Her Fated Cowboy (Harland County Series)

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Her Fated Cowboy (Harland County Series) Page 12

by Donna Michaels

  He gazed down at her, sunglasses residing in his pocket now that the sun had gone down, a hopeful, yet mischievous glint in his blue eyes.

  Caught off guard, she blinked. Kevin was a fun friend, an extremely handsome, fun friend and she liked him a lot, but not that way and didn’t want to give him false hope. About to decline, Cole stepped toward them.

  “Did you forget about the conference in Dallas this week, Kevin?”

  The blue-eyed cowboy frowned and released her hands to turn to his boss. “I thought Bob’s team was going?”

  “They are but I want you to go to keep an eye on things and make sure we’re well-represented,” Cole explained, a slight tilt to his head.

  Jordan couldn’t help but wonder if Kevin’s dinner invitation had been issued to get a rise out of Cole. She certainly wouldn’t put it past the bugger.

  “If you think that’s best, Bossman.” Kevin shrugged, then recaptured one of her hands and brought it to his lips. “Until I get back then.”

  Yanked out of Kevin’s grasp by a grumbling Cole, she had no time to respond as he quickly ushered her to the car. Although dying to discover what prompted his strange behavior, she curbed her curiosity since his actions had ultimately helped her get off the hook.

  If Jordan didn’t know better she’d swear Cole was jealous. She smiled. How absurd. Her heart rocked into her ribs. Cole…jealous. That would be a first.

  Saturday. The day of the anniversary party had finally arrived. Jordan stood in the driveway, computer tablet in hand, directing the incoming workers to their various locations. What hadn’t been done yesterday was being finished now.

  Where had the week gone, she wondered, steering the flower deliverers to the florist busy inside.

  Free of tension, the days had flown by and the mood in the house had reflected the change. The atmosphere no longer held that walking-on-egg-shell feel. Almost cheerful, the ranch appeared brighter—as if someone had upped the wattage on the light bulbs. And even though Cole came home late from work a few nights, she was happy to note Mr. Gloom and Doom had been deleted.

  Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

  Following the band’s set up crew inside, she allowed herself a moment of peace and slipped into the deserted dining room unnoticed. She placed her tablet on the table and strolled to the window to look out.

  Alive with pre-party activity, the backyard slowly transformed from ranch to festival. Tables received their white linens and yellow rose centerpieces, lights strung overhead would give the night a romantic air, the band was setting up in the far corner and in another, a group of men constructed the champagne fountain. She glanced at her watch. Everything was on schedule.

  Someone placed a basket of Mrs. McCall’s favorite flowers near the make-shift stage. Staring at the white lilies, Jordan’s mind turned to the service that morning.

  Mr. and Mrs. McCall had re-affirmed their vows in a beautiful but simple ceremony. Surrounded by family and a few select friends, the occasion was made all the more special by the attendance of Cole.

  Sitting next to him, Jordan had been extremely proud of his effort. Having reservations about the service herself, she was surprised when she looked back on it now. Eric, and their wedding, had flashed through her head but her stomach hadn’t hollowed out with the usual intense pain.

  Peace had settled over her heart and she’d viewed the memories as a blessing. A smile tugged her lips. Happiness for the McCall’s and concern for their youngest son had prevailed. When Cole’s parents had stood at the altar, his hand had tightened into a fist on his lap. Recognizing the signs of his inner battle, she grabbed his hand, laced their fingers together, and kept the contact, until the end of the service.

  The snap of spreading tablecloths outside broke through her thoughts. Jordan pulled her mind back to the present and the many tasks needing attention before the reception party that afternoon. With a lighter heart, she grabbed her tablet off the table and hurried from the room.

  Time to check on the food. Detouring to the kitchen to see if they needed anything, she stopped and inhaled slow and deep.

  “Mmm…it smells incredible in here, ladies.” The heavenly aroma drew her to where Emma stood sprinkling herbs and parmesan cheese on freshly baked breadsticks.

  “I was wondering when that nose of yours would make an appearance.” Emma chuckled, shoving a breadstick at her. “Here take this, before you grab.”

  “Don’t mind if I do. Thanks.” Jordan chuckled and glanced around at the various stages of cooking and baking overtaking the kitchen from wall to wall. She sidestepped a server as she approached Kerri.

  Her sister spooned some sort of thick, white sauce onto baked chicken. “What do you need?”

  “Nothing. I came in to see if you needed anything.”

  Her stomach growled and Kerri stopped spooning to raise a brow at Jordan’s midsection.

  “You should feed that thing before it attacks.”

  She saluted. “Yes, ma’am.” Then shoved the breadstick in her mouth.

  Smiling, Kerri shook her head and returned to her poultry dish.

  Exiting the kitchen, Jordan said a silent goodbye to the teasing aromas and headed for the back of the house. The delicious bread melted in her mouth as she stepped outside and gazed at the transformation that had already taken place.

  Pale yellow napkins and place settings decorated the table. The fountain was finished. Someone was putting the yellow rose petals she’d ordered in the pool and, later that night, floating candles would join them.

  One by one, the set up crews started to leave. She stood back to survey their work.. Pride covered her arms in the form of goosebumps. This was exactly what she’d promised her hosts. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you…the McCall Celebration.

  “Well done, Jordan.” Mr. McCall’s voiced boomed from behind.

  Twisting around, she smiled at the happy couple crossing the patio. “I’m glad you’re pleased.”

  “It’s absolutely incredible.” Mrs. McCall put her hands to her mouth as she slowly turned around. Diamonds shimmered on her wrist.

  “Wow. What a beautiful bracelet,” she remarked.

  Her host’s eyes sparkled brighter than the gems. “Thank you. Alex just gave it to me for our anniversary.”

  He hugged his wife. “There’s a diamond for every year we’ve been married.”

  “Why, Mr. McCall.” Jordan tipped her head and grinned. “What a romantic you are.”

  Clearing his throat, he neither admitted nor denied but instead, changed the subject by nodding towards the band. “I understand you got together with them this week and practiced the songs for tonight.”

  “Yes. They were very nice.” She waved at them and smiled. “They even invited me to sing a few more throughout the evening.”

  “Wonderful. How about Cole? Has he said anything to you about that duet?” Mr. McCall asked quietly.

  “No, I’m sorry. He hasn’t said a word.” She touched his sleeve. “I think it might be too soon to expect him to sing.”

  “Yes. I think you’re right. We’re just happy to have him on the mend and can’t thank you enough, Jordan.” He pulled her into a hug and soon Mrs. McCall wrapped her arms around Jordan’s waist.

  “God bless you, Jordan. You’ve given us our Cole back.”

  Swallowing past a hot throat, she squeezed the McCalls, then drew away. “You’re welcome. I had to do something. That stranger was asking for my fist.”

  Mr. McCall chuckled. “I could tell you had trouble holding back several times.”

  “You have no idea how close I came.” She shuddered in an attempt to dispel those memories. Good riddance, Mr. Personality. Refusing to waste one more iota of energy on the past, Jordan raised her tablet and asked, “Do you need anything else?”

  “No, my dear. You’ve done so much for us already.” Mrs. McCall touched her hand and smiled.

  “You’ve always been wonderful to Kerri and I. This has been my pleasure.” She p
atted the woman’s hand and, with the start of the party drawing nearer and everything on her list completed, Jordan excused herself to go upstairs to change.

  Halfway through the party that night, Jordan leaned against the corner of the house to take a breather.

  “Jordan, you look absolutely beautiful tonight.”

  A short lived breather.

  Kevin appeared out of nowhere, dimples blaring. “How about a dance?”

  All evening, his waylaid attempts to get to her had kept her amused. “Thank you. I’d love to.” She took his hand and followed him to the patio dance floor.

  No matter how hard he’d tried, someone had always cut him off. If not Cole, it was a cute brunette or blonde intercepting his course. Not that she lacked partners. Between dancing, making sure everything went smoothly and a bit of socializing, she was ready for bed. Too bad there were a good two hours of party left.

  Kevin nodded toward Cole doing the two-step with a pretty little redhead across the floor from them.

  “Well, would you look at that. You’re a miracle worker, Jordan.”

  Her feet faltered. “Sorry.” She picked up the rhythm and they continued the dance, but for some reason, the shimmering lights and flickering candles in the pool lost some of their luster.

  What was wrong with her? She swallowed and forced her gaze to the other couple. This was a big step for Cole and she should be proud of him. She was proud of him.

  He still had a long road of healing ahead, but she was amazed at the difference in him since last week. He glanced over at her and smiled. Her heart expanded, killing her unrealistic jealousy. He deserved to have fun and so did she. They broke no laws or rules and weren’t committing a lifetime to their dance partners, simply enjoying the moment.

  Exhaling, she vowed to enjoy the evening for what it was—entertainment with family and friends.

  “What’s the smile for?” Kevin looked down at her, eyes twinkling as he led her smoothly around the floor.

  She grinned up at him. “Because I’m having a good time.”

  “Good. So am I.”

  The tune got livelier. So did Kevin.

  The cute prankster began to spin her, taking advantage of every upbeat the song offered, until her right blurred into her left and she didn’t know east from west anymore. By the time the song ended, her head ached to the beat of the band. Literally.

  “How about we switch.”

  Cole’s face suddenly materialized in front of her and she eagerly focused on his swaying features. Unsure what happened to Kevin and the redhead, Jordan put the pair out of her mind, grateful for Cole’s reassuring strength when his warm arms wrapped around her back and he led her in a slow dance.

  “Thanks,” she said, party coming back into focus. “And please, whatever you do, don’t let go of me right now. I’m so dizzy I think I’d fall down and throw up and not necessarily in that order.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He tightened his grip, his heat and strength a steady support. “I was wondering how much more of that you were going to take.”

  His deep laugh rumbled through her. She shivered and pulled back to meet his gaze.

  Big mistake.

  Chapter Eight

  Jordan’s legs buckled. Cole quickly tightened his hold, but wasn’t prepared for the swift, flood of awareness rushing through him as their bodies touched. And her eyes, damn, those beautiful, brown eyes, full of warmth and fire knock his heart clean into his ribs.

  Jesus, he was in trouble.

  All week. All damn week he’d been fighting this attraction, doing his best to resist. He knew it was too soon. She wasn’t ready. Hell, he wasn’t ready, especially for something so strong it knocked the sense right of him. Wiped out his control. Kept him off kilter.

  But tonight? Ah hell, tonight Jordan mesmerized, tempted…ripped the hell out of his gut and sent his dwindling control out to pasture. Her baby blue, backless dress…backless, Jesus…it looked soft, almost dreamy with no belt or discernable indenture at the waist, hinting at her incredible body with every damn step. The slight glimpse of her hip, swell of her breast when she moved was slowly driving him insane. Did she wear a bra? How the hell could she with no back? The thought of her unhindered made him sweat. He couldn’t take it. He was done, to the point where he had to touch her, couldn’t keep his distance any longer, hence his rescue from Kevin.

  And, God…it was worth it.

  She felt like heaven brushing against him, all soft and warm, smelling of sunshine and fresh citrus. Placing a hand on his chest, she opened her mouth to reply but gasped instead. His heart jumped under her palm. Jumped. Hell yeah it jumped, because he remembered that mouth and how responsive and hot and delicious it had been when they’d kissed a little over a week ago. Grin slowly leaving her face, she stared up at him through arousal and need darkened-eyes. And hot damn, yes, he was ready to throw away all his reasons for keeping his distance and leap on board except…there was one more emotion blatant in those beautiful eyes. Terror.

  God help him, he could never live with himself for putting that look there.

  This is crazy.

  She’d spent most of her adolescence chasing after him and he’d let her because, well he was just as smitten. Now, hell, he could tell this awareness plumb terrified her. She wasn’t ready.

  He blinked and shook his head.

  Neither was he, his mind reasoned again.

  This…whatever it was between them was too damn powerful, engrossing. Not something he wanted in his life. Much too dangerous for his not-yet healed heart. Christ, he had to do something.

  Releasing her with a jerk, he quickly grabbed her arm and led them to the fountain of bubbly. “We need a drink,” he said, roughly.

  Relief swam in her eyes. She filled her glass and drank the whole flute. “I guess that’ll teach me to spin too much.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” He laughed, deciding to take the out she’d given.

  A moment later, the band called her up to the stage, much to their mutual relief. Because Cole knew, and he knew she knew, if they’d stayed near each other too long, all bets and best intentions were off.

  Grateful for the rescue from her rescuer, Jordan performed her songs for the McCalls and happily hung around to sing a couple requests.

  Every so often, Cole’s broad frame appeared out on the dance floor with a new partner. It was good to see him dancing. Really…it was. Explaining away the tightness in her chest as a reaction to singing nonstop for thirty minutes, Jordan told herself she was happy things return back to normal.

  That man was more dangerous to her equilibrium than Kevin’s dancing.

  With her set completed, she thanked everyone for their kind words. And before she could blink, Connor’s large hands wrapped around her waist and he whisked her off the stage. Lifting her like she was a feather instead of a solid one-hundred-thirty-three pounds.

  “You were great, Jordan.” He winked down at her, dimples increasing in depth as they began to slow dance. Dressed in new jeans, hugging low on his lean hips, red snap-front western shirt and his black Stetson, the man was very easy on the eyes. And smooth. She couldn’t forget smooth. They practically glided across the floor.

  “Thanks. It’s a fun hobby.” Her gaze traveled over the backyard, noting the glow of lights and candles softening the atmosphere since the setting sun had disappeared an hour ago. From a corner table, a bevy of frowning beauties pointed to her and she held back a laugh. “Connor, don’t look now, but your fan club isn’t too happy with me at the moment.”

  His gaze shot to the corner and he smirked. “Don’t worry about them, darling’. There’s plenty of me to go around. And, I’m not the only McCall with a fan club. Cole’s got them lining up, too.”

  He pointed to several smiling ladies standing on the side of the dance floor, oogling her former crush.

  “I must say you’re surprising me, though.”

  She frowned and looked up at him. “Me? Why?”

  “The Jordan I knew would’ve sent in a stampede of horses to rid the party of that particular line.”

  His chuckle spurred her laugh.

  “True. I guess I’ve outgrown those tendencies.”

  “That’s too bad.” He sobered. “I think you’re perfect for Cole. Was a time you used to think that too.”

  Her heart squeezed. Tight. “I know. I’m just happy to see him interacting with people in a socialized setting.” A smile, bursting with whimsy, tugged at her lips. “He’s had a good start this week.”

  “Yes. Thanks to your eye-opening words, he’s on the road to heal. But just imagine how much easier his journey would be if you stuck around to help him along.” Connor stared down at her, gaze hopeful, squeezing her hand as they danced.“I know you still feel something for him, Jordan.”

  Her back stiffened. She wanted off this dangerous subject. Now. “Connor, I do still feel a connection to your brother. But I don’t want to.” The truth in her words strengthened her voice. “We had our chance. I was obsessed with him once, I don’t plan on heading down that restrictive road again. Besides, he’s not over his wife and until he is, he won’t move forward. Any relationships he has won’t last. I’d be a fool to try and start something now, even if I was ready, which I’m not.”

  “You could be if you stayed in Texas.” His brows rose, rounding his puppy-dog eyes.

  Oh…he was a dangerous one, this one.


  “You’d be around for the fair…”

  Yes, dangerous indeed. Bugger knew a young Jordan had lived for the county’s annual fair in late May. Livestock, auctions, rodeo, games, rides, food…a venue to spend time with Cole. Fond adolescent memories flooded her mind of walking hand-in-hand, from booth to booth, riding rides, sharing funnel cake. Her insides warmed. Oh, yeah, the Marlboro man did not play fair.

  “No. Now, shut up and dance.” She chuckled and slapped his chest.

  “Yes, ma’am.”


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