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The Truth of the Body (Templer Series)

Page 7

by Duka Dakarai

  I release his hands, taking his erection into my hand, gently fisting him while using the head to stroke my clit. His hips buck in pleasure, his mouth releasing moan after moan.

  As I feel the pull in my stomach, my thighs tightening and the build of my release drawing closer, I fist him quicker now before sinking onto him, pushing his cock full into me. I interlock my hands with his as I begin to ride his cock, rubbing my clit against his pubic mound.

  He is matching me pace for pace now as we thrust and grind together. I am close. “I love you inside me, Logan” I cry out as we lock eye contact.

  He groans deeper now, his eyes hooded and dark. “Fuck, baby….I’m nearly there…..” He thrusts upwards increasing the pace as I grind harder against him as my release shatters through me, unknowingly crying out “I love you, Logan!”

  He jerks his hips one last thrust before crying out his own release.

  We pant out our come down before I slide myself off him, crawling across the bed. I suddenly realise what I heard myself say as my orgasm took me over. And although it is very true, and I meant it, I know it is too early for him.

  I begin to fetch up my clothes from the floor, feeling vulnerable and exposed. I can feel his eyes on my back as I slowly begin to dress.

  “Amber, would you come here please.” He beckons. I shake my head softly, still not daring to face him. I don’t want to hear him say it is too soon. “Amber, get your sexy ass over here now!”

  I startle, turning to face him. He holds out a singular hand, beckoning my closer. “I said, come here please” He gestures to the space beside him.

  I walk across and sit myself down next to him on the bed. He tilts up my chin to look at him, eye to eye.

  “You are still a pain in my ass” He shakes his head, smiling. “But damn it, I love you, Amber Templer.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Drew and Jake are in the kitchen as we enter some time later. They exchange knowing looks with each other before nodding a greeting to Logan. Mia and Tilly are on a conference call with a designer regarding Tilly’s wedding dress. There are sounds of squeals and excited chatter coming from the direction of Drew’s study. Both my brothers are staying well out of the way as instructed.

  Logan clears his throat before addressing Drew and Jake. He places a hand gently on the nape of my neck, squeezing lightly, before speaking. “I think I need to talk to your brothers, Amber. Will you give us a minute?”

  Jake winks at Drew. He laughs. “I suppose we do need a chat. Especially now you are technically unemployed now. After all, you can’t be a body guard to our sister if you are sleeping with her.”

  “Jake!” I scowl, embarrassed, my face flushing instantly.

  Logan shakes his head, a wide smile growing across his face. He crosses his arms across his chest and leans his large frame against the kitchen worktop. “I guess you are right there. I was planning to quit anyway after we nailed the bastard as I don’t plan to stop sleeping with Amber any time soon.”

  Drew and Jake nod together. Drew speaks slowly. “So are you here for the long haul?”

  Logan smiles in my direction as I peek up at him. “I am. Yes.”

  Drew strolls across to me, planting a soft kiss on the top of my head. “Then, Amber, you need to leave us for a minute. Jake and I have a proposition for your man.”

  I nod nervously. I pull out my mobile, thumbing through the contacts. “I’ll be in the living room. I said I would call Aiden sometime today.”

  Logan steps forward, tilting my chin up to his face, a playful scowl in his eyes. “You breaking my heart already, baby?”

  I laugh and bat him away as I walk out of the kitchen. I wink turning away from him. “Just keeping my options open and keeping you on your toes, Major.” I throw him a playful salute.


  I hear the deep sigh before he speaks. “So you are all loved up with the Major? I can’t believe I missed my chance.” Aiden grumbles playfully.

  I laugh. “Well, someone had to take on the miserable sod. But I do love him, Aiden.”

  “But does he love you? Is there a chance for me yet?” He returns my laughter.

  “Yeah, he does. But I don’t know what happens from here. He is in the kitchen talking to my brothers now. They have a proposal for him. Anyway, how are things with you? Apart from crushing over me…..any other women in your life?”

  He sighs deeply again. “Only you, Amber. Unless you can get Mia to swing me a date with Sapphire that is?” He chuckles.

  “Oh! She is coming to Tilly and Drew’s wedding next month. You must come. Please say you will.”

  Aiden groans loudly. “You, Mia Fox and Sapphire in the same room. Sounds like guy heaven. I will be there, for sure.”

  “Cool. Now stop stalking me and piss off. I will see you at the wedding.” I blow him a playful kiss down the phone and cut the call.


  Jake, Drew and Logan stumble out of the kitchen, laughter shaking at their bodies. I raise an eyebrow, cocking my head to the side.

  “What is the joke?” I ask eyeing them suspiciously.

  Logan sweeps towards me, lifting me into his arms. “There’s no joke, baby. We were just laughing at ideas for Drew’s stag party. So how was your other lover on the phone? Should I be worried?” He nuzzles a kiss on my neck.

  I squeal at his tickles. “He’s good. Still wondering what I see in you. He is coming to the wedding next month. You will be ok with him, won’t you?”

  “Do not worry, baby. It will all be cool. I need to have a talk with him anyway.” He nuzzles into my neck again.

  I bat him away, suddenly nervous. “About what?”

  He looks serious for a moment. “Stuff, baby. You will know soon.”


  Drew strides across and slaps Logan on the back. “So I guess we should have a celebration tonight. Beers and Barbeque sound good for everyone? Or shall we go out to dinner instead?” He shouts across in the direction of the study where Mia and Tilly are still firmly engrossed in wedding plans.

  “Champagne and Barbeque for me! What are we celebrating?” Tilly shouts back in response.

  “You will find out tonight!” The men laugh in unison.

  Suddenly, the study door swings violently open. Mia launches her across the room heading in the direction of the bathroom. As she flies past, she throws an angry scowl at Jake. “Pig!” She snarls at him before locking herself in the room.

  We all look anxiously at Jake. He shrugs, throwing his hands in the air.

  Tilly slowly walks out of the study, a wide smile on her face. She reaches across to Drew, wrapping her arms around his waist. She turns slowly to Jake, her face serious but her eyes are laughing. “Oh, you have done it now, Jake. You are in big trouble.” She laughs, poking a finger towards him.

  “What the fuck have I done now?” He runs a hand through his hair.

  Mia unlocks the bathroom door and walks out slowly. She is still scowling at Jake. Her face is pale, her eyes watery. She slides up to him, her hands firmly on both hips. “So this was the plan, eh? Make me fat?” She grumbles at him.

  I throw a hand up to my face suddenly realising what she is about to say. Tears of joy prick at my eyes. I look towards Tilly who is also desperately trying to hold her composure. Her eyes are also filled with tears.

  All three men exchange glances, dumbfounded. Jake shakes his head. “Make you fat? What are you talking about my crazy sexy woman?” He pulls her into his chest, planting a kiss on her lips.

  Mia smiles a watery smile. She lifts her chin up to face him. “I’m pregnant, Jake. You’re going to be a daddy……and I’m going to get fat!”

  Jake stands still, his face frozen with his mouth slack and open. There is a momentary deafening silence in the room as he takes in the information. His eyes slowly grow very wide as tears fill them. His mouth breaks into a huge smile. He hugs her tight, lifting her high off her feet, swinging her in circles. “I love you, Mia Fox. I love you so muc
h. And I’m going to be a father!” He bellows at the top of his lungs as we all rush towards them, showering the pair with our cheers of congratulations.

  Chapter Twenty

  Logan lifts his bottle of beer and clinks it against Drew’s outstretched token of cheers. Jake nods his cheers from across the table lifting his beer in salute. I look at the men, and sigh out my contentment. Although they still have not told me the result of their earlier discussion this morning so I’m aware of nervousness deep in my stomach.

  Mia is sat with Jake wrapped tightly around her. He has not stopped smiling or kissing her all day. Despite her mock grumblings, she is now glowing with happiness. Tilly is sat snuggled into Drew’s side, his arm draped loosely around her shoulders. Logan pulls me into his lap planting a soft kiss on my nose.

  “I suppose it is time to make the announcement.” Drew drawls slowly. “We have kept these ladies in the dark long enough”

  I sit bolt upright. “At last! I’m fit to burst here.” I eye Logan nervously. He shakes his head, laughing.

  Drew gently unwraps himself from Tilly and stands purposely. A silence passes as we watch him smile at each of us in turn. Finally, he speaks. “Jake and I would like to welcome onto the Board of Directors at Templer Industries, our new Director of Global Security, Logan Grant. Please raise your glasses and beer bottles in a warm welcome and toast!”

  We all raise our glasses cheering. I hug Logan tight around his neck kissing him all over his face. He laughs, pulling me away. “You are stuck with me now, baby.”

  “I think I can handle it.” I smile, kissing him again.

  “I’m glad you said that. Because that is not the only announcement Drew has to make. Go ahead, Drew. I’m ready” Logan nods to my brother.

  I glance between the two men. Drew remains standing ready to speak again. “Well, little sister. It seems Logan really is here for the long haul. Before Jake and I had a chance to offer our proposal to him, Logan proved that he is totally honourable by formally asking our permission to ask for your hand in marriage when the time is right. And, of course, we accepted. You are so happy and in love, we could not ask for a better man for you. So again raise your glasses to our new Director and to another member into our family.” Drew beams, raising his beer bottle before stretching to shake Logan’s hand.


  I am sat watching, open mouthed, as those I love around me shout and cheer in celebration. Suddenly, a sob catches in my throat. So much has happened today, I can’t seem to take it all in. A tear spills onto my cheek. I look around me as they all quickly become quiet, looking in my direction. Logan squeezes me into him, concerned. “You ok, baby?”

  I nod and smile before speaking through gentle sobs. “You really asked for my hand in marriage? You want to marry me? And you are going to join my brothers on the Board of Directors?”

  “Yes, baby. Yes to all of it. You will marry me one day, won’t you? You have got me worried now!” He holds my chin firmly, looking concerned and intensely in my face.

  I jump out of his lap, laughing. I plant my hands firmly onto my hips defiantly facing him, a mock scowl playing on my face. “Oh, so you ask my brothers for my hand in marriage but you didn’t think to ask me, Marine Man?” I poke a finger in his chest.

  He smiles broadly as he slowly lifts his large frame out of the chair, humour dancing in his eyes. He stalks towards me as I back away laughing. “If I catch you then I take it as a Yes, Amber Templer!” He growls playfully.

  I make to run before he stretches one long arm grabbing me around the waist, lifting me onto his shoulder. I squeal and wriggle as I see the others laughing and clapping.

  “Well?” He booms, spinning me around. “What is the answer? Will you marry me, Amber Templer?”

  “Yes! Yes, Major!”

  And I throw a playful salute.


  One Year Later

  Lusty Glaze Beach is a magical place surrounded by spectacular scenery on the north Cornwall coast located on the outskirts of Newquay. A place where the land meets the sea creating a spectacular horse-shoe shaped cove with white sand and clear blue sea.

  I could have chosen to get married anywhere in the world. But here is where we both wanted to hold our wedding. A few short miles from the Templer family home in Mawgan Porth surrounded by close friends and family on a summer evening on the beach. The wedding party and Logan are waiting for me at the cliff top venue while Drew and I are the last to leave the house at Mawgan Porth.

  I take one last look at my reflection in the mirror. I have chosen the Oscar De La Renta embroidered guipure strapless gown with pink silk taffeta draped bow. The men are outfitted in summer linen Armani suits with matching pink silk taffeta ties. Casually formal and understated is how the wedding planner, Emma, referred to my choice.

  A gentle tap on my bedroom door breaks my thoughts. Drew enters, and instantly his face crumbles with emotion. “You look so beautiful, Amber” He pinches a finger across his eye to capture a singular tear. “Dad would have been so proud of you.”

  I rush into his arms squeezing him tight. “I miss him every day, Drew. But he is here with us today. I know he is. And I will be so proud to have you walk me up the aisle today in his place.” I dab away a tear, take a deep breath, and pull up my big girly pants. “Is everything ready? How is Logan? I can’t wait to see him.”

  He holds me at arm’s length, a wide smile growing across his face. “Well, Jake rang me a few minutes ago. He said that Logan is pacing the beach waiting for you. He’s sick with nerves, excited, anxious and eager all rolled into one. Jake gave him a shot of bourbon to calm him down. Tilly still has backache and I hope to God the baby does not choose to arrive during the ceremony! But all is well, I think.”

  I laugh planting a kiss on his cheek. “I don’t mind if your baby chooses to arrive at my wedding. Well, as long as I get to say I do first. Come on, let’s go and get me a husband!” And with that, I wrap my arm around his.

  He halts for a moment. “Just one more thing before we leave.” He reaches into his pocket producing a small black box. “Logan asked me to give you this.”

  I look down at the velvet box in my hand. “What is it?”

  “Well, open it and see.” He gestures to me, shaking his head.

  I pull open the box to reveal a small platinum key encrusted with pink diamonds. “It is beautiful.” I gasp. I notice there is a tiny note tucked into the lid of the box. I gently ease it out and read it.


  You have the key to my heart. You took it that day I turned around from the window at the hospital and saw you for the very first time. And you will have it until the day I die. I love you.

  Yours Always,

  Logan xx

  P.S Hurry up and get here and marry me x


  There are 368 slate steps to the beach below into the sheltered cove surrounding the beach. I curl my arms around Logan’s neck tighter as he carries me down each step, waving to our guests who are cheering and whooping above us. The ceremony was wholly all that I had dreamed, however, this very private moment with my new husband is the most special. I nuzzle into his neck inhaling my favourite scent. Him.

  I feel him breathing harder as we near the bottom of the steps. “I had it all planned.” He groans. “I was going to kiss you senseless when we reached the bottom but now I think I’ll just have a heart attack instead!”

  “It was your dumb idea to carry me, husband!” I laugh. “And you have to get me back up the steps later.”

  We reach the bottom but he doesn’t put me down, instead he runs towards the water’s edge. Suddenly, I feel panic rise in my chest as I sense what he is about to do. I wiggle and struggle in his arms but I cannot contain the laughter filling my lungs. Above I can hear shouts of encouragement from my brothers. “Do it, Logan!”

  I wriggle more in his arms as the water looms towards me. “Logan Grant, don’t you fucking dare!” I shout at the top of my lungs, con
sumed by giggles.

  “Oh, you dare me now, Mrs Grant?” He roars out, laughter shaking through his body.

  He begins a slow walk into the depths of the gently lapping waves. I can feel the cool water edge up my dress and legs. I squeal and struggle harder against him. Instead, he slides me down his body, kissing every inch of me as I slip down the length of his frame. He presses his mouth hungrily against mine, claiming me as his. He kisses every breath from my body, his words of love vibrating against my lips.

  As I begin to weaken against him, he pulls me away to hold me at arm’s length, his eyes intense on mine and wet with emotion. He gulps a sob before speaking. “I had to have this moment. Just you and me. I love you, Mrs Grant.”

  “I love you, husband.”


  Bloody mobile phones! Logan and I have sneaked out of view into a smaller cove. “Don’t answer it, damn it!” I cry out as his tongue licks and laps up my inner thigh. My sex is pulsing with need as I arch and rock myself against his mouth. The rings stall before immediately starting again.

  “Fuck’s sake…” He growls, snatching his phone from his pocket. He hands it to me as he continues making his way, teasing me with his tongue, higher, reaching my folds. He plunges into me as I gasp.

  I glance at the mobile screen as I moan out my pleasure. It is Mia. “This had better be good, Mia…..” I gasp breathlessly down the receiver.

  “Tilly’s waters have broken and she’s in labour. We are all heading to the hospital……oh, are you and Logan….?” She laughs.


  Well, what a sight we all look. A wedding party, complete with bride and groom, all surrounding the new parents in the small private room on the maternity ward of Treliske Hospital. Billy (William, really, of course) Andrew Templer entered the world at 01.20am with his little fists clenched, ready to take on whatever life throws at him. And is the image of his father, Drew.


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