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The Queen's Blade V - Master of the Dance

Page 37

by T C Southwell

  "No, My Lord. You look very fine. Are you able to walk to the audience chamber?"

  "What if I'm not? Will you arrange a litter for me? Or a walking stick perhaps, so I can hobble like an aged cripple?"

  "If you require it."

  Blade snorted and rose to his feet, grimacing. "Bring me my daggers."

  "But My Lord..."

  "Don't argue with me. I'm in no mood for it."

  "Yes, My Lord."

  Blade tucked two daggers into his belt sheaths, leaving the other four, then headed for the door. Arken followed, watching him for signs of weakness that may result in his collapse, but the assassin showed none. His journey to the audience chamber was achieved at a sedate walk, leading a retinue of guards with Arken at the fore.

  The audience had already started, and a muttering crowd of nobles and advisors filled the golden hall to capacity. Blade walked past the doorway behind the throne, reserved for the Queen or Regent, choosing instead to use the lords' door at the back of the chamber. Only the herald, who stood just inside the portal, ready to announce the name and rank of each arrival, noticed his entry. The man stared at Blade in confusion, then his eyes widened and he turned, opening his mouth. Realising that the man was about to shout his name to the throng, Blade turned to Arken.

  "Silence him."

  Arken reached the herald just in time, grabbed his arm and swung him around with a squeak of surprise. The manservant raised a finger to his lips, and the herald glanced at Blade, shivering when he met the assassin's eyes. The crowd blocked Blade's view of the Queen, but he listened to the debate that raged at the front of the hall over the muttering of nearby lords.

  It seemed that at least two lords had enough sense to denounce the plan to invade Contara, and engaged its supporters in a rowdy argument. Reservations that mirrored Blade's were aired vociferously and countered with blustering words of bravado and patriotic zeal that found much support amongst lesser lords. Blade recognised Insash's deep, measured tones trying to talk sense into the supporters of violence, only to be shouted down with jeers and insults. The soft clink of the Queen's sceptre interrupted the debate, and Kerra spoke.

  "My lords, we can argue this subject all day. Naturally there are those who disagree with waging war on Contara, just as there were those who disliked the war with Cotti."

  "Of which your mother was one," Insash pointed out.

  "Indeed, and she succeeded in ending it, but this is a different matter altogether. A swift invasion will oust the Cotti presence and return sovereignty to its rightful place with the Contara nobility. Once that is achieved, there will be no more assassins sent to slay our Regent or Cotti princes abusing the Contara people. They have been our allies for hundreds of years, and if we free them we will win their friendship and respect, a strong ally to stand beside us."

  "There is no guarantee that the Contara will remain our allies, My Queen," Insash pointed out. "The Cotti throne is now related to ours by blood, and is therefore an ally that can never turn against us. This was what your mother died for."

  "Leave my mother out of this," Kerra snapped, and Blade was surprised by the authority and assurance with which she spoke. "I seek to end the unjust rule of Cotti princes over the Contara people."

  "And is that worth the loss of thousands of our warriors in battle? We do not owe them any great debt, for which we must sacrifice our people to free them. Let them rise up and throw off the Cotti yoke themselves, if they can."

  "You know as well as I do that they cannot. Their army is disbanded and cannot be reformed. They struggle just to survive, slaves to a Cotti prince."

  "That is not our problem, My Queen."

  "It is when that Cotti prince is sending assassins to murder our Regent or blackmailing us with foul plots."

  "Prince Endor is dead," Insash said.

  "And his replacement will be just as bad, maybe worse."

  "Then you should apply to your father to send a regent who is not a prince to rule Cotti, a lord he trusts," Insash suggested.

  Blade glanced at Arken and signalled for him to stay where he was, then made his way around the perimeter of the room towards the throne. The debate continued between Kerra and Insash, but the young Queen discounted the old man's wise council, and some young lords started to hiss whenever he spoke. Blade was forced to elbow his way around a pillar, but the throng was so engrossed in the argument that no one noticed who he was. He arrived at the edge of the front row, where a soldier stood with a spear grounded, marking the boundary over which no lord dared step without an invitation from the Queen.

  Four lords stood in the clear area before the throne, facing Insash, who stood at the Queen's right hand. Kerra sat in regal splendour, garbed in a bright vermilion gown beneath the sheath of fine golden mail the Queen traditionally wore at audiences. Her hair was swept up into a cascade of shining golden ringlets that framed her face, held in place with jewelled pins. Diamonds dripped from her ears and adorned her throat like a frosted cobweb. She held the six-foot golden sceptre in one be-ringed hand, and her face was set in lines of cool haughtier. Minna-Satu had done a good job of teaching her the mannerisms and lofty poise expected of a queen, Blade mused.

  Insash faced her like a plump owl, robed in deep brown and amber, his silver chain of office glinting on his chest. He struggled to hide his desperation, for no matter how good his arguments were, Kerra dismissed them without consideration, intent on her agenda.

  "My Queen," he begged, "this plan of yours is not in Jashimari's best interests. Peace is the way to prosperity; war will only bring the death of thousands of young men and a new population of cripples for the crown to support."

  "But this war will be brief, no more than a battle, then Contara will be free and peace will return."

  "Only if your father allows you to oust his army from Contara. If he sends reinforcements it will escalate."

  Kerra raised her chin. "My father will not wage war against me. He will withdraw."

  "Have you informed him of your plan? If this is true, will he not withdraw upon your request?"

  "Actions speak louder than words, and when he realises what it will entail to keep Contara, he will withdraw."

  "Then why not write to him and tell him of your plan? Perhaps bloodshed could be avoided?"

  Kerra hesitated, and one of the lords who stood before her declared, "We must strike now. Informing King Kerrion will lead to delays, and he may reinforce his army in Contara to deter us."

  "Or one of the regents might wake up," Insash said, and Kerra shot him a frown as he added, "Do you think Chiana would go to war with Contara, My Queen?"

  Kerra looked uncomfortable. "Chiana is a gentle lady, but she would want vengeance for her familiar's death, and the attempt on her life."

  "But Endor is dead. She is avenged."

  "His lords and cronies remain. We must put an end to the Cotti rule of Contara if we wish to be safe from them."

  Blade stepped over the boundary while Kerra spoke and wandered towards the throne. The soldier had recognised him, and the people around the throne were so engrossed in the discussion that they did not notice him.

  "And what would I have to say upon this matter, Kerra?" he asked.

  The Queen looked around with a gasp of surprise, and the lords gaped at Blade, who stopped a couple of yards from the throne. Insash sagged with relief.

  The herald who stood inside the Queen's door spotted him and bellowed, "His Grace, High Lord Conash, Lord Protector of Jashimari, sacred Knight of the Veil and Regent of Jashimari!"

  Blade shot the luckless man a glare, then glanced around with a frown as the court sank down in a deep bow. Annoyed, he walked closer to the four lords, trying to put names to their faces and failing.

  "Which one of you has whispered this foul plot in the Queen's ear? Or was it all of you?"

  "What foul plot?" a fat, balding lord blustered, then recoiled when Blade's gaze pinned him.

  "This one. It is not going to happen. Kerra
-Manu is not the ruler of this kingdom, and you had no right to encourage her in her infantile foolishness." Blade turned to the guards who stood against the walls. "Arrest these four for treason."

  "Treason!" the fat lord squeaked, his eyes bulging. "It was not our idea. The Queen wished it!"

  "I do not care," Blade snarled. "I have been dragged from my sickbed to put an end to this, and my temper is foul. Do not make me angry enough to order your execution."

  The fat lord gasped, casting a pleading look at his cohorts, then the Queen. Kerra stared at Blade with a look of utter dismay while the soldiers took hold of the four lords and dragged them away.

  Blade turned to her. "This audience is over, along with the stupidity."

  She appeared to gather her wits. "My Lord, you are not well enough to take up your office. You should be resting."

  "I would be, if not for your idiocy."

  A low, angry growl came from the ranks of lords, and several shot Blade rash glares. The assassin swept them with a glance that brought instant, uneasy silence, for all knew he held the reins of power, and angering him was not in their best interests. He turned and walked up the steps to the throne, where he held out his hand to Kerra in a courteous gesture. She gazed up at him, much of her poise deserting her at his proximity, and the sight of the anger in his eyes.

  Kerra took his hand and rose, looking bemused. He took the sceptre from her, raised it to signal the end of the audience, and handed it to an attendant. Once more he held out his hand, and she took it, allowing him to lead her out of the Queen's door. In the hall, he dropped her hand and gripped her wrist, tugging her along the passage to her quarters, where he released her as the guards closed the doors behind them.

  Kerra turned to face him, her expression a mixture of trepidation and defiance. "Blade, you must see the sense in this plan. We must strike now, while the Cotti presence in Contara is weakened, before my father sends another prince."

  "Who has been filling your head with this rubbish? Tell me, so I can have him executed."

  "It is my idea."

  "To declare war on your father? Is this a yardstick of your intelligence? If it is, I am disappointed."

  "I am not! Freeing Contara will benefit Jashimari."

  Blade walked over to the table that held a tray with a bottle of wine and two cups, pouring himself a cup. "Starting another war will benefit no one but those fat lords who make their living from war, and your father will not allow you to do this. Are you a complete imbecile? He cannot let his daughter chase him out of a kingdom he conquered fifteen years ago. He would be a laughing stock.

  "He would be forced to save face, and that would mean another war between Jashimari and Cotti. Which we would lose very quickly. All your mother's sacrifices would be for nothing, as would everything I have done to aid her. To say that I would find that annoying would be a gross understatement."

  "My father would never seek to harm me or conquer Jashimari. Mother would not let him."

  Blade sipped his wine, his soft words belying the rage that built within him. "Despite my efforts on behalf of Minna-Satu, Kerrion's power is not absolute. A Cotti King cannot afford to be accused of cowardice. He would be dethroned by one of his brothers, probably Dravis, and your mother and brothers would be executed."

  Kerra paled, her eyes widening. "Impossible! He is the King."

  Blade banged the goblet down, slopping wine, and strode towards her. Kerra shrank from him, raising her hands, and he gripped her wrist in a crushing grip and snarled, "Listen to me, you damned little fool! The Cotti are not like us. Their king rules not only because of his birth, but his popularity too.

  "If he loses too much support, he will be deposed. He has a legion of brothers waiting in the wings to take over. You, on the other hand, will be Queen no matter how stupid you are. Luckily that will not happen for another ten years, by which time I hope I am dead."

  He jerked her closer when she tried to pull away. "You showed some sense when we fled from Endor, but now that you are back in the lap of luxury, with idiots bowing and scraping all around you, you have turned back into a damned spoilt brat. Chiana should have put you over her knee a few times and walloped some sense into you, as your mother would have done, had she been here."

  Her eyes glinted. "And where were you while I was growing up? Why were you not here to help raise me? To teach me? You left us! I hated you for what you did to Chiana."

  Blade frowned at her. "That is my business."

  "It is mine too, because it influenced me. I had to listen to Chiana talk about you, and see the pain you caused her. You were the coward who ran away!"

  "I am not discussing this with you."

  Kerra jerked free and moved out of his reach, although he made no effort to renew his hold. "Well, the other subject is closed. You have put an end to my plans. Although I should point out that one of the lords you imprisoned was opposed to it."

  Blade picked up his wine cup with a shrug. "Then he will be released."

  "I want to talk about your abominable treatment of Chiana. Since I returned, I have noticed her great sadness -"

  "She lost her familiar, what do you expect?"

  "Yes, and you have done nothing to help her. She needs you now more than ever, and not empty platitudes."

  He drained the cup and refilled it. "I saved her life, then I left to kill Endor."

  "She begged you not to go, and you left her in her time of need. She was terrified that you would be killed too. What kind of husband are you?"

  "The kind who will not be dictated to by a little snit of a girl. You have no right to lecture me, and it is none of your business."

  "I am your Queen! Everything is my business, especially you."

  His eyes narrowed. "Why especially me?"

  She swung away to avoid his probing gaze, making a vague gesture. "Because of who you are. And who you are married to. I care deeply for Chiana, and I will not have her mistreated. A gentleman would not behave as you do."

  The assassin's lip curled as he raised the goblet again and gulped from it. Minna's daughter made him as thirsty as her mother had done. "That is because I am not a gentleman. Nor will I ever be, no matter how you pout and stamp your little jewelled foot. As soon as I am well enough, I shall leave."

  She swung to face him, aghast. "No, you cannot! It would break her heart."

  "You cannot stop me."

  "Chiana can! Once she is recovered, you will no longer be Regent, and she can order you to stay."

  He shrugged. "She could, but she knows it would do no good."

  "How can you be so cruel?"

  "Cruel?" His brows rose, and a slight smile curled his lips. "It would be cruel if I stayed. What could be worse than being so close to the object of your affections, but unable to touch them?"

  "Why do you not just say that you do not care? Could it be because you do? Is it you who wishes to avoid this predicament?"

  He shook his head. "I merely do not wish to live in this den of lies and intrigue. And I do not intend discussing it further."

  Blade put down his empty cup and headed for the door. After a moment's hesitation, Kerra hurried after him, imposing herself in his path. He stopped and eyed her with an irritated frown.

  "What if I asked you to stay?" she demanded.

  "It would make no difference."

  She stared at him, speechless.

  Blade smiled. "Did you really think it would?"

  "Yes, actually I did. I thought we were friends."

  "Well, we are not. I have no friends."

  She raised her chin and glared into his eyes. "I would be a bad enemy, My Lord. One day I will be the true Queen, with unlimited powers."

  "Tinsharon preserve us. But I do not care what you are. Do your damnedest. I will not be dictated to, not by you or my wife."

  Kerra grabbed his arm as he started to step around her, halting him. "She will die without you."

  "I doubt it."

  "Do you care?"
/>   "No."

  "You should, because if she does, you will become Regent again. Was it not to avoid such a fate that you saved her life twice? I was with her while you were away. I know how she pined for you. You swore that you loved her, and that is the only thing she lives for now that Inka is dead. You swore you would not revoke your words, but if you leave, that is what you will be doing. You have trapped yourself with false promises. Your lies have finally caught up with you."

  His frown deepened. "Did she tell you that she will take her life if I leave?"

  "She did not have to."

  "She will not do it."

  "She has already tried."

  "In a moment of despair."

  Kerra nodded. "And what do you think she will feel when you ride away forever?"

  "If she had any sense, relief."

  Her expression grew sad, and she released his arm. "Do you count yourself as worthless? Is that what the Cotti did to you?"

  A slight, wry smile tugged at his lips. "It is not how I feel, but to a wife, it is what I am."

  "You are wrong. All she wants from you is affection."

  "Of which I am incapable."

  "Which you will not allow yourself to show, or feel, I daresay. You put your life in danger to save her, yet you will not allow your icy poise to thaw for the same end. That is even more foolish than declaring war on the Cotti occupation of Contara. Are you afraid people will not respect you? Or that they will lose their fear of you? That is what you enjoy, is it not? That is what you dislike about me, that I do not fear you."

  He shook his head. "Nor does Chiana, but it does not bother me."

  "She is not afraid of you, but she does fear you."

  "How so?"

  "Because you hold her heart in your hands, and if you leave, you will tear it apart."

  Blade's brows drew together again, and he leant towards her. "Blackmailing me with that will not work."

  "Because you do not care? I will wager you do."

  "Enough of this!" He swung away, rubbing his brow as his headache redoubled. "What are you trying to do, drive me mad?"

  "Caring for someone does not make you weak, My Lord. You are the only one who can make her happy. Does she not deserve it?"


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