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Angel's Nightmare Adventure 3_Nemesis

Page 14

by Angel Ramon

  The torch shoots off hot flames and the flames go right into the creature’s mouth. The ivy burns to ashes as Maria gets away from the flames. She approaches the water testing station and sees a spot where to insert the water sample that she got from the maintenance room.

  Once she inserts the water sample into the machine, she sees the wall to her right indicating that she needs to create a water sample similar to the color shown on the bulletin board. Looking at the bulletin board she sees that she needs something called W-Jolt. It has a color of teal blue along with a number 20 next to it. She also sees some mathematical formulas written next what is shown.

  Upon further review she sees even more information showing the different chemicals that are in the water sample room.


  HMB No.3 - Red

  Yellow-6 - Yellow

  Upon reading further there is a math formula as well…

  Once the W-Jolt is created, use it to open the main door in the main hallway leading to the lower levels.

  Color code




  7- White




  “1+3:4, 4+6:10, 1+6:7, 10+7:17, 17+3:20."

  She sees four jars that she has to use to mix the different elements to create the W-Jolt. She studies the formula as best as she can. However, she doesn’t understand it well as math was one of her weakest subjects.

  She takes two jars and fills them with HMB No.3 along with Yellow-6. She tries to mix them together and the mixture evaporates into useless dust. She begins to think what can the number one mean. Eventually she realizes that the one means water. Using the math formula on the board she mixes water and the HMB No.3 to create the NP-004, which has a Purplish color.

  After that she takes some water and mixes it with Yellow-6 to create HMB No.7, which has a white color to it.

  “I need this to add up to 20. So I’ll mix these two and that should add up to 11. All I need is 9 which I can use the Yellow and Red chemicals to add up to that.” Maria thinks she has it all figured out.

  She mixes the NP-004 and the HMB No.7. However instead of getting a chemical, she creates a toxic gas that engulfs the entire room. She’s forced to escape quickly before the toxic gas over takes her. Her ability to breathe already becomes compromised and she begins to become weak.

  She barely gets to the door and struggles to open the door as she begins to get dizzy. Turning the knob in desperation, she finally gets the door open and escapes the room into the elevator. The elevator to Maria’s relief is ventilated and she regains her ability to breathe. She decides to wait a few minutes until the toxic gas dissipates. After waiting, she reenters the water sample room and the toxic gas is gone.

  She realizes that the formula has to be done in a certain way. She recreates the NP-004 and the HMB No.7. This time though she takes a second look at the math equation. She realizes that she is supposed to mix the Yellow-6 with the NP-oo4, which will give her 10. So she mixes those two elements and gets HMB N0.10, which is brown in color.

  Looking at the equation again, she mixes the HMB No.10 with the HMB No.7 to get VP-017. VP-017 is blue in color, not quite the teal she needs for W-Jolt. Finally, she mixes the VP-017 with some HMB No.3 and gets the W-Jolt.

  You have successfully created W-Jolt. This chemical should help me in opening the main door leading to the lower levels of the facility.

  She heads back up to the pump room and takes the elevator back to the lower part of the room. When she gets out of the elevator, she is met by a huge horde of zombies. The horde is so great that she has to zig-zag her way through the horde of zombies and is nearly grabbed by one of them.

  She jumps the railing avoiding the ramp so she can get to the door quicker. She opens the door and escapes the horde of zombies with her body still attached. After getting away from the zombies, she heads towards the locked door in the mall hallway.

  “To open the door to the lower levels, a sample of W-Jolt must be inserted into the panel’s opening.”

  Maria takes the bottle filled with W-Jolt and inserts it into the panel. After a minute of the panel vetting the sample, a beep is heard and the light turns green. Another sound of the lock being released can be heard as well. She presses the button to her left and the door opens leading to an elevator.

  She takes the elevator down to a nicely renovated hallway. The walls are unlike the rusted walls and pipes on the upper levels. These walls are made out of fine limestone and the floors are made out of marble.

  “Seems like a different place once you get downstairs or should I say once you step into the devil’s playground.” She says when she sees the hallway.

  There is only one door ahead of her. She heads towards the door and the sensor spots her to open the door leading into a research lab. When she enters the lab capsules of various monsters can be seen such as a frozen Lizarda, Frogger, Flea Drainer, and a new monster in the form of a shark code named Neptune.

  She begins to realize that Hybrid was using the facility as a front to develop more B.O.W’s as a backup in case the underground laboratory was compromised. Then she finds a note that catches her eye. It’s written by George, she wonders what he was doing in here.

  “It seems things got serious just now and now it’s clear that action must be taken. Somehow some way Hybrid found out I was probing in their affairs. A couple of men dressed detectives arrived at my house and asked me what did I know about the underground lab. I asked myself whether I should tell them the truth or not. I decided on the latter not wanting to risk being accused as being part of Hybrid.

  Nevertheless I went with them and they drove me up to Highland Park. I figured we were going somewhere in Bushwick or Ridgewood. The car stops at Upper Highland and I noticed the amount of gates surrounding the area. I figured this was simply a security checkpoint by the NYPD. However, to my shock I was asked to get out of the car and was approached by a couple of guards. The guards looked normal enough until I saw the Hybrid Corp. logo on their uniforms.

  The detective pulled a gun behind me and ordered me to follow the guards. Eventually I was taken inside the building that was used to maintain the reservoir. When I got inside, I noticed the inside of the building was different. After putting two and two together and being thrown in a jail cell, I realized that I was setup by Hybrid. I was caught in a Hybrid rat trap.

  I spoke to a couple of Hybrid supervisors, obviously keeping a low profile and not giving away the fact I was a tabloid writer. I pretended to be applying for a job with them.

  Richard seemed like a good guy and was generally into the idea that Hybrid would actually cure the world. However, he was very secretive. Either he had to or he had something to hide.

  I talked to another man with white hair and a heavy Slavic accent. He seemed to be ok, but I can see the deceit in his eyes just by the way he acted. I don’t know how I ended up escaping, but one of the idiot guards left the cell open and I was able to sneak out to safety. I took a peek at what they were doing and it’s not good…

  Let’s say these creatures are here to wreck havoc! I’m back at home now, but I know my life is in serious danger and I need to talk to Angel as soon as I can. Of course I need to avoid letting Maria find out as she will quickly get herself into trouble trying to save my ass. As for who might have screwed me over, I can bet my ass it was that guy with the gray hair and dirty Slavic accent.

  Nicolai I believe the name is… Poor Richard, he seems so innocent.”

  “Wow, this is all making sense now. Hybrid knew George was a dangerous man to their operations. As far as this page from his journal being here, all I can say is Hybrid must have gotten their hands on it while ordering Nemesis to kill him. As for Nicolai, he’ll have a lot of explaining to do!” Maria gathers her thoughts after reading.

  After seeing nothing else useful in the lab, she heads into another hallway. She walks slowly towards the hall
way until she is shot at. She quickly gets behind the wall to avoid being shot at.

  “You’re still wondering around I see!” Nicolai yells.

  “Nicolai?” She whispers to herself and then yells, “So you want to kill this bitch and get out of here alone, is that your plan?”

  “I made certain that none of the other supervisors survived. Since I’ll be the only one who knows what really happened here I’ll have more bargaining power when it comes to my bonus.” Nicolai exposes his true intentions and shoots at Maria missing her as she takes cover.

  “I can’t believe it, so he killed Richard. Now I know what George meant by calling you a dirty Slavic! Maria replies while Nicolai tries to shoot her again.

  “Why kill me, I’m not on their payroll.” Maria asks.

  “They want you eliminated for reasons of their own… The amount is modest, but there is a reward for the confirmation of your death…” He answers why he wants to kill her.

  “Oh how nice! Except, I have no intention to being your main contributor to your dirty retirement fund. I can bet my life you got a reward for having George killed as well!” She accuses Nicolai of masterminding George’s death.

  Nicolai tries to kill Maria, but then he’s grabbed by a tentacle that pops out of the ceiling. He tries to shoot the tentacle, but the tentacle chokes him to death and it inserts its tentacle into Nicolai’s mouth. The creature removes the insides of Nicolai and he screams out in extreme pain.

  When Maria goes to check on him, she sees the ceiling is damaged and the dead bloody body of Nicolai lies on the floor. She shakes her head in disbelief, but knows that he asked for it and got what he deserved. On the dead body of Nicolai, there is a keycard that she picks up.

  Picked up a Blue Keycard.

  Then Danny comes behind her and she turns around to speak to him.

  “Hey Maria what happened to Nicolai?” He asks.

  “Let’s just say he met his maker. Before you feel sorry for him though, it seems he was behind everything from trying to get us killed and more.” Maria answers him.

  “What?” He asks.

  “Yeah, he admitted to killing Richard just for the sake of getting a bonus. Also I learned Hybrid wants me dead, gotta admit I’m proud of myself. I must have done a lot of naughty things to get to their hit list.” She replies.

  “I don’t believe it, so we were sent here to be killed.” Danny says angrily.

  “I don’t think so when it comes to Hybrid, but who knows. Anyway we gotta get out of here. Try to find us a way out and I’ll see what this keycard opens.” Maria says.

  “Ok, I’m on it.” Danny replies and runs off.

  She continues down the hallway and keeps on going until she sees a couple of doors. The shaft is locked with a keycard reader, but it requires a red keycard. She turns to the right and sees another door leading to the dumping grounds. The door needs a blue keycard that she uses and the door unlocks.

  When she enters the dumping grounds, she sees the door lock behind her and notices the keycard reader has been reprogrammed into needing a red keycard. Walking around the room, she looks for the keycard. When she gets deeper into the room, she sees Nemesis at the controls. The creature presses a red button and that activates the chemical dumping sequence.

  An automated voice says, “Broken Arrow chemical dump sequence initiated. Staff will have three minutes to get out of the room. Exposure is considered very dangerous and can lead to death or a mutation into a zombie.

  “Crap I don’t have much time and now…” She is cut off when Nemesis jumps own to her level and prepares to attack…

  Chapter 18

  Nemesis stares Maria down and prepares to attack. Nemesis attempts to grab her with its tentacles, but she’s able to get away from the attack. She has to keep in mind that she only has a few minutes before the room becomes filled with the deadly Broken Arrow virus in liquid form.

  “OOO Maria!” Nemesis screams as it runs towards Maria.

  She pulls out her grenade launcher and begins to shoot the creature with the standard grenade rounds. Nemesis doesn’t budge and delivers a hard punch towards her.

  Condition: Caution (Level 1)

  Standard Rounds: 11

  She is able to get up and begins to shoot at the creature once again. Once again, Nemesis remains strong and keeps chasing her around the room. The creature whips her using its long tentacle. She falls on the floor, but gets up right away knowing there is no time to slack.

  Standard Rounds: 6

  She tries to switch her ammo type to the acid rounds, but she is hit from behind by Nemesis. Nemesis picks her up and slams her to the ground hard.

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  “Two minutes remain until chemical discharge!” The automated voice says.

  Maria remains on the ground struggling to get up. With the energy she has she’s able to shoot Nemesis with the acid rounds. The creature kneels down and she is able to gain some space from the creature.

  Maria uses the mixed herbs of the Green and Blue herbs.

  Condition: Caution (Level 1)

  Acid Rounds: 9

  “One minute left until chemical discharge!” The automated voice says.

  She looks for the keycard everywhere. No keycard can be seen on the floor. Nemesis gets back up and begins to give chase to her. The creature chases her until she arrives at a capsule that stores battery acid. She gets a quick idea to use the battery acid to burn through the skin of the creature.

  Nemesis goes after her and tries to attack her. She times her roll just when Nemesis tries to whip her with its tentacles. She gets out of the way and uses her gun to shoot the capsule. All of the battery acid comes out of the capsule burning the creature’s flesh and several its tentacles fall apart. Maria finishes off Nemesis with her acid rounds killing the creature and in her gut she believes that she has defeated Nemesis for good.

  “30 seconds remain…” The automated voice says.

  All of a sudden she sees a red keycard inside of what used to be Nemesis’s trench coat.

  Picked up a Red Keycard. This will get me out of where I am!

  With time running out, she uses the keycard to unlock the door. She escapes just in the nick of time as the room becomes filled with the broken arrow virus liquid. The only thing that concerns her is that Nemesis will feed off the virus and resurrect even stronger than before. However, she can care less about that as she can now open the locked shaft.

  Before she can head towards the shaft, the building shakes and an announcement is made over the loudspeaker.

  “Attention, Attention… Missile attack confirmed! All personnel evacuate immediately!” The automated voice says.

  “So it’s real… these bastards are gonna destroy my hometown and will blame this on vanity. Well, this bitch… is gonna make sure they are exposed!” At first she sheds a tear knowing her childhood home will be gone. She turns those tears into determination as she wants to defeat Hybrid.

  She uses the red keycard to open the shaft and inside is a switch to open the emergency exit. Maria presses the switch and sees the camera as the emergency exit opens up. By the picture on the camera, she can tell that it’s the back of the pump room.

  She radios Danny to tell him what’s going on and says, “Danny, are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here.” He replies.

  “Hey we gotta get out of here. It looks like Hybrid wasn’t kidding about launching the missile. I got the emergency exit open, meet me there!” Maria tells him what is going on.

  “Crud, ok we have no time to waste!” He replies and cuts off.

  Maria heads back to the upper level and makes her way to the pump room. After going up the elevator she sees flea drainers in the hallway, but decides to ignore them and keep going. Entering the pump room, she still sees the huge horde of zombies around begins to kill them using her shotgun. While she kills several zombies, the amount is too great for her.

  Shotgun Ammo: 30

; However, she hears the sound of an assault rifle. When she looks around she sees Danny is in the pump room helping her out. Between the two they clear the room of the zombies and the head towards the emergency exit. Then there are two doors in front of them. One doesn’t need a keycard and other does need the keycard.

  “Hey you have a keycard, right? So you head there and I’ll head up the other door. If we split up we’re find a way out of her quicker.” Danny says while Maria nods her head in agreement.

  She uses the keycard to open the armory and heads inside. The announcement continues to repeat for everyone to get out of the building. There is a locker in the room and Maria picks the lock to the locker. She’s able to open the locker and finds some more gunpowder along with other items.

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder A

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder B

  Picked up a First-Aid Kit. Contains 3 First-Aid Sprays.

  After picking up the items she sees a reloading station and figures she better use it as she has a feeling Nemesis isn’t dead just yet.

  Maria mixes Gunpowder A and B to make Gunpowder C

  She mixes Gunpowder A and C to make Gunpowder AC

  She mixes Gunpowder B and C to make Gunpowder BC

  She uses the reloading station and loads Gunpowder AC. She gets +6 Acid Rounds. Acid Rounds: 15

  She loads Gunpowder BC and gets +6 Flame Rounds. Flame Rounds: 20

  “Why do I feel like this is the calm before doom approaches?” She asks herself before following Danny’s footsteps.

  Despite her doubts she heads toward the other door and finds herself in a hallway filled with many zombies on the floor. All of them are naked without clothes suggesting that Hybrid might have been experimenting on actual humans. Some of them are alive and attempt to grab her legs. She’s able to outrun most of them until the last zombie grabs her leg. However, she simply steps on its head killing it.

  She spots something green on the floor.

  Picked up a Green Herb

  Maria uses Green Herb to heal herself.

  Condition: Fine

  After healing herself, she hops into the elevator as the building shakes again. When she gets out of the elevator, she finds herself in an air traffic tower with a helipad below.


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