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Dirty Wars

Page 87

by Jeremy Scahill

  287 “They shut down my website”: Anwar al Awlaki, interview with Al-Malahem Media, aired May 23, 2010, transcript provided by MEMRI,

  287 landed in Sana’a: Transcript, “Grand Jury Focuses on NC Man Tied to Jihad Magazine,” Morning Edition with Steve Inskeep, NPR, August 18, 2010.

  287 “He’s a Christmas child”: Author interview, Sarah Khan, April 2012. All information and quotations attributed to Sarah Khan come from the author’s interview.

  287 Samir’s grandparents’ house: Ibid.

  287 classmates recall: Matthew Chayes, Anthony M. Destefano, Robert E. Kessler, Greg Lacour, and Victor Manuel Ramos, “Samir Khan, al-Qaida Figure, Grew Up on Long Island,” Newsday, October 7, 2011; Timothy Bolger, “Slain al Qaeda Mouthpiece Samir Khan’s Westbury Roots,”, October 6, 2011.

  288 “a practicing Muslim”: Michael Moss and Souad Mekhennet, “An Internet Jihad Aims at US Viewers,” New York Times, October 15, 2007.

  288 Islamic Thinkers Society: Ibid.

  288 “Does he think like them?”: Chayes et al., “Samir Khan, al-Qaida Figure, Grew Up on Long Island.”

  288 first of several interventions: Robbie Brown and Kim Severson, “Second American in Strike Waged Qaeda Media War,” New York Times, September 30, 2011.

  288 “If you give Satan an inch”: Chayes et al., “Samir Khan, al-Qaida Figure, Grew Up on Long Island.”

  288 community college: Moss and Mekhennet, “An Internet Jihad Aims at US Viewers.”

  288 debates with fellow attendees: “American Editor Brings US Savvy to Jihad Outreach,” Morning Edition, NPR, October 12, 2010.

  289 retiring blogs: Alice Fordham, “A ‘Proud Traitor’: Samir Khan Reported Dead Alongside Aulaqi,” Checkpoint Washington (blog), Washington Post, September 30, 2011.

  289 Muslimpad: Moss and Mekhennet, “An Internet Jihad Aims at US Viewers.”

  289 top 1 percent: Ibid.

  289 “scholars of Islam”: “About,” The Ignored Puzzle Pieces of Knowledge,

  289 Zachary Chesser: “Alleged American Jihadists—Connecting the Dots,”, October 10, 2012.

  289 “unlikely foot soldier”: Moss and Mekhennet, “An Internet Jihad Aims at US Viewers.”

  289 “brought great happiness to me”: Ibid.

  289 told a local news station: Ibid.

  290 hired a lawyer: “American Editor Brings US Savvy to Jihad Outreach.”

  290 following him closely: Michael Moss, “What to Do About Pixels of Hate,” New York Times, October 21, 2007.

  290 “shut [Khan] down”: Fordham, “A ‘Proud Traitor.’”

  290 “FBI dispatched a spy”: Samir Khan, “I Am Proud to Be a Traitor to America,” Inspire 2 (fall 2010), published October 2010. All excerpts of Khan’s writing come from this article, unless otherwise noted.

  290 invited an Imam: Moss and Mekhennet, “An Internet Jihad Aims at US Viewers.”

  290 “a moderate Muslim”: Steven Stalinsky and R. Sosnow, ”The Life and Legacy of American al-Qaeda Online Jihad Pioneer Samir Khan—Editor of al-Qaeda Magazine ‘Inspire’ and a Driving Force Behind al-Qaeda’s Push for ‘Lone-Wolf’ Terrorist Attacks in the West,” Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI), September 28, 2012,

  290 “became very much convinced”: Chayes et al., “Samir Khan, al-Qaida Figure, Grew Up on Long Island.”

  290 “I tried to bring arguments”: Moss and Mekhennet, “An Internet Jihad Aims at US Viewers.”

  290 already received an invitation: Steve Inskeep, “Grand Jury Focuses on NC Man Tied to Jihad Magazine,” Morning Edition, NPR, August 18, 2010.

  291 “How could anyone claim sanity”: Abu Yazeed, “Samir Khan: The Face of Joy,” Inspire 9 (winter 2012), released May 2012. The author claims to be publishing a “last will” left by Samir Khan on his hard drive.

  291 first met Anwar Awlaki: Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister, “The Danish Biker and the Trail That Led to al Qaeda’s Most Wanted,”, October 24, 2012.

  291 Murad Storm: Ibid.

  291 first armed robbery: Ray Weaver, “Former Biker Infiltrated al-Qaeda,” Copenhagen Post, October 8, 2012.

  292 Bandidos: Ibid.

  292 converted to Islam, moved to Yemen: Ibid.

  292 named him Osama: Ibid.

  292 video from 2005: Cruickshank and Lister, “The Danish Biker and the Trail That Led to al Qaeda’s Most Wanted.”

  292 student at Iman University: Ibid.

  292 “talked freely”: Ibid.

  292 “not what I thought”: Weaver, “Former Biker Infiltrated al-Qaeda.”

  292 claimed he approached: Cruickshank and Lister, “The Danish Biker and the Trail That Led to al Qaeda’s Most Wanted.”

  292 saw me as his friend”: Ibid.

  292 “materials and electronic equipment”: Ibid.

  292 “discussed the terrorist attacks”: Ibid.

  292 “part of a conspiracy to get Anwar”: E-mail sent to author from Awlaki family, December 2012.

  293 married a second Yemeni wife: Author interviews, Awlaki family members, August 2012.

  293 “companion in hiding”: Cruickshank and Lister, “The Danish Biker and the Trail That Led to al Qaeda’s Most Wanted.”

  293 “There are two things”: Duncan Gardham, “Morten Storm: A Radical Life,” Telegraph, December 3, 2012.

  293 launched an assault: Cruickshank and Lister, “The Danish Biker and the Trail That Led to al Qaeda’s Most Wanted.”

  293 “overjoyed”: “The Terrorist’s Bride,” Jyllands-Posten documentary, 12:11, December 16, 2012.

  293 “The idea was to find someone”: Ibid.

  293 “That was the plan”: Weaver, “Former Biker Infiltrated al-Qaeda.”

  31: Blowback in Somalia

  294 plastic surgery: Profile of Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, United Nations Security Council al-Qaida Sanctions List, accessed August 14, 2012,

  294 “senior trainer”: US diplomatic cable 09NAIROBI1395, from Ambassador Michael Ranneberger, US Embassy Nairobi, “Somalia—the TFG, Al-Shabaab, and Al Qaeda,” July 6, 2009, released by WikiLeaks,

  294 burst through the door, Wilson Airport: Author interview, Clara Gutteridge, July 2011.

  294 “They put a bag on my head”: Author copy of written testimony of Ahmed Abdullahi Hassan.

  294 taken to a secret prison: Author interview, Clara Gutteridge, July 2011.

  295 “former personal assistant”: Author copy, Kenyan intelligence report, October 2010.

  295 “CIA no longer operates”: Leon E. Panetta, “Message from the Director: Interrogation Policy and Contracts,” Central Intelligence Agency, April 9, 2009,

  295 “United States provided information”: Author interview, US official, July 2011.

  295 “right-hand man”: Author interview, Somali intelligence official, June 2011.

  295 took off in helicopters: Sean D. Naylor, “JSOC Closes Chapter on al-Qaida Leader: Somalia Raid Nets Body of Man Wanted in Bombing,” Army Times, September 18, 2009.

  295 regular trips: Bill Roggio, “Commando Raid in Somalia Is Latest in Covert Operations Across the Globe,” Long War Journal, September 15, 2009.

  295 According to witnesses: Ewen MacAskill, “Somali Insurgents Vow Revenge for US Killing of Leader,” Guardian, September 15, 2009.

  295 collected at least two: Jeffrey Gettleman and Eric Schmitt, “U.S. Kills Top Qaeda Militant in Southern Somalia,” New York Times, September 14, 2009.

  295 “any alleged operation”: MacAskill, “Somali Insurgents Vow Revenge.”

  295 al Shabab confirmed: Gettleman and Schmitt, “U.S. Kills Top Qaeda Militant in Southern Somalia.”

  296 “I am a firm believer”
: Author interview, Malcolm Nance, May 2011. All quotations of Malcolm Nance come from the author’s interview.

  296 “like summary executions”: Naylor, “JSOC Closes Chapter on al-Qaida Leader.”

  296 “The truth is closer to the opposite”: Ibid.

  296 free to interrogate the prisoners: Author interview, Somali intelligence official, June 2011.

  296 “Hassan’s case suggests”: Statement, legal team of Ahmed Abdullahi Hassan, July 2011.

  297 at least seven US citizens: Bobby Ghosh, “Domestic-Terrorism Incidents Hit a Peak in 2009,” Time, December 23, 2009.

  297 issued his update: Mark Mazzetti, “U.S. Is Said to Expand Secret Actions in Mideast,” New York Times, May 24, 2010.

  298 “purely military solution”: Peter Spiegel, “Gates Says Somalia Government Is Key to Problem,” Wall Street Journal, April 14, 2009.

  298 “National Security Council”: Johnnie Carson, prepared testimony, “Developing a Coordinated and Sustainable Strategy for Somalia,” Hearing of Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, May 20, 2009,

  298 “following the course”: Daniel Volman, “Obama Administration Budget Request for AFRICOM Operations and for Security Assistance Programs in Africa in FY 2010,” African Security Research Project, May 2009, The figures of US budget requests for FY 2010 come from Volman’s report.

  298 government of the Seychelles: Craig Whitlock and Greg Miller, “U.S. Assembling Secret Drone Bases in Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Officials Say,” Washington Post, September 20, 2011.

  298 “It would be a mistake”: Volman, “Obama Administration Budget Request for AFRICOM Operations.”

  298 expanded to 5,200: “Report of the Secretary-General on Somalia Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1872 (2009),” United Nations Security Council, October 2, 2009.

  299 post-Ramadan offensive: Mohammed Ibrahim and Jeffrey Gettleman, “African Union Base in Somalia Is Hit,” New York Times, September 17, 2009.

  299 two UN Land Cruisers: Details of the attack are from ibid.

  299 single deadliest attack: Malkhadir M. Muhumed (AP), “Death Toll Rises to Twenty-one in Somalia Suicide Attack,” Seattle Times, September 17, 2009.

  299 “We have got our revenge”: Ibrahim Mohamed, “Suicide Car Bombers Hit Main AU Base in Somalia,” Reuters, September 17, 2009.

  299 speaking English: Ibid.

  299 was a US citizen: Jeffrey Gettleman, “American Helped Bomb Somalia Base, Web Site Says,” New York Times, September 25, 2009.

  299 established in 2002: “Overviews,” Benadir University website,

  299 video of the ceremony: Author copy, video of graduation ceremony at Benadir University, December 2009. Many details of the attack are from the video.

  300 five Somali government ministers: “Somalia Ministers Killed by Hotel Suicide Bomb,”, December 3, 2009.

  300 higher education minister: Stephanie McCrummen, “Attack at Graduation Ceremony Kills Nineteen in Somali Capital,” Washington Post, December 4, 2009.

  300 health minister: Allie Shah, “Minneapolis Surgeon Feels Calling Back to Somalia,” Star Tribune, December 19, 2009.

  300 “Suddenly, the hall shook”: Abdinasir Mohamed, “‘I Looked to My Right and Saw a Colleague Dead and Bleeding,’” Wall Street Journal, December 4, 2009.

  300 “national disaster”: Associated Press, “Bomber Dressed as Woman Kills Twenty-two Somalis,”, December 3, 2009.

  300 “We beg the world”: McCrummen, “Attack at Graduation Ceremony.”

  300 Danish citizen: “Somalia Suicide Bomber ‘Was from Denmark,’”, December 10, 2009.

  301 “did not mastermind that explosion”: Ibrahim Mohamed, “Somali Rebels Deny They Carried Out Suicide Bombing,” Reuters, December 4, 2009.

  301 “The struggle against violent extremism”: Transcript, “Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan,” West Point Military Academy, December 1, 2009.

  301 “Perhaps the most profound issue”: Transcript, “Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize,” Oslo, Norway, December 10, 2009.

  302 “superb,” “tough”: Tweet from CBS White House Correspondent Mark Knoller (@markknoller), December 11, 2009,

  302 “liberal president”: Margaret Talev, “Unlikely Support: GOP Loved Obama’s Nobel Speech,” McClatchy Newspapers, December 11, 2009.

  302 “most explicitly pro-war speech”: Glenn Greenwald, “The Strange Consensus on Obama’s Nobel Address: Why Did So Many Liberals and Conservatives Both Find So Much to Cheer in the President’s Foreign Policy Speech?”, December 11, 2009.

  32: “If They Kill Innocent Children and Call Them al Qaeda, Then We Are All al Qaeda”

  303 three alleged AQAP members: Daniel Klaidman, Kill or Capture: The War on Terror and the Soul of the Obama Presidency (New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012), p. 199.

  303 just forty-five minutes: Ibid.

  303 some seventy-five officials: Ibid., p. 200.

  303 “near the village of al-Majalah”: Ibid., p. 199.

  303 “heavy pressure exerted”: Ibid., p. 210.

  304 BlackBerry started ringing: Author interview, Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed, January 2012. All information and quotations attributed to bin Fareed are from the author’s interview, unless otherwise noted.

  304 read a press release: “‘Dozens Killed’ in Yemen Raids,”, December 18, 2009.

  304 arrived in southern Yemen: Paula Dear, “Britain’s Long Relationship with Yemen,” BBC News Magazine, January 12, 2010,

  304 Crown colony: Ibid.

  304 British withdrew: Ibid.

  305 but he had overslept: Phil Hirschkorn, “Who Was Fahd al-Quso?”, May 7, 2012.

  305 “People saw the smoke”: Author interview, Muqbal, January 2012. All quotations of Muqbal come from the author’s interview.

  306 “I was making bread”: Author interview, female survivor, January 2012.

  306 fourteen women and twenty-one children: Amnesty International, “Yemen: Cracking Down Under Pressure,” August 25, 2010.

  306 three more people were killed: Chris Woods, “The Civilian Massacre the US Neither Confirms Nor Denies,” Bureau of Investigative Journalism, March 29, 2012.

  306 “We were only exposed to Western media”: Author interview, Kamal Sharaf, January 2012. All quotations of Kamal Sharaf come from the author’s interview.

  306 his relationship, through marriage: Ibid.

  306 US Treasury Department–designated: Specially Designated Nationals List, Office of Foreign Assets Control, US Department of the Treasury, January 17, 2013,

  307 tried on a suicide vest: See, for example, Gregory D. Johnsen, The Last Refuge: Yemen, Al-Qaeda, and America’s War in Arabia (New York: W. W. Norton, 2013), pp. 235–238.

  307 “Special Access Program”: Scott Shane, Mark Mazzetti, and Robert F. Worth, “Secret Assault on Terrorism Widens on Two Continents,” New York Times, August 14, 2010.

  307 US-Yemen joint operations center: Dana Priest, “US Military Teams, Intelligence Deeply Involved in Aiding Yemen on Strikes,” Washington Post, January 27, 2010.

  307 surveillance aircraft: Woods, “The Civilian Massacre the US Neither Confirms Nor Denies.” According to Woods, local residents had noticed a “spotter plane” overhead well before the strike.

  307 another strike: Kimberly Dozier, “U.S. Leading Assaults on al Qaeda in Yemen,”, January 3, 2010.

  308 preparing for strikes: Robert F. Worth, “Yemen Says Strikes Against Qaeda Bases Killed Thirty-Four,” New York Times, December 17, 2009.

  308 a big fish: US diplomatic cab
le 09SANAA2250, from Ambassador Stephen Seche, US Embassy Sana’a, “Yemen Abuzz with Talk of CT Operations; Attention Slowly Turns to U.S. Role,” December 21, 2009, released by WikiLeaks,

  308 “an imminent attack”: Brian Ross, Richard Esposito, Matthew Cole, Luis Martinez, and Kirit Radia, “Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists,”, December 18, 2009.

  308 “JSOC operation with borrowed Navy subs”: Author interview, military source, November 2010.

  308 “successful pre-emptive operations”: Ian Black, “Yemen ‘Kills Thirty-four al-Qaida Members in Raids,’” Guardian, December 17, 2009.

  308 “carried out simultaneous raids”: Embassy of the Republic of Yemen; Office of Media and Public Affairs, Washington, DC, “Press Statement,” December 24, 2009.

  308 “thank him for his cooperation”: “Obama Hails Yemen’s Efforts in Fighting Terror in Phone Call to President Salih,” Yemen News Agency (SABA), December 17, 2009.

  308 Hosni Mubarak also phoned: “Saleh Receives Phone Call from Egyptian President,” Yemen News Agency (SABA), December 17, 2009.

  308 questioned whether Yemen: Amnesty International, “Yemen: Cracking Down Under Pressure.”

  308 BLU 97 A/B cluster bomblets: Ibid. Details of the bomblets and munitions are also from the Amnesty International report.

  308 Yemen’s arsenal: Kim Sengupta, “US Cruise Missile Parts Found in Yemeni Village Where Fifty-two Died,” Independent (UK), June 7, 2010.

  309 “We’ve actually done quite a bit”: Gordon Lubold, “Yemen’s Air Strike on Al Qaeda May Signal New US Focus,” Christian Science Monitor, December 24, 2009.

  309 “largely nomadic, Bedouin families”: US diplomatic cable 09SANAA2251, from Ambassador Stephen Seche, US Embassy Sana’a, “ROYG Looks Ahead Following CT Operations, but Perhaps Not Far Enough,” December 21, 2009, released by WikiLeaks,

  309 gathering of tribal leaders: Author interview, Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed, January 2012. The author relies on bin Fareed’s account for his description of the tribal gathering.

  311 “Al Qaeda’s war in Yemen”: Johnsen, The Last Refuge, pp. 255–256.


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