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Cross of the Legion

Page 41

by Marshall S. Thomas

  "Psycho was more successful than I had dared dream," Snow Leopard said. "The assault on the power generator was planned as a distraction—essentially a suicide mission. I sure never thought he'd get inside."

  "You can thank Sassy for that," Psycho said. Sassy smiled. She seemed fascinated with her new world. She was one of us now. The Legion doesn't forget its friends.

  "Dox?" Millie placed a cup on a little tray by my side. I had my own personal nurse. She knew I wouldn't ever turn down a dox. The whole gang was there—all of Beta, all of Recon, Pits and Mams alike.

  "Thanks. How far in are we?" I asked.

  "About half way. No pursuit. We're free," Snow Leopard replied.

  I savored the dox, pondering his words. A gang of Arcwhite kids were peering in the hatch. We had taken all we could, in the limited time we had.

  "Congratulations, Thinker," Twister said. "The mission was successful—and we're all still alive." She seemed so happy—but she was wrong.

  "Not all of us," I said. Her face paled instantly.

  "I'm sorry, Thinker." She lowered her eyes. I knew it hurt, but that didn't matter. You can't forget the dead.

  "Millina," Dragon said, raising a cup of ice water.

  "Millina," we all echoed. "Death!"

  "Flash," Trigger said.


  "And all those we killed," I said.


  I took a sip of dox. Death, our Goddess. Millina had worshipped her, too. We owed Millina. We'd honor her—in the next world. Priestess's arm snaked around my neck. Alive—we were still alive. That's what Twister had meant. Was it a punishment? We'd have to live with the dead. I could still see that little Outworlder girl.

  "Thinker," Snow Leopard said, "Tara has been on the Q-link, asking for you. It seems ConFree is pleased with the results of the mission. Pleased is putting it mildly, from what I've gathered."

  "I don't want to talk with Tara."

  "You really should, you know."

  "Tell her to stick it."

  "She said if you won't talk with her, she'll have the Director of ConFree give you a call."

  "Tell her I'm too sick to talk with anyone. Including the Director of ConFree."

  Snow Leopard laughed. "She knows you pretty well, Three. She said if you won't talk with her, tell her what you want. She'll arrange it."

  What I want? I put down the dox and stretched out in the airtank. Priestess and Millie were beside me, and Storm was right there in the next tank.

  "All right," I said. "Tell her I want a nice, quiet desk job on Andrion 2."

  "Isn't that what you had before?" Scrapper interrupted.

  "Yeah—but there's one more thing. I want my Legion MilSpec status changed from Unrestricted to Admin."

  "Admin?" Psycho echoed in astonishment. "You want to be an Admin puke? But that's where they put the screw-ups!"

  "Good idea," Priestess said. "Can I get one of those, too?"

  "One for Priestess and Millie, too," I said.

  "All right," Snow Leopard grinned. "I'll tell her. You folks deserve it. Maybe you can get those Admin people squared away."

  "Everybody smile!" Ragdoll handed a holocam to one of the Arcwhite kids. The whole gang gathered around our tanks. The holo cracked—one for the books.


  I've still got that shot, up on a wall in my study on Andrion 2. Moontouch tells me images from a war bring bad luck, but I can't bear to take it down. She understands.

  Priestess and Millie are both pregnant now. It's certainly time to settle down.

  Moontouch advises me to listen to her, next time.

  I believe I'll do that.


  If you enjoyed this novel, you will be happy to learn that…Cross of the Legion is the fifth book in the Legion Series but not the last. Look for Curse of the Legion in 2011.

  Soldier of the Legion

  The Black March

  Slave of the Legion

  Secret of the Legion

  Cross of the Legion

  Curse of the Legion*


  For more information visit

  About the Author

  Marshall S. Thomas is a retired Foreign Service Officer who served in East Asia for most of his career. Marshall attended the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, the University of New Mexico and the University of Miami with a major in Government/ International Affairs and a minor in History. Marshall's 35-year Foreign Service career included postings in Saigon, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Manila, Canberra and Kuala Lumpur.

  Marshall currently lives in Williamsburg, Virginia with his wife Kim Lien. His youngest son Alexander, 20, is now in college studying biochemistry. His eldest son Christopher is a graduate of Radford University who studied art and graphic design. Marshall loves to write science fiction but has also written on East Asian subjects including Lotus, the story of a refugee. He was a member of Nancy Mehl's original Write Stuff Writers Forum and is a member of C.E. Winterland's Midnight Forum.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1The Goddess from Hell

  Chapter 2Trooper Zero

  Chapter 3Angels of the Lord

  Chapter 4Tracks in the Dust of Time

  Chapter 5Deadman's Dogs

  Chapter 6God's Work

  Chapter 7Odura

  Chapter 8The Portals of Doom

  Chapter 9Father Time

  Chapter 10On the Cross

  Chapter 11Millie the Mole

  Chapter 12Superboy

  Chapter 13Production

  Chapter 14Raped and Forsaken

  Chapter 15The Girl from the Past

  Chapter 16Addicted

  Chapter 17Red Snow

  Chapter 18Sleepwalking

  Chapter 19Pherdos

  Chapter 20The Death of Tyrants

  Chapter 21Uniden Troopers

  Chapter 22Reinforcements for the Dead

  Chapter 23Deneb's Seed

  Chapter 24Price of Admission

  Chapter 25Inside

  Chapter 26Pipe Rats Rule

  Chapter 27Showtime

  Chapter 28Fresh Corpses

  Chapter 29False God

  Chapter 30Death my Destination




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