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Untamed (Sons of Zeus Book 1)

Page 25

by Tamara White

  “I want the child promised me. You were supposed to be that child, but Hades managed to hide you from me. I would have accepted a child from your womb, but your revelation about not being able to bear children has changed my plans. Now I have no choice but to steal your magic, and take it as my own.”

  I laugh at the absurdity of his words. “Seriously? You wanted a child? Just so you could shape her into what you wanted in a wife? Well, newsflash for you. I was never that girl. I would never have allowed myself to be swayed to your insane cause. After all, Zeus, you’re not just facing a Goddess of War, but also a Goddess of Witchcraft.”

  He seems surprised that I recognized his true identity, but I felt it when I touched my light, as if it was something my power thought I needed to know.

  “All my memories are back, and my parents are going to be here any second. I imagine they’re going to be really pissed.”

  He doesn’t say a word, but I can tell based on his change in expression that he’s planning to attack me. He wants my power, but for some reason, he doesn’t want to kill me to get it, which makes his decision harder. Whatever he needs me for, it must be better for him if I’m alive. But since there’s no way I’ll give my power to him voluntarily, his only option is to take it from me in my death.

  He seems to realize I won’t ever help him, and a coldness settles over him. He uses magic to throw debris my way, which I fling to the side. While I’m distracted with that, he takes off at a run. While I know this is most likely some kind of ploy to get me to follow him, the War is raging in me, demanding justice.

  I give chase, refusing to let him get away. That bastard is not getting off that easy. It’s not until we’re out in the massive front yard that I realize we are on a small island, and not Shadow Island. That would explain why the guys haven’t been able to find me yet.

  I throw my hands out, determined to stop Zeus. I somehow manage to create a dome of energy around us. I have no idea what I just did or how to undo it, only that now we’re stuck together.

  Then I see my mother, father and guardians all appear, running from the building I had been held in, quickly followed by Nat, Dad and Cassandra. When they seem me, they all seem relieved, except for Jaxon. He just looks pissed, having realized I’m trapped in this dome with Zeus.

  While Zeus is only inhabiting Justin’s body, I can’t allow myself to think of him as Justin. Only Zeus. Thinking of him as Justin will make me hesitate and that’s something I can’t afford. I know Zeus will kill me if he gets the opportunity. After all, it’s the only way for him to get the beloved power he so desperately craves.

  I make the first move, throwing a blast of fire at Zeus, relishing in the surprised look that crosses his face. “What’s the matter, Zeus? Didn’t think I’d be capable of anything other than War? Well, surprise.”

  My inner light is guiding my actions and seems to know just what to do. I throw pure power his way, sending him crashing against the wall of my bubble. I wobble on my feet, feeling slightly drained, but ignore the concerned protests coming from my guardians.

  Zeus gets to his feet, a smile forming on his face. “You may be powerful, but you’re still untamed. Your magic doesn’t know what it’s doing. It’s like a creature trapped in a cage needing a master to tame it. I can be that master,” he suggests, coming closer.

  “No, thank you. I’d rather my magic be an untamed beast than let you get your murderous, power hungry hands on it. Besides, I’d never be able to trust you. After all, you killed your own brother. Why would you hesitate in killing me?”

  We both raise our hands to strike. Lighting shoots from Zeus’ palms and flames come from mine, and we’re both flung back onto opposite sides of the dome.

  I scramble to my feet and notice Jaxson and Zane both glaring at me. Zane growls loudly enough that I can hear him, even through the thick bubble. “Let the dome drop, Valerie!”

  I don’t answer him, because if he knew the truth, he’d be scared. Because I still have no idea how to bring the dome down. And I can’t let Zeus know I have no control over it, because he might be able to find a way to use it against me.

  Zeus looks between me and my guardians and his expression changes. That’s when I realize he’s already figured it out. He starts walking towards me, a cocky grin on his face. “She can’t bring the dome down, boys. She wanted to be all tough and prove her worth to you, but in doing so she’s signed her death warrant. Which means you all get a ringside seat to her death, my sons. She’s tiring a lot faster than I am. I daresay she’ll only last another ten minutes or so.”

  I don’t respond, refusing to give him the satisfaction. I cock my head, feeling a pressure beginning to build within the dome. I look around for the source of it, but can’t see anything different. Zeus doesn’t seem to notice anything different; he just keeps on walking towards me.

  “Say my name, Valerie.”

  I grin when Hades’ voice, a voice I now recognize, whispers through my mind. Grinning, I look Zeus in the eye as I speak his name. “Hades.”

  Out of nowhere, he appears, red leather covering him from neck to toe. He has silver plating layered over the top, and on the front of his chest plate is a carving of a three-headed dog.

  Holy fucking shit! I wonder if the guys have battle armor like that? If not, I think I am going to ask Hades who the hell his designer is, because I need armor like that on my men.

  Maybe I could get some made for myself?

  Zeus glares at me before turning to focus on his brother. “Hello, Hades. Fancy seeing you here.”

  “Oh come now, brother, surely you didn’t think I would just leave you to pick on those who are weaker than you? I may not have been able to help Poseidon, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you near my nephews. It’s bad enough you tried to poison them with your filthy war,” he spits out.

  Then Zeus shifts his attention to my guardians, giving them a sneer. “Ah, yes. My sons. The ones you turned against me. I thought it was quite the coincidence when the Oracle told me they would play an important part in me finding the key to the light.”

  As they talk to each other, I feel a nudge in my magic. I recognize it immediately as Hades. My magic is itching to respond, so I let it do its thing. It starts to flow into him while he and Zeus continue to fling insults back and forth. I become weaker as time passes, but then I see something change in Hades.

  Hades eyes widen in worry and he lunges at Zeus, brandishing a sword that appears out of nowhere. Zeus clicks his fingers, and a dagger appears in his hands. I watch in horror as he deflects the blow with the blade and then sends the dagger flying—right at me.

  My reflexes are nonexistent, having been slowed by the magic drain. The dagger hits me square in the chest and I feel my power stutter. The dome around us, no longer being fueled by my magic, disappears.

  Hades looks back and sees me, and his face goes pale with fear. He begins to battle more furiously against Zeus.

  Even as I watch, I can feel myself falling to the ground. But someone catches me at the last minute.

  I look up and see Jax holding me, his face filled with panic. My head rolls to the side, just in time to see Zeus disappear in a bolt of lightning.

  Hades turns and comes rushing towards me, dropping down at my side. Blood is running down the side of his face, but he doesn’t seem to care. His eyes are focused on mine for a long moment, as if searching for something. Then he frowns down at me in annoyance. “Valerie! My god, woman! Why did you siphon your power to me?”

  “She did what?!”

  Zane is looking between Hades and me in frustration. So many people are around me and my power starts to rise to defend me from what it perceives as a threat, but then Hades puts a hand over my head. Immediately, the power goes back into my body.

  Hades looks up at everyone surrounding me. “Guardians only. The rest of you need to back up a bit because it’s making her edgy.”

  I feel the vibration of footsteps through the ground and kn
ow someone’s approaching, but I no longer care what’s happening. I just want to close my eyes, to rest.

  “Valerie! Let my magic in!” Hades growls, his hand moving to the place where there’s a dagger sticking out of my chest. I have no idea what he means by that. So instead, I look back to the people surrounding around me and offer them a smile. The pain is easing up, but Hades’ pressure on my chest is still iron tight.

  “Damn it, Valerie!”

  Hades looks over at Jaxson, his eyes pleading. Something passes between them and I smile, glad that they have their uncle around. Their father’s a bit of a douche, though.

  Hmmm, my thoughts are a bit of a muddled mess at the moment.

  Hades looks down at me and his eyes show a deep pain I don’t quite understand. Why is he sad?

  He leans down towards me, caressing my cheek with his lips. “I am so sorry for taking this choice away from you.”

  Huh? I frown in confusion. Then he leans in and presses his lips to mine. At first, I’m so shocked I have no idea what to do, but then my magic rises and responds to his. When he pulls away, a single tear falls down his face. Then a searing pain explodes behind my eyes and I can’t hold back the scream that escapes. I continue to cry out in pain until Hades’ power finally forces me to fade into unconsciousness.



  “What can that mean? Explain!” The Oracle stands in front of me, repeating the same thing over and over again.

  What has me shocked beyond belief is the mention of the woman I will come to love.

  “The girl. She is pure light and your heart will be filled with such darkness that you will be drawn to each other. She will love your nephews, but she will love you as well.”

  “No, you have to be wrong. Look again!” I demand.

  She does as I ask, her eyes turning white and glazing over as the vision takes her. Visions can take anywhere from a minute to a day depending how set in stone they are. All visions that come from the Oracle, however, are said to come true. That’s why my heart is panicking.

  The Oracle’s eyes clear after a moment and she looks down at me in sympathy. “The vision remains the same, but there is a crossroad you will come to. Share your soul with her and save her, which will in turn bind you together for all eternity, or let her die.”

  “What kind of fucking choice is that?”

  About the Author

  Hi guys! I’m Tamara and I hope you don’t hate me after that ending….. I love to write and more than anything, I love people reading my work. I am a stay at home mom for all intents and purposes and I have two small dogs I like to spoil as well as my six year old daughter. We’ve recently welcomed to baby chicks to our family so if I am absent, there is a chance I am drowning in fluffy chicks. (Who am I kidding, that’s gotta be the best way to spend a day ever.)

  One other thing…. I’m addicted to swag. Buying swag, ordering swag and most of all, giving swag away. So make sure you come check out my swag group, “Tamara’s Swag’s Anonymous” to keep up to date with the latest giveaways.

  Books By Tamara White

  Sons of Zeus Series

  #1 Untamed – Out Now

  #2 Unleashed – Coming Soon

  Blood Series

  #1 False Blood – Out Now

  #2 Silver Blood – Out Now

  #3 Taken by Blood – Coming Soon

  Wolf Trials Trilogy

  #1 Her Mates – Out Now

  #2 Her Protectors – Out Now

  #3 Her Pack – Coming soon

  Evelyn Storm Series

  #1 Fallen Elemental – Coming Soon

  #2 Saved Elemental – Coming Soon

  #3 Pure Elemental – Coming Soon

  Rising Goddess Series

  #1 Show No Fear – Out Now

  # Finding Anger – Coming Soon

  By Jaimi Wilson

  (Tamara White pen name)

  Saving the Supernaturals Trilogy

  #1 The Order – Out Now

  #2 The Curse – Out Now

  #3 The Binding – Coming Soon




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