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Untamed (Sons of Zeus Book 1)

Page 21

by Tamara White

  He leans close and my heart begins pounding in excitement. The mere thought of having him touch me sends waves of arousal right to my core.

  He leans forward, claiming my lips. He begs entrance and I moan, opening my mouth to him. The moment his tongue touches mine, I push him down on the bed and crawl into his lap. My hands roam over his naked chest and I break away to see his amber eyes filled with lust.

  His gaze caresses me. I keep my eyes on him as I reach up and pull my shirt over my head. Then he reaches behind me, nuzzling his head between my breasts while he unclips my bra. When he lays back, I hold the bra to my chest, slowly dragging down each strap, enjoying the way his eyes hone in on my breasts, waiting.

  He looks like a starved man about to get his first taste of food. Taking mercy on him, I fling the bra off and throw it to the side. Jax doesn’t hesitate, rearing up to latch on to my nipple and flicking it gently with his tongue. I throw my head back with a gasp as his teeth graze over it, and squeeze my thighs together, trying to relieve the ache. The small movement draws Jax’s notice and he lets go of my nipple with a wicked smirk. Then he flips us around so he’s on top. I let out a squeal of surprise before a laugh bubbles out. “You know, you could have asked before going all caveman on me.”

  “Where would be the fun in that?” he murmurs, before placing a gentle kiss on my abdomen. He nuzzles his way down to my hips, slowly undoing my jeans when he gets closer. Then when he reaches them, he pulls them down, revealing my matching blue lace panties.

  He tugs my jeans off completely and throws them across the room, placing himself between my legs. He runs a finger over my clit through the panties, and I try to hold back the moan of pleasure that rises, even at his lightest touch.

  “Oh fuck it.” He grabs onto the edge of my panties and pulls, ripping the delicate material.

  I gasp and look down at him, completely shocked. “Did you just rip off my panties? Why would you—”

  Then his tongue brushes against my clit and I moan out in pleasure, forgetting my complaint entirely. How the hell does one gentle touch feel so good?

  He teases me, bringing me all the way to the edge before pulling back. After what feels like an eternity of bringing me close without offering release, I beg, “Jax, I need to come. Please.” Then he thrusts his tongue inside me over that sweet spot. I cry out, riding the wave of pleasure to orgasm and hear Jax’s answering groan.

  When he climbs back up beside me, I notice the wet patch on the front of his pants and smile lazily at him. “I take it you reached your happy ending too?”

  He laughs, leaning in to kiss me. When he pulls away, I lick my lips, able to taste myself there. He groans and covers his eyes. “Don’t do that, Val, or we’ll be here all day.”

  “Sorry, Jax.” I sigh and look up at the ceiling, wondering if the others slept out in the lounge or in the main house. “I guess that’s a good way to cement our relationship,” I say with a chuckle.

  Jax rolls over and looks at me, an indecipherable look in his eyes. “You’re okay, right? I want to make sure we aren’t pressuring you.”

  “Let me be perfectly clear, Jax. If I didn’t want to try this relationship with the four of you, I wouldn’t. Do I have doubts? Of course I do. Those exist in every relationship, though. If I didn’t have any doubts, then I would be worried. You know what I mean? Like the saying ‘Too good to be true?’ If this was easy, then I would worry that it wouldn’t last… and now I’m just rambling.” I groan, sitting up.

  I gather my clothes for the day and then look back to see Jax smirking at me. “Can I join you?” he asks, staring at my naked body as I look down at my torn panties.

  I laugh at him as he goes to get up. “You can join me, but no sexy time. Got it?” I sternly point a finger at him, even as I try to hold back by own grin.

  We shower together and then get dressed. I have no idea where Jax got spare clothes from, but I’m guessing he must have just had some brought out to the pool house.

  After getting dressed, Jaxson gets ready to leave, wanting to give me some time to myself before I have to head over to the main house. But before leaving, he informs me that the five of us will be going out for breakfast because we all have late classes.

  When I’m finally ready, I grab my bag and walk towards the main house. When I head inside, I hear whispered forces from the kitchen. As I get closer, I hear Zane’s voice, and this time it’s loud enough for me to make out. “Regardless of how much we care about Valerie, there’s nothing we can do about it until she knows the truth. She needs to accept us as her guardians before she will be able to let us love her.”

  This again? I’ve had enough. This mysterious guardian stuff is starting to grate on my nerves. I have no idea what they are, but I keep hearing the word everywhere I go.

  Quietly, I take several steps back, then call out loudly to alert them of my presence. “Hey, guys? You in the kitchen? We have to leave for breakfast soon, don’t we?”

  Silence descends in the kitchen and a moment later, Carter calls back. “Yeah, Val. We’ll meet you at the car. Just give us a sec.”

  My shoulders slump and I find myself close to tears. Then out of the corner of my eyes, a moving shadow catches my attention. I see Cassandra leaning against the hallway wall, watching me with a wry smile.

  “I know you heard what they said, and before you get upset, maybe you should talk to them. My boys can be a bit intense, something they get from their father”—she grimaces—“but all of them love you, and would follow you to the end of the earth. And know that, while there are still secrets they are keeping from you, there is a very good reason for it. Something I’m sure you will find out soon.”

  Then she comes over and embraces me, a comforting vibe coming from her. “When you need me, I will be here to help and explain everything to you.”

  With that, she lets me go and walks away, leaving me even more confused than when I first heard the guys talking. Is she okaying a relationship between me and her sons? All four of them?

  In a daze, I walk out to the garage and climb into the middle of the back seat. A couple of minutes later, the guys come out and Cooper and Carter sit down on either side of me. Zane takes the front passenger seat and Jaxson’s driving. I guess I thought after last night, Jax might want to sit next to me, but I guess he’s giving me some space, something I appreciate.

  We end up going to the same café Carter and Jax took me to for lunch once before. Their breakfast menu is just as good apparently, so I’m really looking forward to it. I order French toast while the others order waffles. Apparently, those are to die for. Of course, I then had to test that theory by trying a bite from Cooper’s plate.

  The moment it hits my tongue, I moan in pure bliss. “Oh my god. This is fricking amazing!” I exclaim when I finish. I hurriedly dig in, eager to finish off my plate. But when I’m done, I freeze, realizing how much of a slob I must look like.

  Cooper grins and leans over to wipe a stray drop of syrup from my lips. Then to my surprise, he pops his finger in his mouth and begins sucking off the syrup, his eyes on mine the whole time.

  I stare, completely absorbed until a hand grazes my thigh under the table. “You still with us, Val?”

  Jax and Carter are grinning from across the table and I turn to meet Zane’s eyes, who smiles at me, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze. “Valerie?”

  I nod furiously, trying to gather my thoughts. “Yep. All good.”

  Jax smirks at me. “You ready to go? Or are you still a little frustrated?”

  The note of laughter in his voice makes me scowl. Cocky ass. “Yep, ready when you are.” I push Zane’s hand off my thigh and get ready to stand, but can’t help adding one last little sting.

  “And Jax? I’ve been frustrated since I woke up,” I tell him, smiling sweetly.

  Without a backward glance at them, I get up and make my way to the car, paying for our meals on the way out. They’ve been refusing to let me pay for the last few meals so thi
s is the easiest way to get them back.

  The guys eventually meet me out at the car, all of them wearing contented smiles. They look so happy. I just hope it stays that way.

  After that, the school day passes by slowly and is filled with anticipation. The guys keep finding ways to touch me. Jax seems obsessed with playing with my hair. Cooper holds my hand between classes, constantly rubbing his thumb over the sensitive spot between my thumb and forefinger. Carter keeps finding reasons to kiss me on the cheek. Not in front of others, but before we step on campus or whenever we’re out in the car, staying just inside the rules I set for them.

  Zane, however, still keeps his distance, which is probably a good thing. I think if he got too close right now, I very well might lose the thin hold I have on my libido.

  Ah, Friday. The last day of the school week. I’ve never been more excited for the weekend than I am right now.

  The guys and I started planning while we were in the car this morning. We decided to go on proper dates and take the time to learn more about each other rather than just let our hormones control us.

  Justin didn’t show up after classes yesterday and I doubt he will today either. I’m guessing he must really be upset about what happened.

  When we got to the school, the guys informed me that they would be leaving the class right before lunch early because they all had a meeting with the dean.

  That’s why I’m getting lunch on my own today. Something I was okay with, at least until Joy and her posse decide to stroll by me at my table.

  The moment she sees me alone, an evil glint fills her eyes, which has me groaning internally. She doesn’t waste any time with the insults. “Oh, look what we have here, girls. The incestuous freak is all by herself. Maybe her harem of men has finally given up on her trashy ways.”

  I roll my eyes, but after overhearing the guys this morning, her little dig still stings.

  “First, Joy, the term for multiple men in a relationship with one woman is a reverse harem. Second, for someone named ‘Joy,’ you really don’t bring much of it to the people around you. Third, I am not in the mood for your shit today, so just leave.”

  Then I turn my head away, refusing to give her anymore of my attention. My gaze cuts across the cafeteria, to where I see the guys making their way over to me. I wink at them and they all grin in response, which leaves me feeling lighter than I have all day. Being separated from them felt so… odd.

  Joy is still in a state of shock, probably trying to think of a snarky response, when I get up and walk over to the guys. I know what I’m about to do is spiteful, but I can’t find it in me to care. Zane is the first in my path and I reach up and pull his face down to meet mine. I kiss him gently, stroking my tongue across his lips until he opens his mouth and lets me in. The moment he tastes me, he groans, picking me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. All too soon, though, the moment is over and he puts me back on my feet.

  “If you wanted some attention from me, all you had to do was ask.” He grins down at me.

  As he looks into my eyes, Joy all but forgotten at this point, I can’t help the words that slip free. “I heard you talking about me yesterday. I know you’re hiding something.”

  They all seem a little taken aback by my outburst, but I ignore them for the moment. Instead, I just walk back to the table I had claimed and lean against it. Not surprisingly, they all follow. I expect Jaxson to take charge but, surprisingly, they all start speaking quickly, their words indistinguishable from each other.

  “ENOUGH!” Zane raises his voice just enough to be heard over the others, but not enough to draw attention from the surrounding tables. “After classes, we’ll all sit down and talk. Is that alright?”

  I sigh in relief and offer him a smile. Then he comes to my side and gives my hand a squeeze. I’m still not happy with them, but at least now I’ll finally figure out what’s going on and why they keep hiding these things from me.

  After finishing lunch, the guys all trail after me to the sports complex. The guys explained to me that the administration holds a monthly fitness course and apparently, it’s a mandatory curriculum requirement. Supposedly, it’s to help keep the Light Shadows student body bonded and involved with others, it’s a small school after all, but I still don’t see the point.

  I mean seriously, why does it matter? Why can’t I just be unfit and isolated? Stupid exercise. It’s my one weakness. Well, okay, exercise and cake. Oh, and wine. Ah, and chocolate. Okay, so maybe I do need to exercise a bit. And sure, I like to run for stress relief, but only when I want to. Not because I have to.

  “Ahem.” Jaxson coughs, drawing me from my thoughts. I look up to see him smiling down at me with a softness in his eyes. It’s amazing how much I have come to care for them all in such a short period of time.

  “Come on, Val. We’re going to be late, which is really not a good idea today. The head coach is a hard ass.”

  Oh, this is going to be fun then. I let Jaxson take hold of my hand, and notice that the others have already gone ahead of us. They must have hurried in while I was lost in my thoughts, so I let Jax guide me inside.

  The gymnasium is actually pretty huge, especially considering the size of the school. I actually checked it out not long after I started here. Aside from the library, it seems to be the most abandoned place on campus. It’s mainly just reserved for us to use to better ourselves and become fit, but not a lot of people seem to use it. There’s a weights area and a whole range of exercise machines. When I questioned Zane about it, he explained that the dean was a big believer in healthy habits.

  I’ve heard murmuring all day about the head coach. Some of the students even shivered when they talked about him, as if the very mention of him might summon him from nothingness.

  Jax grips my hand tightly and drags me through the throng of students until we reach the other guys. Even they seem slightly afraid of being late to the mysterious coach’s class. It’s weird. Is it because he has the power to affect our GPA? Or is he just that frightening of a person?

  Everyone around us is stretching out and they all look invigorated, ready to start whatever grueling workout session we are about to be put through. There’s no other way to describe it. It’s like they somehow have twice the energy they did before coming in here. The thought makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. A sense of dread settles in my stomach at the thought that they all seem to fear this coach, yet are still excited for whatever he has planned.

  I look over and see that Carter, Cooper and Zane are all finishing up stretching and notice they changed out of their tees into tight fitting tanks that show the bulge of their arms and abs.

  Valerie, do not drool! I command myself, trying not to let them affect me, but holy hot damn!

  “Hey, guys. Sorry we’re late, I got side-tracked,” I tell them with a smile.

  They all get up from the floor, finished with their stretching. “That’s okay. Zane and I were just making a bet. I said that Jax probably threw you in the trunk of the car rather than bring you in here. I guess I lost.” Carter pouts at the thought, but I see the laughter in his eyes.

  Jaxson smirks. “If I was going to hide her, it would be in a more creative way than locking her in a trunk.” Seeing him tease his brothers like this has me melting inside. He seems so free, as if there’s a weight off his shoulders.

  Cooper pulls me to his side just as a dark man comes stalking in through the double doors and goes to stand in front of the class. And I don’t mean dark as in his skin color — he’s a golden, sun-kissed god of a man. But the aura that surrounds him? It is as black as they come.

  Everyone who isn’t already standing, bolts upright. So, this must be the elusive Coach Daniels that I’ve heard people whispering about in some of my classes. He’s the tallest man I’ve ever seen and looks to be made of pure muscle. Like, if anyone hit him, they’d have a better chance of hurting themselves than him.

  He glances around the gym, and I notice his br
own eyes linger on me for a fraction longer than the others. Once he’s made eye contact with all of us, he finally speaks. “Alright, class. Today, we’re going to do suicides. You all know what to do, so get to it!”

  He blows a whistle and everyone takes off, running up and down the length of the gym. I follow the class’ lead, not wanting to be called out in my first class with him. Zane and Jaxson both start their suicides, quickly overtaking me while I struggle to keep up. They chat easily, as if it’s not burning their insides to talk and run at the same time.

  My legs are already burning and it hasn’t even been five minutes.

  Halfway through the suicides, I feel my legs turning to jelly. Everyone else weirdly still seems to be full of energy, whereas I feel as if someone’s sucking all of mine from me.

  Then, out of nowhere, a leg strikes out and I see it all happen as if in slow motion. They trip me and I fall, rolling over myself before ending up splayed across the floor. The whole class gasps and immediately stops running. Coach Daniels sees as well, and begins stalking towards me.

  I try to scramble to my feet but he’s too fast. He grabs me by my shirt, hauling me to my feet. “What did you do?” he growls, shaking me furiously. The viciousness in his tone frightens me. Is the coach really allowed to treat me this way? Why isn’t anyone saying anything?

  “Someone tripped me while I was doing suicides. I’m sorry, sir.” I bow my head, feeling contrite and ready for him to embarrass me in some way. That’s what the gym teacher used to do if you disobeyed where I went to high school.

  He grins, the expression malicious. “You’re sorry, huh? We’ll see just how sorry you are.” I don’t know what he intends to do, but the moment his hand rises, I flinch, so used to being punished by my mother that the reaction is instinct.

  A spark of electricity runs through my body, and the coach’s eyes widen in shock. A split second later, he’s being sent flying through the air, before crashing into the wall on the opposite side of the room. I watch in horror as he slowly slides down the wall and to the floor with an eerie creak.


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