “Jay!” she groaned out as she felt the hard manhood inside her.

  Jay shut his eyes for a moment, feeling the pleasure of her wrapped around him so snuggly and tightly. It was hot, squeezing around him like a lover. When he opened his eyes again, he noted Alex was breathing heavily and then slowly, she started moving on top of him. As though she started feeling the uncontrollable pleasure that was building up with each movement, her pace became faster and harder.

  Jay loved watching her as she danced on top of him, her slender body moving smoothly as she drove inside him. He was enjoying the experience tremendously when she started begging him to do something.

  Jay knew it was his cue and pulled her down to him. He kissed her passionately as he flipped her below him and took the wheel. He drove into her hard and then pulled out again and again and again, in and out, in and out until she was clinging onto him for dear life.

  “I’m going to come, Jay!” she whispered near his lips.

  Yes, that was what he wanted. He wanted her to come for him, and as he drove into her again and again, they did come together, as one, their body connected. Alex felt as though she had just gone to heaven and saw lots of stars exploding before her eyes and knew Jayden would be the only person who’d make her see and experience it.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw him watching her. He was sweating and his eyes were intense on her face.

  Suddenly, he cupped her face and kissed her passionately again, as though he’d never let her go.

  “I love you,” he said into her mouth.

  When he pulled back, she whispered, “I love you too.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 24

  Beth picked up the delicate china cup and took a sip of her Earl Grey tea. Though she knew the tea was simply delicious, she didn’t taste the flavor. It was bland.

  She put down the cup and glanced at Britney, who she now thought was dressed way too sexy for a simple afternoon tea in a cafe.

  “Thanks for coming to meet me on such short notice, Britney,” she began.

  “No problem, Beth,” Britney said, waving her hand in the air.

  “I want to get straight to the point.” Beth continued, eyeing the young woman sharply.

  “Yes?” Britney said. “Look, Beth, I’ve tried my hardest.”

  “Yes, I know that.”

  “What did you mean things have changed, when I was at your house the other day?”

  “Things certainly have changed, Britney. You must know already that Jayden and Alex are engaged to be married?”

  “They haven’t officially released that information yet,” Britney argued. “You know that.”

  “Yes, that is true. But I have come to the conclusion that I shall let bygones be bygones. If Jayden loves Alex and they want to get married, I have no objection to that.”

  “What?” Britney snapped. “This isn’t right, Beth. You said so yourself you want me as your granddaughter-in-law and not that bitch!”

  Beth narrowed her eyes dangerously at the choice of words Britney used. Why she never saw this side of Britney before was beyond her. Perhaps she was blind to Britney’s real character because she was convinced Britney would be the perfect woman for Jayden.

  “Things change, Britney. Jayden doesn’t love you,” she said simply.

  “I can make him love me,” Britney replied sharply.

  “If he could love you, Britney, he would have done so a long time ago. You had many opportunities.”

  “It’s because of her. She ruined our plans,” Britney gritted out in frustration.

  “Is that why you asked Kyle to rape her?” Beth queried, her brows raised, her face a mask of anger and disgust.

  Britney was shocked. “How did you know that?”

  “I’m such an old fool, aren’t I, Britney? You know very well what I can do to you in light of society. But since your father is a family friend, you are still invited to Kelly’s wedding. Mind you, don’t you do anything stupid because I won’t put up with it.” She stood, smiled coldly, and then left.

  Britney gritted her teeth and then growled loudly. She picked up the pot of tea and smashed it to the tiled floor, pieces of china shattering everywhere. A waiter came rushing, only to stop short in shock as Britney shoved him back and stalked to the door.

  In her convertible, she flipped on her cell, dialed the numbers, and shouted into the phone, “It’s time for plan B!”

  * * * * *


  The BMW
convertible came to a screeching stop in a quiet cul-de-sac. Mary put the car in park, handbrake on, turned the engine off, and stepped out. She scanned about the 1920’s bungalow in distaste before she headed to the front door. She waited impatiently after giving the bell a couple of rings.

  The moment the door opened, Mary smiled charmingly. “Hello? Is this Alexandra Stewart’s house?”

  Jacob nodded. “Yes. But Alex isn’t home.”

  Mary shrugged her shoulders. “I know. Can I come in?”

  “Are you a friend of Alex’s?”

  “Sort of.” Mary moved into the house without an invitation. “Nice,” she murmured, looking around.

  “You’re Alex’s work colleague?” Jacob led her to the living area.

  “No. I’m her ex-classmate. We went to high school together.”

  “I see.” Jacob showed her the seat, and Mary took it without hesitation. “I didn’t get your name.”

  “Oh, it’s Mary St. Clair.”

  “Beautiful name,” Jacob commented.

  “I know.”

  “Do you want something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. Look, Mr. Stewart, I’m here for a reason,” she began. “It’s about Alex.” With Jacob’s look of confusion, she continued. “I’m very concerned about her. Aren’t you? I mean, she’s just up and gone like that.”

  “It’s only for a couple weeks.”

  “A couple of weeks? But surely?”

  “What are you concerned about? Alex will be back next week.”

  “But I don’t follow. Why would Alex be back next week when she plans to stay away forever? I mean, she’s run off with a man who has no intention of marrying her, and she knows it.”

  Jacob was confused. “But Alex is in New York for a conference.”

  Mary laughed. “And you believe her? That she really is at this conference? A medical laboratory science conference in New York? I find that very hard to believe.”

  “What are you implying?”

  “That Alex has run off with a man. She’s secretly with him. She’s his mistress. Don’t you know that? He’s already married.”

  Jacob clutched his chest. His vision started to blur. “She told us—”

  “Mr. Stewart, are you okay?”


  “Mr. Stewart?” Mary watched as Jacob collapsed onto the floor. She rushed down to touch his pulse. She sighed with relief. He was still breathing. Then she heard a voice coming through from the front door.

  “Honey? I’m home.” Mali appeared. “Oh God! What happened?”

  “He collapsed,” Mary said. “I think he’s going to be okay. Look I have to go.”

  Before Mali could ask her to stay and help or question her as to why she was there, Mary grabbed her handbag and rushed out the door.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 25

  It was a beautiful summer day in New York, perfect for a wedding. In a mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, there was a hype of activities. Champagne was poured into glasses, the bride and bridesmaids were busy having their hair and makeup done. Relatives and close friends came and went to congratulate the bride. All this Alex watched in awe, wishing one day it would be her turn. The thought brought a nice feeling to her body, and her eyes searched for Jayden. She found him among his three cousins: two male and a young female. They were much younger than he was, and they seemed to worship him like he was some kind of god. He caught her watching him and gave her a smile. She blushed and grinned back.

  “Alex.” Gracie’s voice snapped her mind back to the present. “You should be getting changed.”

  Alex turned to look at Gracie. “Oh, right,” she said, nodding her head. “I suppose I should.”

  “Yes, yes. It’s nearly time to go.” Gracie nudged her toward the door.

  Alex chuckled and said, “I won’t take long, you know.”

  “Yes. But you still need to change. And don’t you ruin your hair.”

  Alex absentmindedly touched her beautifully coiffured hair with a large pink oriental lily inserted on the left side near her ear. “I won’t,” she replied, heading to the door.

  The house was filled with people Alex had never seen before. She was just stepping onto the grand stairs when a woman said, “You must be Alexandra from New Zealand.”

  Alex turned and smiled. “Yes, I am.”

  “Well, you’re a pretty thing, aren’t you? No wonder. Congratulations, by the way.”

  Alex blinked. She wondered if the woman was talking to the wrong person. Perhaps she thought Alexandra was Kelly. If the woman was a friend of the McCartney family, then she hadn’t been well informed.

  “Oh,” Alex responded, wondering what she should say.

  “Oops,” the woman chuckled. “Wasn’t supposed to say, but congratulations nonetheless.”

  Then she was gone. Alex raised her brows in confusion. She shook her head and hurried up the stairs. Halfway, she heard somebody say, “Hey, Alex, right? Congratulations!”

  Alex just smiled. There we go. Another one. She’d have to tell Jayden his family’s friends were congratulating the wrong person.

  In the bedroom, she went into the walk-in wardrobe and took out her silk gown. She held the dress to her chest and couldn’t believe her life could be so different in such a short space of time. She sighed, tears brewing in her eyes.

  Don’t cry, Alex, the voice in her head said. Or you’ll stuff up the makeup Laura worked so hard on.

  She giggled at the thought of going to the wedding with panda eyes as she began to take off her shirt. Then her jeans and bra followed. She slipped the soft material of the gown over her head and pulled it down, feeling the cool fabric against her skin. She adjusted the dress about her slim body and then reached over the back to do the zipper. She got halfway and stopped, finding it hard to pull it to the top.

  “Can I help?”

  Alex turned, her heart hammering in her chest. “Jayden!” she exclaimed. “How long have you been standing there?” There was a note of accusation in her voice.

  “A while,” he said easily, ambling to her, a devilish grin on his face.

  Alex blushed intensely, wondering what he meant by that. A while could mean anything, and going by the smirk on his face, a while probably meant a good long time.

  “Why didn’t you tell me when you were here?” she asked, frowning at him.

  “Quit frowning. You’ll ruin the makeup.” He chuckled. He found he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She looked so beautiful with her hairdo, the oriental lily on her head, her face all made up to perfection, which enhanced her eyes and luscious lips, and her milky skin, soft and smooth.

  “Okay. I’ll stop frowning now. So why didn’t you tell me when you came in?” she queried again, this time with a fake pleasant smile on her face.

  “Because I was too busy looking at what I like,” he said. “My eyes are dilated.”

  “Oh,” was all Alex could get out. She bit her lip. So he liked looking at her? “Jayden!” she exclaimed.

  “Yes, Alex,” he responded. “Can I help you with that zipper?”

  “No, thank you,” she said curtly. “I can manage.” She turned her back to him and began to try zipping again.

  Jayden cocked his head to one side and watched, a grin on his face.

  Alex gave up because her hands were getting sore. She glanced at him and said, “All right.”

  He smiled smugly and stepped to her. Alex became nervous all of a sudden. She started fidgeting and biting her lip. Jayden reached out for the zipper, his hands warm against her bare skin. He pulled up the pull, his knuckles brushing against her back, stroking her all the way up. Alex held her breath as sensual sensations rushed through her body.

  Once he was done, Jayden leaned his head to her and whispered in her ear, “You look beautiful.”

  She smiled and whispered back, “Thanks.”

  Jayden snuggled his nose in the nape of her neck and started to kiss her there. He moved his lips s
lowly to her chin and then to her lips. Alex tilted her head back to look up at him, her eyes large. “I can’t kiss you,” she said softly.

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’ll ruin my makeup,” she replied, a satisfied smile on her face.

  Jayden’s face became serious. “Well then,” he began, “since you can’t kiss me, I’ll kiss you.”

  “Huh?” She gazed at him in confusion.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t ruin your makeup,” he said and moved his lips to her nape again. He kissed her there, softly and gently, setting Alex’s body in a glow of fire.

  “But Jayden.”

  “Shh…” He moved his lips to her back, and with his fingers, he peeled the strap down from one of her shoulders.

  Alex’s head was swimming. She thought if he didn’t stop now, she’d fall to the floor because her knees were getting weaker. She wanted him to stop, but at the same time she didn’t.

  “There you two are,” a female voice echoed from the door.

  Jayden looked up to see Beth frowning at him, telling him there’d be plenty of time for that, but not now.

  “It’s time we leave for church.”

  “Yes, of course,” Jayden said. Once Beth was gone, he turned to Alex, who was blushing profoundly. “Sorry, sweetheart.” He gently replaced the strap back on her shoulder and led her to the door.

  Their drive to St. Bart’s Church was a short one. There they mingle with family and friends, and Jayden proudly introduced Alex as his girlfriend if anyone happened to ask. When the ceremony was about to begin, they took their seats in the front pew. Alex watched and saw that Sam was all smiley-faced. The piano started playing “Here Comes the Bride” and the bridesmaids entered slowly, one small step at a time. Stephanie, as the maid of honor, was last, and then behind her was the beautiful bride herself, Kelly. All eyes were on her.

  Once Kelly reached the front stage, Sam took her hand, grinning from ear to ear.


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