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Dirty Wars

Page 102

by Jeremy Scahill

AIAI attacks in, 121–122

  al Qaeda in, 122–123, 139, 223, 255–256

  and al Qaeda recruitment, and jihad, 228–229

  and al Shabab (see Al Shabab in Somalia)

  American Muslims in, as members of al Shabab, 270–272

  and bin Laden, 124–125

  and Black Hawk Down incident, 54, 55–56

  CIA counterterrorism center in, 470

  CIA counterterrorism program in, 470–473

  CIA in, 475, 476

  and Clinton, 125–126

  cruise missile attacks in, 226

  destruction of, 126–127

  Ethiopian occupation of, 224–226, 227–228

  Ethiopian US-backed invasion of, 203–206, 206–209

  HVTs in, 119, 120–121

  ICU leaders in, hunt for, 223–226

  insurgency, 208

  JSOC in, 476

  JSOC targeted killings/drone strikes in, 294–297

  militia in, and Siad, Yusuf Mohammed, 476–478

  piracy industry in, 273–276, 481–485

  and Prince, and privatized counterpiracy company in, 481–485

  secret prison in, 294–295, 296–297, 470, 471–473

  Somali Americans in, 273

  suicide bombings/bombers in, 206, 223, 225, 271, 272, 277, 294, 299, 397, 474, 488

  targeted killings/drone strikes in, 219–223

  and US, counterterrorism partnership between, 470–471

  US-backed government of, 224

  US counterpiracy incursion in, 482

  US dual-track policy in, 474–475, 476, 477

  US military aid to, 476

  See also Al Shabab in Somalia; AMISOM

  Somalia warlord program, CIA

  and bin Laden, 191–195, 198

  US campaign to fund, 193–194

  and warlords, brutality of, 193

  and warlords, hatred for, 195

  warlords (see Dheere, Mohamed; Qanyare, Mohamed Afrah; Siad, Yusuf Mohammed)

  Soufan, Ali, 28–29, 62, 63

  Southern Ace, 480, 485

  Special Access Program (SAP), 145–146, 150, 151, 307. See also Copper Green

  Special Mission Units (SMUs), 98, 108–109, 181. See also Delta Force; US Navy SEALs

  Special Operations Command (SOCOM), 52–53, 53–54, 93, 114, 175, 411

  and find, fix, and finish operations, 171–172

  McRaven as commander of, 469, 513

  reorganization of, 98

  and surveillance drones, 173

  and Yemen, 322

  Special Operations Forces (SOFs)

  authorization of direct actions by, 282–283

  and Camp NAMA, 147

  and checkpoint shootings, 347

  and Cheney, plans for, 93–101

  and CIA, 59

  and clandestine action, 282–283

  and Clinton administration, 126

  and counterterrorism policy, role in, 355

  and covert action, 96–97, 101

  expansion of, 283–284

  expansion of, in Yemen, 261–263

  and Gardez raid/massacre, responsibility for, 335–336, 337, 340

  and HUMINT operations, 171

  increased presence of, 354–355

  and intelligence program, 95–96

  in Iraq War, 107, 139

  McChrystal as commander of, 342

  and night raids, in Afghanistan, 347–348

  number of operators in, 58

  and Obama, admiration for, 276

  in Pakistan, 139, 215–218

  and the Pentagon, 98–99, 99–100

  reassigned to Iraq, from Pakistan, 139

  role of, 53

  and Rumsfeld, plans for, 93–101

  and Rumsfeld, reorganization of, 98

  and Schultz report, 56–57

  See also Covert action; individual units

  Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict program, 116

  Special Police Commando Unit (aka Wolf Brigade), 165

  Special Tactics Squadron, 51

  SSB. See Strategic Support Branch

  Starkey, Jerome

  and Gardez raid/massacre, and McRaven, apology of, 344–346

  and Gardez raid/massacre, investigation of, 339–342, 342–343

  Starr, Barbara, 207

  Status of Forces agreements, 25

  Steele, James, 164–165

  Stevens, John, 136

  Stone, Kathryn, 101

  Storm, Morten (aka Murad Storm), 291–293, 379

  and Awlaki, Anwar, 291, 292–293, 364–366

  and CIA, 292, 293

  and PET, 292, 293

  Strategic Support Branch (SSB), 95–96, 100–101

  Stratus Ivy task force, 139

  Stryker, Chris. See Shaffer, Anthony

  Sudan, 6, 20, 21, 62, 79, 125, 126, 198, 262, 294, 332

  Suicide bombers/bombings, 164

  in Afghanistan, 412

  by Americans, 271, 396

  and Awlaki, Anwar, 264, 267, 318

  in Iraq, 112, 165

  and Somalia/al Shabab, 206, 223, 225, 271, 272, 277, 294, 299, 397, 474, 488

  in Yemen, 230–231, 308

  Suleman, Rao Qamar, 450

  Sumali, Mohammed al-, 461–463, 464–465

  Supreme Council of Islamic Courts of Somalia (aka the Courts), 193

  Surveillance drones, 172–174

  and CTTL, 173

  and nodal analysis patterns of movement, 173

  and “The Unblinking Eye,” 172–173

  See also Drone strikes

  Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) program, 86–91

  at Camp NAMA, 151, 152, 153–154, 155

  and interrogation and torture/techniques, 86–91, 151, 152, 153–154, 155

  SV Quest (personal yacht), 482–483

  Tactical Operations Center, 168

  TADS. See Terrorist Attack Disruption Strikes

  Taguba, Antonio, 160

  Tahir, Mohammed, 334–335, 336, 346

  Takeover: The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy (Savage), 11

  Taliban, 3

  in Afghanistan, 328

  and Gardez raid/massacre, 334

  in Pakistan, 217–218

  support for, and McChrystal, 331

  support for, and US nights raids, 348

  See also Assassination operations; individual leaders; Terrorist leaders

  Taliban leaders, 167. See also individual leaders

  Tanzania, US embassy in, bombing of, 6, 119, 125–126, 196–197, 198

  Targeted killings/drone strikes

  and al Qaeda recruitment, 494

  legality of, 517–518, 519–521

  of Nabhan, Saleh Ali, 295–296, 297

  and Obama, final authority over, 351–352

  and Shabwani incident, 357–358

  in Somalia, 219–223, 294–297

  against US citizens, 314–316, 325–327, 367–369, 369–374, 391–392, 505

  against US citizens, legality of, 517–518, 519–521

  in Yemen, 303–304, 307–309, 324, 356–357 (see also Majalah massacre; Gardez raid/massacre)

  See also Assassination operations; Drone strikes

  Task Force 5, 138

  Task Force 20, 105–107, 113–115, 138, 147

  Task Force 88, 206

  Task Force 121, 138, 140, 147

  Task Force 145, 147

  Task Force 150, 122, 230

  Task Force 6-26, 147, 159

  Task Force Black, 144–145

  Task Force Central, 144

  Task Force North, 144

  Task Force West, 144

  Taylor, Charles, 198

  TECS II. See Treasury Enforcement Communications System

  Tenet, George J., 85

  and al Qaeda, 13–14

  and al Qaeda, lethal action against, 18

  and Awlaki, Anwar, interrogation of, 187

  and bin Laden, 13–14

; and covert action, and al Qaeda, 17

  and drone strikes, 17–18

  and drone strikes, in Yemen, 76

  and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 83

  and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 64

  Terrorist Action Team, 50

  Terrorist Attack Disruption Strikes (TADS), 352

  Terrorist leaders. See Al Qaeda leaders; Al Shabab leaders; Islamic Courts Union leaders; individual leaders; Taliban leaders

  Terrorist rehabilitation program, 132, 254, 256, 257, 260, 278

  TFG. See Transitional Federal Government

  Theater Special Operations Commands, 98

  Tillman, Pat, 349

  Timimi, Ali al, 71–73

  Top Secret America (Arkin and Priest), 105

  Tora Bora, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, 81, 434–435

  Torture. See Interrogation and torture/techniques

  “Torture Memos,” 25

  “Torture taxis,” 27

  Townsend, Frances, 212–213, 456

  Traditional Military Activities, 92

  Transitional Federal Government (TFG), 226

  Treadway, Brad, 322

  Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS II), 69

  Tremblay, Eric, 338

  Trump, Donald, 441

  Turki, Hassan, 393, 394

  UAE. See United Arab Emirates

  Uday Hussein, 111

  Uganda, 272

  World Cup fan bombings, 395

  UN Baghdad headquarters bombings, 112–113

  UN Monitoring Group, 485

  “The Unblinking Eye” (drone stakeout), 172-173

  United Arab Emirates (UAE), 481, 484, 485

  United Kingdom, 67–68, 519

  Awlaki, Anwar, in, 134–137

  United Nations, 8

  and Gardez raid/massacre, investigation of, 337, 339, 340

  University College of London, 317

  University of Minnesota, 32

  University of Nebraska, 32

  University of Texas, 115

  Unlawful combatants, 148

  Urban, Mark, 162, 166

  US Agency for International Development (USAID), 33

  US citizens

  assassination strikes against, 314–316, 325–327, 367–369, 369–374, 391–392, 505, 517, 518 (see also Awlaki, Abdulrahman; Awlaki, Anwar; Khan, Samir)

  ”Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen” (US Department of Justice), 514–515

  recruitment of, by al Shabab, 297

  as suicide bombers, 271, 396

  US Congress. See Congress, US

  US Department of Defense, 85–86

  US Department of Justice

  and assassination ban, 6

  and CIA interrogation and torture/techniques, 244–245

  “Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen,” 514–515

  and lethal authority, 6

  US Department of Labor, 36

  US Department of State, 29, 409, 508

  US Department of the Treasury, 190, 369

  US election 2000, 36

  US election 2008, 237–238

  US embassy, Kenya, bombing of, 6, 125–126

  and Fazul, 119, 196–197, 198

  US embassy, Nairobi, 120

  bombing of, 198, 199

  US embassy, Sana’a, Yemen, bombing of, 235–236

  US embassy, Tanzania, bombing of, 6, 125–126

  and Fazul, 119, 196–197, 198

  US embassy bombings, 6, 277

  US intelligence

  and Awlaki, Anwar, web sermons of, 233, 234–235, 238, 239–241

  See also FBI; CIA

  US intelligence law, and gray areas, 91–93

  US military

  and Gardez raid/massacre, version of, 338

  kill list, 351

  reorganization of, 12–13

  US military aid

  to Somalia, 476

  to Yemen, 64–65, 236, 322

  US Naval War College, 102

  US Navy SEAL Team 3, 116

  US Navy SEAL Team 4, 116

  US Navy SEAL Team 5, 157

  US Navy SEAL Team 6, 50–51, 98, 103, 108–109, 115, 116

  and bin Laden raid and killing, at Abbottabad compound, 437–441, 441–450, 451–452

  and Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 275–276

  US Navy SEALs

  in Pakistan, 217–218

  and piracy industry in Somalia, 483

  and prisoner deaths, 157

  Special Naval Warfare Group I, 116

  US-Yemen joint operations, 307

  USAID. See US Agency for International Development

  USS Ashland, 230

  USS Bainbridge, 274–275

  USS Boxer, 274, 453

  USS Cole bombing in Yemen, 16, 61, 62–63, 65–66, 130–131, 466, 467

  and Quso, Fahd al-, 305, 318

  and Yemen and al Qaeda suspects, 132–133, 210, 213

  USS Halyburton, 274

  USS Mount Whitney, 79

  USSOCOM, 114

  Uzbekistan, 17, 252

  Van Tonder, Edgar, 480

  “Vanilla” Special Forces, 50

  Vibrant Fury, 179

  Vickers, Michael, 282, 356–357, 436, 441, 491

  Vietnam, 114

  Vietor, Thomas, 508

  Vinnell Corporation, 130

  Volman, Daniel, 298


  and presidential power, 3–4

  right to declare, 19–20

  War against Islam, 110

  War Council, 24, 29

  War on terror, 27, 30, 47, 54, 113, 193–194, 320, 384

  War Powers Act, 9–10

  Wardak, Aziz Ahmad, 338

  Warlords, Somali

  and bin Laden, 198

  brutality of, 193

  and CIA alliance, 191–195

  hatred for, 195

  US campaign to fund, 193–194

  See also Dheere, Mohamed; Qanyare, Mohamed Afrah; Siad, Yusuf Mohammed

  Warsame, Ahmed Abdulkadir, 454

  and Awlaki, Anwar, 498–499

  capture of, 453

  Waterboarding, 89. See also Interrogation and torture/techniques

  Waugh, Billy, 21

  Wazir, Payo Jan, 218

  Weaponized drones, 172. See also Drone strikes

  Weapons of mass destruction. See WMDs

  Webb, Marshall B. “Brad,” 442

  West, Tony, 370

  West Point, 109

  Whitman, Bryan, 295

  Wild West Domains, 287

  Wilkerson, Lawrence, 21, 58

  and Camp NAMA, 148

  and Cheney, and presidential power, assumption of, 59

  and Iraqi WMDs, 82

  and JSOC, and abuse of power, 142–143

  and JSOC, secrecy of, 329

  and SOFs, 93, 94, 95, 99–100

  WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), 417

  and Iraq, 15, 28–29, 82, 139, 150

  Wolf, Frank, 72

  Wolf Brigade. See Special Police Commando Unit

  Wolfowitz, Paul and Bremer, 110

  and Cheney, defense plan of, 7–8

  and drone strikes, in Yemen, 77

  and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14–15, 82, 84

  and JSOC, and global manhunt, 170

  and 9/11 attacks, exploitation of, 19

  and Somalia, 123

  and Steele, 164

  Woodward, Bob, 13–14

  World Bank, 64

  World Cup fan bombings, in Uganda, 395

  Wright, Lawrence, 63

  Wuhayshi, Nasir al- (aka Abu Basir), 210, 230–231, 306, 314, 315, 379, 467

  and AQAP, 255

  and Awlaki, Anwar, 381

  as detainee at Guantánamo, 254

  and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 213

  Wyden, Ron, 505

  Yarmad, Merza Mohammed, 344

  Yazeed, Abu, 377

  Yemen, 32–33

sp; and al Qaeda, recruitment in, 358

  and al Qaeda, resurgence of, 130–133

  al Qaeda in, 62, 64, 65, 66, 122, 210–214, 235–237, 255–256, 257, 268, 269, 304–305

  AQAP in, 258–260, 262–263, 269, 281, 284, 298, 323–324, 386–389

  and Arab Spring, 430–432

  and Awlaki, Anwar, and US pressure to arrest, 234–235

  and Awlaki, Anwar, indictment against, 391

  and Awlaki, Anwar, surveillance of, 184–185, 187

  CIA in, 387–388

  cruise missile attacks in, 303–313, 358–359, 361, 376, 385, 500

  drone strikes in, 75–80, 324, 465, 520–521

  and Houthi rebellion, al Qaeda and Saudi support for, 131–132

  JSOC in, 284, 303–304, 307–309, 321, 322, 387–389

  Khan, Samir, in, 290–291

  and mujahedeen-Soviet Afghan war, 62

  prison break, 210–212

  and public responsibility for US strikes, 357

  and Saudi Arabia, collusion between, 254–255

  SOFs in, expansion of, 261–263

  suicide bombers/bombings in, 230–231, 308

  targeted killings/drone strikes in, 284, 303–304, 307–309, 324, 356–357 (see also Gardez raid/massacre)

  and terrorist rehabilitation program, 132, 256, 257, 260

  US aid/assistance to, 64–65, 236, 322, 386

  as US counterterrorism focus, 285–287

  and US drone strikes as terrorism, 466

  US embassy in, bombing of, 235–236

  US flyover rights in, 262

  US military trainers in, 64–65, 66

  US role in, downplay of, 321–324

  and US spy drone Scan Eagle, 230

  US unilateral campaign in, 280–281

  USS Cole bombing in, 16, 61, 62–63, 65–66, 130–131, 210, 213

  and Yemeni and al Qaeda suspects, treatment of, 132–133

  and Yemeni tribal system, and AQAP, 465–467

  and Zinjibar siege, 460–465

  Yemen Air Force, Special Operations Forces Command training missions with, 323

  Yemen Special Operations, and AQAP, 387–389

  Yoo, John, 24

  Yousef, Ramzi, 27

  Yusuf, Mohammed, 206

  Yusufzai, Rahimullah, 177

  Zabara, Mullah. See Abdulsalam, Ali Abdullah

  Zaeef, Mullah Abdul Salem, 348

  Zahir, Mohammed Saranwal, 335

  Zardari, Asif Ali, 216, 422–423, 458

  Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 112, 143–144, 157, 289, 290

  and Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse scandal, 163

  “Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Slaughters an American,” 163

  and Berg, execution of, 163–164

  hunt for, 166

  and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 113

  and Iraqi Shiite and Sunni Muslims, targeting of, 178–179

  as JSOC number one target, 113

  and JSOC targeted assassination/strike, 179

  and network funding, 164

  Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 23, 62, 223, 362, 379, 412, 434

  and Fazul, 487

  hunt for, 175


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