Bad Day for a Killing (Book Three of the Western Serial Killer Series)

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Bad Day for a Killing (Book Three of the Western Serial Killer Series) Page 6

by Hestand, Rita

  Her father came in, and excused himself to clean up. He'd been out all morning and he was quite dusty.

  John and Penelope greeted the guest, their love gushing from their warm glances at each other.

  Everyone noticed the huge ring on her finger and she gushed, sending kisses through the air at her beloved.

  Hildegard and Janise came up to greet them, the town gossips. Up until John arrived Penelope had been one of the threesome of old maids. Now that had changed. Penelope had changed. She bloomed under everyone's nose and these two ladies did not appreciate the change. They frowned at John and tried to monopolize Penelope's attention. But she was not affected by them now. She had a love and her complete turn-around startled them.

  Some of the local ranchers came and many of the towns business owners were there. It was a lively party with music from some of the locals and dancing. The food was lavish and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  John danced every dance with Penelope at first, his attention never swerving.

  Everyone noticed.

  Several of his business associates came up to him and tried to talk business, but John was having none of that. "This is a party gentleman. Let's leave business for another day, shall we?"

  It turned out to be the party of the century here in Hard Tack. Everyone who was anyone was here. The music was lively as some of the locals got together with a fiddle, a guitar, and a few other instruments.

  Mr. Carver was pleased with how John made Penelope so happy and his endowment to their future assured John he had made a good choice.

  "Are you inviting any of your family to come to the wedding, John?" Mr. Carver asked when another asked Penelope for a dance.

  "No…no, I'm afraid not. I have no family left…" he lied. He wanted to turn the conversation around, but he had to do it gently so as not to create suspicions.

  The lie came easily from his lips, he noticed and he forgot that part of his life.

  "That's a shame. Well, Penelope has many, so the wedding will still be very large." Mr. Carver smiled.

  John nodded his approval. "I can't wait to meet them all…"

  "I never seen a man prosper so quickly in a town. Maybe I should learn to be a butcher," Mr. Howard was saying, the local banker. "I'm so happy that you have taken my advice and invested your money wisely, John."

  John nodded. "I think I know a good thing, when I hear it, Howard."

  Henry Clark, the newspaper editor nodded, scrutinizing John for a moment.

  "Your wedding will be the highlight of my paper this month…" Henry acknowledged with a smile.

  "As well it should be, Henry. Well, it isn't all butchering that has done this for John. He's a wise investor. He listens and he knows when to take advise. That's a valuable commodity in a man." Mr. Carver chuckled, elated that his daughter's choice in men proved well.

  John appreciated the way Mr. Carver built him up as a solid citizen and John determined to always listen to his advice as it had made him a rich man in a small amount of time.

  "Where did you learn the trade, John?" One of the ranchers wanted to know.

  "Well…it's been a while, but I had a step-father that began teaching me once and a friend of the family. I was very young and he took me under his wing. By the time I was grown I could handle anything they brought me." John grinned. "But I suppose the things I learned along the way as a helper. My sister was a woman with much gumption. She insisted everything had to be so clean, and she taught me to trim the fat like no other butchers I'd ever seen. She said it made all the difference in the world as to steaks and such. In fact, that is the very thing that made me the butcher I am today."

  "What happened to your sister, John?"

  "She died…not long ago…" John furnished and changed the subject quickly. He was totally unaware of the tear lodged in the corner of his eye.

  "And where was that?"

  John suddenly panicked. He didn't want to mention Cross Timbers. He no longer wanted to be tied to that town. So he let slip, "Melville…"

  Jim Bonner and Smitty Younger drifted back into his mind. Why had he said Melville, he could have said any town. At least it was a long way from Hard Tack.

  "Melville. Oh yes, that is quite a ways from here. Is that where you grew up?"

  "In that general area. I lived out in the country most of my life." John answered, never wanting to be too specific about it.

  "Well, we are certainly glad you came here. By the way, why did you come here. Did you know someone in the area?"

  "No, no, actually, when my sister died, I decided to travel about. I'm afraid I was travel weary when I hit the town of Hard Tack. I ask around about whether the town had a butcher, I found there were none. And the Sheriff was kind enough to introduce me to George Stanley." John affirmed.

  "The Sheriff. Well, I see he's here too. Along with that cocky deputy of his. Are you old friends?"

  "Sheriff Peters and I are friends." John commented giving Marty a quick once over and leaving him out of the compliment.

  "Excuse me gentlemen, but this is a party. Oh darling, we haven't danced in a while. May I steal my beau from you…" Penelope saw how everyone seemed to cross examine her husband to be and she came to his rescue.

  "Honestly," she scoffed. "This is a party, gentlemen."

  "Thank you for dragging me away from all of that." He whispered in her ear as he pulled her against him and they danced. Everyone noticed how well they got on. "I felt as though I was being totally examined." John smiled at her.

  "Don't you fret my darling. Do you like my dress, John?" She changed the subject.

  "It is beautiful…The green brings out the sparkle in your eyes." He glanced down at her. "You are lovely, my pet. As always."

  "I love all the little names you call me, John. No one has ever done that before. And no one builds me up to be so much more than I am, than you."

  "Then I'm the first. I love you…Penelope and I will always. I don't have to build you up, you have gained a lot of confidence since I met you and you shine no matter where you go these days."

  She smiled and he swirled her about the room as everyone watched them float about the floor. "You are the first in many things John," she blushed. "And I shine because I am so happy. You've made me happy."

  John wasn't sure how he acquired his dancing skills, but when he was with Penelope he seemed to glide across so gracefully, he didn't even realize it. They were so good together.

  "Just think, in a few days, we will be married…" she whispered as his hand reached under her arm to hold her breast. No one else could quite see, at least if they did, they said nothing about it. But the love he felt for Penelope oozed about the room. No one doubted their feelings for each other.

  "I can hardly wait…" he winked.

  He squeezed her there and she gushed with delight. Her cheeks turned bright pink and she let out a soft giggle.

  Hildegard and Janise shot them an acid frown. "It would seem your friends are not as happy about us as they should be."

  Penelope glanced at the two ladies who had at one time been inseparable from her. "Yes, they are sort of old fuddy-duddies. Pay no attention. They are not important in our lives together John. That part of my life is over, thank goodness."

  "I know exactly how you feel, my love. I shall have to charm them and win them over, so there will be no animosity between you and them. For I do not wish to bring you strife in any way." John promised. "I'll ask them to dance…"

  "You are such a dear. You'd do that for me?" She cried at his ear.

  "And more…"

  Good to his word, moments later, he asked Hildegard to dance with him. She was shocked but smiled and accepted. Thin and ungraceful, John dwelled on her fine head of hair. Hildegard blushed at his compliments.

  The woman was like holding a scarecrow. His mind flickered for a moment. But his lips never uttered an unkind word.

  Then his mind went to his past quickly and he danced harder to stomp it out
. He could not allow himself the comparisons.

  Janise danced with him next, a big woman with a lot of flesh. But her face was like buttercream, and if she would smile, she'd be almost attractive, John thought. Both women seemed enamored with him before the night was over, telling Penelope what a great man she had caught.

  "I'm not sure who caught who, actually." Penelope laughed, glancing at John in the distance.

  "You must tell us your secret, Penelope." They both encouraged.

  "I really don't think I have a secret. I mean, John and I got along famously from the moment we met, is all. He was such a gentleman, how could I not pay attention." She smiled shyly at him now. "The funny thing is, my father loves him too. Who would have thought."

  "And your father doesn't take to many, does he?"

  "No…not really. Especially suitors."

  The night wore on with some business talk, some dancing and a glow between the two of them.

  Rusty came up to John and smiled. "Well John, you've certainly become a pillar of an example to our little town. I'm glad to see you so happy. And I have to admit, Penelope has really made a change too. I hardly recognized her."

  "Thank you, I suppose but I've always found Penelope quite attractive. I owe part of my happiness to you, for steering me in the right direction, though." John laughed.

  "You and George are doing great, he's already talking about enlarging the café and the menu is quite stunning for a small town." Rusty smiled as one of the ladies passed and winked at him. "Everyone raves about your steaks. But I am surprised at how quickly you've made a success of things and how suddenly you latched onto Penelope."

  "I had to, she was ripe for the pickings. I simply didn't want anyone else grabbing her. I can't understand why you haven't taken one of the many wonderful women in this town, Sheriff." John asked.

  "My job doesn't allow much room for a lady, I guess." Rusty glanced down at the floor as though he had a few secrets himself. "Don't want someone sitting home wondering if I'm coming home or not."

  "Yes, I guess that's true. Your job is quite dangerous. Ever thought of changing jobs?"

  "I did once. But I think this was meant to be."

  John didn't pry, but after that day he took note of the Sheriff and his solitary life. Rusty Peters seemed to have as many secrets as he did. Interesting fella. Perhaps that was the way of life, people evolving into newer personalities. For without some change one tended to stagnate he surmised.

  He wondered what deep dark secrets lay beneath Rusty's friendly exterior.

  Perhaps he shouldn't wonder at all. After all, he was guilty of the same and he certainly didn't want anyone getting too noisy about his past, either.

  Respecting a man's privacy was important. And John had a lot of deep, dark secrets to protect too. A lot!

  Chapter Eight

  While in Cross Timbers, Sadie had been discovered.

  "My God! You're pregnant!" The woman muttered aloud, as she spotted Sadie working in her garden.

  Sadie stood up straight and glanced about. She saw the woman, it was Claire Summers. She'd known her all her life. They hadn't talked much because Claire's husband had always come to the café for food and it angered his wife that he did so. Claire and Simon Summers were one of the few pioneers of Cross Timbers who chose to stay when she closed down the café. Simon had come regular to the café, but not Claire. Sadie wondered why. Female company would have been welcomed anytime.

  Now Claire stood only a few feet away, staring at Sadie, not judging, but it looked very much like pity. What Sadie saw in her expression, made her apprehensive. Claire pitied her. No one had ever pitied Sadie before. She was too proud to accept such a reaction.

  "Sadie Martin…you're pregnant?" Claire nearly lost her voice as she came closer. Her whispered words caught Sadie's attention.

  Sadie stood there, not knowing what to say or do. She couldn't very well deny it. She was six months pregnant or more and showing.

  Sadie went back to gardening.

  "You aren't going to deny it?" Claire asked leaning against the make shift fence around the garden..

  Sadie was silent. She figured silence was best at this point. What could she possibly say?

  The town was bound to find out. If the town had to find out, she was glad it was Claire who discovered it. She respected her.

  "Were you raped?" Claire blurted out before thinking, then covered her mouth as though she had said too much.

  Sadie was silent again. She could not answer.

  The guilt in her eyes told Claire all she needed. "You were…oh my God…"

  But at some point she had to face the people of this town, what was left of it. Sadie stood up straight and gathering her tools she walked back to the house, in silence. She needed time to figure out just what to say. Claire was jumping to her own conclusions and maybe that was best.

  She glanced at Claire then went inside and locked the door.

  Tears streamed down her face when she heard the knock at the door. Would she hound her for the truth? But the knocking continued.

  "Go away, I'm not open." She called through the door.

  "You can't hide, Sadie. Let me in, we should talk." Claire demanded in a muffled voice.

  "Not right now, Claire…." Sadie stalled her. "Please…"

  "I want to help, Sadie….Truly I do. Don't let pride eat at you." Claire's voice sounded almost strangled as though she spoke in an emotional state. Sadie wondered why Claire would be so effected. "I'm not going to judge you."

  "There's nothing you can do…" Said cried through the closed door. "It's too late for that…"

  "You are going to need help Sadie…let me in…"

  Sadie sighed heavily and finally opened the door. She hung her head in shame and didn't look Claire in the eye. She couldn't.

  "How did this happen?" Claire asked as soon as she came inside and saw the emotional wreck that Sadie had become.

  "The same way it always happens, I guess." Sadie murmured.

  "Who is the father?"

  "Doesn't matter." Sadie mumbled.

  "Does he know?" Claire asked her mouth hanging open with shock.

  "No…he don't."

  "Oh, Sadie, I want to help you, but God, when others find out…."

  Sadie glanced at her for a moment wishing she would finish the sentence. What would others do? "What? What will happen? I'm the one that is pregnant. Not them. Nothing anyone can do now. It's too late for that." Sadie cried. "I figure they'll do some gossiping, but that don't hurt me none. Never has before."

  "Did you love the man?"

  Sadie waded the handkerchief in her hand several times. She needed strength right now, and she had little. "Oh…" She suddenly looked at Claire and shook her head with her tears streaming down her cheeks. "If they knew…But, as old as I am, I never dreamed this would happen."

  "Oh my. Was he a drifter or something. Of course he wasn't. No one in this whole town would suspect you with a man, any man."

  "Is that how they see me. Just a lonely old spinster? Don't they know I'm human. That I bleed like they do, that I love like they do? No, I reckon they don't know that. I didn't suspect this would happen." Sadie answered. It was partly true. "Not at all. That's why I didn't say anything to anyone. I thought it happened, it would go away. No one would ever know. Guess my mother neglected a few things bringing me up. I'm scared of being pregnant Claire. I don't know a thing. Every day is a surprise for me now. But I wasn't scared of the people here. I was scared for my ignorance. It's just been me and Elmer all my life. No other children. I don't know much about children. Oh…that's not true, I don't know nothin' about children, Claire."

  "Well, you are gonna need some help come time." Claire said and put her hand out to Sadie.

  Sadie nodded folding her hand in hers. "I guess so…"

  "Simon and I are leavin'. Or I'd help you."

  Sadie's sad eyes stared up at her in disbelief.

  "Leavin'." Sadie repeated as though
she couldn't believe it.

  "Simon decided to up end and head out west. So we'll be leavin' the first of the month. Who can help you, Sadie? What will you do? You must have a plan. You mustn't stay here. I would worry for you…."

  Sadie let a tear slip by. For Claire to care about her so touched her heart and had a tear lodging in her eye. "I don't reckon I've thought about that too much. I just worry and fret every day."

  "You need to think about it. Are you feelin' okay?"

  "Most of the time I do."

  "Oh Sadie…I'm sorry this has happened. Truly I am. Maybe you should leave Cross Timbers."

  "Where would I go, Claire? This is my home…"

  "You know what others might say, Sadie. You'll never be able to hold your head up around here. You've got to consider moving. It's the only way. And you must consider it now, before it's too late." Claire encouraged.

  "What if Elmer comes back?" She protested. "He wouldn't know where to look for me."

  "Elmer went off on his own, didn't he?"

  Sadie nodded.

  "Well, he's a grown man, he can take care of himself. It's you I am worried about." Claire cried. "You done your part for Elmer. It's time he took care of himself, and you…must do the same."

  "I should have told you I was raped, shouldn't I?" Sadie asked through her tears.

  "I wish you had of. Maybe we could have done something to prevent this. But you must get help for yourself and for your baby. Sadie…I've got to tell you something. Something I have never spoke of since it happened. But once…a long time ago, before Simon and I ever got married, a man happened by our place. He was handsome and I was thrilled that he looked at me twice. I was young and very stupid, and against my better judgment, I let him make love with me, I was only sixteen. And I got pregnant."

  "Good Lord, what did you do?" Sadie asked.

  "I was terrified my folks would find out. Terrified they'd send me away or something. I jumped off the hay loft. Needless to say, I lost the baby because I landed on solid ground. That's why I walk kind of funny to this day. I hurt my back from the fall. Never been the same since."

  "You lost the baby?"

  Claire nodded.


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