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TIME AND TIME AGAIN The sequel to 3037

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by Holloway, Peggy





  Copyright 2012 by Peggy Holloway

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.


  By gots2know - See all my reviews. This review is from: Terror on the Beach (Kindle Edition)

  I just couldn't put this book down once I started it. This writer makes very interesting characters which makes your imagination run wild. Would highly recommend this book


  Review by: lora roara on Jan. 12, 2012 : (no rating)

  A wonderful read. Suspenceful to the end!

  (reviewed within a month of purchase)

  5.0 out of 5 stars Outstanding mystery, January 28, 2012

  Tiger08 I could not put it down.

  Review by: Lynn Thompson on Jan. 30, 2012 :

  Double Shock is spectacular. When I first started reading this book I wasn't sure I would like it. Several pages in I found that I had a hard time putting it down. I read it in a day. There are a lot of twists in this book and the characters in the book aren't what they seem to be! I would love to explain this book, but I don’t want to ruin it for other readers.

  When Ramona finds the courage to get rid of her biggest problem she finds that her biggest problem leaves behind many other problems. Unfortunately she was left in the dark. Now she has to solve the mystery of what the people in her small town are really up to. Great Read!

  (reviewed within a week of purchase)

  Review by: Gloria Antypowich on Jan. 31, 2012 :

  This is a great story that made me think about how radical ideas can thrive and be nourished within a community, without detection buy those who are not involved. It is fiction, but it is hauntingly close to the shameful reality that has played a part in our history; in some measure, on different levels, it still thrives there today.

  Within the pages of this book you will find hate, love, pain, fear, intrigue, action, loyalty, betrayal, defeat and victory; a broad spectrum of human emotions in a believable setting.

  (reviewed within a week of purchase)


  “Ashley, Ashley, come here, baby, come and look.”

  I was cooking supper and, like we always did, all we women pitched in. The year was 1956, and we had been in St. Augustine, Florida for two years. This was in the days before the commune, but we had found it more efficient ever since we all lived in the cave. We now lived in the houses left by the cave thing.

  All the children were playing on the beach and the men had been sitting on the sand dunes watching them.

  When Joe yelled for me, I wiped my hands on my apron and ran outside thinking one of the kids was hurt.

  As soon as I stepped out onto the porch, he pointed, “Look, the cave’s back.”

  I stared in wonder and noticed that Irene was walking toward the cave. “I hope it doesn’t mean we have to move on, Joe. I like our life here,” I said.

  “Remember what you once said, Ashley?”

  “I said we were on a mission, but that was two years ago and I thought we had earned the right to settle down, finally. Our kids are all in school and I don’t think some of the other women will go for it.”

  “So, what are you saying, Ashley, that you refuse to go? You know that we have to go. Look at the difference we’ve already made. Remember how the future would have turned out if we hadn’t come back to this time frame and helped put Charles Manson on a different path?”

  I didn’t say anything for awhile and just stared off toward the cave. I was remembering dying in 1973 of a heart attack and waking up in the year 3037, on another planet. That’s where and when I met Joe.

  The people on his planet at that time were dying from computer chips that the government had implanted in their brains that were supposed to make them fertile again. The women on the planet were no longer having children.

  Joe had taken me to the cave to hide. Irene was living there and she hid me or otherwise I would have been put on display for everyone to see, since I had hair. Everyone else was bald.

  The cave turned out to be no ordinary cave but inside was a healing city. Not only that but the cave appeared to be a living thing and had grown living pods large enough to live in.

  Joe and I and the few people who were lucky enough to escape the government had moved into the cave inside the city. The cave thing took us on a long journey and we ended up on another planet where descendents of Charles Manson had escaped earth centuries before.

  They called themselves the Mansonites and were a very violent people. Once again the cave thing helped us escape and rescue some of the, would be victims of the Mansonitese. We ended up on earth in the year 1954 and were able to intercept and befriend Charles Manson before he killed Sharon Tate, the movie star, and many others in the 1970s.

  Charles Manson was now a member of Joe’s band and we were living happily with all the families who had escaped with us.

  When we had landed here, the cave left and we thought we would live our life out here. All of our children were in school and we all had jobs and had moved our houses that the cave had left for us, to the beach.

  We had had a wonderful life here in St. Augustine, Florida, earth from 1954 to 1956 and now the cave thing was back.

  “Oh, no,” I heard someone say and glanced over my shoulder to see Ina, Joe’s sister, standing there with her hand over her mouth.

  “I have very mixed feelings about leaving here,” she said. “I feel I owe the cave so much for saving, not only me and my family, but so many of my people. We are so happy here. The children are so well adjusted and I couldn’t ask for anything more. But I’m also feeling very excited to see what else the cave has in store for us.”

  I looked up and saw Irene coming down the beach away from the cave. When she saw us she waved and started running toward us.

  “Hi,” she yelled when she got near, “How does everyone feel about this?”

  I knew she was asking how we all felt about leaving this time and place and now that I had just a few minutes to think about it, I found I was getting excited.

  When I looked into Joe’s eyes I could see he felt the same way.


  We had finished eating supper, sitting around the outdoor picnic tables we had set up on the beach, and were sitting around talking.

  Most of the kids had run up the sand dune where the cave was now located. They were excited and wanted to explore. Some of the kids had been born since we came to earth and hadn’t seen the cave before, so the older ones wanted to show them around.

  I knew they would be safe. The cave was the safest place anyone could be. I think we all knew we would be going back into the cave, but we still needed to talk about it before we told the children.

  Everyone was talking at once until Joe slapped his hand on the table, “I suggest we go around the table and each be given a chance to talk. Let’s start with Emmitt.”

  Emmitt had been one of the guards on Joe’s planet in 3037. He and his brother Evan had joined us and kept us updated so we would know what the government was planning.

  He cleared his throat, “Zoe and I didn’t see the cave land but we saw the entrance open up. That was at around two o’clock this morning. We’ve been up the rest of the night talking about it.

  “Zoe and I are in agreement that we’re meant to go wherever it ta
kes us. We talked to Evan and Zen when they got up and they agree. The cave saved our lives and gave us our children. We feel we owe it back.

  “But it’s not just about obligation. We want to go and are excited about it. We haven’t talked to the kids yet but I think they’ll want to go after visiting the cave.”

  Marion raised her hand. Marion and Rory was a couple we rescued from the Mansonites when we were on Korona in 2637. The Mansonites were descendents of Charles Manson and followed the book about the Manson family like it was their bible.

  Joe looked at Marion and smiled, “Go ahead, Marion. You have something to say?”

  “Well, I was wondering if I can still have a modeling job if we go back into the cave. I really like modeling.”

  “Well, Marion,” Joe said, “As long as we’re in the cave, you can do anything you want to. But I don’t know where or when we will end up.”

  She smiled her beautiful smile, “That’s okay. We still want to go. Tody will love it. She likes any kind of adventure.” Tody was their five year old daughter.

  Everyone had a chance to talk and in the end we all wanted to go. The band didn’t play on Sunday night and today was Sunday. It was the only time that we were all together.

  We laughed and talked and drank wine and at around midnight the kids hadn’t come home yet. We decided to go find them and visit the cave.

  It was like going home. We entered through the entrance and headed down the dark passage to the city. The membrane wasn’t over the entrance to the city and we walked right in. If the cave decided that someone wasn’t ready to enter, if they didn’t have good intentions, etc, then there would be a membrane over it.

  When some of the Mansonites had tried to enter, the membrane was in place and one of them tried to cut it with a knife. The cave made the Mansonites temporarily blind. They had not had good intentions. They weren’t there to be healed physically, emotionally and certainly not spiritually. They were closed minded and refused to think of any other way of behaving or believing.

  As soon as we were inside the city we felt the earthquake type motion we had always felt every time the cave took us somewhere else. Once we were up in the air, the cave walls became transparent like always and started “swimming” through space.

  The cave always looked like a giant jellyfish when it was moving through space and the ride was so smooth that we were able to go about the business of living while we traveled.

  This time we only traveled for about a year before we felt the familiar movement similar to a feather floating to ground so that we gently rocked and swayed until we were very gently set down.

  Once we were on the ground, the cave looked like any ordinary cave. Now came the most exciting time of our travels, getting out and finding out what our new world was like.


  Everyone but the kids wanted to go. They loved living in the city and the newness hadn’t worn off for them yet. We left them and the mothers with babies behind and started off down the hill.

  One of the things I had noticed about when we first landed at a new place was that we always landed away from the towns or populated areas. The cave created its own hill and so we always walked down the hill and into the area where the people were.

  We had over a hundred people now and we began hiking down the hill in groups, wandering off in different directions. In our group were Joe and I, Charles Manson and his now wife Sally, Marion and Rory, Ina and Robert, and Irene.

  Charles Manson, or Charlie as we now called him was holding hands with Sally and they looked like two children gazing about in wonder. I smiled to myself as I remembered the Charles Manson of my first life and what a monster he had become.

  Joe always said that we had changed a big part of history when we went back far enough in time to redirect Charlie’s life.

  I had been taught about the Garden of Eden in the bible by my religious fanatical mother in my first life and now, as I looked around me, I was seeing just what I had always saw in my mind as a child.

  It was similar to the city in our cave, which I always called The Garden of Eden in my mind, but it was so much more. The grass grew lush and thick and was the color of emeralds. There were no roads or paths cut into the grass, just endless gently rolling hills that looked like someone had thrown an emerald green blanket over them.

  The flowers here were tiny and grew in small patches in all colors. I noticed one patch had Texas Bluebonnets, one Indian Paint Brushes, and I noticed one patch was covered in tiny little white daisies with bright orange centers. The sky was more lavender than blue.

  As I was admiring the flowers, Joe nudged me and motioned with his head off to the right, “Look over there, Ashley, on that huge rock.”

  It was a statue carved in marble. She was a beautiful young woman of about 15 or 16 years old wearing a long flowing gown. The gown had one shoulder strap.

  She was sitting and her left leg was tucked under her. Her left arm was stretched out and the palm of her left hand was flat on the rock so that she was leaning back and her left hand was bracing her. Her face was turned skyward and her eyes were closed. Her hair was down to her waist and the part of the foot I could see was barefoot.

  She had attracted a large crowd of us and as we stared at her she moved. She wasn’t a statue after all but a live girl. It seemed impossible that she could be a living thing because everything about her was white as alabaster, including her hair, skin, eyebrows and eyelashes, and her gown was white.

  The only things about her of any color were her eyes and they were aquamarine blue. They looked glassy. She had opened her eyes and was looking at us with a frown on her face, like she was confused.

  She then did something that I found both endearing and shocking. She stood up and took off her gown and dove into an aquamarine pool that I hadn’t noticed before. It had a white sandy bottom.

  Fascinated, we walked around the boulder and watched her as she swam. Her movements were graceful. When she walked onto the shore, she shook herself and her hair sprinkled us with water.

  Joe handed her the gown and she smiled for the first time. When she did, she was even more beautiful than before.

  “She would make a great model,” Marion said.

  I agreed and added, “I would love to design some clothes for her.”

  She stood watching us discuss her and then she turned and walked off, motioning us to follow. We hiked up and down rolling hills with the pink sun on our faces. When we came to an area with tall grasses growing she looked over her shoulder and then parted the grass.

  The grass had acted like a wall and when she parted it there were more white people sitting around on the ground and on large rocks in beautiful white gowns of different styles. The material was soft looking and I wanted to touch it.

  “Where are the men?” Joe whispered to me and then I noticed there were no men, just women. When they looked up and saw us, our men were immediately surrounded.

  At first I thought they were just being friendly but then I noticed they were feeling their arms and legs and nodding to each other. They were talking another language and we didn’t know what they were saying but I could guess.

  Suddenly, one of the women grabbed Joe’s arm and opened her mouth like she was going to take a bite out of it. Before she could, someone yelled, “Futa,futa!”

  I looked to my left and saw the tallest woman I had ever seen coming down some crude rock steps. As soon as she yelled at them, the women all backed off and faced the tall woman and said, “Turong, Turong!”

  She appeared to be their leader and they made room for her to approach us. She spread the fingers of her right hand wide and raised her hand to her face with the palm outward so that it covered most of her face.

  Several of us copied her and she smiled and motioned for us to join her in an area where there were a group of large boulders.

  At first we couldn’t understand what she was saying. It was another language. Then, all of a sudden, we were sp
eaking the same language and I couldn’t tell whether she was speaking our language or we were speaking hers. But we understood each other.

  I looked at Joe and smiled. He nodded, “Once again the cave has fixed things for us,” he said. We turned to listen to her.

  “I am called Rodena. What are you called?”

  We introduced ourselves and by now everyone was gathered around, sitting on the rocks. There must have been close to 300 people including the people from the cave and the white people.

  “We don’t usually allow colored people here,” she continued. “You must be new or you would know this. Where do you home from?”

  I looked at Joe, “I think she wants to know where we came from. Do you want to answer her?”

  But when Joe began speaking, she held up her hand and said, while looking at me, “Silence the male. What he says means nothing. Who is your leader?”

  I spoke up, “We don’t have a leader, where and when we came from, we are all equal.”

  She then noticed John and Joseph, the two black musicians in Joe’s band. She pointed to them and said, “You and you, come forward.”

  They looked at each other and laughed as they got up and headed toward her. When they got there, she stood and looked at them. She was eye level with them even though they were very tall.

  “You two will carry me,” she said and snapped her fingers. Two very small white men ran forward with something I had never seen before. It looked like someone had taken the inside of an old car, the part with the seats and the camshaft and decorated it in gold and silver.

  These poor little men were carrying it between them but it was an effort for them, they appeared to be struggling.

  John and Joseph ran over and took it from them and she nodded. She thought this meant they had agreed to carry her in that thing. John and Joseph set the contraption down and came back to join us.


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