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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

Page 46

by Praks, Alexia

“Well, you look amazing. Heads are going to turn tonight.” Then she silently added, I hope Mr. Alec Hasting will take one look at you and fall head-over-heels in love with you.

  “Not likely,” Ruby said. “But I do look forward to it. I mean, I’ve never been to a charity ball before. What is it like?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never been to one either,” Alex said seriously. “That’s why I’m glad you’re coming with me.”

  “It’s a good thing then,” Ruby said, linking arms with her best friend.

  “Let’s have some fun tonight,” Alex proposed.

  “Agreed,” Ruby replied, deciding that whatever it took, she would not think about Alec anymore, and simply enjoy the ball.

  Not long afterwards, Ruby found herself in a limo with Jayden and Alex, heading to the ball on the other side of the town. Half an hour later, they walked through the front door of a lovely Victorian mansion, and Ruby couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the house and its décor.

  “Does he live here?” Alex asked her husband as she grabbed a glass of champagne being handed to her by a waiter in black and white uniform.

  “Yes,” Jay replied, “as far as I know.”

  “Who lives here?” Ruby asked before she could stop herself.

  Alex replied, “Mr. Hast—”

  “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. McCartney,” a woman in an elegant black dress greeted them. “I am Mary Clarity. I’m so glad to finally meet you.”

  “The charity organizer,” Jay said. “Nice to meet you. May I introduce my wife, Alexandra, and our friend, Ruby Williams-Chan? They’re both half-Cambodian.”

  “Oh, how marvelous,” the woman said. “I must show you the gallery, and of course, introduce you to our famous and kind host.”

  “That’s great,” Alex said. “I heard he does a lot of charity work for third world countries, Cambodia included.”

  “Really?” Ruby asked. “Whoa.”

  “Yes,” Mrs. Clarity said. “He has donated millions to Africa, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, just to name a few.”

  Ruby scanned the huge room and spotted the gallery. There was something in there that drew her, and without saying a word to her companion, she headed that direction.

  “Ah, I see Miss Hasting and Mr. McArthur. Miss Hasting is Mr. Hasting’s younger sister. She used to be a model, and she and Mr. McArthur are engaged. It was all very recent.”

  Alex couldn’t help exclaiming, “Oh my God! It’s Brian.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Mrs. Clarity asked.

  “Brian McArthur?”

  “Yes, indeed. His name is Brian McArthur.”

  “Does that mean?” Alex turned to her husband who just gave her a look that said, Don’t ask me. I know nothing.

  Susan and Brian were suddenly upon them. He was not at all surprised to see Jayden and Alex there, nor was he surprised to spot Ruby on the other side of the room. She was at the gallery, admiring the various life-sized photos on the wall of refugees from different countries on display. He hadn’t approached her yet. He hoped to delay it as long as possible, and also hoped that she wouldn’t see Alec, too. His hope, however, died a sudden death when the man, himself, appeared by his sister’s side.

  “How are we all doing here?” he asked, a handsome smile on his face.

  “I was just introducing your sister and Mr. McArthur to Mr. and Mrs. McCartney,” Mrs. Clarity said.

  Alex politely smiled at Alec and said, “We already met the other day.”

  Brian took a sip of his champagne, hoping Alec wouldn’t ask any questions about the odd statement the beautiful Mrs. McCartney made.

  Alec cocked his head to one side; his eyes clearly showing his confusion. “Really? How? When was the other day?”

  Alex was about to say something when Brian interrupted her, “It was for coffee. I’m starving. Why don’t we all go and get something to eat? How about you, Mrs. McCartney? Surely, you must be famished, eating for two.”

  Alex grinned and touched her tummy. “Yes, I am rather.”

  Jay didn’t miss the panicky look that passed on Brian’s face the moment when Alex mentioned they had met before. He wondered what was going on. Then, Brian glanced at Ruby on the other side of the room, a worried expression on his face. Suddenly, it all clicked. Brian. Ruby. And could it possibly be Alec? Jay wasn’t sure if he wanted to get involved. Then again, it was too late anyway as all hell broke loose when Alex said loudly, “That picture looks awfully familiar. It looks like Ruby.”

  Hearing the name, Ruby, instantly drew Alec’s attention. He frowned as he looked at Alex. But when he saw Alex looking straight past him toward the gallery, he turned and felt his heart pumping faster and louder in his chest.

  On the other side of the room, Ruby stood transfixed as she gazed at the life-sized photo of a little half-Asian girl and a Caucasian boy. The photo was black and white, but Ruby could recognize the people in that photo anywhere. It was a picture of her when she was a little girl and her childhood friend. It was taken when they were living in the camp back some thirteen years ago. She felt tears brewing in her eyes and her stomach knotted. How did it get here? Who took that photo? For the life of her, she couldn’t remember.

  “Isn’t that sweet?” Mrs. Clarity said behind her. “Mr. Hasting lived in the camp for six months when he was a teenager.”

  Ruby suddenly felt sick. She slowly turned, and her eyes met those of a grey color, staring back at her. She didn’t know what came over her, but the room started to spin and her body shivered as if she had a fever.

  What’s going on? Alec is here? And also the youth in the picture with her?

  “Ruby?” Alex called from a distance. Suddenly, Alex was beside her, taking her arm with concern. “Are you all right? You’re so pale all of a sudden.”

  Ruby looked up at Alec again. His intense gaze was still on her, and Ruby wished the floor would just open up and swallow her. His eyes seemed to be blazing with so many emotions: anger, confusion, love, and desire all rolled into one.

  “I… I just feel a bit thirsty, that’s all,” Ruby said. She couldn’t stand there with Alec looking at her any longer, so she moved away, but could still feel his eyes on her.

  “Hey, are you all right?” Alex asked with concern. “You want a drink or something?”

  Ruby shook her head. “No thanks. I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure? You look awfully pale.”

  Ruby nodded. “Pretty sure. I just had a shock, that’s all. I think I need to use the restroom.”


  Ruby hastily moved through the crowd toward the women’s restroom. She needed to get away. Oh God! What the heck was going on? Why was Alec here? Why was she here?

  Alone in the corridor of the big mansion, she felt tears stinging her eyes as she blindly found her way toward the bathroom. When she couldn’t handle it any longer, and was sure she was about to break down any moment, she rushed into the nearest room and shut the door. Leaning herself against the wall, she shut her eyes and sobbed. Oh God! She never wanted to see Alec again. Why did she have to see him here? Now?

  She staggered toward the sofa and sat down, trying to control her tears. A few moments later, she took deep, slow breaths and squared her shoulders. She was determined to never see Alec again; and now, she had to go down and tell Alex and Jayden that she was leaving.

  Getting up, she turned to the door and jumped. For there, standing by the door, was the person she most wanted to avoid.

  Ruby didn’t know what to do, so she just stood there, looking shocked, rooted to her spot.

  Alec watched her. A part of him wanted to take her into his arms. He just couldn’t believe it. Ruby. Here. In his house. Now.

  He didn’t speak as he continued to observe her, wondering what she was thinking. He wanted to ask her so many questions. Why did she leave him? What did he do wrong?

  Ruby could feel the tension in the air, thick and hot. She moved toward the door, but before she could make it, he wrap
ped his hand around her wrist and pulled her toward him. Ruby collided against his massive build, and panicked.

  “Alec!” she gasped.

  “Ruby,” he said softly.

  “Please, let me go.”

  “Not until you tell me why you left.”

  Ruby bit her lip, dreading his question and failing to find an adequate answer.

  “I left because I wanted to.”


  “Because I wanted to. We have no future together, Alec. You and I. I mean—” She broke off; tears filling her eyes again. “I—”

  “Do love me?”


  Alec let go of her wrist and cupped her face. He looked deeply into her eyes. Ruby wanted to break down and just tell him that she wanted to be with him. But she knew she couldn’t do that. She wouldn’t do that.

  “Do you love me?”

  She could hear the pain in his voice, begging her to take him back, and for her to come back to him.

  “I.., I… ”

  “Ruby William-Chan, I’m sorry I kidnapped you, imprisoned you, and hurt you in so many ways in just a few short weeks, but I know one thing, which is that I love you. You’re my best childhood friend. I’ve never forgotten you, my little Ruby, or the time we spent together in the camp.” He moved his fingers down to touch the elephant pendant resting on her chest.

  “You never forgot me?” she asked, tears in her eyes.

  “Never. And I don’t care that you want to run away from me. I want you and I will do anything to get you back. You’re not leaving me, Ruby.”

  “What do you mean? We have no future together. I live in New Zealand, and you, you live here, in this type of lifestyle.”

  “And you’re telling me you don’t want this lifestyle? You don’t want me in your life?”

  “No. That’s not want I mean. Oh, I don’t know.”

  “Aye, you do know, Ruby.” He cupped her face again. “Do you love me, Ruby?”

  Ruby looked up at him and nodded. “Yes. Yes, I do. I love you so much, it hurts. And that’s why I had to leave. I don’t want to get hurt.”

  “Ruby, I will never ever hurt you again. I want you in my life. Please come back to me?”

  “What would I be to you then? If I were to come back?”

  “You would be my lady,” he said, gently stroking his thumb against her sensitive cheek. “And more importantly, you will become my wife.”

  Ruby stared at him, utterly shocked. “What?”

  “That’s if you want to. Though I’d prefer it sooner rather than later. What do you think? Before or after Brian and Susan’s wedding?”


  “You’re only allowed one answer, Ruby. Aye or aye?”

  “What kind of choice is that?”

  “The choice I’m giving you. Now then, aye or aye?”


  Alec narrowed his eyes. “That’s not an option.”

  Ruby raised her eyebrows at him. She couldn’t believe it. Alec Hasting was asking her to marry him. She was practically floored.

  Alec moved his head toward her and kissed her passionately. Ruby wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

  Suddenly, the door opened.

  “Holy shit!” Alex cursed.

  Alec pulled back to see Alex and Jayden at the door while Ruby blushed intensely.

  “Oh my gosh!” Alex said into the room. “Mr. Hasting, what have you done to my friend?”

  “It’s a long story,” Alec replied. “But I’ll keep it short. Ruby has consented to be my wife after all.”

  “What?” Ruby shouted.

  “When?” Alex asked, confused.

  “That’s good news,” Jayden said.

  * * * * *


  With the new queen-sized bed made up, Ruby stepped back to survey her handiwork.

  “I think that’s the last of it,” Mrs. McKenzie said.

  Ruby nodded, grinning. She couldn’t wait for her family to arrive for the engagement party. Then, soon after that, her friends Alex and Jayden, and later, Nikita and Isabella.

  “Thank you, Mrs. McKenzie,” Ruby said to the older woman.

  “Yer welcome, Miss Ruby,” Mrs. McKenzie said. “Yer family now so don’t hesitate ta ask fer anythin’.”

  Ruby bit her lip. She couldn’t believe it. Soon she’d be Mrs. Alec Hasting. The thought sent a thrill throughout her body.

  Mrs. McKenzie left then, and Ruby went to draw the curtains closed.

  Alec, however, decided to barge through the door at that moment.

  “What’s this, missy?” he demanded, his hands on his hips. “Didn’t I tell you that you wouldn’t be staying in this room?”

  Ruby glanced over her shoulder at her fiancé. She hid a grin, knowing all too well that she’d get him all riled up after announcing that she intended to stay in her old room, the room he first locked her in when she was his captive.

  “You certainly did, sir,” she replied sweetly. “But surely, you understand my family, more specifically, my mum, would die of shock if I were to share a room with you when we’re not yet even wedded.”

  Alec frowned darkly at that. Bloody hell, he temporarily forgot about it. “Well,” he began hesitantly, “they’re not here yet.”

  “What are you implying?” she asked, her eyebrows raised curiously.

  Alec knew she wanted him to say it out loud. Damn her. He knew she knew he wanted her tonight—all to himself.

  He cleared his throat. “What I’m implying, my dear lady, is that you’ll be bloody cold and scared tonight. There’s a storm coming—”

  She cut him off. “I’m sure I will be fine, Alec. I have Westies with me.”

  “That blasted dog?”

  Ruby turned to him. “Alec!”

  “Ruby, sweetheart,” Alec began, trying to find a way to reason with her. God, he wanted her with him tonight. He knew when everyone arrived for the engagement party, he wouldn’t have any time with her at all, not until everyone left, and that was another week away. It was far too long for him to handle.

  “Yes, Alec?” she asked, moving toward him.

  He pulled her into his arms, his face very close to hers. “If you won’t come with me to the master bedroom, then I’ll stay here with you, to keep you company, of course.”

  Ruby grinned. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I’ve already made up my mind,” he muttered.

  Ruby moved back, knowing he was going to kiss her. She needed to clear her head. If he kissed her, she wouldn’t be able to think, or let him go tonight.

  She moved over to the table, which held two wine glasses and a bottle of champagne.

  “I’m naughty,” she admitted cheekily. “I stole a bottle of your finest wine from the cellar.”

  Alec chuckled. “Are you sure you want to drink that? As I remember, the last time you got quite a headache.”

  Ruby poured the clear, bubbling liquid into the two glasses. “Everything in moderation, my good sir.” She handed one to him.

  “Of course,” he said, “everything in moderation. And for you,” he gently touched her chin with his finger and thumb, “a half glass is moderation enough.” Then he kissed her on the lips. Ruby closed her eyes, and when she was about to open her mouth for him, he moved back, winking at her. She watched him down the whole glass of libation, and took the glass from him once he was done.

  “I think one glass for you is moderately enough, too,” she said.

  Alec chuckled and pulled her into his arms again. He gave her another kiss, and Ruby obliged, saying, “It is only this one time though.” She opened her mouth for him and he eagerly slid his tongue in, kissing her passionately and wildly. By the time Alec pulled back, she was breathless.

  “Make yourself comfortable. I need a shower first,” she whispered into his ear.

  Alec nodded and watched her go into the bathroom.

  Hands in the pockets of his jeans, he ambled to th
e queen-sized bed and lay down, closing his eyes.

  Ruby closed the door. As she proceeded to shower, she smiled—a mischievous, secret smile.

  Once she was dressed in sexy lingerie, she came back out; and as expected, her bed partner had already fallen into a deep slumber. She came over to sit beside him, grinning.

  “Alec?” she softly called. “Alec?” She gently touched the side of his strong face, wanting so badly to laugh. When she was sure he was dead to the world, she said, “Serves you right for locking me in. Now, my lord, it’s my turn to be your captor.” She kissed him on the lips once and strolled to the door, humming to herself. Taking one long look at her sleeping captive, she chuckled lightly, and closed the door, locking it with a key.

  Captain Snow chose that moment to appear and happily trotted over to her. She picked him and headed to the master bedroom.

  * * * * *

  Alec woke up with a start. He groaned and wondered where the hell he was. Sitting up, he raked his fingers through his hair. That was when he realized what room he was in.

  “Ruby,” he said under his breath, while leaping out of bed and heading to the door. With his hand wrapped around the knob, he pulled, then frowned. He tried again. It was locked.

  “Shit!” he muttered under his breath. “So, she wants to play games, does she?” He went to the window, pulled the drapes back, and easily undid the lock. Thank God he decided to put in a window that could be opened after Ruby broke it to escape.

  It didn’t take him long to get down using the bed sheet. Barefoot, he ran to the back of the house, found a hidden spare key, opened the door, and slipped in without waking up anyone. He rushed up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He found her asleep in his bed with Captain Snow by her feet.

  He grinned, his eyes twinkling. As he passed the chest of drawers, he grabbed a black, thin, silk fabric and sat on her side of the bed. He gently grabbed her wrist, tying the fabric around it, and securing it to one bed post.

  Captain Snow woke up then, and started barking loudly.

  “Hush, you blasted dog,” Alec muttered.

  Ruby fluttered her eyes open, and blinked several times. “Westies, what’s wrong?”


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