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Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 28

by Michelle Love

  “I have to admit, as much as it makes me a bad person … well, that’s karma, bitch,” Padme was grinning now. Dale chuckled.

  “See, told you I could cheer you up. God, this traffic today. All ready for our babysitting job?”

  Padme rolled her eyes. “Guess we can’t be too picky right out of the Academy. Who is this guy?”

  “No idea. We get our orders from the office, then head out.”

  Henry Jones greeted them both with a smile. “Welcome, welcome. Not to blow smoke up your asses right off the bat, but we hit pay dirt with you two. You know every field office was clamoring for you?”

  Padme and Dale looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Henry grinned. “Well, now that we have the good news out of the way … Here comes the real world. You may think we’re just handing you a babysitting job, but this guy is putting it all on the line to bring down the Ingles, and we’re going to have his back while he’s doing it. The death threats are real, and this kid, Enver Toscano, has already seen his business partner murdered. Also, Frederick Ingles flew into Seattle on Saturday. He knows where Toscano was this weekend, but since then, we’ve transferred Toscano to a safe house. You read the briefing notes? Good.”

  He sat on the edge of the desk. “His lawyer, an arrogant asshole called Brian Dedalus, specifically requested new agents. The Ingles have spies everywhere, and he is betting on them not having gotten to you two—yet. So, get over to this address. You’ll meet the lawyer and the protectee, and work out the protection detail together. Don’t forget to brief me about what you decide.”

  He stopped talking and studied them. “We’re throwing you in the deep end, kids. Look after yourselves.”

  Dale and Padme were quiet as they drove to the safehouse, realizing just how much responsibility they had been handed. Padme drove while Dale looked over the case file.

  “Jesus, this guy’s young to be in this situation. Thirty-seven and a multi-billionaire. Single, workaholic, playboy. The usual. Stepping up to the plate, though.”

  Padme smiled at him. “You getting a crush on the protectee? Gonna be his best buddy?”

  Dale grinned. “Screw you, Kaur.”

  “You wish.”

  “Shut up.”

  Even though they spent the journey busting each other’s chops, both were still on high alert, constantly checking to make sure they weren’t followed. Padme even erred on the side of caution when she saw a sedan with blacked-out windows pull alongside their SUV. She turned off the highway and took a detour, but the sedan was long gone.

  They arrived at the safe house and were greeted by a security team. After showing their IDs, they were led into the house. A young woman, thin in the extreme with long blonde hair and nervous energy, smiled shyly at them. “Hi, I’m Chaley, Mr. Toscano’s personal assistant. Please come this way. He and Mr. Dedalus are waiting to meet you.”

  They were led down a long, lushly carpeted corridor. Even if this was a safehouse, Enver Toscano obviously wanted to be kept in comfort. Padme caught Dale’s eye, and he smirked, apparently thinking the same thing.

  Chaley led them into a room where a smartly-dressed man sat on a large couch, a briefcase by his side and a laptop open. He looked up, and Padme saw his ice-blue eyes take them in.

  “Where the fuck have you been? We were told you would be here by ten a.m.”

  Padme looked at the man coolly. His hair was artfully swept back and held in place, Padme was almost certain, by a butt-load of hairspray. His blue eyes were cold, and his manner was one of arrogance and entitlement—in other words, an asshole. Was this the protectee? If so, he could just go fu … “We were told to make sure we arrived here safely and unseen. Which is what we did. Now, how about you try that again?”

  The man stood—Padme was amused to see he was smaller than her five-feet-nine-inches—and flushed angrily. “Fine. Well, now that you’re finally here …”

  “Let’s start over. I’m Agent Kaur; this is Agent Fortuna. Are you Enver Toscano?”

  “No, he’s not,” said a beautifully accented and very familiar voice behind her. “I’m Enver Toscano.”

  With a jolt and a pounding heart, Padme turned to see the man whose magnificent cock, a mere twenty-four hours earlier, had been deep inside her as he made her scream with pleasure again and again

  From his expression, Enver Toscano was as shocked to see her as she was to see him. This was the man whose life was in danger? God, no, please, not him. Suddenly everything made sense. To his credit, he immediately covered his surprise and shook both their hands.

  “Thank you for coming. Do excuse Brian; he’s not had his Ritalin this morning.”

  Padme smothered a snort of laughter with a cough. Enver invited them to sit, managing to squeeze Padme’s fingers inconspicuously. He was dressed in jeans and a vintage T-shirt, and Padme wondered how she could ever have thought the slimeball lawyer Dedalus was Enver.

  Enver was careful not to stare at her, but as they talked, Padme was hyper-aware of his body close to hers, his eyes on hers when she spoke. She felt like she was stammering and gibbering like an idiot as she outlined the protection plan she and Dale had come up with, but the men in the room seemed to nod along with it just fine. Even Dedalus looked appeased.

  “Obviously,” Dale took over from her, “when it’s time to transport you to the courtroom, we’ve arranged a decoy vehicle. We’ll actually be flying you via helicopter to the helipad nearest the courtroom, and then more decoy cars will be sent out as we transfer you by car. We’re taking this very seriously, Mr. Toscano.”

  Enver nodded. “And I couldn’t be more grateful for your help.”

  “So, one of you will always be here with us?” Brian Dedalus looked at Dale and then raked his eyes up and down Padme’s body, apparently considering how a slim woman like her could protect a six-foot-two man like Enver. His judgment made her bristle with annoyance—he really was an asshole—Henry hadn’t exaggerated.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice hardening. “And I will have to remind you that any and all decisions regarding Mr. Toscano’s movements must be discussed with us.”

  She felt Dale nudge her discreetly and then he cleared his throat. “Agent Kaur is the lead on this, so she has the final say on any decision.”

  Padme tried not to look surprised—they hadn’t discussed who would lead and she was grateful to Dale for his support. If Brian Dedalus thought he could pull any misogynistic crap on her, he had another think coming.

  Enver was watching her, his eyes amused. “In that case, perhaps, Agent Fortuna, you can go brief my security team with Brian, and I can settle things with Agent Kaur.”

  “Call me Dale, and yeah, that’s a good idea.” Dale looked at Padme, who nodded at him, a smile on her flushed, burning face—at least it felt like it was burning.

  When Dale and Dedalus had left, Enver smiled at Chaley. “Chaley, would you mind giving us a minute? Take a break, get yourself a coffee.”

  Chaley hopped off the end of the sofa, shooting Enver and Padme a smile—and then finally, they were alone.

  Padme let out a long breath. “Enver Toscano.”

  Enver came to her side, sweeping a loose strand of hair back over her ear. “Mio Dio, Padme, I can’t say it isn’t good to see you, but the thought of you putting yourself in harm’s way for me …”

  “I would take a bullet for you in a heartbeat,” she whispered fiercely, “but it’s not going to get to that, Enver. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  His lips were against hers then, and for a moment, she fantasized that this could be their reality. She drew away after a moment. “But we can’t do this. Not if I’m going to protect you properly. If I get distracted and something happens to you … God, Enver.”

  “And I cannot bear the thought that you might get hurt because of me. This is just what I was trying to avoid.” He got up and paced around the room. “Maybe we should … ask for a replacement?”

  “No.” Padme felt panicked. “No.
I won’t be able to trust anyone else to protect you the way I would. I meant what I said. This is my job, Enver. It’s my job to put myself in front of any bullet meant for you and that’s what I’ll have to do if I have to.”

  Enver’s eyes were sad. “You don’t even know me, Padme, cara mia.”

  Padme stood and went to him. “I do know you. I know you love with your whole heart, that the loss of someone close to you could crush you. I feel the same way—about you. I know that’s completely the opposite of what a woman is supposed to say after the weekend we had—I’m supposed to act cool, and in our case, God knows, professionally, but … I don’t trust anyone else to protect you. It doesn’t matter that we haven’t known each other long; I know that I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

  Enver kissed her gently. “The moment this is over, Padme Kaur, you and I are going to spend a lot of time together. Naked. I think we agreed to that on the weekend. Deal?”

  She smiled. “Deal.” Her voice was a whisper. How had her life changed this much in such a short amount of time?

  They heard Dale and Brian returning. “Don’t mind Brian,” Enver said in a low voice. “He just wants this over and done with so he can get back to his life in New York.”

  “He’s staying here?”

  Enver rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t trust me to be by myself.”

  “You’re not.”

  Enver met her gaze as the others came back into the room. “Hopefully I won’t be alone ever again, my beautiful Padme.”

  He said it in a low voice, but it sent Padme’s heart into overdrive. She knew she should tell Dale and her bosses of her relationship with Enver, however humiliating that might be, but she was convinced that no one could protect Enver better than she would.

  Chaley showed Dale and Padme to their respective rooms, Dale whistling in appreciation at the comfortable beds and wide-screen television. Padme dumped her hold-all on the bed and wondered how she could possibly sleep knowing Enver was only a few rooms away. God, how she wanted him, but she would not compromise his safety for the sake of a fuck—even if that fuck was with the most gorgeous man she’d ever met. Padme knew that if they risked it and were discovered, she would be fired and maybe even arrested for compromising the operation.

  There was a soft knock at her door, and her heart began to thump. “Come in.” She was both relieved and disappointed when Dale opened the door, giving her a boyish grin.

  “Hey you, just wanted to know if you want me to take the night shift. You look kind of done in already.”

  Padme smiled at him. “And it’s only lunchtime. No, it’s okay, I’m kind of a night owl. I’ll take the late shift.”

  Dale flopped down on the bed next to her. “What do you think of him?”

  “Enver? Nice guy. Good for him taking on the Ingles.”

  Dale nodded. “That’s what I think. That lawyer, though.” They both laughed. “By the look of him, he’s read American Psycho once too often.”

  Padme snorted. “He’s not that interesting. He does know the Eighties are over, right?”

  “You’re such a bitch.” But Dale was laughing. Padme punched his arm and got up off the bed.

  “Come on, we have work to do.”


  By the evening, they both realized that babysitting duty was as dull as it sounded. Brian Dedalus ignored them, jabbering away on his cell phone. Chaley, shy and nervous, would offer them coffee every time she saw them. Enver was working, but would stop when he saw them and chat, and Padme grew more impressed by him every time they talked. In sharp contrast to his lawyer, Enver was humble and apologetic for having put them in this situation. But mostly, he was just fun and smart to be around.

  As Padme got to know him better over the next few days, she found herself feeling even more conflicted about their whole situation. Enver was everything she wanted, and everything she couldn’t have. She took the night shifts, listening to the silence around the compound as she walked the corridors. Enver had taken to joining her, and they would sit and talk until dawn, each desperate to touch the other, but knowing they couldn’t.

  “When this is over,” Enver said, late one night a week after they’d come to the safehouse, “I would love to take you away, to Italy, to show you my home.”

  “Do you have any family left?”

  “A few cousins scattered throughout the country. Claudio is the closest to me. He’s an artist. His sister, Soleil, died a few years ago.”

  Some memory pinged in Padme’s memory at the unusual name. “Are you talking about Soleil Fonseca? The murder down in Los Angeles?” Enver nodded, his eyes sad. “God, that was horrific. I’m so sorry, Enver.”

  “Thank you. It was a bad time for us all, especially Claudio.”

  Padme shook her head. “So much pain.”

  Enver smiled a little and covered her hand with his. “You make it better.”

  Padme’s eyes locked on his and before she knew what was happening his lips were against hers. God, he was intoxicating. “We can’t do this …” she said, but then lost herself in the kiss. Enver pulled her into his arms and her body curved around his. “Enver … Enver …”

  His hands were at the waistband of her pants, his eyes questioning. Despite what her brain was trying to tell her, she could not tell him to stop. There was a frenzy of stripping clothes as they ran their hands over each other’s bodies and then Enver was sliding his huge cock into her as they tumbled to the carpet. They fucked quickly, intensely, smothering their moans with their mouths, lips against lips, skin on skin.

  Padme’s legs tightened around his waist as he plowed deeper and deeper into her, her fingernails digging into the finely-honed muscles of his back. She came, dampening her cry of release by pressing her lips to his shoulder as Enver buried his face in her neck to muffle his groan as he came with her.

  They lay together, panting, listening for any sign that they had been heard. There was silence throughout the property. “God,” Padme said, her face flushed, her hair sticking to the sweat on her face. “We really shouldn’t have done that.”

  Enver grinned down at her, not looking the least bit repentant. “I think it was kind of inevitable, cara mia.”

  She chuckled quietly. “You’re so cocky. Help me up, big guy. I’m supposed to be protecting you.”

  He pulled her to her feet and they got dressed, pausing often to kiss. Enver persuaded her to go to the large kitchen with him, and they made sandwiches, falling on them as if they were half-starved.

  “Food and sex,” Enver grinned at her, “My two favorite things.”

  “Keeping you alive, baby, is my favorite thing. Seriously, Enver, that has to be the last time until the case is over.”

  Enver nodded, sobering up. “I know. I’m sorry, Padme. I could not stop myself.”

  “Don’t apologize. I wanted you just as much—I still want you. Badly. But this is your life we’re talking about.”

  “And yours,” he said firmly. He set his sandwich down and ran a hand through his dark hair. “God, I’ll be glad when this thing starts. The trial, I mean.”

  “The D.A. told me you’ll actually be testifying against one of the Ingles’ associates? Not Frederick Ingles himself?”

  Enver rolled his eyes. “They won’t arrest Freddy Ingles himself; he’s too important. Their words. They’ll just take his knees out from beneath him. He has deals in place with many high-ranking government officials in Europe, but the slightest whiff of corruption and they’ll pull out of his deals. It will make his organization very hard to deal with.”

  Padme blinked. “I just don’t get the business world. I guess I see things in black and white—you make a product, you sell the product. As soon as it gets more complicated than that, I’m out. I’ve never asked—what is your line of business?”

  “Shipping,” Enver said and grinned when she grimaced. “Sexy, huh? Really, it was Max who brought me on board. We had known each other since we were kids. After
college, I was adrift, really—my major was in music—but I didn’t know if I wanted to pursue it as a career. Max inherited his father’s shipping business, and when I joined his company, I found I had a gift for negotiation. After I brokered a huge deal with the Scandinavian governments, Max made me a partner. His father had run a low-key operation, but we expanded it to become the world’s biggest shipping company. I sound like a brochure.”

  Padme burst out laughing as he pulled a face at the end. “A little, but please, go on. Tell me more about Max.”

  Enver smiled a little sadly. “He was my best friend, and I loved him, but he got greedy. Unbeknownst to me, he approached Freddy Ingles to broker a deal. The specifics of the deal, I don’t know, but Max came to me one night, telling me he’d gotten in too deep, that he had underestimated Ingles’ grip once he had Max in his net. He told me a little about what he had discussed with Ingles, but then Ingles got nasty, threatening to kill Max and everyone he loved if Max reneged on the deal. Three days later, Max and his wife, Julia, were murdered in their home. They made Max watch while they stabbed Julia to death, and then cut Max’s throat. They came after me, but I’d been warned and wasn’t where they expected.” Enver let out a shaky breath. “Julia was pregnant when they killed her”

  “Jesus.” Padme felt a wave of horror flood over her. She didn’t think she had processed how much Enver’s life was on the line until this moment. “Enver … if they’re only going to hobble Frederick’s business, not arrest him, what’s going to stop him from pursuing you for the rest of your life?”

  Enver smiled sadly. “Nothing. And I’m aware that once I testify, all bets are off. The FBI. is under no obligation to keep protecting me.”


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