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Las Vegas Sidewinders: Toli & Tessa (Book 6)

Page 8

by Kat Mizera

  Toli had always loved sex, and had enjoyed it with a variety of women whenever he and Tatiana broke up, but nothing came close to how it felt when he touched Tessa. She’d been shy and inexperienced when they’d first started dating, but in the time they’d been together she’d discovered her inner sex kitten and gave as good as she got. Now she was clenching around him, squeezing until he was straining to remain in control.

  “Slow down, baby, or I won’t last,” he murmured.

  “I can’t!” she moaned, her head thrown back. “It’s been too long!” She bore down on him, clenching tightly as she let loose with a screech of pure ecstasy. “Toli!”

  “Yeah, that’s it!” He let go as well, driving up into her harder and faster until his growl of pleasure reverberated through the room.

  “Shit!” Tessa collapsed against him. “I hope Anton has his headphones on!”

  Toli chuckled, stroking her back. “If not, he’ll learn to in the future!”

  “That was too fast,” she sighed. “But really, really good.”

  “It’s always good,” he murmured, kissing the side of her jaw. “If we didn’t have a house full of kids, we could do it again, but something tells me Raina will be up shortly.”

  “I’m sure,” Tessa giggled. “We can do it again tonight, though.”

  “Oh yes.” He held her tightly, burying his face in her hair, thankful they were still alive. Contentment washed over him and without realizing it he drifted back to sleep.

  Tessa was no longer in bed with him when Toli opened his eyes again and he rolled over slowly, wincing at the stiffness in his shoulder. He pulled on shorts and a T-shirt before spending a few minutes in the bathroom; it was going to take getting used to having kids in the house since he normally roamed around in nothing but a pair of boxers when he first got up. Even though he and Tessa had been living together for six months now, along with Raina, having Anton there added another level of disruption to their lives. Raina was still little and often easy to entertain if they wanted to sneak off for a quickie. Anton, on the other hand, would be acutely aware of everything they did. Though he adored his son, he regretted not having the original two weeks alone with Tessa for their honeymoon.

  Padding into the kitchen, he could hear laughter as Anton teased Raina about something and Tessa made them breakfast. Standing in the doorway, Toli paused to watch his new family interact. His tall, handsome son looked right at home at the kitchen table, playing with his new stepsister until breakfast was ready. Raina seemed to adore having a big brother, giggling and flirting as if she’d known him much longer than a few months. And sweet, beautiful Tessa, in shorts and a T-shirt, her blond curls pulled up in a ponytail. She was waving the spatula as she talked, laughing and at ease in their home.

  Their home. Toli felt a rush of emotion looking at his beautiful wife and their children, in their home, getting ready to start their lives together. It was kind of sappy, but something he’d been looking forward to for so long he couldn’t help but take a moment to savor it.

  “Toto cakes!” Raina yelled, spying him and pointing to where Tessa was flipping pancakes on a griddle.

  “Toli is very excited about pancakes,” he said, grinning at her as he bent to kiss the tops of both her head and Anton’s. He stopped in front of Tessa and looked down into her bright blue eyes. “Good morning, Mrs. Petrov.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Petrov.” Tessa smiled up at him and leaned forward. Their lips mingled for a sweet, tender kiss that made Anton flush and Raina clap her hands.

  “Kissy!” she laughed with delight.

  Tessa and Toli laughed too and she shooed him towards the table. “Coffee?” she asked, turning back to the counter.

  “Thank you.” He took a mug from her gratefully, sinking into the chair next to Anton. Tessa put a large platter of pancakes in front of them and Toli watched in amusement as Anton cut up Raina’s without being asked. Since he had to keep his arm mostly immobilized for at least a week, he could only use one hand and cutting food was almost impossible. Luckily, pancakes were soft enough to cut with a fork so he was surprised when Tessa sat down and began to do it for him.

  “I can do it,” he smiled.

  Her eyes met his. “We’ve been married four days,” she smiled back. “I can do silly, romantic things for you if I want. Especially with your arm in a sling.”

  Anton grunted. “You two are gonna be disgusting, aren’t you?”

  Toli raised his eyebrows. “Take notes, son. Someday you’re going to want to do nice things for a woman you’re in love with—and vice versa.”

  “So what’s the plan today?” Tessa asked Toli, taking a sip of her coffee. “When do you go back to the doctor?”

  “Not until Monday,” he said. He glanced at Anton. “You’re supposed to be going home Saturday. Have you spoken to your mother?”

  “She called last night and told me I could stay as long as I wanted,” Anton said after a moment, chewing his lower lip. “But I have to figure out what to do about school. And hockey.”

  “I’ve given that some thought,” Toli said. “There’s a prep school in Reno now. Only a few years old, but I asked around and it’s turning out some amazing players. The academics are also a higher level than some of the others, and that’s something we need to consider in light of your thoughts about not playing professionally. If you’re not going to aim for the NHL, you need a college degree.”

  “I know,” Anton nodded. “I want to play in college and see what happens. I’m thinking of DSU—”

  “DSU?” Tessa looked confused.

  “Dakota Southern University,” Toli said, nodding. “Good school, great hockey program. That was Sergei’s second choice back when he was looking, but Boston College was much more prestigious academically.”

  “Scouts were looking at me before I got hurt last season,” Anton sighed. “But now…I don’t know what’s going to happen. And it’s August, Dad.”

  “Let me make some calls and see if we can go up there and meet everyone. I’m sure they’ll look at your tapes from last season and at least let you try out. I want to make sure you retain NCAA eligibility and that the academics are a high enough standard for you to get in wherever you want to go.”

  “Okay.” Anton nodded.

  “And I was thinking about something else,” Toli said slowly. “What do you guys think of the idea of going to Russia?”

  “Russia?” Tessa turned, frowning slightly. “I thought you wanted to stay away from there?”

  “In general, I do, but since my parents couldn’t come to the wedding and our honeymoon was cancelled, I thought it might be a good time to go. And because I got shot, I know my mother would like to see me. She’s anxious to meet you and Raina as well.”

  Tessa nodded. “It’s okay with me, but are you sure you want to?”

  “I really don’t,” he admitted. “But Anton has to go back to school soon, so the window of time for us to go as a family would be right now.”

  “So we’d bring the kids with us?” she asked.

  Toli glanced at Anton. “You haven’t been back in three years—do you want to see your grandparents?”

  Anton shrugged. “I want to see babulya, but your dad usually just talks about hockey.”

  “Banana?” Raina asked, frowning.

  “Ba-bul-ya,” Anton said slowly. “Grandma.”

  “Banana!” Raina nodded.

  Toli chuckled. “We have some work to do with her Russian.”

  Tessa laughed. “We have work to do with her English!”

  “How long are we going to stay?” Anton asked. “I mean, it’s going to be boring.”

  “I know.” Toli sighed. “We’ll do some fun things. I have friends from the KHL we can meet up with—you’ll like them. We’ll have some family dinners that will be boring but necessary, and you’ll spend a little time with your grandparents, but then we’ll do tourist things too. Tessa has never been so we’ll go to Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral, t
he Kremlin…lots to see that’s interesting.”

  “It sounds okay, I guess.”

  “Fair warning,” Toli said. “If we go, my mother will undoubtedly plan a wedding reception of some sort.”

  “That’s okay,” Tessa nodded. “It’ll be fun to meet your family.”

  Anton snorted. “Not hardly.”

  “Come on,” Toli gave him a look. “I know you’re 100% American in your head, but your heritage is 50% mine too.”

  “My heritage is awesome,” Anton said softly. “I love being Russian, being your son, speaking the language—but your dad gives me the creeps. Sorry, but he does.”

  “I know.” Toli reached over to ruffle his son’s hair. “It’s just his way—he’s really not a creep. He had a hard life, back when it was still the U.S.S.R., and even now the politics are scary. He does his best to focus on hockey because that’s one subject that’s safe.”

  “Whatever,” Anton muttered. “But I’ll do whatever you want, Dad.”

  “I know. Thank you.” He looked at Tessa. “I will make up the honeymoon to you, but until then, how does a trip to Moscow sound?”

  “Awesome!” Tessa laughed. “But Raina doesn’t have a passport.”

  “We’ll get that sorted out,” he promised, leaning over to kiss her. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you want to go.”

  “Like you said, it’s your heritage, and it will be our children’s heritage as well.”

  “On that note, I’m out!” Anton laughed, getting up and putting his plate in the sink.

  “Kissy?” Raina asked, staring at Toli and Tessa.

  “Yes,” Toli chuckled. “There will definitely be kissing.”

  “Yuck,” Anton grunted as he walked out of the room.

  Ten days later, Toli, Tessa, Anton and Raina got on a plane for Moscow. Tatiana and Sergei had left a few days before, and they would gather with extended family in Russia to celebrate their wedding the following weekend. Toli had waited for the doctor to check his stitches and taken Anton to visit the school in Reno. Anton seemed to like the program and they’d been excited for a player of Anton’s caliber to be joining them. Toli made all the arrangements, ironing out the details since they would be out of the country for ten days before he could start. It had all come together rather quickly, and now that he was sitting on the plane, Toli glanced over at his family with a smile. Raina had crawled into Anton’s lap after they’d eaten dinner, and was fast asleep against his chest. Anton was asleep too, a travel pillow around his neck, earbuds in his ears and a blanket covering both of them. Toli was glad he could afford to fly them first class; he couldn’t imagine sitting in coach for this many hours with a toddler.

  Tessa was dozing too, her head against his shoulder. He’d just taken a pain pill, even though he hadn’t taken one in days, so he could rest on the plane. He figured he would be asleep soon enough, but right now in the silence of the night, with the lights out and most people sleeping, he couldn’t help but take stock of his life and feel grateful. His beautiful new wife was at his side, her daughter seemingly happy to have a big brother, and all of them on a trip to see his family and friends. He didn’t yearn for Russia like many of his friends did, but he was excited to show it to Tessa. It was important to him to show her his heritage, but home was the U.S., especially now that he’d married an American. Despite what he needed to sort out while they were there, he was truly content.

  “Rest,” Tessa murmured, snuggling closer.

  “Have you ever made love on a plane?” he murmured in her ear.

  Her head snapped up. “Isn’t that illegal?”

  He shrugged. “We’d have to pay a fine.” Then he grinned slyly. “But only if we get caught.”

  “Anton is right across the aisle!” she breathed.

  “They’re fast asleep.” Sliding his hand under the blanket covering her, he slowly traced a finger around her nipple, instantly bringing it to life.

  “Toli!” she hissed softly.

  “What?” He leaned down and caught her lips in a kiss that made her forget about everything except him. Damn, it was so hot that she could never say no once he touched her. Between abstaining for a month before the wedding and all the obstacles since—Toli being shot and in the hospital, the argument with Debbie and dealing with Anton that night, making the trip to Moscow happen, and preparing for more than a week in a foreign country—they’d made love only twice since getting married and they both desperately wanted to remedy that.

  They kissed feverishly, lips and tongues swirling together heatedly. She skimmed her hand along his crotch and wasn’t surprised to find him ready for her. Without hesitation, she unbuttoned his khakis and freed his cock, closing her hand around it firmly. Then she dropped her head under the blanket and replaced her hand with her mouth. She felt him dig his fingers into her hair.

  “If I pull,” he said softly against the blanket, “it means someone is coming. Just stop moving and they’ll think you’re asleep.”

  With a slight nod she went back to what she was doing, taking him in her mouth and sucking deep. She pushed at his shorts and he lifted his hips so she could slide them down a little further, releasing his balls. Then she sucked on them, one at a time, making him shudder against her mouth. Using her hands to hold him up, she licked and suckled the tip of his cock until he was straining against her and she could hear his gargled attempts to be quiet.

  She worked him deeper into her mouth, using her lips to cover her teeth as she lightly bit down. He jerked and she loosened her grip, going back to a hard sucking motion. She knew he was on the verge so she drew him in as far as she could. He gripped her hair tightly as he shot off into her mouth, hot cum sliding down her throat. She swallowed it all, milking him until he finally stilled. Slowly, she brought up her head and smiled at the picture he made, eyes closed and head thrown back.

  “Your turn,” he murmured, pulling her onto his lap with one arm.

  “Toli, we can’t!” she breathed against his mouth.

  “Yes, we can.” He grabbed a second blanket and used it to cover anything her blanket might not, and then motioned for her to straddle him.

  “Toli, without a condom—” She stopped abruptly as he pulled one from his pocket. Since they didn’t use them anymore she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “You planned this!” she accused under her breath.

  “This is basically our honeymoon,” he said softly. “And I knew you weren’t a member of the Mile High Club.”

  “Are you?”


  “Dammit—is there anything you haven’t done that we could do for the first time together?” she asked in feigned annoyance, making a face.

  “Many things,” he chuckled. “It just depends on if you want to do them!”

  She flushed, since she wasn’t all that adventurous.

  “Let me fuck you, sweetheart,” he breathed against her ear, his lips traveling gently along her neck.

  “Yes.” She moved off his lap, though, and held up a finger, indicating she wanted him to wait. She stood and quietly reached into the overhead compartment. She dug around in her carry-on for something and then disappeared into the restroom. When she came back she was wearing a pair of loose, stretchy gym shorts. She gave him a sweet smile before stuffing the capris she’d been wearing—and her underwear—back in her bag. Then she straddled him again, smiling wickedly.

  As he ran his hands over her soft, round ass, he realized what she’d done and that she’d been planning this as well. Her shorts were big enough that they could be moved aside at the crotch so he could slide into her without her having to actually get undressed. The fact that she’d planned this made him hard all over again and he kissed her roughly, burying his tongue so deep in her mouth she moaned. Not bothering with foreplay—he knew she was always wet and ready whenever she sucked his dick—he thrust himself inside her and almost laughed at the way her eyes popped open in surprise.

  “Easy,” he whispered. He’d lifted the
armrest between their seats to give them more room and he moved slightly so she could rest her knees on either side of his thighs.

  “Don’t stop!” she whispered in a breathy voice that told him she was already halfway gone; the excitement of what they were doing had her more aroused than usual.

  He slid down in the seat and used his thighs to thrust up into her again. She gripped his good shoulder with her left hand and squeezed his rib cage with her right, carefully avoiding his left shoulder. His lips found hers, kissing her breathless, his good arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She was already making the breathy little noises she made before she came, and he used his mouth to quiet her. Bodies and mouths and hands groped and fondled as sweat dripped between their stomachs.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the flight attendant talking to someone in the very front and getting a cart ready. Knowing their time was limited he slid a finger between them and found her clit. He flicked it with smooth, rhythmic motions that made her bury her head in his shoulder to keep from crying out.

  “Come for me, my beautiful wife,” he breathed in her ear. “Let me feel you milking my cock.” He loved talking dirty to her because she always turned bright red, and she didn’t let him down. She obviously enjoyed it despite her embarrassment, though, grinding against him and squeezing him with her pussy as she rocked back and forth. He knew she was about to let go because her fingers pinched his skin as she struggled to remain in control. He picked up the pace with both his finger and his hips and within seconds she was jerking against him, her mouth buried in the skin of his chest. Her breath was still coming in shallow gasps as he found his own release and they rocked together, bodies and souls completely entwined.

  He saw the flight attendant glance in their direction and he gripped her ass hard, forcing her to stop moving. Her eyes opened and she met his worriedly. He just winked and let his head loll to the side as if he was asleep. She followed suit, and when the attendant passed them, they were both breathing slow and steady, completely still. When she finally finished with first class and moved back up to the front, Tessa slowly lifted herself off him.


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