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Barbarian: A Science Fiction Alien Romance (Alien Barbarians of Zandipor Book 1)

Page 8

by Kim Fox

  He shifts beside me, pushing impossibly closer, and I get a warm shiver as I feel his soft breath on my skin. In a heartbeat, his lips are on mine. He wraps his strong possessive arms around me, pulling me snugly against him. I touch his chest and feel his heart hammering hard, just like mine.

  My knees go weak. My insides are flooded with warmth.

  He makes me feel so sexy and needed the way he looks at me, the way he touches me. He watches over me like I belong to him, like he would murder anything that tried to harm me, like he’s going to protect me forever.

  And out here on this strange planet, that’s a very welcome feeling.

  My mouth tingles as he licks my lips and nudges my mouth open with his tongue. I giggle at the strange tingling sensation that his saliva makes but the giggling doesn’t last for long. The desperation and intensity of his kiss are like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s as if our bodies are attuned.

  Turic makes me feel so many things that have been lacking for so long. He makes me feel feminine and sexy (which is saying a lot considering I’m wearing an unflattering shirt made out of leaves). But it’s not just that. The strong feeling of security that I feel when I’m in his protective arms is overwhelmingly hot. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt like someone is really there for me.

  I moan when I feel his erection pushing up against my leg. He’s so large. So hard.

  He threads a hand through my hair and I whimper, feeling desire flow from him and wrap around me. Our tongues tangle as our bodies melt into each other. Fuck, this guy makes me wet.

  Turic releases my mouth with a hungry groan and rips my leafy shirt into pieces. His greedy eyes are trained on my breasts as I look down at the ripped leaves. The shirt was a nice gesture but it wasn’t the softest material and it won’t really be missed. I think that he got it at Abercrombie and Itch.

  He pulls down my bra with a forceful tug and a raspy groan escapes his throat as my breasts pop out. He places a strong hand on my chest and slowly pushes me down until I’m lying on the warm rock staring up at him with my heart pounding.

  The men back home look like boys compared to Turic. He’s built like a tank, and his rugged face has no gentle lines, no smooth curves. He’s hard all over. He’s pure alpha male. Pure power. Pure sex.

  Turic grabs a knee in each hand and spreads my legs apart. He reaches down for my shorts in a frenzy and I have to put my foot on his chest to hold him back. I’m already missing a shirt and I’d like to keep my shorts intact.

  I quickly unbutton them and slide them down my shaking legs. My underwear isn’t as lucky. Turic rips it off with one clean yank. Oh, well. That was bound to happen sooner rather than later.

  I swallow hard as his hands swallow my knees and pry my legs open. He stares at my spread pussy with intense fascination. “Culip,” he whispers with a lick of his blue lips.

  It’s still bright enough in the cave that I’m feeling self-conscious so I try to close my legs a little but Turic isn’t having any of it. He yanks my legs back open and flashes me a look that warns me not to try that again. God, he’s fucking hot!

  He dips his head down and I climb up on my elbows in a panic. “Wait, what are you do-Oh, my God!”

  His silky tongue glides through my folds trembling my legs and making me gasp. I scratch my nails along the solid rock under me as he reaches my throbbing clit, flicking it with strong forceful licks.

  It’s insane.

  His magical tingling saliva feels like a thousand tiny vibrators hitting my aching clit all at the same time. I don’t know how to handle the sensation so I just lay there stiff with gritted teeth and trembling knees as he dips back down and licks me again.


  I can’t scream his name. I can’t even breathe.

  His grip is so strong, pulling my knees and keeping my legs splayed open in case I would dare move them. Like I would ever fucking do that again.

  “Jesus, Turic,” I whimper as he slides his tongue in deep. The tingling makes its way up my channel, shaking me to my core. “Where have you been all my life?”

  He doesn’t answer. He just keeps licking.

  Long, slow licks that make my heart pound. My whole pussy is humming and tingling, and I start writhing my hips against his mouth.

  He likes that and he just eats me out even harder.

  “Oh, Turic,” I moan as I arch my back and squeeze my breasts. “This pussy is yours from now on, big guy.” How can I go back to boring old men after this? I can’t. I won’t.

  I’m Turic’s sex slave now.


  My hips start to buck uncontrollably and I scream out his name. The tingling of his saliva just gets more intense with every lick and the sensation of it on my clit is making my entire body quake.

  When it comes, it fucking comes. The orgasm is, oh fuck I can’t even explain it. Pure. Fucking. Bliss.

  Turic doesn’t let up. He doesn’t want to stop and it takes every trembling muscle in my body to push him away. I curl up in a fetal position as the orgasm thunders through me, every inch of my pussy still tingling in heavenly ecstasy.

  Fuck. Fuck.


  I’m breathing like an asthmatic after climbing the Empire State Building. “What the fuck?” I gasp as I turn to him. What the fuck was that?

  I wasn’t aware that my body was capable of feeling such pleasure.

  Turic is watching me with a look of smug satisfaction on his sexy face. I put my hands up and give him a weak little clap. He fucking deserves it after that performance.

  His dick is still hard and ready but there’s no way. I can’t.

  He’s just going to have to wait.

  I drop my head back down on the rock, still curled up like a helpless baby.

  He moves over me like a shadow and wraps his protective arms around me in a warm embrace. He kisses my shoulder gently and just holds me, not rushing me, not giving me a guilt trip.

  He just holds me as he lets me enjoy the tingling and the warmth of the orgasm as it still washes through my body.

  I inch closer to him, feeling his muscular chest on my back. This moment is just, perfect.

  “What’s going on in there?” Tin Tom calls out from outside of the cave. “Can I come in and join you? Please, earthling woman. Can I join you?”

  Well, almost perfect.


  “This is so hard,” I say, throwing my hands up in frustration. “It’s going to take freaking forever to learn this language.”

  We’ve been walking all morning after another very satisfying night and the communication barrier is starting to get to me. I love hearing Turic grunt in my ear at night but during the day when we’re trying to communicate, it gets pretty frustrating.

  “Why don’t you use a portable linguistic decipher attachment?” Tin Tom asks.

  “A what?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

  “A portable linguistic decipher attachment,” he repeats. “Once embedded behind the ear you will be able to commence speaking the Roka native tongue. It will greatly facilitate communication.”

  I make a show of checking my empty pockets. “I must have left my decipher thingy in my other shorts,” I say sarcastically as I shake my head.

  Tin Tom just blinks. “That’s unfortunate,” he answers in a crackling voice. “Let Tom know if you would like to use one of his.”

  My mouth drops. “What? You have one?”

  “Of course,” the frustrating garbage can answers. “I am a communication robot. I am equipped with over one hundred units.”

  A panel opens up on his side and a tray slides out with a tiny black circle that’s the size of a pill.

  I just stare at it in shock.

  “Situate it behind your ear and it will translate your language.”

  My pulse races as I snatch it up. It’s so light and smooth. Just a tiny black circle. That’s it.

  “Okay.” My heart is pounding as I stick it behind my ear. “Like th


  Jesus! Tingling vibrations rip through my head like someone is holding my head against an old wobbly clothes dryer. It doesn’t hurt. It actually feels kind of good. Shocking and unexpected, but good.

  It’s all over after a few seconds and I can’t feel anything. It must have broke in the crash.

  Turic glares at Tin Tom with heated eyes. “What sorcery are you giving my Avery?” he asks.

  My mouth nearly hits the ground. “Turic,” I say breathlessly. “I can understand you.”

  “Avery,” he gasps as he stares at me with shock. “You can speak properly. No more of those ridiculous noises.”

  I laugh, feeling so light that I’m worried that I’m going to float up to the three moons over my head. “I guess I can.”

  Tin Tom blinks, looking satisfied with himself. “That will make communication easier.”

  I spin on my heels and shoot him a glare. “You had this the entire time?”


  “Even when you were translating between us and I was trying to understand him?”


  “What is wrong with you?”

  “Tom does not understand the question.”

  “Ugh.” I roll my eyes and leave him behind. I have more important things to do than argue with a robot who is so stupid that he couldn’t hold a job as a box in a drive-through window. More important things like getting to know my big blue alien boyfriend.

  I walk over to him and shyly tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear. “Hi,” I say, feeling my cheeks turn red. We’ve done way more than talking but I still feel shy. What if he doesn’t like me?

  I’ve dealt with a lot of loss in the past few days but I don’t think I could stand losing Turic. He’s all I have left.

  “Avery,” he says, taking my hands as he leans down so that his face is level with mine. “Why were you making those absurd noises instead of talking to Turic like this?”

  I point to the black dot behind my ear that I can’t even feel anymore. “This is letting me talk. I couldn’t before.”

  His head lifts up an inch. “You couldn’t talk this morning or last night when you were screaming Turic’s name?”

  I laugh. What a guy. I guess that masculine sexual pride transcends species.

  “No,” I say with a laugh. “I couldn’t. But I can now.”

  Turic’s face lights up. “We have so much to discuss. Please tell Turic how you will kill all of the dinosaurs. They have been plaguing our land, eating the Roka tribe for years.”

  My shoulders slump forward as a heavy sigh escapes my lips. I thought we were past this. “Turic,” I say with a tightening chest. I really don’t want to disappoint him like this. “I’m not the Baku.”

  “Saku,” he corrects with a nod.

  “Right,” I say with a quick shake of my head. “I’m not the Saku. Look at me,” I say holding up my hands. “I can’t kill a dinosaur. I can’t even catch a football.”

  “Football?” he says, tilting his head to the side.

  “Never mind,” I say, putting a hand on his arm. “My point is, I’m not the one. This is just a tattoo. Some drunk guy drew it on my skin.”

  “Kaleem,” he says, his face lighting up. “That is the marking of the one.”

  “No, it’s not,” I say with a hint of frustration in my voice. I feel a headache coming on. I wonder if Tin Tom has anything for that.

  “I’m sorry,” I say with a heavy breath. “I’m just not the one you’re looking for.”

  His face twists in anguish as it sinks in. “Avery is not the Saku?”

  “Avery is not the Saku,” I say with a blush. “I’m sorry.” I don’t know why I feel so guilty for this but I do.

  He grabs my body and bends me in half. “Jesus, Turic!” He traces his fingers over my lower back as he studies the tattoo that is definitely not the Kaleem.

  “Not Kaleem,” I say. I can see that it’s breaking his heart but I have to do it. I can’t have him going to tell his whole tribe that I’m the one to kill all of the dinosaurs.

  “What is the prophecy anyway?” I ask.

  He releases me with a sigh. “Loupin says that the savior will come one day to save our people from the many-teethed beasts. The Saku will be known by the marking; the Kaleem. Everyone who sees it will know the savior has come.”

  He tries to turn me to see it again but I shrug out of his grip. “It’s not!” Fuck, how many times do I have to repeat it?

  I suddenly remember something else that I wanted to mention. “Turic. I have two friends out here that need help.”

  He jerks his massive head back. “Is one of them the Saku?”

  “No!” I shout. “Definitely not the Saku. None of us are the Saku. We are the opposite of the fucking Saku. Got it?”

  He looks hurt and I curse under my breath, feeling bad. “I’m sorry. I’m sure it’s not easy living with dinosaurs but we can’t do anything about that.”

  “Your friends,” he says, looking out at the colorful horizon. “Are they Sandroka?”

  “You mean women?”

  “Yes,” he says, stepping forward. He reaches down and cups my pussy, making me jump. “Do they have a sweet delicious culip that drips nectar from the Gods like my Avery does?”

  Tin Tom beeps behind me and I shoot him a dirty look. “Can’t you go take a walk or something?”

  The frustrating heap of tin beeps again. “Tom is only manufactured to roll. Tom is incapable of bipedal travel.”

  “Why do I even bother?” I mutter to myself.

  Turic’s strong hand is still on my sex, holding it like it belongs to him, which I guess it does. I’m starting to get warm and dirty thoughts clouding my mind so I grab his wrist and push his hand away. We’ll have to save it for the cave tonight. We’re in the wild and although sex with Steamy Smurf would be amazing right now, there are monsters around who would want nothing more than to eat us.

  And I don’t want to get eaten. Eaten out? Yes. But not eaten.

  “Yes, Turic,” I answer. “The women do have vaginas.” But you’re not going anywhere near their culips or whatever the fuck you called them. A flash of jealousy rips through me just thinking about it.

  “Turic will take you to the safety of his village and then Turic will search for these other pink Sandrokas,” he says in a firm voice.

  It breaks my heart to picture Mandy all alone out here. I’ve been trying not to think about her because it just makes me sick to my stomach. This is the girl who couldn’t figure out the automatic ticket machine at the movie theater. I had to do it for her. How the hell is she going to survive out here? I have to believe that she’s still okay because the alternative is too much to handle.

  Rolanda on the other hand. Something tells me that chick is just fine. I wouldn’t be surprised if Turic took me back to his village and she was there running shit as their new ruler.

  “We can’t leave them out here,” I say, feeling the panic rush to my throat now that I have finally let myself think of Mandy and Rolanda. “Can we go look for them now?”

  Turic rubs his wide chin as he studies my face. “Turic’s village is only a shake of the alphaeron’s gulas,” he says pointing to the hill in the short distance.

  I tap the back of my ear thinking that my translator is broken but then I realize that there’s no translation into English of an alphaeron, whatever the fuck that is.

  “So?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. “Like an hour walk? A week? What are we talking here?”

  Baby blue is not wearing a watch so I’m not sure how familiar he is with time. “We’ll be there as fast as my Avery comes on my hard cock.”

  “Okay,” I say, feeling my cheeks redden. “Then let’s keep walking.”

  I didn’t know what I was expecting but this was not it.

  The village is all rolling hills with little houses dug in them like I just wandered onto the set of the Hobbit. But there are no hobbits here, only massive blue men crowding around me with w
ide eyes.

  “Don’t touch her,” Turic growls as a Drandroka with a missing eye reaches for me. “She’s mine!”

  He takes one look at Turic’s angry possessive face and steps back, melting into the crowd.

  I step a little closer to Turic’s protective embrace. Now I know how Smurfette must have felt being the only female in a village full of horny blue males. I can tell you, she handled it a lot better than I’m doing.

  I feel like it’s ten minutes before closing time and I’m the only girl left at the bar. Luckily, I have the biggest and scariest bouncer by my side.

  The crowd parts and this strange old blue dude with leathery skin and yellow hair walks through like he’s some kind of rockstar. He leans on his long crooked staff that has colorful feathers attached at the top as he struts forward. All eyes drop to the ground as he passes, including Turic’s. His body stiffens as the old hippie approaches.

  A low growl escapes Turic’s throat and his grip on my arm tightens as blondie reaches out to touch me. Turic lets him stroke my cheek but he doesn’t like it, and neither do I.

  “Such hideous skin,” he says as he studies my face.

  “Hey!” I snap back. “I don’t have any make-up with me, asshole. And who are you to talk? You’re so wrinkly your face looks like a blueberry’s asshole.”

  He just ignores me as he takes my arms and inspects them. “So weak. So frail.”

  “Send your friends away and I’ll show you how fucking weak I am,” I hiss, yanking my arm out of his hands.

  Turic wraps his arm around me and pulls me behind his massive body, protecting me from any more unwanted touches.

  “Loupin,” he says. “This is Turic’s new mate, Avery.”

  So, this Stoner Smurf is Loupin. I hate him already.

  Loupin’s wrinkly blue lips curl up into a twisted grimace. “She is not Sandroka. She is not Drandroka. She is not even a Grilabite,” he says and the whole crowd laughs. Turic doesn’t laugh. Thoughtful Smurf.

  “Why do you bring her here?” he asks, looking me up and down in disgust. “You should have killed her and fed her to the marmoties.”


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