Bad Day for a Killing (Book Three of the Western Serial Killer Series)

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Bad Day for a Killing (Book Three of the Western Serial Killer Series) Page 11

by Hestand, Rita

  But today, he was so ready to take Penelope as his wife. He had nothing more on his mind.

  He'd put the incident with George away. It had no place in his mind. Mr. Carver would handle things and he was confident he would have no more trouble in that area.

  As he glanced out of the bunkhouse he saw some of the men decorating the buggy for the wedding. He grinned. The entire ranch was buzzing.

  The preacher arrived early and John went outside to greet him.

  "I'm so glad you could make it." John patted him on the back.

  Reverend H.G. Fleming glanced at John. "Are you ready for this, son?"

  "More than ready. This will be her day."

  Reverend Fleming smiled. "I'm glad you are thinking of her first and not yourself. You'd be surprised at how many don't put the lady first. John I think this wedding is as solid as lead. I believe God himself is pleased. I'm honored that I can preside over it."

  "Thank you, it means so much to us." John exclaimed with great pleasure.

  "You know John, your father-in-law is very happy with this union and that doesn't happen too often. It gives me pleasure to be a part of this day for you. I can only hope I will have the same privilege of baptizing your children as they come along."

  "But of course." John chuckled. "And Penelope and I will get to work on that very quickly."

  "Good…I suppose you've heard…." The Reverend began but was cut short when Mr. Carver came out to greet the preacher.

  John excused himself and figured whatever the preacher was going to say would keep.

  John glanced up to see a couple of ladies in Penelope's window helping her with her hair and dress.

  As he finally dressed for his special day, he glanced at himself in the mirror. Old memories flashed through his head, but he shook himself. "The past is gone, and I have only the future to look forward to."

  Easily said, but squashing Sadie in the back of his mind was not as easy. He did miss her. Although he was confident that Sadie would survive and go on with her life, just as he was doing. He told himself that perhaps his leaving was a blessing to Sadie. Perhaps she too had found some measure of happiness. He hoped so, for he fully intended to wipe her from his memory if he could. Not that he didn't love her, not that he didn't thank her a million times in his head for all she'd done for him, but that his future was with Penelope from this day forward.

  Penelope came first, no matter what.

  He groomed himself, until he felt he could do no more. He'd shaved, bathed, sprinkled himself with a cologne his father-in-law had presented him with and smiled at his near perfect image.

  The guest began arriving and he peaked out to watch them gather first in the yard, as they were greeted by the preacher and Mr. Carver and then they filed into the house, little by little. Some he knew, some he'd never seen before. Lots of family members that he would get to know. Everyone was happy and the day was beautiful.

  He heard music being played from the parlor and he smiled. Mr. Carver had gone all out to see this was a perfect day for his daughter. Penelope deserved the best, John sighed with happiness.

  The best man was Mr. Carver's ranch foreman, Judd Freeman. Judd had been very helpful in getting John situated at the ranch, after he left Stanley. Judd came through the bunkhouse door and glanced at him.

  "Are you ready?"

  "Very much so." John smiled.

  "Well, they are all seated and I heard someone say Miss Penelope was almost ready herself."

  "Good. The sooner the better. I've got butterflies in my stomach."

  Judd laughed. "I'd be surprised if you didn't."

  As they walked up the steps Judd opened the door and they heard the music softly playing a romantic song. Flowers decorated what once was the living room and the perfume of the ladies combined to make a sweet smell.

  John could actually feel the joy in the room.

  Mr. Carver wasn't about, but John was certain he was about to walk Penelope down the stairs any moment as the music stopped and then the wedding march played in the background.

  John was directed to take his place by the preacher. Judd joined his side.

  And then…Penelope and her father walked slowly to the music down the aisle toward him.

  John felt his palms sweat. He felt as though he might be blushing he was so happy. Seeing Penelope in her lovely white gown, and veil, he swallowed hard. His wedding day. His dreams were coming true. She was truly the most gorgeous woman he'd had ever known, inside and out.

  Penelope was radiant. Her smile was shy and he knew she blushed beneath the sweet veil.

  Her father looked proud, as he guided her. John sighed happily as Penelope finally joined him at the altar.

  "Who gives this woman in marriage…"

  "I do…" Mr. Carver said, he lifted his daughters veil, kissed her on the forehead and gave her hand to John.

  John took her trembling hand.

  Their eyes met, and they smiled at each other.

  The preacher read the words over them, prayed for their union and before John knew it pronounced them husband and wife.

  "You may kiss the bride," the preacher encouraged.

  John took Penelope in his arms and kissed her warmly.

  He could feel her body shake and he whispered, "Are you nervous?"

  "Not at all, I'm just so excited…" She assured him.

  As they pulled apart the entire congregation stood up and ran to congratulate them. Mr. Carver pulled his daughter into his arms. "I'm very happy for you my dear."

  "Oh daddy. At last."

  John shook his hand. "Be gentle with her," Mr. Carver encouraged.

  "Never fear…" John smiled.

  All the other friends and distant family that John barely knew congratulated them. There were shouts and cheers as the couple ran down the aisle but a huge party awaited them in the backyard. Mr. Carver had spared no expense. He had roasted a calf, and pig, and the women had brought all manner of food out. The musicians had gathered and there was dancing. John and Penelope led the first dance, then she danced with her father.

  The crowd cheered for them.

  They had cut the cake and Penelope took pride in stuffing John with it as a photographer had been hired to mark this momentous occasion. John and Penelope sat for their picture as a couple and the crowd watched, then without embarrassment, he gathered her in his arms and pulled her to him for a kiss.

  Everyone cheered.

  After a little wine, and much food, it was getting late, but John and Penelope lined up to say goodbye to all their friends.

  Mr. Carver came up to them lastly. "John, the house is open for you and Penelope in town. And I've taken the liberty of sending you two to St. Louis for your honeymoon, so go home and pack up, and take care of…whatever you need to." He cleared his throat, then laughed.

  "Of father…that is so gracious of you. We hadn't planned a honeymoon."

  "I know. That's why I took the liberty of doing so for you. Now you two get going."

  Before everyone rode off, they watched Penelope gather her dress behind her and John lifted her up into the buggy. Then they were off as everyone threw rice and wished them well.

  Penelope wrapped herself in his arms as they rode off in the sunset together.

  "Oh John, I'm so happy. I'm afraid."

  "Afraid?" He frowned at her. "Whatever are you afraid of?"

  "Of being this happy, of course." She gushed.

  He squeezed her arm. "Your father has thought of everything. I never imagined a honeymoon."

  "Me either. This has truly been a beautiful day in every way."

  "And it will only get better before sunrise…" John promised.

  She blushed but held on to him tighter. "That's what I'm looking forward to."

  He stopped the buggy, unable to stop himself. He glanced at her and then he kissed her hotly on the lips. His lips touching, feather touching, then delving into the recess of her lips and mouth, devouring her.

elope was a willing partner. She relished his zeal.

  "Oh John," she murmured against his neck. "You take my breath away."

  "It won't be long darling, before I truly do take your breath away…" He smiled gently at her.

  "I can hardly wait. I've imagined so many times our wedding night. Now that it is almost here, I feel weak in the knees, my heart is pounding, and I'm so excited I feel I could let you make love to me here, and now."

  "Don't tempt me…but we don't want to mar our day with impatience." John smiled and whipped the horses into a fast trot. "I'll hurry my darling, I'm as anxious as you…"

  She kissed him as he drove the buggy and it was all he could do to contain himself.

  When they reached the house that would become their home, they walked up the steps and he swooped her into his arms. "We're home, my sweet."

  John had never been inside the house, but Mr. Carver had recently had some repair work done and had it cleaned for them. The house smelled of roses.

  Penelope sighed in his arms as he carried her through the living area, to the bottom of the steps.

  "Am I too eager?" He asked with a sultry smile.

  "Not at all. You'll find me an equal partner to that eagerness." She giggled.

  "My pet we are gonna have such a wonderful life," he exclaimed as he carried her up the steps two at a time.

  When she nodded the room that would become their haven, he opened the door and swept her through.

  The room was lit with candles to their surprise and they looked about in wonder, as everything had been prepared for a night of joy.

  "Oh John," She whispered as his lips claimed hers in a kiss that steamed the room.

  He set her down near the bed. His eyes feasting on her.

  "Do you want me to wait while you prepare yourself?" He asked gently.

  She glanced up at him, veiling her lashes shyly with a demure smile. "Or I could just undress before you…"

  "Dear God in heaven, would you?"

  "I'm so eager my fingers are fumbling with the buttons already," She giggled.

  "Slowly my dear. I want to savor every moment of this. I can't imagine how you can be so bold and trusting with me. I relish it. I celebrate it."

  "I've dreamed of this night so many times. But of course, I've never had one. I wanted to be perfect for you. I wanted to make you swoon with passion."

  "Darling, if I swooned any more so, I'd be drooling." He encouraged.

  She began to undo the tiny buttons of her dress. As she did so, the dress began to sag and expose her, first a shoulder, then the tops of her breast. John stared with wonderment at how she tempted his patience.

  The garment finally hit the floor with a feathering whisper. She stood in shoes, stockings and the beautiful camisole that encased her body. Her hair had been pulled up, but with long finger curls down one shoulder. Baby's Breath flowers adorned her crown. The ring on her finger was big and boasted a diamond he was still paying for.

  Her camisole fit her so closely, her breast nearly spilled out at him at his glance. It was a beautiful silky blue and against her skin it paled in its beauty.

  "Do you like it?" She whispered.

  He looked from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, where she still wore her shoes. He was more than primed and ready for her, but he wanted beyond anything to please her in every way. "You are more beautiful than a morning sky in spring."

  She blushed.

  "Let me help you with your shoes." He bent and slowly took each shoe from her feet. As he pulled each shoe away, his eyes ran up her leg. "Beautiful." He murmured.

  Her stockings rode high and slowly his hand moved up her legs, stopping where they began. "You won't need these." He helped her out of them, enjoying the inches of beautiful unmarred skin of her legs. He bent to kiss her there.

  His breath warmed her, sending goose bumps over her legs.

  He pulled each stocking off, slowly, enjoying every inch of her. "You are beautiful."

  She sighed.

  "Would you help me with my camisole?" She asked in a whisper as her lips caressed his earlobe.

  He shivered with anticipation. "Yes my lovely."

  She stood, and he unfastened the camisole and brought it slowly over her head. But nothing prepared him for the luscious beauty of her breast. Her pink nipples tightened at his gaze and he squirmed. The round fullness of her breast seemed to dance against his hands as he concentrated on the swell of her breast and the breaths she took.

  No longer able to control the passion within, he bent his head and swooped one hard nipple into his mouth, caressing it with his tongue, flicking it until it seemed to obey his every command. He held her breast gently, his hand massaging her. She fell backwards a bit, and allowed him every pleasure of lapping her breast.

  When he felt the heat between them she cried out. "You have much too many clothes on. It isn't fair…"

  "Would you help me with mine?"

  She purred against his lobe once more, "I'd be delighted."

  Slowly the clothes between them disappeared and as she stood fully naked against his readiness, he scooped her into his arms, ravishing her lips and the tips of her breast with kisses they came down on the bed gently.

  "You are more than I ever hoped for…" he whispered.

  "As are you my love," she cooed as his hands went from her face, to her body. They explored every inch of her as she cuddled against him.

  "I will be as gentle as I can…at first." He explained as his lips feasted on her, going all over her now in hot nips.

  "I know that…I've always known that." She cooed. "But pray you don't stay gentle…later."

  "Fear not…as the beast in me is barely controlled now." He smiled as he looked at her desire ridden eyes.

  Her hands explored shyly at first, and then as he kept kissing her all over, she squirmed against the cool sheets as her hands tightened against him. "Is this desire I feel between my legs. I'm wet almost."

  "Good my love, you are readying for me." He smiled. "But first, I want to make sure you are very ready for me…"

  His head bent to her private area, and as his hand parted her legs and she opened like a flower to him, his nose moved gently against her first, then his tongue swooped in on a spot she didn't know existed. She moaned aloud the pleasure that gave.

  "Yes my darling. Don't be afraid. This is how you are supposed to feel. This is how your body prepares to meet me."

  Just then she thrust her hips up, so that his tongue greeted her with gentle wicked flicks that set her on fire. She squirmed to be closer to his loving mouth. She raised herself to him, offering herself as a sacrifice.

  "Now we will be one," he exclaimed and unleashing his readiness, he entered her gently forcing the sheath from her, and pulsing inside her. She moaned his name over and over.

  "Oh my God. Such a heaven, such a wonderful haven to be lost inside." He murmured.

  She held him as her fingertips dug into his flesh and her body met his thrusts.

  "Oh…" she cried out. "John…I'm yours, my darling." She cried out as she climbed to be inside him. Their union was strong and equally met. And once satiated, they collapsed together on the bed, both smiling, and dreaming of more.

  All night they made love, each giving to the other, each exploring and loving freely.

  "I don't want this to end," she whispered at early dawn. "I will always love you and make love with you John. The pleasure you give me, is beyond words. I never dreamed it this good. I was told as a child it was a duty, not a pleasure."

  "It will never end, my love. I will pleasure you always. We are one now. We belong completely to each other, as God himself intended."

  "Yes…yes." She smiled as he bent to kiss her breast. His hands holding them gently, he marveled at their roundness, their pillow like quality, and her complete compliance with his love making.

  Exhausted they slept.

  The next day, after a leisurely breakfast, they packed and caught the
train to St. Louis.

  Their honeymoon was filled with site-seeing, with lavish meals, with long lustful nights. It was a time John would cherish for the rest of his life.

  God must be smiling on me….

  Chapter Thirteen

  Meanwhile Sadie contented herself with her pregnancy. She was trying to adjust to her environment. Melville wasn't at all like Cross Timbers, although it had more people, industry, and goings on.

  Sadie stirred her stew on the stove, stoking the fire so it would heat faster. She was hungry, and the baby had been moving and tossing and turning until she was worn out, just walking down the street as she usually did every morning. It felt as though the baby might drop out at any given moment.

  Today Vivian and Ruby planned the shower for her. Sadie was uncomfortable about it. She wasn't excited about the baby, even now. She should have some feelings for it, but there was nothing. She sighed heavily as she sat in her rocker, waiting on the stew to heat up.

  "God, I know I should love this child, but…for some reason, there just ain't nothin' there. Will it happen when I have it? I ain't never had a kid, so I don't know. But I do think I should be more happy about it. I know it were a sin. I ask your forgiveness, maybe that's why I can't find no joy in it. Thanks for listening…" she cried.

  Her stew was ready, and she took out a bowl to eat. The meat came from Smitty, as he'd been trapping some and had caught several rabbits. He always shared when he hunted, kind of like Elmer used to.


  Why couldn't she get him out of her head? Why did he haunt her night and day?

  She missed him so.

  She was just washing up her dishes when Vivian knocked on the door.

  "Sadie, it's time, come along. We'll have it at Ruby's house. She has more room for guests." Vivian smiled at her.

  Sadie looked down at her faded cotton dress, and shrugged. "I'm ready, I reckon."

  "Good. I see you've eaten."

  "I'd offer you some, but it's all gone."

  "No thank you Sadie. I've eaten too. Are you ready to go?"

  A warning went off in Sadie's head. Apprehension flickered in her eyes.

  "As ready as ever, I guess." She answered weakly.


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