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Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1

Page 18

by C. L. Stevens

  “Oh my god, this is so good!” Came the sudden exclamation. She looked across the table to see Olive devouring the remnants of a pork rib. All that remained of it was shiny white bone that the girl was pulling from her mouth with seductive slurping sounds. She then proceeded to lick her fingers clean with similar sounds. “This is the best barbecue sauce ever!” She announced to no one in particular. Man, those do look good.

  “Are you eating that or making out with it?” Martin asked her in mock scandalized tones. Everyone laughed, even some guy that was sitting next to Stasha that they didn't know.

  Olive turned to him calmly, probably oblivious to the barbecue on her cheek and chin.

  “Both.” She replied with a wink. “Why? Are you jealous?” She asked in a smoky voice as she grabbed another rib from the pile in front of her and licked at the end of it with her tongue.

  “Yes.” He responded without missing a beat.

  They all looked at him in surprise. Desiree didn't realize how hard she was staring at him until Stasha elbowed her lightly in the ribs making her flinch and turn to her.

  “What are you waiting for?” Stasha asked her, almost sounding worried. “Eat!”

  Obeying as if the command had been for herself, Anastacia shoveled a large spoonful of whipped potatoes that appeared more buttery-yellow than white into her mouth. Her eyes closed and she nodded in satisfaction as she chewed slowly.

  Desiree looked to her own plates and was not really surprised to see another small plate next to the roast that held a half rack of ribs, separated neatly as if with a surgical instrument. They were practically swimming in the tell-tale rich red coating. Shaking her head but refusing to say a word about the weirdness of it all, she dug in, making a promise to herself to try as many things as she could. She lost track of time as she told others to try this or that particular dish and tried many at the others behest, laughed and joked, listened to stories and different bands and just had an overall amazing time. She had learned much about the others during the conversations that sprung up but deftly avoided many details about her own situation. I seem to be getting good at that.

  It turned out that Patty’s real name was Patricia but she claimed that no one had called her by that in years. This was not news to Desiree who had assumed as much. What was a surprise to her was the fact that Patricia was a witch or rather one of the Gifted.

  “What can you do?” She asked Patty, genuinely curious. “Can you show me some magic. It doesn't have to be something big.” She said hurriedly. “Just a little spell or whatever you call it.”

  “Yeah, show us something.” Stasha and Martin said nearly on top of one another. And though the others didn't put it in words, their faces begged all the same. Patty looked positively stricken at all the attention. Desiree had noticed earlier that the girl had said very little all day and seemed to be extremely shy and unsure of herself in general. She regretted putting her on the spot like that. Why couldn't I have just kept my trap shut?

  “Guys.” Kennedy said slowly. “Perhaps she doesn't feel up to it just now.” He sounded so protective and earnest and apologetic that you would have never thought that he was one of those who had asked.

  “No. I can do something,” Patty said with an obviously forced smile. Her face was as red as a chili pepper. “Something small” She added nearly under her breath. Everyone leaned in in anticipation, even Desiree though she felt like a real jerk for bringing the whole thing up.

  Patty looked around nervously before gingerly raising a hand before her almost as if to command Stasha who sat across from her to halt. A buttery croissant suddenly lifted from a basket in front of Stasha and floated casually into her hand. She traced a line down the side of the bread and it parted in half as if sliced with a razor. A table knife rose next and there was a look of concentration on her face as the utensil deftly dipped into a jar of red jam and floated over to the croissant to spread its contents onto the bread. She took a bite.

  “Wow, that was awesome.” Desiree said, thoroughly impressed. The others echoed her sentiment. The smile Patty gave now was much more earnest if no less shy. Eric was staring at her as if he had no idea who she was.

  “Patricia!” He said in amazed tones. I have never seen that kind of control from you before. That was expert level channeling!”

  “I know,” Patty replied, sounding oddly confused yet euphoric at the same time. “I have been practicing, a lot. It sometimes feels as if I do little else but it has never worked like this. It seemed so easy just now. Effortless.” Patty admitted. “I can still feel it.” She closed her eyes and gestured elaborately with one hand. Plates and cups began to float in midair. Dozens of plates and cups Desiree noticed and not just the ones before their party. And judging by everyone's expression, this was not exactly normal.

  “Uh, Patty,” Kennedy said nervously. “Would you mind practicing some other time?”

  “What?” She replied, opening her eyes and looking around. Her face appeared more surprised than anyone else. “I'm sorry… I.”

  All the dishes settled down gently back onto the table. Everyone went uncomfortably quiet. Desiree wondered if it would had not been better for them to just stare at the woman openly considering how obvious they were being in looking anywhere except at her. Eric, she saw was doing just that. She was happy Patty herself kept her eyes on the table. Had she seen the way Eric was looking at her, the girl may have run off crying. The silence seemed to stretch.

  “Spff, I could do that easily.” Stasha boasted suddenly. Because of the silence before, her words sounded overly loud despite being spoken normally. “At least the part with the knife and bread.”

  “Really?” Desiree asked in astonishment.

  Everyone's expressions were a mix, ranging of curiosity to outright disbelief. Everyone except Patricia, Desiree noticed. She looked hopeful.

  “Heck yeah, watch.”

  Stasha rubbed her hands together and then her face changed from its normal nonchalance to an intense mask of concentration as she held out a hand similarly to the way Patty had done during her… demonstration. Everyone leaned in just as far as they had before. Probably more so. Suddenly the petite blonde girl reached over and plucked a croissant from the basket and set it before her. Everyone began to laugh as she grabbed the same knife and proceeded to cut and then spread the bread with jam.

  “See, that shit wasn't that hard.” She said triumphantly as she took a bite. “Mm.” She mumbled appreciatively.

  “Girl you got issues.” Desiree said as she bumped her with a shoulder, laughing harder than anyone else. “I really thought you were going to do it.”

  “What are you talking about? I DID do it.” Stasha said playfully. “See.” She added as she waved the bread in front of her face and took another bite.

  Desiree couldn't help but laugh again. “You wacko!”

  The levity had done its trick and conversations sprang up again. Not about Gifted or magic Desiree noted, though she did see Eric whisper something to Patricia and the girl nodded, her demeanor visually elevating.

  Soon everyone began to move lethargic like as people tended to do when bellies were filled to capacity and they certainly were at this table, beyond capacity in some cases. Eric stood up and raised a fat silver chalice.

  “To good times, good food and new friends.” He said almost solemnly which contradicted with the crooked grin he wore. “Or more” He added cryptically. The others all rose. Desiree scrambled to her feet and hurriedly grabbed a similar goblet in front of her. It held a dark liquid she couldn't identify and smelled strongly of fruit.

  “That was more than just good!” Martin stated as he raised a cup in one hand and patted his middle with the other. Everyone nodded or murmured agreement.

  “And more than just a good time.” Stasha added, smiling broadly. “This is the most fun I have had in a very long time. Thanks for allowing me to tag along.”

  Desiree turned to her and they shared a look she didn't really unders
tand but it seemed profound. On a whim she raised her chalice higher and spoke formally but with unfeigned emotion.

  “And to making sure new friends will soon be referred to as good friends.” She said as she looked at each of them in turn. “This has indeed been fun but it had little to do with the food. It has been the company that has made this day so amazing and memorable. If I ever had doubts of coming here. And not just to the festival, but to the Sanctuary in general, getting to meet and spend time with all of you has erased them completely.”

  “Awe… tear.” Olive said, wearing a ridiculous mockery of a choked-up expression as she traced an imaginary one down her face with a finger. She suddenly smiled broadly and tipped her cup to bump into Desiree's and then all the others. “May it be so. To good friends. Good company.” Desiree noticed real unshed tears in the woman's eyes but held her tongue, not wanting to ruin the moment.

  Glass and chalice and cup clinked together in rapid succession. Desiree made sure she didn't miss anyone before bringing the container up to her lips to drink. It was wine. Strong wine judging by the way it warmed her going down. And it tasted wonderful.

  “Heck, I thought we were all already good friends” Kennedy stated as he sipped from his glass.

  “For you, everyone can't help but be.” Desiree told him and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder. He smiled to everyone triumphantly and even appeared to blush a little.

  “Poor Ken. Forever in the friend zone.” Eric stated apologetically. “Looks like no play for you once again!” He erupted into laughter and Olive and Martin joined in. The black young man even going so far as to rub his shoulder as if in consolation. Desiree was happy to see that Patty and Stasha looked as confused as she felt. She had no idea what was so funny.

  “Well, anyways.” Martin was saying. He paused for a second and looked at Stasha. “I’m sorry, what was your name again? Anastasia?”

  “Anastaseeah.” She corrected, putting extra emphasis on the part pronounced incorrectly. “But just call me Stasha.”

  “Well, Stasha… You were wrong about one thing you said.” He commented cryptically. “This isn't the funnest time you've HAD in a while but the funnest you are HAVING!” He clarified. “Cause it ain't over. Most of the festival still awaits.” He finished, pointing to the dozens of tents and booths.

  “Well what are we waiting for?” She replied with a laugh and led the way.

  One of the first booths they came across was being operated by a middle-aged man calling out to any and everyone who passed.

  “Looking for strong men here! Only strong men need apply! Ring the bell and win a prize! One of you wish to gain favor by winning one of these lovely ladies a prize?” He asked their group as they walked by. “How about you?” He said, indicating Martin with the point of a finger. “You look like a strapping young man.”

  Desiree’s head tilted back as she peered up at the bell sitting atop a tall tower of wood. Numbers ran all the way down its length, with a small square target painted with a bull's-eye at the bottom. An overly sized mallet rested nearby. She also noticed something else written on a sign. It read, ‘No Immortals.’

  Behind the man Desiree could see stuffed animals in 3 different sizes hanging on hooks. One of the smaller ones caught her eye immediately. A stylized cat in a pouncing pose. How cute is that!

  “What do I get if I ring the bell?” Martin asked the man.

  “Ringing it once gets you the smallest, but you can risk your prize to try for a bigger one. Only 3 bucks! Take a swing!”

  “I don't know.” Martin mumbled.

  “Here, I’ll try.” Olive stated and handed the man 3 dollars. “I want that big pink one.”

  “There’s a brave lass!” He said as he made the money disappear under his coat like he was one of the Gifted himself. “I’ll even give you a practice try.”

  Olive took the mallet in an awkward grasp and swung it even more awkwardly. It hit edge of the target and the thing only rose about 10%.

  “It’s heavy!” She complained.

  “Don’t rush into it. Take your time. You can do it.” The man offered encouragingly.

  She tried again and was able to hit the target much more centered but it still only raised about a quarter of the way Desiree saw.

  “Awe!” Olive pouted.

  “I will get one for you,” Kennedy said and handed the man his money.

  “Now there’s a proper gentleman,” The man said as he gave Kennedy his change.

  Kennedy Swung the mallet around not much less awkwardly than had Olive before bringing it crashing home. It struck off center and the ball only rose about 2/3rds the way up before falling back down.

  “Here, let me try!” Martin blurted as he took the mallet from Kennedy.

  “That'll be 3 dollars” The man demanded and Martin coughed up the money.

  Martin grasped the hammer and swung it easily over his head and struck the target at about the same place Kennedy had. The ball traveled up to hit the bell with a triumphant ding.

  “And we have a winner!”

  Olive clapped in delight. Eric and Kennedy gave him a congratulatory pat on the back.

  “Care to go for a bigger prize?”

  In answer, Martin swung the mallet over his head again. This time he hit the target even more centered and the bell rang again.

  “Whoooo!” Martin yelled and everyone was all smiles.

  “One more for the biggest prize!” The conductor stated. “Are you feeling brave?”

  Desiree watched him bring it around instead of over his head this time and the mallet bounced off the corner of the target. The ball hardly even moved.

  “Oh, tough luck that.” The conductor stated in a greasy tone. “I thought for sure that you would be the first to win a large prize today.”

  “I wanna go again.” Martin stated and handed the man his money.

  On his 2nd attempt he failed again after only ringing the bell once. And then failed on his first try his next two attempts. Desiree could see that he had grown tired and would never get to 3 in a row but felt uncomfortable saying so. Thankfully Martin gave up after his sixth try. Everyone offered their condolences and Desiree was surprised to see Martin smiling. She figured he would be upset but he wasn't. He looked exhausted sure but not angry at all. They all turned to walk away when the conductor spoke again.

  “Giving up so soon?” The man almost teased. “You are all going to leave without getting the beautiful lady anything?

  “I bet I could ring it once.” She found herself saying and turned back around. The man had begun to annoy her with his oily manner and she really wanted to take him down a peg.

  “Don't waste your money.” Stasha said. “It's not worth it.”

  “I’ll tell you what little lady.” He began in a condescending tone. “If you can ring that bell just once, I will give you any prize here. My oath on it”

  “Deal.” Desiree agreed and handed him the money. She grabbed the mallet and walked before the target. She stood there a moment studying it. She noticed that the target was not completely flush. It rose a bit at its center. That would make it much harder to strike the thing accurately. She flinched as a warm hand touched her bare arm.

  “Spread your feet.” Eric said to her softly in her ear. He was standing so close behind her that when she turned reflexively to the sound her ear brushed his lips. He didn't pull away. She stood there frozen for a moment when he spoke again.

  “Trust me.” He whispered, his lips still brushing her ear. She could smell his aftershave. It was not unpleasant. Spread your legs for me. It will help your balance.” She shoved him away with her shoulder and gave him what she hoped was one of her best frowns. He stared back at her innocently but it didn’t hold long. He smiled that crooked grin and she shook her head. Men! She did set her feet wider apart as he instructed and immediately felt steadier, more balanced as he had said. She was about to swing when Eric spoke again.

  “Choke up on the handle a bit Desi
ree.” He called. She did as he instructed without taking her eyes from the target.

  She raised the mallet over her head and brought it down hard but not as hard as she could, instead trying to keep it on target. It hit dead center. She didn't have time to look up before she heard the bell ring… loudly. The immense toll actually hurt, causing her to cringe under the assault to her ears. Vaguely she saw others react in a similar manner. And not just her friends. People all over shied away and she heard more than one woman yelp in alarm. The ringing thankfully ended quickly and Kennedy and Stasha rushed to her side, congratulating her as if she had just won 4 gold medals in swimming… against the males.

  “That was awesome!” Stasha gasped, right on top of Kennedy, who emotionally gave her a fierce hug as he said, “You are amazing Desiree.”

  “I just found the trick of it is all.” She said nervously under the intense scrutiny. “It’s not really how hard you hit it but…”

  “Where.” Eric finished for her. “Hitting the target dead center is much more important than hitting with power.” She looked up at him and despite his words, she found him studying her the same way he had Patty. As if he were trying to figure out where all the pieces fit. That boy is too smart for his own good. But I am no puzzle to be pondered over Eric!

  The oily man was just taking his hands from his ears when she turned to him. Eric’s discerning, “I must figure out this new puzzle,” scrutiny was far better than how the conductor was looking at her. He was staring at her up and down and not in a provocative manner. More like he was trying to figure out where she was hiding her third eye.

  After a moment's thought she pointed to the largest pink bear. Or is that an elephant?


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