Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 3

by Paige Cameron

  “Yes. As you probably know, Sahale and Lang are my brothers, and Rex, by way of his father, is my cousin. Come on into the kitchen, and we’ll see what’s for dinner.”

  The kitchen was huge, a dream for someone who liked to cook. She didn’t. Polished pans hung from wooden rafters above a large island.

  “Sit, and I’ll open a bottle of wine.” Hakan opened the refrigerator and peeked into several pans. We’re having chicken Marsala, twice-baked potatoes, and a salad. So I’ll open a bottle of Riesling.”

  “One of my favorites, but how did you have time to cook all of this?”

  “I cook very little, mostly grilling steaks and such. Lonato is the cook. He had the afternoon off before his emergency call, and he told me he’d have something in the refrigerator in case you accepted our invitation.”


  “That’s Rex’s first name. I’m one of the few who occasionally calls him Lonato.”

  “He cooks? I can’t believe it.”

  “You will when you taste his food. If he wasn’t such an incredible surgeon, he could have been a chef.” Hakan handed her a filled goblet. “Enjoy your wine while I heat up our meal.”

  She eyed the large wineglass. “Are you trying to get me tipsy?”

  “Can I do that with one glass?”

  “Probably. I’ll drink slowly.” But the wine was refreshing, and while she drank they talked about the house and the architectural plans that Rex and Hakan had drawn up themselves. She’d emptied her glass before she realized it.

  “Wow, you must have needed that.” Hakan removed the food from the oven. “I’m glad this is done. You need to eat.”

  “I seldom drink. This is good wine, and I enjoyed the conversation.”

  “A compliment, I’m overwhelmed.”

  Hakan filled their plates and put them, the salad bowls, and the rolls on the table. “Shall I refill your glass?”

  “Yes, but no more than halfway.”

  “I’ll turn on some of Lonato’s favorite music.” The classical strains of Tchaikovsky filled the air as they began to eat.

  “So far tonight I’ve learned more about Lonato than you. What special talents are you hiding?”

  “None. I’m a doctor, and I like to study different areas of medicine. That’s how I got into epidemiology. I took some extra courses after my interest was piqued. Otherwise I’m pretty boring. I like to work around the ranch. I do some of the hard labor such as mending fences, and then also working with the few animals we have.”

  “I’m surprised you don’t have a dog.”

  “We will. Once we’re married we’ll get one and have him trained before we have a child. Children need a dog and other animals.”

  “You both think you’re ready for marriage?”

  “We are, have been, but couldn’t find the right lady until now.”

  “I keep telling you, I’m not the right lady. Lonato must have told you about what I am, who I am.”

  “Yes. You are actually our queen for the three tribes. Does that mean you can’t have husbands and a family?”

  “I am not going to be queen. I’ll help lead with the others. And I’ll be too busy for husbands.”

  “What are you afraid of?”

  Kira pushed her chair back. “Nothing.”

  Hakan glanced at her empty plate. “I’ll put on the coffee and dessert, and bring it out to you. Go relax in the great room.”

  She grabbed her almost-empty wineglass and walked briskly out of the kitchen. In the great room, she chose one of the chairs by the fireplace. It wasn’t lit, but the room was still warm enough. Curling up on the chair, she put her head down on the armrest.

  Tiredness swept over her, and she closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  When Hakan brought in the coffee, he found her fast asleep. Between the wine, the food, and her body still recovering from giving so much blood, he wasn’t surprised. He also knew she felt safe and comfortable here, or she’d never have allowed herself to relax and fall asleep.

  He put her mug on the table by her chair, and he sat his down beside the matching chair across from her. Then he put kindling and wood in the fireplace. Before long he had a small fire going. He sat in the chair, stretched his legs out, and sipped his coffee.

  Firelight made her hair look like it was part of the fire. The red and gold colors glowed. Her cream-colored skin seemed to soak in some of the warmth and turned a deeper cream. She had on a purple blouse that was darker than her eyes, and jeans hugged her curvy legs.

  Just watching her sent his desire spiking. His cock had gone hard the instant he saw her curled up in his chair. He was actually sitting in Lonato’s place. I need to get married and so does Lonato. We’ve become like old maids, his chair, my chair.

  Suddenly, her eyes opened. “I fell asleep on you.”

  “Not on me, but I wouldn’t mind.” As he’d expected, she smiled, showing the dimple in her right cheek.

  “You never give up.”

  “I won’t until I have your sweet body under mine and my cock buried deep in your pussy.” Her eyes went as dark a purple as her blouse.

  She turned to the side table. “Coffee, just what I need. Where’s the dessert? I’ll have to leave soon.”

  “Coward,” he said with a smile. “Wait here.”

  Hakan warmed the apple pie slices and put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on both. Then he took the plates to the great room.

  “Apple pie and ice cream. Don’t tell me Lonato bakes, too.”

  “Not often. Our cleaning lady cooked this. She’s very good.”

  They sat in a comfortable silence as they ate their dessert and finished the coffee. He took the plates and mugs to the kitchen and returned. “You can stay here tonight and go home in the morning. You can use my bedroom. I’ll bunk in the spare room.”

  “I’m tempted. I was more tired than I thought. What I really need is a place to be alone and where I can shape-shift without being seen.”

  “Stay tonight and I’ll show you Sahale’s place tomorrow. He won’t mind if you stay there. I’ll let him know. You can remain as long as you want.”

  “I can’t be gone more than twenty-four hours. I really don’t have even that much time. Still, if I don’t rest and let my body rejuvenate, I’ll never be able to help when the next attack occurs.”

  “You’re being sensible. Follow me down this hall on the right.” He opened a door to another large room with a king-size bed in the middle against the back wall. It faced a row of windows looking out at the prairie and mountains.

  “I can sleep in the spare room.”

  “It’s not made up. I’ll fix it up for me. You go on and get into bed. You can lock the door if it will make you feel safer.”

  She stared into his eyes. “I’m beginning to trust you. I’ll leave the door unlocked as a test.”

  “You are a formidable lady.” Hakan moved closer and pulled her into his arms. “And I need a good-night kiss.” He tipped her chin and slowly leaned down to taste her lips. They were soft, and when she opened her mouth, he swept his tongue inside. She tasted of cinnamon and coffee. Her warm softness curled against his well-muscled body, and her lush breasts pushed against his chest.

  He wanted her bad. His hands slipped from her waist and back to cup her firm buttocks. She moaned and kissed him harder but then pulled back.

  “It’s time for me to go to bed.”

  “And for me to take a cold, cold shower.” Hakan went out and shut the door firmly behind him.

  Chapter Three

  Gala was nervous about meeting with Pearce. He’d aroused her body. She ached to have him kiss and touch her more. She’d never had sex, and this might be her only opportunity. But could she trust him?

  She went home and sat in her bedroom. Deep inside, she knew she’d meet with Pearce. The temptation was too strong.

  Dressed in her best jeans, a silky blue top, and her better boots, she went to the barn. The dim light and the familia
r odors of hay and horses made her feel nostalgic. She saddled the mare she’d used earlier in the day. Once in the saddle, she rode out of the barn.

  I have a feeling Pearce can be dangerous, and I don’t trust him. Do I want to experience having sex so badly that I’ll risk my life? Yes, just this once I want to feel attractive and desired.

  She urged the mare onward before she lost her nerve. The sun was setting, and gold and pink colors lit up the mountainside. Fresh pine scent and the smell of cut grass wafted across on the gentle breeze. As she rode, her heart pumped faster. She wasn’t sure whether it was from excitement or fear.

  Pearce greeted her at the tree line. “You’re late. I was beginning to worry. Follow me. I have our secluded rendezvous spot hidden behind the thickest trees.”

  He’d spread a thick blanket over the pine needles and had a small flashlight lit to cast a soft glow around the area. On a small piece of wood, he’d set two glasses filled with sparkling wine.

  When they had ridden all the way into the area amongst the large trees, he put his hands around her waist and lifted her down. When her feet touched the ground, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply.

  Gala shivered in delight. Warmth and an aching need pervaded her body. Moisture flooded her panties.

  “I’ll tie our horses where they won’t run away. I won’t be long.” He took the horses outside the encircled area. She heard a neigh, and then shortly he was back.

  Pearce wrapped his arms around her. “You’re shivering. Are you frightened? If you’re a virgin, there’s a tiny pain before the pleasure. Then the pain is gone for good.”

  “I know, and I am, but I’ve heard about the experience from friends. I’m excited, not scared.” Actually, she was both. Excited about having a man make love to her, but fearful Pearce had other plans. And she hadn’t brought any poison.

  “Let’s drink our wine to relax you.” He handed her a glass. “Don’t worry, it isn’t poisoned. You choose and take whichever one you want.” She took the other goblet and waited for him to drink first. “So suspicious. I told you we’d rule the tribes together.” While they drank, Pearce got up and turned a small radio on low. The soft music added to the ambiance of the evening. He took her empty glass with his and laid them back on the wood.

  “We have on too many clothes. I’ll start with you.” He began to undo the buttons on her blouse. Where his hand brushed, her skin tingled and got warm.

  By the time he’d removed her blouse and bra, her heart pounded in her throat, and she felt light-headed. He cupped her breasts in his hands, and a rush of joy shot up her spine. Then he kissed her nipple and pinched the other one. A loud moan escaped her lips.

  He kissed her belly while his fingers unbuckled her belt and snapped her jeans open. “Sit on the blanket. I’ll remove your boots.” She sat gingerly on the edge. He pushed her back so she lay flat then pulled her jeans and panties off.

  The cool breeze blew across her bare skin. Her nipples puckered from his attention and the cold.

  Pearce stood back to observe her. “What a surprise. You are much curvier than I expected.” He squatted beside her, and his fingers trailed from her neck, down to her breasts, across her abdomen, to where he could rub them against her clit.

  She jumped and lay flat against the blanket. Pearce separated her folds and licked from her clit to her pussy opening. Her legs fell further apart giving him better access to her pussy. She trembled from the overwhelming, unfamiliar feelings bombarding her body. When he reached up and pulled on her nipples, her hips rose to meet his mouth, and she moaned, crying out his name.

  Gala felt his laugh against her pussy opening. He flicked his tongue inside, and a bolt of pleasure spiraled through her.

  He positioned himself over her and thrust in while her orgasm still raced through her body. His large cock hurt when he entered her. But when he started pumping in and out, the pain became mixed with wave after wave of ecstasy. She’d never dreamed how good it would feel.

  When he pushed against her womb, she became vaguely aware of his hot sperm filling her. He hadn’t worn a condom. But he kissed her, and his hands caressed her breasts, and soon all thoughts left her mind. He played with her body, and she got sucked up again and again into a maelstrom of sensual desire and a voracious all-consuming hunger.

  * * * *

  Pearce had been surprised at his reaction to her body, and he’d been pleased when she’d acknowledged she was a virgin. This made her exclusively his. She was the perfect vessel to give him a son to follow in his footsteps.

  He didn’t love her, but he did enjoy fucking her. He wouldn’t kill her tonight. His plans had changed. When she told him she was pregnant, he’d marry her. Then they’d live together until after the child was born. After the child’s birth, hopefully a son, she’d have a terrible accident.

  With her gone, he’d convince his mother to help him raise his protégé. He’d let his mother live, but he still planned to see to the demise of his father and Rex. Of course he’d be the leader of the tribes and have plenty of time to teach his child the most important lessons in life.

  Gala had dozed off. He shook her. “We have to get dressed and go home before anyone wonders where we are. But we’ll meet again tomorrow, same time.” He helped her up and helped her dress. “You go on ahead of me. I’ll come later, so no one will think we’ve been together.”

  She appeared dazed by what had happened, but when he gave her a boost onto her horse, she waved and rode off. He watched until Gala disappeared. Then he packed up the blanket and all the other things.

  As he rode slowly toward the barn, he thought about his plan. I hope I didn’t make a mistake by not poisoning her when I had the chance. Still, if she becomes a problem I can kill her then.

  * * * *

  A knock on her door woke Kira. “I have your coffee. May I come in?”

  She sat up and brushed her long hair out of her eyes. She was naked since she hadn’t brought nightclothes with her. “Wait a moment. In fact, please leave the coffee at the door. I’ll get it when I’m dressed.”

  “All right, but hurry. Breakfast is almost ready.”

  Kira heard his footsteps going back down the hall. She got up and glanced around for her clothes. Hakan’s room reminded her of him. The walls were painted a light tan, and the curtains and bedspread were tan with green and blue stripes. Several paintings hung on the walls. They were pictures of the seaside in all its different moods, from peaceful to stormy, and his slight scent of earthy sage and woods hung in the air.

  Grabbing her clothes, she rushed into the adjoining bath.

  His razor lay by the sink and his toothbrush. One towel had been thrown haphazardly over a towel rail. Kira turned on the water to a cool temperature. It would help get her going. She pulled her hair into a twist but found nothing to secure it. She’d have to let it get wet.

  When she stepped under the cold water, she shivered. But it did fully wake her up. After a quick shower she dressed and opened the door. Her coffee was gone.

  Hakan leaned against the opposite wall. “The coffee got cold so I refilled it.” He held out a mug.

  Kira grabbed it and took a long swallow. “That tastes heavenly.”

  “Come on, breakfast is ready to put on the table. Did you sleep well?” he asked as she walked beside him to the kitchen.

  “Yes, and you?”

  “So-so. I had difficulty forgetting you were on the other side of the wall sleeping in my bed.”

  “Poor Hakan. You’d better have another cup of coffee to keep you awake.”

  “There’s no danger of my sleeping with you around.” He pulled out her chair. Then he went to the stove and filled her plate with half of an omelet, potatoes, and toast.

  “I thought you didn’t cook.”

  “I can do a fairly good breakfast.”

  After they were both seated, Hakan raised his mug. “To many more days and nights with you in our home.”

  “I might
agree if you quit talking about marriage. I have nothing against dating and enjoying sex. But I’m commitment phobic.”

  “Someday you’ll trust me and Lonato enough to change your mind.”

  “Don’t count on it.” Kira started eating. “This is good.”

  Hakan smiled, but he didn’t respond to what she’d said earlier or on her compliment.

  “When do we go to Sahale’s place?”

  “As soon as we finish eating. I called in and another internist is taking my calls for today. I think I shocked him, because I so seldom take a day off without planning ahead.”

  “I’m putting you out. We can go another time. I probably should contact Mitch anyway. Oh my, I forgot about the town meeting. I must be tired.”

  “It’s early. I called Mitch, and the meeting is planned for five o’clock, right after everyone gets off work. We have plenty of time to ride to Sahale’s cabin. You can see where it is and go back when you want to. After I explained the situation to him this morning, Sahale said to go anytime. No one is planning to be there anytime soon.”

  “You’ve been busy. When did you get up?”

  “The usual time, around five thirty.”

  She studied his strong face, the chiseled cheekbones and firm jaw. With his laid-back personality, a person might miss his strength and determination.

  “I’m beginning to like you, Dr. Connor.”

  He came around the table, tipped her chin and kissed her mouth. “Don’t forget that, but I won’t stop until you love me.” He put the dishes in the dishwasher while she finished the last of her coffee.

  His kiss had made her heart beat faster, his words had flowed in her veins like warm cognac, and his scent had made her want to taste his golden skin. She was in trouble. She’d be spending the day with him and part of it confined in his car, unless she insisted on driving the truck. But to be honest, she didn’t want to.

  “Ready to go, sweet one?” Hakan pulled her up against his body and hugged her. “You smell good.”

  “I don’t have on any cologne.”

  “The natural scent of your skin is what I was talking about.”


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