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Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1

Page 35

by C. L. Stevens

  “I don't know.” Anastacia replied thoughtfully. “If one of you goes bat shit crazy, so will the other?” She offered with a grin.

  Desiree couldn't find the joke very funny despite her polite chuckle. In a perverse sort of way it sounded like that was exactly what the book was implying.

  Details on the known effects and their degrees, as well as something the book called “Anomalies” would be found in the second volume. She cursed softly when she read that part.

  They decided to stop for lunch and all went to the kitchens. Kennedy ended up being pulled away by his patron halfway through the meal but he was replaced by Patricia.

  “We are trying to find information about the vampire Bond.” Eric told her.

  She looked over to Desiree, she looked straight at her. Desiree swore under her breath. Why do they all just assume it's for me goddammit? How do they freaken know?

  Reluctantly she told Patricia of the book they had read and the missing second volume.

  “Huh, my Patron knows books. I bet you he could get this second volume for you in an hour.” She said boastfully. Desiree found it funny that the normally placid and quiet girl would find it in herself to get animated about her Patron of all things. She found herself wondering if the vampire had taken the girl for his lover as well as sustenance.

  Eric was nodding. “He did get me that rare psychology book last semester in less than a day.” He said as if to himself. “It had been out of print for years and he still procured it for me quickly. This is probably your best shot Desiree.”

  “Do the vampires get upset if we show curiosity about this sort of thing?” She asked, figuring It was past time to start deflecting. “I don't want to get into trouble for being nosy.”

  Eric got that searching inward look at her words and she had to suppress a smile.

  “Not my Patron.” Patricia replied. “But I can say it's for me if you want.”

  “No, no. I just wanted to make sure there would be no trouble for me asking.” She said, waving away the offer.

  When they finished eating, Patricia left to inquire with her Patron and Eric, seeming confident that the book would be found, left to do his own thing. Desiree tried to talk Anastacia into doing likewise, but her friend shook her head.

  “I'll take off in a few hours to grab some things for tonight, but in the meantime, we can search the library a little more.” She said. “I don't know about you but I don't share their unshakable confidence that he will get the book. Just seems too easy after all we've been through.”

  “I agree.” Desiree said with a nod. “And if we are wrong, even better.”

  They were not in the library long before the Phalanx stepped in with Patricia at his heels. Desiree couldn't tell if he was the same guard when they first arrived or even when they returned from their meal for that matter.

  “This woman claims to be in your party my Lady. She does not have permission to use the facility.” The vampire said in a cool voice.

  “She is.” Desiree replied quickly. “I was expecting her. I apologize for not informing you sir.”

  He gave a short nod and turned on his heels. Desiree watched him resume his post at the door, standing so still he looked like part of the scenery.

  “My Lady?” Anastacia murmured at her side. “They call you my Lady now? They just call me girl more times than not.”

  Desiree pretended that she didn't hear her and looked at Patricia. There was an enthusiastic spark in her eyes that made her get excited. But the Gifted frowned suddenly and looked back the way the Phalanx had gone.

  “You have it already?” She found herself asking, touching her arm to draw her attention.

  “He wasn't going to let me in until I said I was here on your behalf.” She stated grumpily, as if she hadn't heard the question. “Actually, I only told him that I was meeting you here. He was the one that stated that behalf nonsense. I don't think I like the way that sounds. Like I am your servant or something. What does behalf mean anyway?”

  Anastacia laughed aloud. It was what Desiree recognized as her mocking laugh. She knew what was coming next and hurriedly spoke up just as her friend opened her mouth to no doubt say something clever at Patricia’s expense. Normally she wouldn't have minded, Anastacia was witty, but she had more pressing matters.

  “Did he have the book?” She asked again, trying to divert both women.

  “As good as.” Patricia replied, the spark returning to her eyes. “He told me exactly where to find the one here and he knows of another as well.”

  She went searching through the isles before finally stopping at a particular section. Desiree followed her eyes to the top row far out of reach. She began searching the immediate area for one of the ladders but stopped when Patricia gestured upwards with a hand. Two books slid out of the mass and began to float gently into the Gifted’s waiting hand.

  “Um, that's convenient,” Anastacia said appreciatively.

  Desiree had to agree. The books didn't just fall or even float down, they spun and did circles in the air as they moved to the Gifted’s hand. When they were close enough Patricia grabbed them, reading the spines. She shook her head and set them aside. As she made 2 more begin to descend, Desiree decided to find a ladder after all. After searching the entire section, they gave up.

  “It should have been here.” Patricia stated, her voice losing only some of its confidence. “It must have been already taken. But no matter.” She added, smiling broadly. “My Patron said one copy might be here but he was completely sure of another location.”

  “Where?” Anastacia asked before Desiree could.

  “A book store of all places.” The Gifted replied. “And not far from the gate in London.”

  “It should be open right now, shouldn't it?” Anastacia asked the other 2 women. “What time is it there?”

  Desiree thought for a moment. “Yeah, it should be.” She agreed. “I am going to see if Meilin can take me right now.”

  “Count me in.” Anastacia said hurriedly.

  “London!” Patricia said wonderingly.

  Desiree smiled at the expression on the woman’s face. She knew she would be coming as well. After their shopping day, Patricia had talked on and on about the place. She would not miss a chance to visit again.

  The three made their way back to the living quarters Desiree shared with Meilin but the vampire was nowhere to be found. Desiree tried to use the bond to find her and was surprised to feel only the slightest indication that the vampire was there. There was absolutely no sense of direction to it. She must be so far away I can't get a location.

  “Are you OK?” Patricia asked her worriedly.

  Desiree looked back at her perplexed. “Yeah, why?”

  “What now?” Anastacia asked. “Do we still go? And if so, how do we get out of the Sanctuary?”

  Patricia frowned. “My Patron could take us but he has business so we would have to return immediately.”

  Desiree was fine with that but she knew Patricia wanted to spend a little time there. She turned to her other friend.

  “What about your Patron Stasha, could he take us?” She asked hopefully.

  She shook her head. “I haven't seen him for days.”

  “Well let's have your Patron take us now Patty, and I will ask Meilin to take us all another day soon.” Desiree said diplomatically. “She could like, take us there and then we could spend the entire day and then meet her later and she could bring us back or something.”

  Patricia nodded, though she didn't look particularly convinced.

  “Well if we are going to do this, I need to catch him before he takes off.” She said. “Meet us near the library.”

  After Patricia left Desiree turned to her friend.

  “I will be right back.” She said quickly.

  Desiree hurried back to her room and wrote a quick letter to her sister so she wouldn't think anything was amiss if she returned and could not sense her the way she could not sense Meilin now. She
only thought to do as much because the absence of the vampire in the back of her mind had her a little nervous. She didn't want to do the same to her.

  When they finally made their way back to the library, Patricia and a short, slender man with grey at his temples stood waiting with Anastacia. The vampire did not seem to be in the best of moods. He stared at Desiree with sparkling sapphire eyes full of equal parts loathing and impatience before turning to his ward.

  “The things I put up with.” He mumbled under his breath but loud enough for them all to easily hear. “Come young one. I am pressed for time.”

  Patricia gave him a formal curtsy and a weak smile and motioned furtively for her and Anastacia to follow. Desiree had to nearly run to keep up with his quick pace. She frowned. They appeared to be headed deeper into the house, not towards any exit that she knew of. Her frown deepened when he stopped at what appeared to be just another stone wall. She was about to say something when the vampire crouched down and did something with his hands. Suddenly a section of the wall pivoted and there was an opening. She heard Anastacia gasp.

  Desiree didn't blame her.

  “A secret exit?” She asked aloud. It was a rhetorical question but Patricia responded in her meek voice.

  “There are many such in the main house.” She said as she followed her Patron into the night. “This one is new to me though.” She admitted.

  They followed a path that was nearly overgrown with foliage. It was obvious that this particular one was rarely used. Sooner than she would have believed they reached a covered area that held many cars. They were of every size and type, from small economy cars to Hummers. Patricia’s patron clicked a button on his keys and a metallic silver Mercedes with windows so dark that you could not see even a glimpse of the inside suddenly lit up as the engine roared to life.

  “Get in.” Patricia told them needlessly.

  Putting on her seat belt in the back seat, Desiree found herself wondering once more what vampires did for money. If she wasn't mistaken, the car cost a good 200 thousand dollars. The vampire checked his watch repeatedly as they rode along. He was obviously in a hurry but he did not seem to be driving very fast.

  “In and out.” He snapped suddenly, making both Anastacia and herself jump. “No dallying. In and out!” He repeated.

  “Yes sir.” Patricia told him subserviently. “We will be but a moment.” She assured him.

  Out of nowhere the sun was suddenly shining and there were people all around. Desiree recognized the streets of London immediately and when Patricia turned to look back at them from the front seat she couldn't help but return her huge smile.

  Within 5 minutes they reached their destination.

  “20 minutes. I will be at this spot in 20 minutes.” He repeated gravely.

  “We will be here.” Patricia assured him as she got out of the car. Another car behind them honked loudly.

  “Hurry!” Patricia told them, looking back at the cars that had already lined up behind them.

  “Sorry!” Anastacia said as she fumbled with her door.

  Desiree had to wait for Anastacia to get out so she could exit the vehicle on her side so that she did not end up in traffic. Patricia’s patron practically growled with impatience. When she was finally out he hardly waited for her to shut the door before speeding off. As the first car that was behind them came abreast of the girls, the passenger gave them a dirty look.

  “We probably should have just waited and gone another day.” Desiree commented as they followed Patricia into the building.

  Anastacia nodded emphatically. “He did not look like a happy camper.”

  “Don't be silly.” Patricia said graciously but her eyes said that they were right on both accounts. “Let's just make sure we get the book and are back within 20 minutes.” She added.

  The bookstore was smaller than she thought it would be. But even so, there was row upon row of books. Seeming to guess her thoughts Patty produced a piece of paper from her bag.

  “He told me what section so it won't take us 5 minutes to search.” She informed them and led the way. “It will be in one of these 3 rows.” She stated after walking around and consulting the note a few more times. “We all take one.”

  True to her word, in less than 5 minutes they heard Patricia shout, “I found it!”

  Desiree and Anastacia rushed around opposite corners together to surround the Gifted. She backed away from them playfully, hiding the book behind her back.

  “Let's see it!” Anastacia bellowed.

  Desiree was practically jumping up and down with anticipation. Patricia slowly pulled the book from behind her back and offered it up like it was some holy talisman. Desiree recognized the cover and to her delight the white embossed print underneath read, “volume 2.”

  She reached a hand tentatively for their prize when she heard a muffled thud and she found herself trying to catch her friend instead as both the Gifted and the book began to fall. She caught her just before the Gifted struck the floor, cushioning the impact. She barely had time to see that Patricia was still breathing when a hand gripped her throat tightly, lifting her up and up until only the tips of her shoes touched the ground. She stared murder at the man that held her.

  “At last we meet.” He stated almost conversationally. He cocked his head and smiled, the gesture did not touch his eyes. “Hmm, from the way you have been described I assumed you would be… grander.”

  “Well,” She began in a tight voice. “You know what they say about what happens when you assume.”

  “No, not really.” He said, his eyes roaming over her from head to toe. His face said that he was not impressed with what he saw.

  Desiree put her hands over his and began pulling his hands away from her neck. At first there was a struggle but then her heels clicked on the ground as his hands were wrenched away forcefully. He stared wide eyed at her. He opened his mouth to speak but she gave him no chance. Still holding one wrist, she let go of the other and placed the hand on his broad chest. She grunted with the effort of pushing with all her might. The whoosh of air leaving his lungs was the precursor to him flying back into a bookshelf. He hit with a loud crash with the sound of many books tumbling to the ground right after. A woman from the Isle behind the bookcase screamed, sounding like a scene from a B rated horror movie. She moved forward to kick him in the face when she found herself being restrained on both sides by a man and a woman. These newcomers seemed to have not even half the strength of the first man and she easily pulled out of the grip of the woman, actually knocking her heavily to the ground in the process. She was just turning on the other when a woman spoke behind her making her turn reflexively.

  “Enough of that now or I will snap this human's neck like a goose.”

  Desiree froze as she stared at a tall blonde woman with striking ice blue eyes, eyes that said she would do just what she said and the act would mean no more to her than if it really were a goose she held instead of a struggling Anastacia. Desiree did not even notice when the woman she had knocked to the ground while getting loose took hold of her arm again mumbling obscenities. She did notice however when the first man got up smoothly, walking up to her as if he were completely unhurt. She flinched away despite herself at the look of murder in his eyes. His pupils dilated wildly just before he bared wicked fangs and lunged.

  “Otarin!” The woman holding Anastacia said warningly and he stopped an inch from her throat. Her leaning back was the only thing that had stopped him from reaching her. He clamped his mouth shut with a click and visibly took hold of himself. Desiree straightened slowly, still watching him warily.

  “You have me.” She said slowly, looking him in the eye. “Let them go. Let them go and I will come quietly.”

  “I don't think so.” He said, shaking his head. “They both come as well. To ensure your continued cordial behavior.” He added with a mocking grin. “Bring her Hanna.”

  As soon as the vampire holding her took the hand from her mouth, Anastacia began
to clamor.

  “They will come looking for us.” She said, her normally innocent sounding voice taking on a dangerous quality.

  “We certainly hope so.” Hanna countered, sounding amused.

  Anastacia opened her mouth to say more but the vampire gripped her with one hand where her shoulder met her neck and the girl crumbled into her arms. The vampire Hanna gathered her petite form into her arms like she was a child.

  Desiree looked on with a pained expression. She never saw the blow fall, only felt the explosion of pain in the back of her neck and night crept in from all sides.

  Chapter 23

  The sound of glass clinking together made her open her eyes. She was lying on a huge canopy bed practically buried in plush blankets and pillows. She sat up quickly, her head whipping around to peer in all directions. The bed was surrounded by barely opaque curtains the color of fresh blood. They seemed to ripple from some unseen current of air, blurring what lay beyond. Movement caught her eye and she focused on it like a life raft to a drowning man. Whomever it was, the figure was large and imposing. She just sat there, not sure what to do.

  “You are finally awake.” Came a deep, resonating male voice. The voice was beyond deep in fact. The sound of it made her chest vibrate and sent a sliver of fear through her. “I am glad. It will be good to finally meet you officially.”

  The figure seen through the red veil did not move but she felt panic rising nonetheless. She found herself sliding to the other side of the large bed to get away from it before she knew what she was doing.

  “You have nothing to fear from me Ablanq.” The man stated calmly. “Had I wished you harm, you would have never awakened.”

  The sound of his voice reminded her of the time she was at a concert with her high school friends and they ended up right near the speakers. Every time the bass kicked in during the music, it had felt as if millions of tiny fingers were strumming the inside of her chest like guitar strings. It was like that now but much more pleasant, without her eardrums nearly bursting.


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